OOPEllTOl Volume 9-Numher 7 Greenbelt . .'\Iaryland. Friday, September 29, 1944 -------------------------------------------- Five Cent. Mrs. Fugitt Urges Parents To Teach Co-op Plans To Seven-Year Resident Harks Back SeH Reliance; Deprecates Baby Talk Improve Servic•~ The Parent-Teachers Associa­ To Greenbelt's Earliest Days . tion, with Dorothy East presiding, welcome classroom visitors at any Valet Shop By MARILYN MARYN offered an unusually full and in­ time. All conference;, and discus­ Plans are afoot to get our own '!-------·---· • 'f teresting program dealing with sions on personal problems, how­ dry cleaning unit in the Valet ! UNBRA Appeals Editors Note: Tomorrow iB the "The Child at School" last Monday ever, Will be held after SCh()O] Sht>p. Fred DeJager, Don Cooper, · seventh anniver.1ary of the first fa-­ evening at the Elementary school. hours. and Tom Ricker are the co:mmit.­ With the approach of winter, milies moving in Greenbelt. This "Are we as parents ready to tee investigating the prospects for the need for clothing for vic­ week our high school editor, who help our children meet the lives getting equipment, practicability was one of the early re8idents. de­ before them?" asked Principal tims of war in Europe becomes Maybe You Can of installing the unit, weighing the one of the most pressing prob­ scribe3 GreenbElt as she remem­ Elizabeth Fugitt, adding, "Some of costs of all kinds involved, and all bers it seven years ago. us need a great deal of help in lms confronting the United Na­ other pros and cons and f.:tctors tions Relief and Rehabilitation understanding a child's problems, involved. On November 16, 1937 we moved Vote After All Administration. Through war­ into Greenbelt--a little town in in giving him a secure feeling ::'\Ir. George Freanor, manag-er of within the family unit, in order Many Greenbelters who are not torn areas clothing is very the sticks. I don't remember residents of Maryland are laboz·ing the Valet Shop, has been appointed scarce or threadbare and worn what happened ':he first day except that he may have confidence and out. under the impression that they to look into the matter from a that we had no fur::titure other feel that he is a value and satis­ technical viewpoint and with an faction to both his parents and cannot vote. It is to correct such While some collections of than new Gree·nbe!t beds which misapprehensions that the Voters expert's eye. He has had consid­ c I o t h i n g have already been ~ my dad had to :ret up at evening. himself". Emphasizing the neces­ erable experience in this field and sity of social adjustment, Mrs. Fu­ Information Committee of the Cit­ i made by private organizations ! The next mc,rning by mother izens Association was set up. feels that a dry cleaning unit of j for particular c o u n t r i e s, I gitt continued, "Please have your ouz· own would cut losses and registered my t rother and me in child work and play in a group The Committee hopes to contact , UNRRA must have a supply of j the elementary school. We walked all residents before election day, claims to pz·actically nil, would in­ 1clothing which can be sent to • hi!! own age where he will learn n·ease Plfi,.iency all around, and along the sidewalk and down the ...W give and take, let him come to either through an informatior. j any liberated country where! underpass, which was quite a nov­ table in tile foodstore or by a would speed up service. He says 1 need is great. .. j ~hool alone and give him a chance that there is no pmblem to getting elty to us. Mr:;. Catherine Reed, to think for himself. Enrich his home call. Volunteei·s arE• needed ! The religious communities of= the principal, took us to our class for this work, and should call one the unit: the problem is getting 1America, representing all faiths! personal background with many the cheJ'T\icals. rooms, located on the first floor, as experiences, tell him the truth, of t~e ten captains already ap­ • arr~ creeds, are cooperating in. a I The board of Greenbelt Consu­ the second floor was occupied by speak in sentences and do not use pointed: Mrs. Anne Citr·on. Tel. ! effort to collect clothing for dis- j high school students. I went into baby talk." 5052; Mrs. Samuel Ingraham, 6207; mer Ser·vices will hear a report I tribution in liberated areas. "I from this committee at the first Mrs. Parker's room which was the In answering the question as to Mrs. Frieda Perlsweig, 25~)6; Mz·s. j Beginning