Germany Edition Weather: Details on Page 4 One Year Ago All Zones: Cloudy, rain and Yanks tearing Cologne. Spears cut to 10 miles from snow, turning slightly windy. city. Strike ties-up Chrysler Fair and colder Thursday. plant. Chinese capture big Burma mines. Unofficial Paper of U.S. Armed S^Ss«£r Forces in the European Theater Volume 1, Number 321 Wednesday, February 27,1946 20 pf., 2 fr., Id France to Shut Off Spain; British Study Executions t LONDON, Feb. 26 (AP)— PARIS, Feb. 26 (UP)—The The British foreign office Franco Ordem French cabinet decided un- today instructed Sir Victor Dossier to Beat animously today to close the Mallet, British ambassador in French-Spanish frontier to all Madrid, to "make a full re- U.S. Indictment traffic at midnight March 1 port" on the execution of the WASHINGTON, Feb. 26 (AP)— to renew pressure on the U. S. Spanish anti-Fascist, Christ- Spanish officials said Franco has and Britain to join France in ino Garcia. ordered work started on a "detail- ed dossier" of Spain'* activities a complete break of relations At the same time, the during the war with a view to with the Franco government spokesman said there was "no publication as soon as possible. These officials, who asked to be and also to refer the Spanish reason to suppose" that Britain situation to the UNO Security would break relations with Spain. unnamed, added that Franco was prompted to issue such a dossier in Council. The message to Mallet which also anticipation of an expected United France's decision came after For- asked for an investigation of the State's indictment of Spain and eign Minister Georges Bidault had execution of Spanish republicans similar governments named in the given the cabinet a report on the and the trial of 35 others on charges recent "Blue Book" blast at Argen- situation. The Communist group in of reorganizing the Socialist Party tina. the cabinet was reported to have in Spain, preceded by a few hours Secretary of State Byrnes said urged an immediate break, but the today's 'decision of the French last week the U. S. planned to re- move was opposed by Bidault and cabinet to close the frontier. lease certain wartime information bearing on Spain. However, it was other Popular Republicans, who The foreign office spokesman said argued than any single-handed Mallet probably would "informally learned the Spaniards here pre- notify" the Spanish government that viously advised Madrid of the ad- move by France would be pre- courts martial of Spanish republicans vantage of issuing their own story mature and probably ineffective. CONSISTORY: Thirty-two new cardinals were created by Pope not in the armed forces were having first. The decisions reached were 6 Pius XII at the current Vatican consistory. This scene depicts part of a "deplorable effect on public Earlier this year, the State compromise. the 29 who were present at the ceremonies, approaching the Pope in opinion" in Britain. Department announced possession MRP OPPOSES BREAK single file to receive their red hats. —AP Photo of vast quantities of documents un- earthed in Germany after VE-Day, It was expected that this com- Workers Plotting showing Spanish and Nazi affilia- promise would satisfy the Socialists, British Recall Some Troops, tions. but the Communists are less likely Cited as an example was the secret to accept it. Reprisal Moves Spanish arms procurement agree- The MRP (Popular Republicans) Report Bombay Is Normal LONDON, Feb. 26 (UP)—Workers ment which was believed to have and particularly the leader, Bidault, and leaders are meeting secretly in been concluded in 1943 between BOMBAY, Feb. 26 (AP)—The return of Bombay to normal and with- are known to be strongly opposed many Spanish towns to arganize former German and Spanish foreign to a breach in relations. On the drawal of a "certain number of troops'' was reported in an official ministers, Joachim von Ribbentrop communique issued here today. immediate reprisals for last Wed- other hand, the Communists and nesday's execution of Cristine Garcia and Francisco Gomez-Jordana. Socialists, infuriated by the execu- The communique added that "the curfew-worked perfectly during Byrnes explained this agreement the night. Practically all arms and<±> and nine other Republicans, accord- tion of Christino Garcia and nine ing to press reports from Spain and was signed with Germany only other Spanish Republicans, de- ammunition in Royal Indian Navy after the British and American ships and establishments, which Lisbon. manded not only the halting of all The executions evidently have governments had refused to supply trade relations across the Spanish are well guarded by marine and Russian Admits arms to Spain. infantry guards—both British and aroused a wave of indignation frontier but a breach of diplomatic throughout Spain. Police in Madrid Such an explanation, he said, relations. Indian—have been recovered