1- , . ' . 1889. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 2l NOMINATIONS. James V. Campbell, to be postmaster at Ada, in the county of No:r- Executive nominations received by the Senate the 14th day of March, 1889. man, and State of Minnesota, in the place of Fred. Pichler, resigned. SAMOAN COMMISSIONERS. GOVERNOR OF ARIZONA. John A. ~asson, of Iowa; William Walter Phelps, of New Jersey, Lewis Wolfley, of Tucson, Ariz., to be governor of Arizona, vice C. and George H. Bates, of Delaware, to be commissioners to represent Meyer Zulick,·to be removed. the United States at the conference to be held in Berlin concerning af­ UNITED ST.ATES .ATTORNEY. fairs in the Samoan Islands. Rathbone Gardner, of Rhode Island, to be attorney of the United UNITED STATES .ATTORNEY. States for the district of Rhode Island, to succeed David S. Baker, jr., Elbert D. Weed, of Montana, to be attorney of tbe United States for whose term of office expires on March 23, 1889. the Territory of Montana, vice Robert B. Smith, resigned. .,. COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS. WITHDRAW AL. Jeremiah Sullivan, of Montana, to be collector of customs for the To the Senate of the United States: district of Montfi.na and Idal\o, in the Territories of Montana and Idaho, I hereby withdraw the nomination of Elbert D. Weed, of Montana, to be mar­ to succeed Thomas A. Cummings, whose term of office has expired by shal of the United States for the TelTitory of Montana. BENJ. HARRISON. limitation. FIRST .ASSISTANT POSTMASTER-GENERAL. EXECUTIVE MANSION, March 14, 1889. Jam es S. Clarkson, of Iowa, to be First Assistant Postmaster-General, vice Adlai E. Stevenson, resigned. CONFIRMATION. UNITED STATirS MARSHALS. Executive nomination confirmed by the Senate March 14, 1889. ..,_ William L. Dunlap, of Indiana, to be marshal of the United States FIRST ASSISTANT POSTMASTER-GENER.AL. for the district of Indiana, vice Edward Hawkins, to be removed. Elbert D. Weed, of the Territory of Montana, to be marshal of the James S. Clarkson, of Iowa, to be First Assistant Postmaster-General. United States for the Territory of Montana, vice Robert S. Kelley, re­ signed. PROMOTIONS IN THE ARMY. MONDAY, March 18, 1889. Ordnance Department. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D. Lieut. Col. .Adelbert R. Buffington to be colonel, February 28, 1889, The Vice-President resumed the chair. vice Crispin, deceased. The Journal of the proceedings of Thursday last was read and ap­ Maj. Joseph P. Farley, to be lieutenant-colonel, February 28, 1889, proved. vice Buffington, promoted. COMMITTEE ON WOMAN SUFFRAGE. Capt. Otho E. Michaelis, to be major, February 28, 1889, vice Far­ Mr. SHERMAN. I move that the Senate proceed to the considera­ ley, promoted. tion of executive business. Medical Department. Mr. BROWN. Will the Senator from Ohio permit me to introduce Capt. Julius H. Patzki, assistant surgeon, to be surgeon with the a resolution and have it referred? rank of major, February 28, 1889, vice Webster, retired 1rom active Mr. SHERMAN. Certainly; I have no objection. service. Mr. BROWN. The Senator from North Carolina [Mr. VANCE] is First Regiment of Artillery. absent. He is chairman of the Committee on Woman Suffrage. I am First Lieut. Gilbert P. Cotton, to be captain, March· 2, 1889, vice a member of that committee, and he has asked me to present thereso­ Sanger, appointed inspector-general with the rank of major; lution which I send to the desk and have the usual reference made. Second Lieut. Charles H: Hunter, to be :first lieutenant, March 2, He does not request any action on it at present, but he wishes it to take 1889, vice Cotton, promoted. the same course with other resolutions ofa like character. I move that POSTMASTERS. the resolution be referred to the Committee to Audit and Control the William S. Chase, to be postmaster at Sturgis, in the county of Law­ Contingent Expenses of the Senate. rence and Territory of Dakota, the appointment of a postmaster hav­ The VICE-PRESIDENT. The resolution will be read. ing, bylaw, become vested in the President on and after Octoberl, 1888; The Chief Clerk read the resolution,_.as_follows; Resolved, That the Select Committee on Woman Suffrage be authorized to sit George W. Pratt, who was appointed and commissioned by the Presi­ during the recess of the Senate, and to employ a. clerk, to be paid out of the con­ dent, and also nominated to the Senate, not having been confirmed. tingent fund of the Senate. John J. Cutler, to be postmaster at Parker, in the county of Turner Mr. SHERMAN. The resolution goes, under the rule, to the Com­ and Territory of Dakota, in the place of John J. Cutler, whose com­ mittee on Contingent Expenses. mission expired J anuarv 15, 