J.-C. Duchesne: List of publications 123. Duchesne J.C., Liégeois, J.P., Bolle O., Vander Auwera, J., Bruguier O., Matukov, D.I., Sergeev, S.A., 2013. The fast evolution of a crustal hot zone at the end of a transpressional regime: the Saint-Tropez peninsula granites and related dykes (Maures Massif, SE France). Lithos, 162-163, 195-220. 122. Charlier B, Namur O, Malpas S, de Marneffe C, Duchesne J-C, Vander Auwera J, Bolle O (2010) Origin of the giant Allard Lake ilmenite ore deposit (Canada) by fractional crystallization, multiple magma pulses and mixing. Lithos 117: 119-134. 121. Vander Auwera, J., Bolle, O., Bingen, B., Liégeois, J.-P., Bogaerts, M., Duchesne, J.C., De Waele, B., Longhi, J., 2011. Sveconorwegian massif-type anorthosites and related granitoids result from post-collisional melting of a continental arc root, Earth Science Reviews, doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2011.04.005 120. J.-C. Duchesne, G. Bologne, 2010. Short note: Synthetic ilmenite as a blank to XRF trace element determination. Geologica Belgica, 14 (1-2): 103:106. 119. B. Charlier, J.-C. Duchesne, J. Vander Auwera, J.-Y. Storme, R. Maquil, J. Longhi, 2010. Polybaric fractional crystallization of high-alumina basalt parental magmas in the Egersund-Ogna massif-type anorthosite (Rogaland, SW Norway) constrained by plagioclase and high-alumina orthopyroxene megacrysts. Journal of Petrology, 51 (12) 2547-2570. 118. JC. Duchesne, H. Martin, B. Baginski, J. Wiszniewska, J. Vander Auwera, 2010. The origin of ferroan-potassic A-type granitoids: the case of the hornblende–biotite granite suite of the Mesoproterozoic Mazury Complex, northeastern Poland. Canadian Mineralogist, 48, 947-968. 117. Duchesne, J.C., Charlier, B., Vander Auwera, J., 2009. Two parent liquids for the same anorthosite pluton? The Egersund-Ogna case, Eos Trans. AGU, 90 (22), Jt. Assembly Suppl., Abstract V11A-02. 116. Duchesne, J.C., Charlier, B., Storme, J.-Y., Maquil, R., 2008a. High alumina orthopyroxene and plagioclase megacrysts from the Egersund-Ogna anorthosite (Rogaland): polybarism and the link between andesine and labradorite anorthosites (abstract SS16), GAC-MAC 2008, Québec. 115. Duchesne, J.C., Charlier, B., Vander Auwera, J., 2008c. Evolution of oxygen fugacity with crystallization in the Bjerkreim-Sokndal layered intrusion (Rogaland, Norway), 33th IGC, Oslo. 114. Duchesne, J.C., Charlier, B., Vander Auwera, J., 2007. Empirical calibration of the V partitioning between magnetite and ilmenite as an oxybarometer (abstract). Eos Trans. AGU, 88 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract V54A-08. 113. Duchesne, J.C., Charlier, B., Vander Auwera, J., 2008b. Calibration empirique du partage du vanadium entre magnétite et ilménite comme oxybaromètre (abstract), 3e Colloque De Launay, 22e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Nancy 21-24 avril 2008. 112. B. Charlier, O. Namur, J.C. Duchesne, J. Wiszniewska, A. Parecki, J. Vander Auwera. 2009. Cumulate origin and polybaric crystallization of Fe-Ti oxide ores in the Suwalki anorthosite, Northeastern Poland. Economic Geology, 104, 205-221. 111. Jean-Clair Duchesne, Guy Bologne 2009. XRF major and trace element determination in Fe-Ti oxide minerals. Geologica Belgica, 12 (3-4) : 205-212. 110. B. Charlier, Emmanuel Sakoma, Martin Sauvé, Kerry Sranaway, J. Vander Auwera, J.C. Duchesne. 