May 28, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E963 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING LIEUTENANT COLONEL Lieutenant Colonel Alan Hinson has devoted Whereas, the DeKalb County Police and ALAN L. HINSON his life to his family, his country, and our brave Sheriff Departments have been and continue men and women in uniform. As he retires from to be the public safety departments for citizens HON. SPENCER BACHUS his service as Executive Director of Operation throughout DeKalb County; and OF ALABAMA Grateful Heart, it is now our welcome oppor- Whereas, Major Jeffery K. Cato has given of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tunity to salute him for his dedication to the himself for the past 26 years as a law enforce- United States of America and to the well-being ment officer for the citizens of DeKalb County Thursday, May 27, 2010 of our troops and veterans. and has given exceptionable and distinguished Mr. BACHUS. Madam Speaker, as we pre- f service to our citizens by providing guidance, pare to honor our veterans this Memorial Day, protection and leadership; and it is an appropriate time to recognize the serv- IN HONOR OF JUDGE ANN Whereas, Major Jeffery K. Cato is a proven ice of Lieutenant Colonel Alan L. Hinson for ALDRIDGE leader and decorated officer with a heart of a his dedicated work as the Executive Director lion and the spirit of an angel; and of Operation Grateful Heart in Alabama. HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH Whereas, Major Cato is retiring from his ca- Alabama has a proud heritage of supporting OF OHIO reer in DeKalb County, he will begin a new ca- our troops in uniform and our returning vet- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES reer as Chief of Police in West Point, Georgia; erans. Lieutenant Colonel Alan Hinson upheld Thursday, May 27, 2010 and this tradition when he was appointed by Gov- Whereas, DeKalb County is proud to have Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker and Col- ernor Bob Riley to serve as the Executive Di- been served by Major Jeffery K. Cato, who leagues, I rise today in honor and remem- rector of Operation Grateful Heart. He has gave of himself daily without any need for brance of Judge Ann Aldridge, an accom- been responsible for ensuring that all military praise and fame, he has always served val- plished jurist who served as Federal District personnel and their families receive appro- iantly and honorably, a modern day knight; Judge for the Northern District of Ohio and priate recognition, tangible support, and neigh- and helped to pave the way for all women lawyers. borly care. The program provides caring as- Judge Aldridge had a joy for life and a pas- Whereas, the U.S. Representative of the sistance for our troops, both as they fight ter- sion for service. She lived around the world, Fourth District of Georgia has set aside this rorism and defend freedom overseas and but she found her final home in Northeast day to honor and recognize Major Jeffery K. when they return home and require employ- Ohio. After World War II, she volunteered to Cato for his outstanding leadership and serv- ment and veterans services in their commu- rebuild rail lines in Yugoslavia. She graduated ice to our District; nities. second in her New York University of Law Now therefore, I, HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHN- Lieutenant Colonel Alan Hinson’s concern class, in which she was the only woman. She SON, JR., do hereby proclaim May 29, 2010, and compassion have come from his own ex- would go on to her earn master and doctoral as Major Jeffery K. Cato Day in the Fourth periences. He served in the U.S. Army from law degrees from NYU as well. She worked in Congressional District of Georgia. January 1969 until June 1991. He was a heli- Washington D.C. for the International Bank for f copter pilot during the Vietnam War, flying Reconstruction and Development and the Fed- combat aerial missions for the 145th Combat THE EUNICE KENNEDY SHRIVER eral Communications Center (FCC). Later, Aviation Battalion, as well as direct support ACT representing the United Church of Christ, she missions in support of ground troops in the III sued the FCC to make it easier for minorities Corps and V Corps regions of South Vietnam. in the south to own radio stations. HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO He also served several tours of duty at Fort Judge Aldridge moved to Shaker Heights to OF CONNECTICUT Rucker, Alabama as both a flight and ground join the Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES instructor. Later in his career, he returned to where she became the school’s first tenured his basic branch of Field Artillery, where he Thursday, May 27, 2010 woman professor. She taught one of the na- served with the 2nd Infantry Division in Korea, Ms. DELAURO. Madam