National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Crater Lake National Park (CRLA) Species Checklist This species list is a work in progress. It represents information currently in the NPSpecies data system and records are continually being added or updated by National Park Service staff. To report an error or make a suggestion, go to https://irma.nps.gov/npspecies/suggest. Scientific Name Common Name Vascular Plants Alismatales/Araceae [ ] Lemna minor duckweed [ ] * Lysichiton americanus skunk cabbage Alismatales/Potamogetonaceae [ ] Potamogeton pusillus var. tenuissimus Berchtold's pondweed Alismatales/Tofieldiaceae [ ] Tofieldia glutinosa Tofieldia [ ] * Tofieldia occidentalis Apiales/Apiaceae [ ] Angelica genuflexa bentleaf or kneeling angelica [ ] Heracleum lanatum Cow Parsnip [ ] Ligusticum grayi Gray's Licoriceroot, Gray's lovage, Lovage [ ] Lomatium martindalei coast range lomatium, few-fruited lomatium, Martindale's lomatium [ ] Lomatium nudicaule barestem lomatium, pestle parsnip [ ] Lomatium triternatum nineleaf biscuitroot [ ] Osmorhiza berteroi Mountain Sweet Cicely [ ] Osmorhiza depauperata blunt- fruited sweet cicely [ ] Osmorhiza purpurea purple sweet cicely, Sweet Cicely [ ] Oxypolis occidentalis Western Oxypolis, western sweet cicely [ ] Sanicula graveolens northern sanicle, Sierra sanicle [ ] Sphenosciadium capitellatum Swamp Whiteheads, swamp white-heads, woolly-head parsnip Apiales/Araliaceae [ ] Oplopanax horridus Devil's Club Asparagales/Amaryllidaceae [ ] Allium amplectens slim-leaf onion [ ] * Allium geyeri Geyer onion, Geyer's onion [ ] Allium validum swamp onion Asparagales/Asparagaceae [ ] Camassia leichtlinii camas, great camas, large camas [ ] Dichelostemma congestum ookow Species Checklist Page 1 of 21 8/7/2015 5:02:22 PM National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Crater Lake National Park (CRLA) Species Checklist Scientific Name Common Name [ ] Maianthemum stellatum star-flowered Solomon-plume, starry Solomon-plume [ ] Smilacina racemosa [ ] Triteleia hyacinthina white brodiaea Asparagales/Iridaceae [ ] Iris chrysophylla yellow-flowered iris [ ] * Sisyrinchium californicum golden-eyed grass [ ] Sisyrinchium idahoense blue-eyed grass Asparagales/Orchidaceae [ ] Calypso bulbosa fairy slipper, Venus slipper [ ] Cephalanthera austiniae phantom orchid [ ] Corallorrhiza maculata spotted coralroot [ ] Corallorrhiza mertensiana Pacific coralroot [ ] Corallorrhiza striata striped coralroot [ ] Goodyera oblongifolia rattlesnake plantain [ ] Listera caurina northwest twayblade [ ] Listera convallarioides broad-leaved twayblade, Merten's or western coralroot [ ] Listera cordata heart-leafed twayblade [ ] Piperia unalascensis dryland habenaria [ ] Platanthera dilatata boreal bog orchid, scentbottle, white bog orchid [ ] Platanthera leucostachys white bog orchid [ ] Platanthera stricta green bog orchid [ ] Spiranthes romanzoffiana ladies tresses, Ladies-tresses Asterales/Asteraceae [ ] Achillea millefolium milfoil, Yarrow [ ] Adenocaulon bicolor pathfinder, Silver Green, silvergreen, trailplant [ ] Ageratina occidentalis western eupatorium [ ] Agoseris aurantiaca orange agoseris [ ] Agoseris glauca pale agoseris, pale dandelion, prairie dandelion [ ] Agoseris grandiflora large flowered agoseris [ ] Agoseris heterophylla annual agoseris [ ] Agoseris retrorsa spear-leaf agoseris [ ] Anaphalis margaritacea Everlasting, pearly everlasting [ ] Antennaria geyeri Geyer's Everlasting, pinewood or Geyer's pussytoes Species Checklist Page 2 of 21 8/7/2015 5:02:22 PM National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Crater Lake National Park (CRLA) Species Checklist Scientific Name Common Name [ ] Antennaria media alpine pussytoes [ ] Antennaria racemosa Everlasting, racemed pussytoes [ ] Antennaria rosea Rose Colored Everlasting [ ] Arnica amplexicaulis clasping or streambank arnica [ ] Arnica chamissonis Chamisso's Arnica [ ] Arnica cordifolia Heart-leaf Arnica, heart-leaved arnica [ ] Arnica discoidea rayless arnica [ ] Arnica longifolia Long-leaf Arnica, seep-spring arnica [ ] Arnica mollis hairy arnica, Sweet-berry Honeysuckle [ ] Arnica parryi nodding arnica, Parry's arnica, Sonne's arnica [ ] Arnica rydbergii Rydberg's arnica, subalpine arnica [ ] Arnica viscosa Gummy Arnica, Shasta arnica [ ] Arnica X diversifolia sticky arnica [ ] * Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. ludoviciana silver wormwood, western mugwort [ ] Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana big sage, mountain sagebrush [ ] Artemisia vulgaris ssp. ludoviciana [ ] Aster ascendens long-lived aster [ ] * Aster eatonii Eaton's aster [ ] Aster foliaceus var. parryi leaf- bracted or leafy aster [ ] Aster fremonti [ ] Aster ledophyllus Aster, Cascade aster [ ] Aster modestus Aster [ ] Aster occidentalis western aster, Western mountain