Schlaglicht Israel Nr. 12/20 Aktuelles aus israelischen Tageszeitungen 16.-30. Juni Die Themen dieser Ausgabe 1. Wachsende internationale Kritik an Israels Annexionsplänen .................................................................................... 1 2. Black lives matter – Diskurs auf Hebräisch .................................................................................................................. 3 3. Weiterer Anstieg der Corona-Neuinfektionen ............................................................................................................... 4 4. Medienquerschnitt ........................................................................................................................................................... 6 1. Wachsende internationale Kritik an Israels slogan to the test in order assess the costs and Annexionsplänen benefits of this plan. Is unilateral wide annexation Die Regierung unter Benjamin Netanyahu hat die ab good for the Jews? From my home in the settlement dem 1. Juli gemäß dem Koalitionsabkommen of Kfar Adumim, I can see the Judean Desert all the mögliche Annexion von Teilen des besetzten way to the Dead Sea and the road from Jerusalem Westjordanlandes aufgeschoben. Mit to Jericho; I have a clear view of the area that sepa- ausschlaggebend für diese Entscheidung dürfte die rates between the Arab states east of the Jordan heftige Kritik aus der arabischen Welt und von EU- River and Jerusalem and Israel in the west. I live on Staaten sein. Jordanien und der Libanon warnten the cusp of Wadi Qelt as it traverses the West Bank, ihren Nachbarn Israel vor dem unilateralen Schritt. separating Judea to the south from Samaria to the Auch der Deutsche Bundestag rief die israelische north. Indeed, Israeli limited annexation would Regierung dazu auf, von der Annexion somewhat diminish the risk that a Palestinian state, palästinensischer Gebiete abzusehen, die "im if established, could pose a security threat to Israel. Widerspruch zu internationalem Recht" stehe, wie However, the benefit from annexation is limited. On es in einem gemeinsamen Antrag der the one hand, Israel has had control of this land for Regierungsparteien heißt. Bundesaußenminister more than 53 years without having annexed any of Heiko Maas (SPD) warnte in der Debatte, das it. On the other hand, a one-sided move is no guar- israelische Vorhaben bedrohe die Stabilität der antee that future land negotiations will not include gesamten Nahost-Region: "Frieden lässt sich nicht this part of the West Bank as well. (…) Israel's im- durch einseitige Schritte erreichen." Maas war erst proving relations with Arab nations (…) could take a vor wenigen Wochen trotz Corona persönlich nach turn for the worse. The added potential benefit by Jerusalem gereist, um den Standpunkt der annexing our already existing Jordan Valley security deutschen Regierung der israelischen Regierung strip is not worth risking our relations with Jordan persönlich zu übermitteln. which serve as our much more significant security buffer. (…) And what of the impact of unilateral an- Is annexation really good for the Jews? nexation on Israel's standing in the rest of the When Benjamin Netanyahu first ran for prime minis- world? (…) Wouldn’t it be advisable to listen as well ter in 1996, his campaign slogan was "Netanyahu is to voices from Europe, the market for one third of good for the Jews." Now, as he is set to embark on Israel’s exports, and to warnings of German Chan- his unilateral annexation of parts of the West Bank, cellor Angela Merkel, the head of the only country it seems an opportune moment to put the same that has sold Israel its much-needed submarines? 1 And this potential harm to Israel's foreign relations its claim to Judea and Samaria. (…) This time, Israel and security could be followed by economic damage has the principal green light of its closest ally, the as well. (…) Yet the major cost of a one-sided an- White House. (…) However, it seems that when it nexation of parts of the West Bank is in the long- comes to the annexation of summer 2020, Israel has term. Annexation that would prevent a future separa- only half of the support from its ally overseas. (…) In tion from the Palestinians would weigh heavily on fact, almost the entire Democratic Party expressed Israel and could lead to its demise; Israel's Jewish its discontent from the move. (…) This should be a and Democratic nature might be unsustainable warning to all of us. True, we should not allow our when millions of Palestinians are counted among its actions to be dictated for us by foreign forces, and residents. (…) should be free and independent to make our own Sallai Meridor, YED, 17.06.20 choices regarding our country’s future. But this move could have dramatic consequences for Israel Israel will annex nothing (…). We cannot allow a scenario in which (…) a (…) The use of the word "annexation" by the Israeli Democratic president enters the White House and government is simply another indication of the fact reverses such a move. It would not only put Israel in that Israel never misses an opportunity to miss an an