Pretoria North Instituut vir Gehoor Gebou GEMEENSKAPsDAG In diens van die gemeenskap sedert 1993 Woensdag • Gehoorapparate nou selfs meer bekostigbaar • Beskikbaar op kontrakbasis – 30 Januarie geriefl ike maandelikse paaiemente Skakel vir meer inligting 2019 Sinoville Zambesiweg 256 | 012 567 0157 Pretoria-Noord Eeufeesstraat 261 | 012 565 4619 www.hearinginstitute.co.za | JANUARY 11, 2019 • www.rekordnorth.co.za • 012-842-0300 14052_11-01-19 Visit our website for breaking ’n Besige feesgety vir A record number of New year stork delivers local, national and international news. Wollies diereskuiling 2 speeding fines issued 3 lots of boys and girls 4 www.rekordnorth.co.za Sien nog foto’s van die geleentheid by rekordnorth. co.za Graad 1’s maak reg vir 2019 Opgewonde graad 1-leerders het hul jaar op ’n goeie noot afgeskop. Regard Janse van Rensburg van Laerskool Stephanus Roos is vol moed om sy skoolloopbaan te begin. Die Gautengse onderwys departement het 282 823 vroeë aansoeke ontvang vir die 2019 akademiese jaar, waarvan 266 613 kinders plasings gekry het. Foto: Monique Gouws van Monna’s Photography. A bigger and brighter year Liam Ngobeni “This DA-led administration’s main - The creation of over 6 000 EPWP work in Jean Avenue. motivation is always to give residents the opportunities to alleviate poverty. He further encouraged residents to go The year 2019 promises to be both exciting same opportunities as those available in - The metro launched A Place To Call out and vote in their numbers in the sixth and challenging. better parts of the capital. Home global campaign to empower its national democratic election this year. This was the view of Tshwane’s mayor, “We do not abandon homeless community “If you are not registered to vote, please Solly Msimanga, who said looking back people, we stand for and end street do so during our final voter registration from 2016 when his administration took them. We recognise We do not abandon homelessness by weekend on 26 and 27 January.” office, it had been challenging but they had when residents need people, we stand for 2030. He said voting was a fundamental a mandate to continue to protect the services our support and we - The unveiling of process that kept South Africa’s system of valued by Tshwane residents. make sure our work them. We recognise when 103 vehicles for the government working and an opportunity for He said over the past two and a half years, helps them to build residents need our support. Anti-Cable Theft residents to make their voices heard. the City had registered many success stories life-long skills. Unit to help fight “As we head into this year, let’s bear in and trailblazing milestones. “Having said the scourge that mind that unity and humanity should always “We have improved the lives of many by this, we cannot do is terrorising the remain our foundation. embracing our diversity and redefining the this alone. Therefore, we call on all our residents of Tshwane and subjecting them to “Be your brother’s keeper and embrace brand of South Africa’s capital city. residents, partners and stakeholders to be the rolling power outages. each other. I wish you a happy New Year “We have visited different communities change they want to see.” - The reopening of Church Square. and a fruitful, prosperous 2019,” said in Tshwane, which reminded me that there He implored residents to be active and - The repair of the longstanding sinkhole Msimanga. is still so much to do to uplift the standards participate in government programmes in of living of the majority of the people in our their respective communities “so that we city.” can achieve excellence as well as reverse the Msimanga said he had been deeply injustices of the past: inequality, poverty and touched by the way the communities were unemployment; and ultimately all live in a 'UXJDQG$OFRKRO5HKDELOLWDWLRQ&HQWUH coming together to help each other. free, democratic South Africa.” Msimanga said the highlights from the tumultuous past year included: “We got our lives - The finalisation of the appointment of the chief of police. back from addiction. - The metro received an unqualified audit. - A donation of R50 000 to the development of women’s cricket. Thanks to - Council approved the move to write off R754-million in debt incurred by the poor Clearview Clinic” residents of Tshwane. - The launch of the Inner-City Let us help you/loved ones Rejuvenation to improve, among other Deal with Nyaope, Dagga, Alcohol, things, the cleanliness and viability of the Heroin, Khat and any other addictions City. Adults above 18 yrs IS Y - The City of Tshwane partnered with Boys (12 -18 yrs) SAB and AB InBev to save Tshwane VER R33-million and increase the capacity to TEL: 012 819 1422 | 061 424 1939 CO provide water. www.clearviewclinicsa.co.za Plot 79, Bosuil Ave, Kameeldrift - The metro, in partnership with the East, Pretoria, 0035 RE POSSIBLE13713/11-1-19 University of Pretoria, implemented a new 072 399 9326 Clearview Clinic Solly Msimanga. Photo: Ron Sibiya. approach to address the harmful use of * Licensed with the Dept. of Health and Social substances and their impact in communities. ACCEPTS ALL MEDICAL AIDS Development. Practice no. 0470000427942 2 PRETORIA NORTH REKORD JANUARY 11, 2019 NEWS www.rekordnorth.co.za Besige feesgety vir Wollies ‘Alhoewel die inname van volwasse honde minder was as verlede jaar, was dit nog steeds bedrywig.’ Kayla van Petegem ’n Skuiling vir troeteldiere in die noorde van Pretoria het hul hande vol gehad hierdie afgelope feesgety. Alhoewel die inname van volwasse honde minder was as verlede jaar, was dit nog steeds bedrywig, vertel Cilla Trexler van Wollies Animal Project. “In 2017 het ons amper 200 diere vir die Alexis Weideman (4). feestydperk ingekry,” sê sy. Photos: Ron Sibiya. “In 2018 was die getal minder, alhoewel ons nog steeds diere inkry.” Trexler sê sommige inwoners het rondloperdiere wat hulle al in Desembermaand gevind het, nou eers na skuilings geneem. Lights festival is a Sy sê Wollies het ook ’n toename in babahondjies en -katjies gekry tydens Desember en Januarie. “Wat onverstaanbaar is, is dat indien mense ‘shining’ success se diere wegraak gedurende die tydperk, hoeveel mense geen poging aanwend om hul diere te soek nie,” sê sy. ‘The feedback we got was very positive.’ “Sou hulle na die DBV gaan, verwys die DBV hulle na al die verskeie skuilings in Pretoria.” Foto ter illustrasie. Kayla van Petegem Wasserfall, EON, Saarkie, Joshua na die Sy sê hulle plaas Reën, Tussen Sterre, Heuning, 2nd Life, The Jakaranda children’s home has once Ampie, Martin Bester and many others. bewusmakingsplakkate op die As jou troeteldiere dalk vermis is straatpale om mense bewus te Lees jy lekker? again not disappointed locals with its “It is so important to give back if you Besoek rekord weens vuurwerke, kan jy hulle by annual Christmas lights festival. are in a privileged position. If one is maak van Wollies. north.co.za vir die volgende skuilings in Pretoria “Nog steeds word die nog plaaslike Every year from 1-31 December, blessed in life, it is your responsibility to nuus. soek: the home provides the opportunity to help other people,” said Wasserfall. meeste diere wat gevind Wetnose Animal Centre word, nie teruggeëis deur hulle Pretoria families to experience a magical “The Jakaranda Children’s Christmas Adres: Plot 75, Vaalbank, spectacle of a wide variety of Christmas festival is close to our hearts, which is eienaars nie,” sê sy. Kungwini, 1020, Pretoria “Ons vra ook die publiek dat indien lights and South African music. why we support the home,” said girl E-pos: [email protected] Last year’s festival was the ninth time rock group Saarkie. hul diere wegraak, om vir ons ’n WhatsApp Kontaknommers: 0861 WET NOSE, 013- te stuur met inligting en ’n foto – ons het it was held. “It puts smiles on children’s faces,” 932-3941/2 of 013-935-3368 According to the home’s chief they said. geweldig baie groepe waarheen die inligting Wollies Animal Project gestuur word. executive officer, Tinus Erwee, the “Children are the country’s future and Adres: Rooikatstraat 101, Pretoria-Noord festival was a success. we need to look after them.” “Sodoende probeer ons in alle gebiede die E-pos: [email protected] inligting van die diere wat verlore en gevind “It is always a pleasure to be able Kontaknommers: 083-339-1692, 079-916- to do this for the community,” he told is, uit te kry. 4602 of 061-605-0002 “Ons was al baie suksesvol deur die groepe Rekord this week. Woodrock Animal Rescue “The feedback we received about last en hoop dat ons die jaar dit meer doeltreffend Adres: Plot R51, R511, Pretoria Rural, kan gebruik en meer mense betrokke kan year’s festival was only positive and all Hennopsrivier the proceedings went down smoothly.” kry.” E-pos: hello@woodrockanimalrescue. Troeteldiere en ander diere is uiters Erwee said about 58 000 people co.za attended the lights festival last year sensitief vir harde geluide soos vuurwerke en Kontaknommers: 076-155-4439 of 084- hulle kan weg hardloop om daarvan te vlug. compared to the 75 000 festivalgoers 585-2418 in 2017 when R2.6-million was raised, In Pretoria is dit onwettig om vuurwerke SPCA Tshwane in ’n woongebied of enige ander omgewing leaving the organisation with R500 000 Adres: Petroleumstraat 316, Waltloo, after all expenses were paid. waar diere teenwoordig is, af te vuur. Pretoria ’n Boete van R1 000 kan uitgereik word At the time of going to print, Erwee E-pos: [email protected] could not yet how much was raised as indien ’n inwoner by die huis met vuurwerke Kontaknommers: 012-803-5219, 083-268- gevang word.
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