University of Cambridge 2040.39 32% 39% 24

University of Cambridge 2040.39 32% 39% 24

Proportion 4 Proportion 4 GPA x [ratio & 3 [ratio of & 3 & 2 x Pctg ratio of of submitted submitted [ratio of Academic FTE staff to staff to submitted staff submitted to HESA HESA staff to HESA numbers academic academic academic academic (Profs/ staff staff staff staff SLs/Ls) numbers numbers numbers numbers Rank (based Category A Unadjusted Prop Prop from 2006-7 (Profs/ capped at capped at capped at on modified Institution FTE Pctg 4* Pctg 3* Pctg 2* Pctg 1* Pctg U/C GPA 4 & 3 4 & 3 & 2 HESA data SLs/Ls) 100%] 100%] 100%] GPA) University of Cambridge 2040.39 32% 39% 24% 4% 1% 2.98 71% 95% 1419 144% 2.98 71% 95% 1 University of Oxford 2245.83 32% 39% 24% 5% 1% 2.96 70% 94% 1434 157% 2.96 70% 94% 2 London School of Economics and Political Science 490.36 35% 34% 25% 6% 1% 2.96 68% 93% 399 123% 2.96 68% 93% 3 University College London 1792.68 27% 39% 27% 6% 1% 2.84 66% 93% 1762 102% 2.84 66% 93% 4 University of Warwick 966.35 21% 44% 29% 6% 0% 2.80 65% 94% 910 106% 2.80 65% 94% 5 University of Edinburgh 1639.81 22% 40% 28% 8% 2% 2.75 63% 91% 1541 106% 2.75 63% 91% 6 University of St Andrews 491.1 19% 40% 34% 6% 0% 2.72 60% 94% 463 106% 2.72 60% 94% 7 University of Bristol 1198.7 18% 43% 31% 7% 0% 2.72 61% 93% 1122 107% 2.72 61% 93% 8 Lancaster University 611.39 19% 42% 31% 8% 0% 2.71 61% 92% 579 106% 2.71 61% 92% 9 University of Durham 759.3 20% 41% 31% 8% 1% 2.72 61% 92% 767 99% 2.69 60% 91% 10 Royal Holloway, University of London 436.17 19% 41% 30% 9% 1% 2.67 60% 90% 434 101% 2.67 60% 90% 11 University of Leeds 1269.66 18% 43% 33% 6% 0% 2.72 61% 93% 1305 97% 2.64 59% 91% 12 University of Manchester 1824.34 23% 42% 29% 6% 0% 2.82 65% 94% 1966 93% 2.62 61% 87% 13 University of York 653.87 23% 39% 31% 6% 0% 2.78 62% 94% 694 94% 2.62 58% 88% 14 University of Exeter 635.9 17% 39% 34% 10% 0% 2.62 56% 90% 545 117% 2.62 56% 90% 15 University of Sussex 536.9 16% 40% 35% 8% 1% 2.61 56% 91% 507 106% 2.61 56% 91% 16 Imperial College London 1224.57 26% 47% 23% 4% 0% 2.94 73% 96% 1380 89% 2.61 65% 85% 17 University of Sheffield 1204.56 19% 42% 32% 7% 0% 2.72 60% 93% 1259 96% 2.60 58% 89% 18 University of Nottingham 1388.47 18% 40% 34% 7% 1% 2.67 58% 92% 1430 97% 2.60 57% 89% 19 University of Reading 625.45 14% 37% 37% 11% 0% 2.53 51% 88% 646 97% 2.45 49% 85% 20 University of Essex 322.02 22% 41% 30% 7% 0% 2.77 63% 93% 376 86% 2.37 54% 79% 21 University of Southampton 1097.96 18% 43% 32% 7% 0% 2.72 61% 93% 1267 87% 2.35 53% 80% 22 Aberystwyth University 300.84 16% 32% 37% 15% 0% 2.48 48% 85% 319 94% 2.34 45% 80% 23 Loughborough University 662.82 17% 39% 33% 10% 1% 2.62 57% 89% 751 88% 2.31 50% 79% 24 University of Bath 469.73 19% 41% 33% 7% 0% 2.71 60% 93% 551 85% 2.31 51% 79% 25 University of Birmingham 1174.58 16% 43% 32% 8% 1% 2.64 58% 91% 1350 87% 2.29 51% 79% 26 Queen Mary, University of London 686.82 19% 44% 29% 8% 0% 2.73 63% 92% 823 83% 2.27 52% 77% 27 University of Leicester 712.96 11% 35% 40% 12% 1% 2.45 47% 87% 769 93% 2.27 44% 81% 28 University of Liverpool 958.46 13% 39% 36% 10% 1% 2.54 53% 89% 1095 88% 2.22 46% 77% 29 University of Aberdeen 584.51 14% 40% 35% 10% 1% 2.57 55% 89% 682 86% 2.21 47% 77% 30 