2007. The Grader layered intrusion (Havre-Saint-Pierre anorthosite, Quebec) and genesis of nelsonite and other Fe-Ti-P ores (doi : 10.1016/j.lithos.2007.08.004) Lithos 101 :359-378. 109. O. Bolle, J.C. Duchesne 2007. The Apophysis of the Bjerkreim-Sokndal layered intrusion (Rogaland anorthosite province, SW Norway): a composite pluton build up by tectonically-driven draining of magmas along the margin of an AMC .igneous complex. Lithos 98, 292-312. 108. Duchesne, J.C., Charlier, B., 2007. Response to the Discussion by B. Robins and F. Chiodoni of “Geochemistry of cumulates from the Bjerkreim-Sokndal Intrusion (S. Norway). Part I: Constraints from major elements on the mechanism of cumulate formation and on the jotunite liquid line of descent”. Lithos (in press) DOI 10.1016/j.lithos.2007.04.004 107. Duchesne, J.C., Liégeois, J.P., Iancu, V., Berza, T., Matukov, D.I., Tatu, M., Sergeev, S.A., 2007. Post-collisional melting of crustal sources : constraints from geochronology, petrology and Sr, Nd isotopes geochemistry of the Variscan Sichevita and Poniasca granitoid plutons (South Carpathians, Romania). International Journal of Earth Sciences DOI 10.1007/s00531-007-0185-z 106. Duchesne, J.C., Vander Auwera, J., Liégeois, J.P., Barton, E.S., Clifford, T.N., 2007. Geochemical constraints of the petrogenesis of the O’okiep Koperberg Suite and granitic plutons in Namaqualand, South Africa: a crustal source in Namaquan (Grenville) times. Precambrian Research 153: 116-142. 105. Charlier, B., Skar, O., Korneliussen, A., Duchesne, J.C., Vander Auwera, J. 2007. Major and trace element composition of ilmenite in the Tellnes Fe-Ti deposit : fractional crystallization model and post cumulus evolution. Contrib. Miner. Petrol. DOI 10.1007/s00410-007-0186-8. 104. Sonny, D., Bologne, G., Duchesne, J.C., Philipart, J.C., 2006. Utilisation de la microchimie de l’otolithes pour discriminer les populations de chabots au sein du bassin de la Meuse wallonne. Cahiers d’Ethologie 22(2): 39-50. 103. Charlier, B., Duchesne, J.C., Vander Auwera, J., 2006. Magma chamber processes in the Tellness ilmenite deposit (Rogaland Anorthosite Province, SW Norway) and the formation of Fe-Ti ores in massif-type anorthosites. Chemical Geology 234: 264-290. 102. Vander Auwera, J., Weis, D., Duchesne, J.C., 2006. Marginal mafic intrusions as indicators of downslope draining of dense residual liquids in anorthositic diapirs. Lithos 89: 329-352. 101. Duchesne, J.C., Shumlyanskyy, L. and Charlier, B. 2006. The Fedorivka layered intrusion (Korosten Pluton, Ukraine): an example of highly differentiated ferrobasaltic evolution. Lithos 89(3-4): 353-376. 100. Duchesne, J.C., Charlier, B., 2005. Geochemistry of cumulates from the Bjerkreim- Sokndal layered intrusion (S. Norway). Part I: Constraints from major elements on the mechanism of cumulate formation and on the jotunite liquid line of descent. Lithos, 83: 229-254. 99. Charlier, B., Vander Auwera, J., Duchesne J.C. 2005. Geochemistry of cumulates from the Bjerkreim-Sokndal layered intrusion (S. Norway). Part II. REE and the trapped liquid fraction. Lithos 83: 255-276. 98. Duchesne, J.C., Goemaere, E., Grigolato, J.C., Vanderschueren, H., Charlier, B. 2005. Altered rhyoliotic rocks in the Visé boreholes: a geochemical approach. Geologica Belgica 8(3): 71-83. 97. Weiheid, P., Arndt, N., Billström, K., Duchesne, J.C., Eilu, P., Martisson, O., Papunen, H., Lahtinen, R. 2005. 