embarrassing position in front of the world, it opportunity to promote itself effectively. The use of would be a devastating blow. (…) When we hear the word by others is an indication of ignorance or such strong opposition from the international com- hostility. The so-called West Bank was occupied, munity – from Europe and the Arab world – we need and in fact annexed, by Jordan (…). Israel drove the to make sure annexation is being done right. Jordanians out of Samaria and Judea (…), occupy- Editorial, JPO, 18.06.20 ing territory assigned to the future Jewish state by international treaty, ratified by the League of Nations In annexation, it's maximum land, minimum and confirmed in the charter of the United Nations. Palestinians (…) The two-state concept, if ever implemented, For the time being, Israeli sovereignty should be would simply have involved Israel giving up, volun- extended to Jewish settlements or territory that is tarily, part of its territory. Whether that would have not populated by Palestinian residents. That would been wise or stupid is another question. Should lessen the opposition to the planned unilateral an- Israel extend its civil administration to 30% of Sa- nexation promised by Prime Minister Benjamin Net- maria and Judea it would be implicitly declaring that anyahu and would satisfy the demands of the set- it has no right to the other 70%. (…) Unfortunately, tlers themselves because it would solve most of the whole thing was unnecessary. Under the terms their daily problems. (…) However, Israel, as the civil of the Trump "deal", Israel could have said "OK, administration of the area, must aggressively en- when we see progress in the Palestinian fulfillment force regulations to stop illegal Palestinians con- of their requirements to qualify for sovereignty, we struction. Because even if one day we will have a will apply our sovereignty to the rest", in the mean- partner on the other side to talk to, there won't be time maintaining the effective security arrangements much left to talk about. Ultimately, Israel should as they were. (…) strive to hold on to maximum territory with the mini- Dr. Norman Bailey, GLO, 18.06.20 mum number of Palestinians living there. The solu- tion to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict ultimately lies The importance of bipartisan support for annex- within the borders of three territorial principals: Israel ation must never leave the West Bank and the Jordan Israel is on the verge of making history (…): Annex- Valley (…); the Palestinian population living on terri- ing Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria, mak- tories set to be annex, must not become Israeli ing them finally a legal part of the State of Israel. citizens (…) and finally, there must never be a sector (…) this would be one of the most important and or population living within our borders that does not courageous steps that Israel’s leadership has ever enjoy equality in their civil right. With those three taken. (…) over half of the 430,000 Israeli citizens principles in mind, the room for political maneuver is living in the West Bank settlements reside in the limited but enough to get us to a better future. (…) large blocs (…) these settlers are not going any- Gilad Sharon, JPO, 20.06.20 where, and there is no reason to evacuate them under any peace agreement. (…) For years, Israel has sought international support and recognition for 2 Let us nurture the EU-Israel relationship, not the protests were antisemitic (…) The protests, in gamble it general, were ascribed on the right to radical, anti- For many of us in Europe, the relationship with Isra- Zionist left-wing groups out to topple Israel’s ally and el and Palestine is quite personal. (…) The EU and savior, Donald Trump. Sixty years ago, when the its member states have been consistently very ac- Civil Rights Movement was fighting for equality, the tive in supporting the two parties toward this goal. Israeli reaction was markedly different. Israeli news- (…) We also understand Israeli concerns and are papers were full of articles supporting African Ameri- committed to Israel’s security, which is non- cans and identifying with their struggle. Prodded by negotiable for us. (…) For us in Europe, it is painful American-raised Golda Meir, socialist Israel saw to see the prospect of the two-state solution, the itself as a champion of awakening Africa and its only realistic and sustainable way to end this con- sympathies extended to the continent’s descendants flict, at risk. The project of annexation as announced in the U.S. (…) Israel, however, is a completely by the government would mean the end of this solu- different country today, and its attitudes have tion. (…) Annexation affects people. It affects not changed accordingly. Expressions of anti-Zionism, only Palestinians, but also Israelis, the neighbor- antisemitism and support for Palestinians among hood and even us in Europe. Any violation of inter- Black protesters are magnified to stain the entire national law, particularly when involving the annexa- movement.
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