Humanheight - Wikipedia.the freeencyclopedia PageI of 17 Human height FromWikipedi4 the free encyclopedia Human height, or how tall peoplebecome, generally varies little betweenpeople compared to other anthropometricmeasures. Exceptional height variation (around20o% deviation from average)is usually due to gigantismor dwarfism. Adult height for one sex in a particular ethnic group follows more or lessa normal distribution. Contents 1 Averageadult heighl aroundthe world ' r 2 HumanHeight Distribution (USA) r 3 Determinantsofgrc*th and height r 3.1Race and height r 4 Processof gro\r'th . 5 Height abnomalities r 6 Role of an individual'sheight r 7 Therole ofheight in spolts r 7.1Soccer . 7.2Cricket r 7.3Rugby r 7.4Football . 7.5Basketball r 7.6 Baseball r 8 Hisroryofhurnan height r 9 Bibliography . 9.1References r l0 Seealso . ll Extemallinl.s Averageadult height around the world Below are averageadult heightsby counfy. (The original studiesand sourcesshould be consultedfor detailson methodologyand the exact populationsmeasured, surveyed, or considered.) Imperial http://en.wikipedia.org/wiwHumanheight 11112008 Humanbeight - Wikipedia-tbe free encyclopedia Page2 of 17 Metric system Eyrtem ::: Coutrtry/RegiotrMales FemalesMales Fcmrles Source 1i::119"sartrpleo t1)n tff .5a14j"'-.l' ra Argenrina :-'" 16lcm;1. (me,lstrleo),. SciETo Argenrina12005y'11 - cm ,.-.'':.-- 6./ m rn . si 174.8 163.9 ::'^ s fr4.2 18-24 Augtauta Lv,z ,. s cm cm .. m (me€sureo) In 178.0 166.0 5ft10 5ff5.5 18-24 t'elqruln P, cm cm m In {mea$req) lBUt(2u05) I ddr. (hnp://wvr'w.anp€c.org.b/enconho2005/anigos/A05AI 59.pdl 168.99 158.0 5n 5ft2.2 ErM. DOOtllaUOn rn In cm cm b-:r (measwed) Folhade SP adult 174.0 161.0 5 tr s-^^, h 3.4 ---". .- lanaoa DooutauoD t' cm cm 6.)tn ln I' ( measrreq, :5 t l8o :^tr^ 5 fl 5.0 18-24(self L anaca ro) cm ru.y I cm repo[eo] in .u1 .Li^.rDa.\ 164.8 154.5 5ft i5ft0.8 i30-65 ;CHNS(1997) cm cm 4.8in ,in i(measured) i(http://aj€.oxfordjoumals.org/cgi/reprint/155/4/346.pdf) 1803 1673 5ft ll 5ff60 czechReoublic J8 .. Btabaera/.2005 ' cm cm m m (measweoJ(measweoi <ff 180.9 169.1 :."^ 5 ff 6.6 19 ueruralK I t.2 u cm cm m (conscnprsJ riln 1856 6fil 5fi73 DinaricAlDs l7l cm n o 'cmtnln , r5ft : .-^.r?a ! J Ir i E$onia 10.5 17 ff cm :- - :lrnl http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human height 1/1/2008 176.7 163.5 5ff 5ft4.J tmlano . a cm cm v.J m m 178.2 164.'1 5 n l0 5 ft 4.7 15-64ts€lf flnlanor tnlano p cmcmmm ;;;6"-^-^-^r, _ r'13.2rtlt i161.8:t<t a 5ft<* 5ft3.7 fmnce . a cmCm :Cmcm la.ld.lm-. m m 175.7 t62.5 i<5ft a 5ft4.0 trance^ n cm cm e,zIn ut ^ 178.1 ..