8. Precambrian geodynamics and the ore formation: the Fennoscandian Shield. Ore Geology Reviews 27: 273-322. 96. Clifford, T., Barton, E., Stern, R.A., Duchesne, J.C., 2004. U-Pb zircon calendar for Namaquan (Grenville) crustal events in the granulite-facies terrane of the O'okiep copper district of South Africa. J. Petrol., 45: 669-691. 95. Duchesne, J.C., Liégeois, J.P., Deblond, A., Tack, L., 2004. Petrogenesis of the Kabanga- Musongati layered mafic-ultramafic intrusions in Burundi (Kibaran Belt): geochemical, Sr-Nd isotopic constraints and Cr-Ni behaviour. J. Afr. Earth Sci. 39: 133-145. 94. Gauthier, M., Gardoll, S., Duchesne, J.C., 2004. A quest for palladium: Application of the Groves hypothesis to Precambrian terranes of northeast North America. Geology 32: 593-596. 93. Bolle, O., Demaiffe, D., Duchesne, J.C., 2003. Petrogenesis of jotunitic and acidic members of an AMC suite (Rogaland anorthosite province, SW Norway): a Sr and Nd isotopic assessment. Precambrian Res., 124: 185-214. 92. Charlier, B., Duchesne, J.C., 2003. Whole-rock geochemistry of the Bjerkreim-Sokndal layered series: bearing on crystallization processes of cumulus rocks. NGU Special Publ., 9: 35-37. 91. Diot, H., Bolle, O., Lambert, J.M., Launeau, P., Duchesne, J.C., 2003. The Tellnes ilmenite deposit (Rogaland, South Norway): magnetic and petrofabric evidence for emplacement of a Ti-enriched noritic crystal mush in a fracture zone. Journal of Structural Geology, 25: 481-501. 90. Duchesne, J.C., Korneliussen, A. (Editors), 2003. Ilmenite deposits and their geological environment, with special reference to the Rogaland Anorthosite Province, including a geological map at scale 1:75,000 and a CD with (the text) of a guide to the province. NGU Special publication, 9. Geological Survey of Norway, 138 pp. 89. Duchesne, J.C., Vander Auwera, J., 2003. Fe-Ti-V-P deposits in anorthosite complexes; the bearing of the parental magma composition and crystallization conditions on the economic value. NGU Special Publ., 9: 62-63. 88. Skridlaite, G., Wiszniewska, J. and Duchesne, J.C., 2003. Ferro-potassic A-type granites and related rocks in NE Poland and S Lithuania: west of the East European Craton. Precambrian Res., 124: 305-326. 87. Vander Auwera, J., Longhi, J., Duchesne, J.C., 2003a. Some results on the role of P, T, and fO2 on ilmenite composition. NGU Special Publ., 9: 35-37. 86. Vander Auwera, J. et al., 2003b. Derivation of the 1.0-0.9 Ga ferro-potassic A-type granitoids of southern Norway by extreme differentiation from basic magmas. Precambrian Res., 124: 107-148. 85. Bolle, O., Trindade, R.I.F., Bouchez, J.L., Duchesne, J.C., 2002. Imaging downward granitic magma transport in the Rogaland Igneous Complex. Terra Nova, 14: 87-92. 84. Wiszniewska, J., Claesson, S., Stein, H.J., Vander Auwera, J., Duchesne, J.C., 2002. The north-eastern Polish anorthosite massifs: petrological, geochemical and isotopic evidence for a crustal derivation. Terra Nova, 14: 451-460. 83. Baginski, B., Duchesne, J.C., Vander Auwera, J., Martin, H., Wiszniewska, J., 2001a. Petrology and geochemistry of rapakivi-like granites from the crystalline basement of NE Poland. Geological Quarterly, 45(1): 33-52. 82. Duchesne, J.C., Demaiffe, D., Vander Auwera, J., Wilmart, E., Bolle, O., 2001a. The Rogaland intrusive massifs: eastern part.
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