■ > r IIONDAY, HOVEiallt o m iSattrlfrBter EttsttUtg: lirralb ipi* <nM LadM* AM aodety of the fha DtvhM Spiritual Orris wm dealgnsd to help , girls devslM a M thO fttMt ttasa. needs auffl- OaoeonUa Lutheraa' Chnrdi will moat tcBlidit at 8 o’clock hi the Gitrl Scouts meet tomoerow evanlag at 7:10 Ih Uthuanian Social HaU on Ooiway riin funds to take care of Its the church. Mlaa laabelle Lange S t H w spoakar win be Mra. Marie ever-incroaalag numbers and to provide Scouting for mors gIrU. .. __■ Kow 7*. AJ". will show colored audea c t Maine. Gairott of Hartford. Start Drive MmnehMatmr^A City o f ViUsme Ckmrm W AiEw in bold a 9 MU1 com - E ttr y member la ufged to be proa- Friends of Girt Seoutlng are oMileattaa-at Mawate tbmple. a n t Hoataaaea fo r the erenlng win Gerald T. LaPIne, XIBN, aon of asked to have their oontributloaa tbtvM jr at 7:80 p. m. Th« Master be Mrs. Andrew Wlnxlar, Mra. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. LaPlne, F o r $ 7 ,0 0 0 ready when the Girl Scouts return VOL. U txin, NO. 29 aa V9M9 td) MANCHB8TER, CONN„ TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8,1953 ■f*— » degree will be exemplified, Brich Brandt, Mia. Rany Cuater 00 Branford St, waa oa board the for them next Sunday aftemooi, aad there will be a eodel hour ead and Mia. Jacob Demko. irSS New Jersey which returami Nov. 8. Anyone not planning to be refreetunenU. to Long Beach, Oslif., from Korea The aamual drive to r funds for at home Sunday afternoon may A daughter waa bom at the Ipst Friday after completing alx the MaiKhastcr Girl Scouts start­ send his contribution' to the treas­ months of combat and training ed yaaterday afternoon with a Freigbler Bl«xe CUims Seven Lives XI Oemma Chapter of Beta S t Franda H oqdtal In H artford urer, Mra Vera Sundquist. 50 Saturday to Mr. and Mra. David duty, ITw New Jersey departed large number of volunteer adults W yllys S t Slfiaa FM eor^ y wlU meet at Satnriiay to rstura to her home and Girl Scouts distributing ex­ • :li tomorrow night at the home MUler. 36 Xdiaon Rd. There la a special need for more port ofNorfoUc, Va., via the Pana­ planatory leaSets and contribution girls to help with the drive next «t Mia. fVederlck Wlppert, Aga­ A meeting and elecUon of of- ma Canal. envelopea to all the homes In Man­ wam . Maaa. Sunday afternoon. Any latermedl U. S. Won’t Store A-Bombs ficera of the Regina dltalla So­ chester. ate Girl Scout who wlshea to assist ciety will be held at 7:80 tpnlght A pre-sale of tickets for "S ld^ The goal of the drive is 17,500, should report at the Girl Scout of­ at the Itallan-Amerlcan Club- ing Beauty,” the chlMren’s play to with all of the funds collected to fice, 98s Main 8t,"‘ Sunday after­ houae. be produced by the Clare Ti m M a­ be used locally with the exception noon at 1 o’clock, in uniform if jor Theatre Group on Dec. A un­ of 85. which Is sent to National possible. SPEtHJU. The DUVCW arlU hold a meeting der the aus]>icea o f the Manchee- Headquarters as charter fee. The Manchester Girl Scout at 47 Maple St, tomorrow night at ter Y W C A wlU be made at the With a membership of over 1,- Council wishes to express its UNESSME 8 o’clock. A penny auction will be Homemaker’s Holiday program to 400 adults and girls, the Girl Scout thanks to all those volunteers who held. be held Wednesday morning at the organisation, whoae aim is to gave of their time to the drive yes­ At New Spanish Air Base Community T. Mias Alyce Salis­ provide a well-rounded program terday afternoon. LUNOHEON A meeting of the Dorcaa Oroup bury of the Hartford Gas Co. will <a the South Methodist WSCS wUl demoiwtrate cake decorating at be held Wednesday morning at the program, with coffee being $1JI 0:80 In Wesley Hall. Articlea will served at 9:30 and the demonstra­ ■BBVBD DAILY be made for the Christmas Tree tion to begin at 9:48. Confetti Shower for Royahy Town Baaaar. Membeip are re­ New Bear Brand Kits SALE 464Anti-Reds Balk Club Chianti minded to bring their own sand­ The first meeting of the Ameri wiches, tea and coffee win be can Heritage Discussion Oroup TO KNIT, mOOHET sr EMBROIDER 14 IHDrOT SQITABB served. w ill be h M tonight at 7:80 In the OF upstairs chibroom of the Whlton Make up these smart kits for sifts and for your own Memorial Library. Anyone Inter­ use. At Communist Plea LET US FILL TOUR ested in Joining this group la wel­ come to attend. BEAR. BRAND W H D FLOWER