Speaker, I rise tion’s first environmental law classes and 3rd Armored Division in Germany, 2nd Army today in proud support of H.R. 5190, the Eu- helped develop minority outreach programs. in Atlanta, and Army Forces Command in At- nice Kennedy Shriver Act, which reaffirms this She was first appointed to the U.S. District lanta. body’s support of the goals and accomplish- Court by President Carter in 1980 and served In 1995, Lieutenant Colonel Alan Hinson re- ments of the Special Olympics. as an accomplished jurist until her retirement turned to Alabama, where he served military For over four decades now, the Special in 1995. She was the first female federal dis- veterans and their families for nine and a half Olympics has improved the health, confidence trict court judge in Ohio, and even after her re- years as counselor and case manager with and self-esteem of Americans with intellectual tirement she continued to remain active in the the Alabama Intensive Veterans Employment disabilities. In fact, it has become such an in- law. stitution now that we sometimes take it for (ALIVE) Program. The ALIVE program helped Madam Speaker, please join me in honor granted, and forget what life was like for the veterans encountering employment barriers re- and remembrance of Judge Ann Aldridge, a intellectually disabled before the Special Olym- turn to the workforce by providing vocational trailblazer who paved the way for women in pics. Too often, these Americans were shut- assistance, job-specific training, work experi- the law and enriched our nation through her tered away in institutions, sentenced to lives of ence, and other supportive services. From deft interpretation and application of the law. I solitude, emptiness and sadness. 2005 through April 2007, Lieutenant Colonel offer my condolences to her four sons, James But today, thanks to the hard work of the Alan Hinson supplied assistance to Alabama Mooney, Allen Mooney, Martin Aldrich, William late Eunice Kennedy Shriver, her son Timothy citizens who had lost their jobs either from Aldrich, and her eight grandchildren. trade-related layoffs or as a result of disasters Shriver, and countless volunteers over the such as Hurricane Katrina. f past four decades, Americans with intellectual Lieutenant Colonel Alan Hinson is married DEKALB COUNTY POLICE AND disabilities are now much more woven into the to the former Celia Marie Sullivan of Troy, Ala- SHERIFF DEPARTMENTS fabric of community life. Over three million bama. They have one daughter, Rochelle Special Olympians hailing from 180 countries Hughes, a nursing instructor at Mississippi HON. HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, JR. now train and compete year-round in 30 University for Women in Columbus, Mis- OF GEORGIA sports and counting. sissippi; one son, Chief Warrant Officer Scott IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In sum, the Special Olympics works to Hinson, currently serving with the 3rd Infantry break down barriers of prejudice against the Division at Forward Operating Base Falcon in Thursday, May 27, 2010 intellectually disabled, improve the public Iraq; and five grandchildren. Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Madam Speaker: health, and bring communities together ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:55 Sep 24, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\E28MY0.REC E28MY0 mmaher on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 28, 2010 through promoting shared values of dedica- gime finally passed to the dustbin of history, I have much hope for the future because all tion, athleticism, perseverance, teamwork, and and Azerbaijan declared its independence yet Americans are working together hand in hand play. again. to ensure the equality and advancement not The good work of the Special Olympics is My congratulations to the people of Azer- only of their community, but of all commu- summed up in its motto: ‘‘Let me win, but if I baijan: congratulations on the anniversary of nities. cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.’’ Republic Day, and for your continued efforts Mr. Speaker, let me again thank Congress- It is a motto that captures the spirit of the or- and commitment to build a strong democracy man HONDA, Chair of the Congressional Asian ganization, and of the champion and visionary in the critically important region of the South Pacific American Caucus, for his leadership in who worked so hard on its behalf for so many Caucasus. introducing this resolution. I look forward to years, Eunice Kennedy Shriver. And it is only f celebrating the accomplishments of Asian Pa- fitting this bill, reauthorizing the Special Olym- CELEBRATING ASIAN/PACIFIC cific Americans this year and for years to pics Sport and Empowerment Act of 2004, be come! Thank you.
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