iip mmmmm *^^w ^*ww w^*^^^m ]• ii m m m i Seniors, Kroger have winning partnership, A3 •Honu5Ib\vn « <HI*H NUA1 fM'St* Nl-~1 VlOllK^ Putting you In touch Sunday with your world September 12,1999 Serving the Westland Community for 35 years VOLUME 35 NUMBER 29 WESTLAND. MICHIGAN • 64 PAGES • http://observer-eccentric.eom SEVENTV-RVE CENTS . O 1899 IlomeTowji Communication! Network/Inc. So young Child death nets man 13-20 years Hassan Clark of Westland has pleaded no con­ der involving first-degree child abuse. cuit Judge Patricia Fresard also will test to second-degree murder in the death of 2- He would have faced life in prison incorporate his punishment for a sepa­ yeaivold Michael Towne. Clark was accused of without parole if convicted, Bullock rate Westland death in February 1998, said. when he drove across a center line and beating the child to death while baby-sitting Clark, 30, was accused of beating hit another car head-on. him Jan. 14. Michael Towne to death while baby-sit­ Clark faced trial for negligent homi­ ting him Jan. 14 at The Orchards of cide and a possible two-year sentence STAJF PHOTO BY BRYAN MITCHELL BY DARRELL CLEM Thursday to second-degree murder for STAFF WRITER the death of toddler Michael Towne. Newburgli, where Clark shared an for the death of Jessie Dwayne Ridner, [email protected] Early riser: A premature "He wanted to spare all the family apartment with the baby's mother, a passenger in his vehicle. Kimberly Howie. She was at work. baby in the Neonatal A' Westland man will face 13 to 20 members the emotional trauma of a He pleaded no contest to the charge The child suffered a split pancreas, a years in prison for killing his former trial," defense attorney Stephen Bul­ Thursday, resolving both of his cases Intensive Care Unit at torn liver, a fractured rib and bruises girlfriend's 2-year-old son while baby­ lock said. 'This was just a tragedy for on the same day in court. Mott Ch ildren 's Hospita I over his head and body. Neighbors told sitting him in January, an attorney everyone involved in this case, and "He does in fact have a sense of relief in Ann Arbor yawns'fol­ police.they heard banging noises, an said Thursday. hopefully the healing will.start now." . that all of these cases have been angry male voice and loud thuds that resolved, and after he does pay his debt lowing an early evening Hassan Clark faces his official sen­ Clark's plea allowed him to avoid shook a wall of Clark's apartment. nap. Please turn to Page tence Sept. 24 after pleading no contest trial on a higher charge of felony mur­ B4 for a-.special story and His sentence by Wayne County Cir- ' Please see DEATH, A2 photographs of two area NICU units. Music man: Wayne Memorial High School se?iior Wally Wheble, per­ election cussion mem­ ber of the marching looming band, prac­ tices for the BY DARRELL CLEM season. STAFF wa ITER MONDAY Below right, dclem^oe.homecomm.net senior Westland voters will dump two of 10 Piece of history: The Heather city council candidates in Tuesday's Westland Historical Com­ Hen set primary, but local political observers (right) of the seem genuinely befuddled when asked mission is sponsoring a to predict which hopefuls will fall. John Glenn Friends ofEloise group. band and Please see Letters, Page A4 The organizing meeting Tommy will be 1:30 p.m. in the James, 10th- Only 10 percent of Westland's 57,978 dining room of the Kay grader, take registered voters are expected to cast ballots to send eight candidates on to Beard Building, on part in their the Nov. 2 general election. Michigan Avenue between drill run- That's the turnout projected by City Henry Ruff and Merri - through Clerk Patricia Gibbons on Friday as without she readied her office for the city's first man. For information, instruments. primary since 1991. call Jo Johnson, (734) Individual voters can choose up to four candidates when they go to the 522-3918. polls. SVAJT PIIOTOS BY TOM HAS LEY As of late Friday morning, 3.209 City Ha\\: At 6:15 p.m., absentee ballots had been given out by Gibbons' office - and 2,379 had be/en there will be a Westland returned. City Council study ses­ Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday at Westland's 40 voting sion to discuss a legal precincts. If you're unsure where to BY JULIE BROWN director at John Glenn High School, is Wendt's first year at Wayne Memo­ opinion on placing a non­ vote, call the city clerk's office, (734) STAFF WRITER marched in the Hillsdale High School rial, where students Have been pracr [email protected] 467-3185. tax recreation center pro­ band. '.' ticing since early August. Voters will choc se among the follpw- ^¾ mf\\\r' Hi<rh urlinnl1 " in«>rtVoV-««»a ln:>v "I got a good sense of music,-just. Wendt earned, a bachelor's degree posal on the Nov. 2 ballot. <•!»