Psnmunjom, Nov. 3 </F>—Touch, jaunty Korean prisoners Members of Sunset Council No. of war rejected Communism today by more than 96 percent, 45. DagTM of Pocahontas, are re­ AFRHAN KITS REG. $1.49 CROMPTON turning Red efforts to win them home into a taunting, curs­ Wuhington, Nov. 8 minded of the meeting tonight at ing attack on Communist interviewers. The prisoners easily Secretary of State Dullea aeid 7:80 In 'nnker Hall. They are re­ BeanItfnI 100% wool. Cro­ dominated the interview aasaions. today the United Statea haa quested to bring donationa for the chet In mnltt-oolor or mono- The expIaiMtiona ended in leas C aI M for sad deUTorcd supper. Pinwale Corduroy than alx hours with only 18 ,of 418 no plans for atoring aton k pronptiy at a* tstiR interviewed choosing to return weapona in Spain. If and e h t r c o . Mrs. William Stackel, dinner Kit North Korea. Farm Price when the United States hMa chairman of Holiday Basaar, to be Geseral Appears Olum auch plana, Dullea aaid, it will T rad e -In held at the Center Church Wednes­ A North KoFSsn gsnsrsl observ­ PINE PHARMACY day, has announced that dinner re­ $1.29 K ing the opermtlon aank down on a not announce it to the worid A llo w a n c e servations are still open and may Twenty aevea eolora In Crompton real quality cor­ sunny bench, hie grey, gold andjjDrop Seen and potential enemiea. be made by calling her or Center Dultea apoka out at a newa con­ On Your Old Waihtr CA LL M l-f-9t 14 BEAR BRAND duroy. niamaa olhnb lafidsra «a raash Iha Naiwaglaa frslghtcr Blach Faleas after fira b ^ hi ^ sdariat uniform glittering In the Church office. aun, sod glumly held his head. ference one day after Harrid B. Rogardloss of condition vwmslli haM white hsrthad at the Anhy BSae la Saath Boatem The fiaame wera teuehM •« BY Talbqtt, Secretary of tha Abr ARRYLE SOCK test axpteetos that left s teU af eaves Saad, IS Isjuted, the feorth aash tragedy hi Iha Beatea Harhar The IMsrviMra began after the By B enson PLUS $1.19 CROMPTON Rcda had made loudspeaker broad­ Force, said In Madrid yaaterday ssm la 17 dmrs. casts to the North Korsaas, only to J „ _ , ------- 1 , that the Air Force eventually tm KITS '' ' ' ■ ' ■ -f- ■ have Uism drovmsd out in a foar i Hot Springs, Vs., Nov. 3 store supplies of atomic bomba hi Printed Corduroy of yella and alngtiig from Uis; (A>>— SecreUry of Agriculture Spain, to have them ready for taas Nylen or 100% wool. Stwi- POWs. against "a common enemy.” your guetts ning new color comMnatlona U.N. aoldisra at thrae' different Benson says farm prices— but Talbott said tba storing urould Freighter Fire Kills Seven, locations outsids ths dsasiUtailsed probably not farm income- be done only if the pariah govam- Zone reported seeing flaree 'aqd may atiil be falling next year meat agreed. will rave over these smart Jl.TQ-'SlJB hearing riRs shots TOsadsy Bight when tbe Republicans srill be In F ar Swrp riee $1.67 Duller told the conference be did In the area where the anU-Com' struggling to hold their con­ Novelty, mauraaque flannel roy. gun club cbeck, etc. Injures 18 at Boston munist prtaoners ara held. not know precisely what Talbott Patterns in unusual color combinations A spokeeman for tba Indlafi Cons- trol of Conipivsa. or Gen. Nathan Tiriniag, Air Totem SWEMSH WEAVm BEAR BRAND mand said flatly, however, "there The beleaguered cablaet member Chief of Staff, had salL He added, momenta before to get coffee for gan to smolder, one of the men has been no shootings or diaturb- predicted last night that farm however, he waa aure Talbott oad 10 W IIK 't lUPPLY NYLON BABY B<Mton, Nov. 8 (6*)— ^Thi threw a pail of water onto it and aneaa of any kind in the prisoner prices and farm coats 'wiU both ha Twining would be eurprioed at tha iraawMi the parihaee al mOEEB HECK THWELS CARD IG AN KIT Reg. 79o—36" Ameritex EverglaZo 8w th ton in J ^ ton s f®ujf^ i***bi**addltlM^to those killed and caused "a violent chemical reac­ of war command at any Ume to­ dropping. He aaid be beUevea that headlines in American nawspapara Preshrunk, Crsase Resistant ■hip firo within h 17-<uy, injured in the hold, five firafight- tion.” night. overall "the retreat of farm prices about what they reportedly aaid. psnod reached seven toda.V ' era suffered' burns Uist required Daniel J. Donovan, international TW O flaree reportedly exploded and farm incomea baa .
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