intact Ta king Ma chines might be published in Franco's and no damage has been reported." and the provinces have arrested The decisions however, will more people for conspiracy against dossier but might not be carried satisfy at least one major demand Two trains in a suburb of Madras in any Anglo-American report. were attacked by riotings. mobs. From Manchuria the government, illegal meetings of the powerful CGT (General Con- Passengers, Indian and European, MUKDEN, Feb. 26 (UP)—Gen. and subversive campaigns. federation of Labor) and save the A group of guerilla prisoners are fl£d in panic as police rushed to Andre Stankevitch admitted to re- French government any possible to be tried at Alcala de Henares, British Postpone embarrassment that might ensue break up the disorder, according to porters today that Russians forces Exchange Telegraph. military preparations are underway if the transport workers took mat- have removed heavy machinery from all over the country, and troops are Rites for Miners ters into their own hands and re- .The agency also reported a strike some Mukden factories and sent it !n sympathy with Royal Indian Navy still being moved in from North UNNA, Feb. 26 (AP)—Memorial fused to handle shipments to and to Russia. Africa to reinforce the regulars in from Spain. enlisted men affected transportation Spain. services for more than 400 miners systems. The strike was scheduled He said this was in accordance trapped by an explosion in the EXPORT VOLUME SMALL for Monday but conditions were said with a Big Three agreement "either Grimberg pit were postponed today The volume of exports from to be worse today. at Yalta or Berlin." He was "not 1\.Y. Transit Strike by British authorities who believe France to Spain Is relatively small, An Indian radio broadcast from sure offhand which." there may be a slight chance that but the closing of the frontier will some will be rescued. New Delhi, heard in London by The revelation followed sharp halt imports of pyrites, oranges Showdown Is Near The services were to be held this Associated Press, reported that questioning by nine correspondents, and canned fish. The French gov- NEW YORK, Feb. 26 (INS)—The morning. Funeral rites however Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Congress who without formal permission, ernment has been anxious to main- showdown between city officials will proceed in the various areas tain shipments of the foods. Party leader, had called upon the visited a number of factories guard- here and the strike-threatening CIO surrounding the community near The CGT yesterday directed its Indian people for discipline after ed by the Russians and found evi- Kamen, where the men lived. Transport Workers Union was ex- adherents to refuse to handle ship- making a survey of damage in riot- dence that the machinery and other Sixty five of the original 498 trap- pected some time after midnight ments of any freight to Spain and torn Bombay. installations had been removed. ped in the mine have been saved. the World Federation of Trade tonight. Unions called on its members to TWU claims to represent a 'One-Man Army' Asked take similar action. Diehards Heard Niemoeller majority of the 32,000 employees of the municipally operated subway, To Tell Marital Status Young Speed Demons elevated, trolley and bus lines. MANILA, Feb. 26 (AP)—A Philip- Blame People for War Guilt It will formally demand a 2-dol- pine court yesterday issued a sum- Braked by Police By WES GALLAGHER lar-a-day pay increase and exclusive mons to Maj. Arthur Wermuth to the people against Nazi concentra- bargaining rights at noon in a con- CULVER CITY, Calif., Feb. 26 FRANKFURT, Feb. 26 (AP)—In tion camps and other horrors when answer within 90 days a complaint ference with the Board of Trans- (INS)—Culver City police have a secret speech to diehard Nazis they Started and did not speak out by Olivia Josephine Oswald that he rounded up more than 256 high confined in a Seventh Army intern- until the church itself was attacked. portation. was already married when in De school youths who held a race ment camp, Pastor Martin Nie- "My conscience first realized later The city claims it is not permitted cember, 1941, he allegedly married meet in "jalopies." moeller declared the German people that I did not protest back in 1933 by law to enter into exclusive con- her. Eighty-five juveniles were tracts with any union. must share a mountain of guilt for when my Communist brothers were Miss Oswald made the charge in taken into temporary custody and the war and not try to blame it sent to concentration camps... filing for annulment, Wermuth, 156 had official citations issued. all on the Nazis or the war crimi- UNO to Use Hunter Gym where they were tortured and famed "One-Man Army" of Bataan, The youths blocked off traffic nals, it was revealed today.
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