tomorrow clothing • fourth grade. The fourteen stud­ Edna George, 6827; Mrs. A. \Vet­ meeting in October. Service and 1 will be accepted daily from 9 a. 1 when a child should learn to read, quality of work have become very ents in the class were seated in a she explained that children do not ter, 6447; Mr. A. H. Holloway, m. to 9 p. m. at the garage be- j ctifficul t because of wartime condi­ semi-circle discussing a model city develop mentally or physically at 2571; M:-s. Anne Pollcck, 4787; hind the police station. People 1 tions. Operating our OWh unit which they were going to build the same time. Although children Mrs. Louis LaFlamme, 5758; Dr, who cannot bring in clothing I called "GreenWay". I sat down would be a great service to Green­ should contact: Mrs. F. J. Me- should have every opportunity to Irving Rothchild; Mrs. Selma Sil­ j and Mrs. Parker introdu~ed me to agi, 5437. Voting information can belters and a step toward the fu­ Connell, Gr. 6591; Mrs. Oscar • handle books the art of l~arning ture of G.C.S. expansion. the students, Shirley Mitchell, to read should come only after the also be obtained from: Mrs. Clarke Ziellner, Gr. 3236, Mrs. Lloyd ! Paul Strickler, Pat Brown, Mah­ fine muscles of the eyes have de­ George, 68~7; Mrs. D. V\'. Hull, Drug Store Neison, Gr. 3216; Mrs. E. P. 1 lon Eshbaugh, LeGrand Benefiel, veloped sufficiently. 4626 and Dl'. Rothchild, 36-C Cres­ The prescription department of Mohl, Greenbelt 6686; Commu- j James Carneal, Ray Bachert, ln closing, Mrs. Fugitt said, cent Road. the drug store is being moved into nity Church Office, Gr. 3251; • D. J. Neff, Gr. 2386. Leonard Lemire Mary Jane Craig, "Give the teachers and the school The first local registration will the rear of the main part o:E the I Ruth Morgan and Lois DeJaeger, a chance. When your child is be held Oct. 3 from 9 a. m. to 9 store, at Dr. Silnutzer's re(J'uest. 1 - • -----------·--·+ all of whom are in my class today. ready for reading, he'll get it. In p. m. at the Legion home. Judge This will help him to keep an eye The latter introduced herself to the meantime, get him ready to Thomas Freeman has expressed on the store's operations while he Fruchtman Heads me and said she was my next door read and ready to live." his willingness to accept voting is 1illing fll'Pscriptions. neighbor. declarations at his hom~·. :n-G Darlene Lekness, a representa­ Aftez· a week's study of the food Of course the Barber Shop tive of the Greenbelt School to the Ridge Road. countez· it has been decided to dis­ Freedom Fund County Workship in Hyattsville hadn't opened either, but if you cnn•inu" l~nt menls for the dura­ could get in touch with Mike Juli­ last summer, reported on tht> ac­ ti<>n. ;<tart ing October· 2. The vol­ complishments of the two week's Health Committee Drive For Co-op ano he would gladly come to your ume has nut been enough to war­ home and cut :your hair. I dis­ session where the programs for all rant the expense of running this tinctly rememb-er one evening the schools in the county were co­ Jack Fruchtman will head the Membership Dri\'e service at the present time, but it Freedom Fund Drive for the local when "Mike" came over to trim ordinated under the direction of is hoped that it can be resumo~d in my brother's hair. We spread Supt!rintendent Shugart and a co-ops. The Freeilom Fund is be­ Groundwork for a membership the futuz·e. Hot soups, salads and paper over the living room 1loor, staff of supervisors and teachers. ing sponsored by the International drive was laid at a meeting of the hot sandwiches will still be se.rved. Cooperative Alliance to raise funds put a chair in the middle and Mike Reading, writing, spelling, arith­ education and membership com­ finished in no time, only to rush metic, geography and history Service Station for relief and reconstruction of mittee of the Greenbelt Health As­ From now on repair servic-e at Cooperators and Co-ops in the away because his next customer evolve from the Social Studies sociation August 9 at the home of was in C block. which occupy the center of the the sen·ice station will be very war-torn c.reas of the world. Leon ce. Mr. and Mrs. \V. Howard Hunt. V. Kofod is chairman for the My dad, who worked in Wash­ program, and from the child's own Present at the meeting were 1\lrs. much imt-~z·oved. A second full­ experience, Mrs. Lekness explain­ time mec·hanic has been added, and Eastern U.S.A.
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