1889. Mr. BROWN'. That was my motion. Kittill O. Walders, to be postmaster at Minot, in the county of The VICE-PRESIDENT. If there be no objection, the resolution Ward and Territory of Dakota, the appointment ofa postmaster for the will be referred to the Committee to Audit and Control the Contingent said office having, by law, become vested in the President on and after Expenses of the Senate. October 1, 1888; William Hope, who was appointed and commissioned by the President, and also nominated to the Senate, not having been RELATIONS WITH MEXICO AND CENTRAL .AMERICA. confirmed. Mr. GIBSON. I wish to call up the resolution which I offered some William Wallace, to be postmaster at Indianapolis, in the county of days ago to constitute a committee on relations with Mexico and Cen­ 1\larion and State of Indiana, in the place of Aquila Jones, sr., whose tral America. commission expires March 30, 1889. Mr. SHERMAN. I have already submi~d a motion to go into Joseph C. Bartlett, to be postmaster at Lake City, in the county ot: executive session, and until that is disposed of other matters will not Wabasha and State of Minnesota, in the place of David 0. Irwin, be in order. whose commission expires March 27, 1889. Mr. GIBSON. It will not take a moment to dispose of the resolu­ James M. Kellogg, to be postmaster at Wickes, in the county of Jef­ tion. I merely wish to make an explanation and to move a reference, or ferson and Territory of 1\Iontana, the appointment of a postmaster for rather to accept the reference proposed by the Senator from Connecti­ the said office having, by law, become vested in the President on and cut [Mr. PLATT]. after January 1, 1889. Mr. SHERMAN. I will withdraw my motion for the present, and Hannibal French, sr., to be postmaster at Sag Harbor, in the county will renew it when the matter the Senator from Louisiana has in charge of Suffolk and State of New York, in the place of Hannibal French, sr., is disposed of. whose commission expired December 11, 1888. Mr. GIBSON. I wish to say one word to show my personal rela­ Samuel C. Moore, to be postmaster at Findlay, in the county of Han­ tions to the resolution. Is the resolution before the Senate? cock and Staw of Ohio, in the place of W. S. Hammaker, re3igned. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The resolution will be read. Robert S. Bowman, to be postmaster at Berwick, in the county of The Chief Clerk read the resolution submitted by Mr. GIBSON March Columbia and State of Pennsylvania, in the place of Robert S. Bow­ 12, 1889, a..<i follows: man, whose commission expired February 6, 1889. Resol'f!ed, That a select committee of seven Senators be appointed by the Chair ii . Benjamin B. Martin, to be "(>ostmaster at Warren, in the county of on relations with Mexico and Central .America.. Bristol and State of Rhode Island, in the place of Benjamin B. Mar­ Mr. GIBSON. Mr. President, the Senator from Connecticut [Mr. tin, whose commission expired January 30, 1889. PL.A.TT] in his observations on this resolution said that he thought it J. Frank Dalton, to be postmaster at Salem, in the county of Essex ought to be referred to the Committee on Commerce, for that Sena.tors and State of Massachusetts, in the place of J. Frank Dalton, whose felt disinclined to oppose a resolution of this kind because it appeared commission expired February 24, 1889. to emanate from a personal desire of the Senator who offered-the reso­ Guy W. McAlister, to be postmaster at Bucksport, in the county of lution to be upon the committee, or to be chairman of the committee, Hancock and State of Maine, in the place of George H. Snowman, re­ or to visit the country in respect to which his resolution proposed to moved. raise a committee. The Senator from Vermont [Mr. MORRILL] sug- .· .._ , I ... •' · ·22 CONGRESSIONAL REOORD-SENATE. MARCH 18, gested that if this committee was raised he would like to be a member d.istinguished ability, may be considered by the members of the com­ 9f it, a.nd that a palace car with a buffet would be furnished in order mittee who may be appointed now, if such a committee shall be ap­ t'3at the gentlemen who compose the committee might have a good time pointed aga.in to consider the same subject. ih visiting Mexico. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The question is on agreein~tothemotion ., These observations of the Senator from Connecticut and the Senator of the Senator from Connecticut [Mr. PLATT] to refer the resolution from Vermont indicate that the mover of this resolution had some such offered by the Senator from Louisiana [Mr. GmsoN] to the Committee purpose in view, either to have himself appointed chairman of the com- .
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