- 5fl10 5ft4.9 entire uenna[v'.cmln1npopurauon lo) cm . s l8l 5fflt cemarv^ 167cm : -' ' 5 n 6 in 18-19(2005) s -cmuI sg5ff l8l 7 1676 iis 5ff6in 20 cc lceland cm cm ln 2:-22 175.6 162.8 5ft 5ff4) tsraer toeTween y cm cm v.r m In iqlo_lnoo, - ltaly-Middle& l'16.9 163.2 5ft 5R4.2 2O(between ^......\accBn erar' zuul North cm cm 9.5in in 1994-2000) 174.2 160.8 5 n 5n 3.3 20(between luuv - 50u1n cm cm E.0in in lq94-2000) t58.925 ff 7.8 5 ft. 20-24 m2 cm In z.oIn : 173.6 16l.1 5ff 5n3.4 .- ltorea- )ouul Lt aa cm cm 6.J n $ r73.e t6l.l 5ff 5R3.4 .- Kofea sourn : . lt 2uunaa cm cm x4rn-,. ln i tl9'; I ll5,o )II examlnalton Korea.)ouin t' cm d.J ul ror- conscnpuon | /o.J ) n http://en.wikipedia.orglwilVHumanheight t/r/2008 Lithuania ', g.4in : l2o r "- . 16S 5ft 5ft2.6 all adult Maha 159- cm : l. : ' - - -' -:-:: z cm o.J m In popuarron r?ar 161! tfio 5ff4{ Malta :"' :"' 25-34 z cmcmmt'l 1788 167l sRs7 Nethertands ?f, a cmcmln m ,oweo zoooru o"lfr(http://dined.io.tudelftr /rldined2oo4h) Netherlands cmllot cml9t u.u13,-m il-ou'In :to-ro l NewZealand l'77'o'1650 ll. ,rott,tn-ot k r .cm ,cm 9.t tn I , <ff Norwav l'?e9 1672 idi Ift5q ;i*u."aut sse ' cm cm m 'ul 18-19 Philippines 161.3 r5r.4- 5R 4R11.6'^ ' 20-3q 5ThNational Nutrition Survey #'cm ifrcm +.14,J i'rn 1nir," tr"*r*"a,(measured) phirippines t 102 60and ovtr 5ThNarional Nutririon suwey '' cmlT' cml! z.o: !,- Intn 1-oLnln (measueo,I measureo, 2.1 PorrusarPortusal '" '"8 aadd ;cm,",nry'8 : rinlft; ,;fr-.iiffi_exam.llTi*,ill (1998-;'- 99) '- '1'16.9 19 ft- Poland :5:':. conscription ee cm Yom examtigqst 172.0 . .^ 5 fl SirgaporeSirp,apore^. l60cn160cn 5ftlin 17-25 Deurenbergeretal 2003 cml-'ll.-" ;"'r^;"i,-/.d In ---- - - ; , . ', : lenUreientire i-, ,: llJ.lllj.l ,..... )n )nJ.J DoDulalronooDulalron )oarn tot cm : ,- o cm 6,2^ ^. fi tn (selr reff)rted) (^^:- o spaln fii.l 164.3 5 ft 5 ft 4.6 18-29(self httD://en,rl iki Dedia.ore,/wik i/Human heisht t/1/2008 cm cm 9.7in in reponed) . 173.0 .-. 5ft8 5n4.6 18 f ataloma- sDaln lb4 cm x ' cm ln m (measweo) t11o sft 5ft4.6 l8 Madrid-Soain ' ' ' '" 164cm -^', cm ' -- 9.7 in in (measured) t'17.0 ... 5ft 5ft4.6 18 uallcla.JDaln lo.t cm .. x ' cm 9./^ -. In m I measrueoj . t77.0 .,^ 5n 5R4.6 18 zaragoza.sparn loz cm .. x ^- o, -, / In 1n I me:Nuleo, tRn? sff57.5ft5.7 Sweden -180.2 - "- rez".".- t67 cm ios:^..^10.9 ; - ,ro-z+,-,16-24 statistiskacentralbyren 1ff2cm l, lnft5jlnl 'iimi 175.5 164.0 5ft9 5ft3.8 SwitzerlandSFrUernno a , :Cm Cm rln lln <A t72.04159.68 ::^ 5 ft2.8 .^ I arwan t.lJ 16.) DD cmcmm m l'15.1 161.4 5ff 5ft3.5 enrire unrtedKrngoom t .. v _ cm cm d.vur populatlon ,rn t77.3 163.0 sft 5ft4.1 UnftedKrnsoom . lo-2.+ v - cm cm v,6m ul ff.3.77 usA t75.8 162.s : I s 2Ot i cm cm v.zm m IF t782 164't ff 4 6 usA id.l | zo-:sMi,"" i , :"-;"* io lto i . l : cm cm In r iln Atnencan 16s.7158.i 5ff sn2.2 ?9-3? .:. :"-- Mexica!