Goldsmiths College, University of London 288.9 22% 32% 31% 12% 3% 2.58 54% 85% 338 85% 2.21 46% 72% 31 University of Glasgow 1160.67 15% 41% 32% 11% 1% 2.59 56% 88% 1370 85% 2.19 47% 75% 32 Heriot-Watt University 349.04 12% 39% 37% 12% 1% 2.48 50% 87% 399 87% 2.17 44% 76% 33 University of East Anglia 505.82 16% 39% 35% 10% 1% 2.58 54% 89% 608 83% 2.15 45% 74% 34 Proportion 4 Proportion 4 GPA x [ratio & 3 [ratio of & 3 & 2 x Pctg ratio of of submitted submitted [ratio of Academic FTE staff to staff to submitted staff submitted to HESA HESA staff to HESA numbers academic academic academic academic (Profs/ staff staff staff staff SLs/Ls) numbers numbers numbers numbers Rank (based Category A Unadjusted Prop Prop from 2006-7 (Profs/ capped at capped at capped at on modified Institution FTE Pctg 4* Pctg 3* Pctg 2* Pctg 1* Pctg U/C GPA 4 & 3 4 & 3 & 2 HESA data SLs/Ls) 100%] 100%] 100%] GPA) Aston University 237.05 12% 33% 40% 13% 1% 2.43 46% 86% 269 88% 2.15 40% 76% 35 Swansea University 511.81 11% 36% 38% 13% 1% 2.43 47% 86% 582 88% 2.14 42% 75% 36 King's College London 1172.03 19% 41% 32% 8% 1% 2.69 60% 91% 1489 79% 2.12 47% 72% 37 Birkbeck College 327.05 19% 37% 30% 12% 2% 2.59 56% 86% 404 81% 2.10 45% 70% 38 University of Newcastle upon Tyne 932.37 14% 44% 34% 8% 0% 2.63 58% 92% 1171 80% 2.10 46% 73% 39 Bangor University 283.79 12% 36% 38% 14% 1% 2.43 47% 85% 358 79% 1.93 38% 68% 40 University of Dundee 504.72 13% 41% 34% 12% 1% 2.54 53% 88% 667 76% 1.92 40% 66% 41 University of Kent 429.76 18% 36% 33% 12% 0% 2.60 55% 87% 582 74% 1.92 40% 65% 42 University of Surrey 425.45 16% 39% 34% 11% 1% 2.58 54% 89% 581 73% 1.89 40% 65% 43 Queen's University Belfast 770.27 15% 38% 37% 11% 0% 2.56 52% 89% 1054 73% 1.87 38% 65% 44 University of Abertay Dundee 53.7 3% 20% 39% 32% 5% 1.83 23% 62% 49 110% 1.83 23% 62% 45 Cardiff University 1030.2 19% 40% 32% 9% 0% 2.69 59% 91% 1527 67% 1.81 40% 62% 46 University of Strathclyde 588.14 12% 36% 37% 14% 1% 2.45 49% 85% 816 72% 1.77 35% 62% 47 University of Stirling 297.33 10% 36% 41% 13% 1% 2.41 46% 86% 411 72% 1.75 33% 63% 48 University of Wales, Lampeter 59.6 6% 25% 46% 19% 4% 2.11 32% 77% 73 82% 1.73 26% 63% 49 Brunel University 534.02 10% 33% 39% 15% 3% 2.32 43% 82% 720 74% 1.72 32% 61% 50 School of Oriental and African Studies 239.85 20% 35% 32% 12% 1% 2.60 55% 87% 367 65% 1.70 36% 57% 51 Cranfield University 235.67 14% 35% 35% 15% 1% 2.47 49% 84% 355 66% 1.64 33% 56% 52 University of Bradford 283.94 10% 32% 40% 17% 1% 2.34 42% 83% 445 64% 1.49 27% 53% 53 Keele University 285.15 11% 35% 38% 14% 1% 2.41 46% 85% 472 60% 1.45 28% 51% 54 University of Hull 396.7 8% 36% 40% 14% 1% 2.37 45% 85% 688 58% 1.37 26% 49% 55 City University, London 353.8 15% 36% 34% 12% 3% 2.48 51% 85% 729 49% 1.20 25% 41% 56 Roehampton University 167.45 8% 25% 45% 20% 1% 2.20 34% 78% 321 52% 1.15 18% 41% 57 University of Salford 357.84 12% 31% 40% 16% 2% 2.36 43% 83% 745 48% 1.13 21% 40% 58 Open University 438.57 14% 37% 36% 12% 0% 2.52 51% 87% 989 44% 1.12 23% 39% 59 University of Plymouth 391.7 6% 30% 43% 18% 3% 2.18 36% 79% 776 50% 1.10 18% 40% 60 University of Ulster 481.15 14% 35% 37% 13% 1% 2.48 49% 86% 1090 44% 1.09 22% 38% 61 Oxford Brookes University 226.03 8% 28% 42% 20% 2% 