aster [ ] Aster shastensis var. eradiatus Shasta Aster [ ] Aster shastensis var. glossophyllus Shasta Aster [ ] Bidens cernua bur-marigold, nodding beggar's ticks [ ] * Canadanthus modestus few-flowered aster, great northern aster [ ] * Centaurea biebersteinii spotted knapweed [ ] Chaenactis douglasii Douglas dustymaiden, Douglas' dustymaiden, Douglas' pincushion, dusty maiden, dusty-maiden [ ] Chrysothamnus nauseosus ssp. Gray Rabbit Brush speciosus [ ] Chrysothamnus nauseosus var. albicaulis [ ] Cichorium intybus blue-sailors, chicory, wild succory Species Checklist Page 3 of 21 8/7/2015 5:02:22 PM National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Crater Lake National Park (CRLA) Species Checklist Scientific Name Common Name [ ] Cirsium arvense Canada thistle [ ] Cirsium vulgare bull thistle [ ] Ericameria bloomeri Bloomer's rabbitbrush, goldenweed [ ] Erigeron acris ssp. acris var. debilis bitter fleabane [ ] Erigeron acris var. debilis [ ] Erigeron aliceae Alice fleabane, Eastwood's daisy, Fleabane [ ] * Erigeron cascadensis Cascade fleabane [ ] Erigeron compositus cut-leaved daisy, dwarf mountain fleabane [ ] * Erigeron coulteri Coulter's daisy or fleabane [ ] Erigeron elegantulus blue dwarf fleabane, volcanic daisy [ ] Erigeron foliosus var. confinis leafy fleabane [ ] Erigeron linearis desert yellow daisy, line-leaved fleabane, Narrow-leaved Fleabane [ ] Erigeron peregrinus ssp. callianthemus subalpine or wandering daisy [ ] Erigeron philadelphicus Fleabane, Philadelphia fleabane or daisy [ ] Eriophyllum lanatum common woolly sunflower, woody eriophyllum, woolly eriophyllum, wooly daisy [ ] Eupatorium occidentale Western Boneset, Western Thoroughwort [ ] Gnaphalium canescens ssp. thermale [ ] Gnaphalium microcephalum White Everlasting, Cubweed [ ] Gnaphalium palustre lowland cudweed [ ] Gnaphalium uliginosum marsh cudweed [ ] Haplopappus bloomeri Bloomer's Rabbit Brush [ ] Helenium bigelovii Bigelow's sneezeweed [ ] Hieracium albiflorum Hawkweed, White Flowered Hawkweed, white-flowered hawkweed [ ] Hieracium bolanderi Bolander's Hawkweed [ ] Hieracium cynoglossoides Dog-leaf Hawkweed, hounds-tongue hawkweed [ ] Hieracium gracile alpine hawkweed, Slender Hawkweed, Yellow Hawk Weed [ ] Hieracium greenei Greene's hawkweed, Green's Hawkweed [ ] Hieracium horridum Hawkweed, shaggy hawkweed [ ] Hieracium scouleri houndstongue hawkweed, Scouler's woollyweed, woolyweed [ ] Hulsea nana Dwarf Hulsea [ ] * Hypochaeris radicata gosmore, hairy cats-ear, spotted cats-ear [ ] Lactuca serriola Prickly Lettuce Species Checklist Page 4 of 21 8/7/2015 5:02:22 PM National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Crater Lake National Park (CRLA) Species Checklist Scientific Name Common Name [ ] * Leucanthemum vulgare daisy [ ] Madia bolanderi Bolander's Tarweed [ ] Madia gracilis slender or common tarweed [ ] Madia minima small-head tarweed [ ] Nothocalais alpestris alpine lake agoseris, false agoseris [ ] * Pseudognaphalium canescens ssp. slender or white cudweed microcephalum [ ] * Pseudognaphalium canescens ssp. cudweed, everlasting thermale [ ] Raillardella argentea Silver Flower, silverflower [ ] Rudbeckia occidentalis western coneflower [ ] Senecio canus woolly groundsel [ ] Senecio howellii [ ] Senecio integerrimus western groundsel [ ] Senecio pseudaureus falsegold groundsel [ ] Senecio sylvaticus wood groundsel [ ] Senecio triangularis Arrowleaf Groundsel, Triangular-leaved Groundsel [ ] Solidago canadensis var. salebrosa Canada goldenrod [ ] Solidago elongata Golden Rod, Goldenrod [ ] Stephanomeria lactucina large-flowered wirelettuce, Wine Lettuce [ ] Taraxacum officinale Common Dandelion [ ] Taraxacum officinale ssp. vulgare common dandelion [ ] Taraxacum palustre var. vulgare Common Dandelion [ ] Tragopogon dubius Goat's Beard, yellow salsify Asterales/Campanulaceae [ ] Asyneuma prenanthoides California bluebell, California harebell [ ] Campanula scouleri Scouler's harebell or bluebell [ ] Heterocodon rariflorum heterocodon Asterales/Menyanthaceae [ ] Menyanthes trifoliata bog buckbean, Buckbean Boraginales/Boraginaceae [ ] Cryptantha affinis Slender Cryptantha [ ] * Cryptantha sheldonii Sheldon's Nievitas [ ] Cryptantha simulans pine woods cryptantha Species Checklist Page 5 of 21 8/7/2015 5:02:22 PM National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Crater Lake National Park (CRLA) Species Checklist Scientific Name Common Name [ ] Cryptantha sobolifera Wallowa oreocarya [ ] * Cryptantha subretusa [ ] Cryptantha torreyana Torrey's cryptantha [ ] Cynoglossum occidentale western hound's-tongue [ ] Hackelia californica California stickseed, White Stickseed [ ] * Hackelia jessicae Blue Stickseed [ ] Hackelia micrantha blue stickseed, Stickseed [ ] Hackelia velutina stickseed [ ] Mertensia paniculata var.
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