*# ^-*• . — o*- — -"r -- ....-... - --s, v IVunttbe^trnzouiicilchaia- not include being, in themarch - J^nowing musics" Cramer gaid of his in instrumenfal music^ educatioh ing band. Andrew Wendt's and acquiring a solid foundation in music from Michigan State University in. Pteasc-seTe-EtfCTtONrAt: r - u hers at City Hallf.Ford Scott Cramer's do, however, and' they' in"higlPschflol:' l goHa- ^ood Avork - 1998r;His- aim: "'-To improven-their near Carlson. Other study wouldn't Have it any other way.. ethic//His director was* a solid-role.:. musicianship, their effort ahd Work- Wendt-i band director at Wayne 'model, / ' '•' -• •' •' -asa team." He hopes students enjoy session items include a Memorial High School, has fond Bqth men aihi to share their expe­ playing an instrument. •••'.• * fireworks ordinance, 6:45 memories of the band at Deckerville riences and r knowledge with Wayne- ."I hope they all leave w.ith.a.n- (Mich.)High School. Cramer, band Westland high school student's. This p.m. Please see BANDS, A3 School board: At 7[p.m., there'will'be aWayne- BY DARRELL CLEM Westland school board STAFF WRITER . meeting at the board [email protected] office, Dyer Center, 36745 A 39-day-old Westland baby has died aTter rolling olT a. floor mattress and Marquette, east of New- spending the last nine days of her life burgh in Westland. in a conia; Olivia McKenzie Gargarello, who suf­ focated after her face became pressed against the side of the mattress, died INDEX last Sunday. Her parents aren't expected to face • Obituaries * AG criminal charges, Westland police Lt. Marc Sttibbe said. S Classified Olivia, a twin, never1 regained con­ t ' RealEstate El sciousness from, an Aug. 27 accident .' Crossword , E8 that occurred at her family's residence '_". Jobs Gl on Ginger, in the Westland Meadows mobile, home park on the city's south­ Home & Service H6 east side. Automotive 117 Her parents had clung to hopes that • Newcomers: Wayne Memorial High School marching r • Taste Bl her condition, would improve, but it band freshmen Keleigh 'Maylone (left) and Leah 7Am- didn't. '. - • Health & Fitness B4 mer practice their clarinets. The two said the band is "The family stopped.the life support." • Aits & Leisure ' CI a lotofworji, involving hours of practice. The high Westland police Sgt. Michael Terry • Sports & Recreation /'"Ml school bands are open to students in ninth through said. 'From what I've been told, the 12thgrades. child was very critical and did not M. appear to be able.to recover. Please see INJURIES, .A-l HOW TO REACH US "'•-. .Newsroom: 734-953-2104* Bargain-hunters eager for September garage sale Newsroom Fax: 734^91-7279 .... E-mail: jbrown© oo.hort^corrim.not' BY DARRELL CLEM wide array of programs and services, including men­ "You've got everything in one spot." Bowman said, . Nightline/SpOrts: 734-953-2104 STAFF WRITKH tors,.to'help troubled youngsters improve their lives "and the prices are very reasonable'." Reader Comment Lino: 734-953-2042 dele m^oe.liomocoimi). net PI Westland Therapeutic 'Recreation, which pro­ Garage sale participants keep the money they earn .-.. Classified Advertising: 734-591-0900 Westland's.biggest garage, sale -- known for good vides programs for the mentally and physically from their booths. Only-their rental fees go to the two community organizations. Which also raise raise Display Advertising: 734-591-230O buys on everything'from kitchen spices to boats will impaired. return -Saturday, Sept. 18. A few garage sale booths still are available to rent money by selling baked goods. :.'-. Home Delivery:-734-591-0500 One hundred booths will sell items from 91 a.m. to 1 CalhY.'U) 722-7620. Both programs are based at the city's Bailey Recre p.m. during an annual community garage sale on 'We have everything." Youth Assistance Director •at ion Center behind City 1 lall municipal property between City Hall and the West- Ronaelo. Bowman said. 'There's a woman who comes land Police Department on Ford Road every year with a wide variety of spices and new If weather conditions force organizers to cancel the . Garage-sale enthusiasts can rent booths for $'.',0 • kitchen items. We bad somebody sell ;i boat But event. >t will be held the next dav on Sunday. Sept r or $25 for a more prominent location - and the mostlv it's household items that you would find at 19 in'onoy goes to benefit two Westland organizations; any garage sale." 'We've been very fortunate in the past with good IS Youth Assistance Program, which .provide* a Onlv tins one's lugger weathei .uld a 'rood tin nout." Bowman said 6 63174 10011 6 >*M^^MriMMM«iWM«Mii Aa(W) The Observer & Eccentric/ SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12,1999 CLASS REUNIONS ST.
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