2.20 36% 78% 579 39% 0.86 14% 30% 62 Queen Margaret University Edinburgh 98 2% 10% 29% 39% 20% 1.37 12% 42% 161 61% 0.83 8% 25% 63 University of Brighton 251.57 15% 29% 34% 19% 2% 2.37 45% 79% 726 35% 0.82 15% 27% 64 University of the Arts London 237.89 24% 26% 29% 16% 5% 2.49 51% 79% 833 29% 0.71 14% 23% 65 Kingston University 213.85 5% 25% 42% 24% 4% 2.04 30% 72% 615 35% 0.71 10% 25% 66 Robert Gordon University 171.3 6% 25% 42% 24% 3% 2.06 31% 73% 499 34% 0.71 11% 25% 67 University of the West of England, Bristol 320.4 5% 32% 42% 19% 2% 2.20 37% 79% 996 32% 0.71 12% 26% 68 Proportion 4 Proportion 4 GPA x [ratio & 3 [ratio of & 3 & 2 x Pctg ratio of of submitted submitted [ratio of Academic FTE staff to staff to submitted staff submitted to HESA HESA staff to HESA numbers academic academic academic academic (Profs/ staff staff staff staff SLs/Ls) numbers numbers numbers numbers Rank (based Category A Unadjusted Prop Prop from 2006-7 (Profs/ capped at capped at capped at on modified Institution FTE Pctg 4* Pctg 3* Pctg 2* Pctg 1* Pctg U/C GPA 4 & 3 4 & 3 & 2 HESA data SLs/Ls) 100%] 100%] 100%] GPA) University of Westminster 226.09 10% 27% 39% 21% 2% 2.23 38% 77% 717 32% 0.70 12% 24% 69 De Montfort University 238.57 11% 31% 39% 17% 2% 2.32 42% 81% 796 30% 0.69 13% 24% 70 Napier University 192.1 2% 19% 43% 30% 6% 1.83 22% 64% 511 38% 0.69 8% 24% 71 Middlesex University 190.84 7% 28% 41% 22% 1% 2.18 35% 77% 614 31% 0.68 11% 24% 72 University of Winchester 55.25 5% 29% 44% 18% 3% 2.16 35% 79% 178 31% 0.67 11% 25% 73 University of Portsmouth 231.3 8% 32% 38% 20% 2% 2.24 40% 78% 805 29% 0.64 11% 22% 74 University of Greenwich 180.75 4% 21% 41% 28% 6% 1.90 25% 66% 543 33% 0.63 8% 22% 75 University of Lincoln 145.55 5% 23% 38% 26% 8% 1.90 28% 66% 439 33% 0.63 9% 22% 76 Manchester Metropolitan University 355.06 7% 27% 43% 20% 2% 2.16 34% 77% 1294 27% 0.59 9% 21% 77 Bath Spa University 74.58 4% 18% 45% 28% 4% 1.89 22% 67% 244 31% 0.58 7% 21% 78 London Metropolitan University 260.04 4% 20% 37% 33% 6% 1.84 24% 62% 837 31% 0.57 7% 19% 79 University of Sunderland 180.99 4% 23% 34% 33% 6% 1.86 27% 61% 605 30% 0.56 8% 18% 80 Nottingham Trent University 263.94 8% 29% 37% 23% 3% 2.16 37% 74% 1034 26% 0.55 9% 19% 81 University of Glamorgan 198.45 6% 25% 41% 25% 4% 2.04 31% 71% 752 26% 0.54 8% 19% 82 Bournemouth University 111.2 8% 31% 35% 22% 4% 2.18 39% 75% 454 24% 0.53 10% 18% 83 Liverpool John Moores University 193.39 8% 26% 41% 24% 1% 2.15 34% 75% 780 25% 0.53 8% 19% 84 University of Central Lancashire 245.34 6% 22% 39% 29% 4% 1.96 28% 67% 935 26% 0.51 7% 18% 85 Sheffield Hallam University 286.06 8% 24% 36% 28% 4% 2.05 32% 68% 1165 25% 0.50 8% 17% 86 University of Gloucestershire 94.06 3% 16% 40% 34% 7% 1.72 18% 58% 326 29% 0.50 5% 17% 87 Glasgow Caledonian University 157.91 5% 23% 43% 27% 3% 2.01 28% 71% 640 25% 0.50 7% 17% 88 University of East London 110.7 9% 32% 38% 19% 2% 2.24 40% 78% 502 22% 0.49 9% 17% 89 Coventry University 135.85 3% 24% 35% 32% 6% 1.85 27% 62% 543 25% 0.46 7% 16% 90 Harper Adams University College 18.4 0% 25% 45% 30% 0% 1.95 25% 70% 82 22% 0.44 6% 16% 91 University of Bolton 53.4 4% 17% 36% 36% 7% 1.75 21% 57% 230 23% 0.41 5%

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