- i cm cm o.6m ln Atnencans 5 E 'Rn -'11 h^6 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki,4luman_h€ight | /tD008 Humanheight - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Pageo of 17 17e.2516s 0s 10.6 sr si. usA &'jiir"ol sc .-.-- sR '80- 83bom I78.22t6J.65 - - ;^" .*,, tv.2 i " -' ntiican- e!. cm cm ln in "' Americans a= Cavelaarset al 2000* b = kumbe.net** c = 'Fittingthe Task to theMan' ger= Officialsratistics ot theFedeml Statistical O{fice ofCennany (http://www.destatis.de,/basis/d/gesdgesutab8.php) d = NetherlandsCentral Bureau lor Statistics,2000(http://siatline.cbs.nl/Statweb/table.asp?PA=7068eng&Dl =69-134&D2=(1-1 1)- l&DM=SLEN&LA=en&TT=2) e = EurostatsStatistical Yearbook 2004 f= StatisticsNorway 2006 [2] (http://www.ssb.no/aarbol/tab/tab-104.htm1) g = ABS How AustraliansMeasue Up 1995data (hfip://www.ausstats.abs.gov.aulAusstats/subscriber.ns?Lookup/CA2568?1 00069892CA25688900I F4A36/$File/43 590_1 995.pdf) h - LeidenUnivenity MedicalCentre 1997 i = MeanBody weight, Height, and Body Mass Index 1960-2002 (http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data./ad/ad347.pdf) j, = 2005canadian community Health Survey 3.1 (http://www.usatoday.com/tech/columnist/aprilholladay/2006-I 2-04-size-age-x.htm) j = CanadianFihess and Lilestyle Research Institule (httpr//www.cflri.ca./pdfle/pipl5.pdt) k - (page60) Size and Shape ofNew Zealanders:NZ Normsfor AnthropometricData 1993**** (http://www.osh.govt.nz]order/catalogue/pd7muscl- kr.pdt) I = StatisticsSweden (hfip://www.scb.se/templates/tableorchart_47966.asp) m':=Ofncial Statistics by Ministryof Education,Cultue, Sports, Science and Technology[3] (http://www.mext.gojpA menu,41otdou,/18/10/06100304/003/002.pdt) n = UFIH(Frcnch Union ofclothing lndustries) 2006 o = SigmaDos Statistics 2003 p = NarionalPublic Health lnstitute (Finland) (h1tp://www.ktl.fi/attachments/suomi4 ulkaisut/julkaisusarja_b/2004b I3.pdfJ q = (Fulltext source is pay,lists the statjstics as based on these rcgions: Dalmatia (Split, Sibenik, Dmis, Sinj, Imotski, Vrgorac) and Hercegovina (Mostar,Trebinje, Konjic) Dynamique de I'evolution humaine 2005 (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entre/query.fcgi? cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&listuids=l6l 68365&doDt=Abstract) r = VISUOMENESSVEIKATA Anthropomerrical dara and ph) sical fitness ofLithuanian soldiers (hfip://medicina.kmu.ltl0601/0601-ose.pdf) s = [4] (http://www.destatis.de4etspeed/portal/cms/Sites/destatis/lntemerDEDresse/pv2006,Mikrozensus/Pressebroschuere,property=file.pdO accordingto the sociodemographiccharacteristics s = Committeefor determiningthe eligibility ofyoung men for mililaryservice. u = [5] (http://www.dst.dk/asp2xml/puk/udgivelser/get_file.asp?id=9335&sid-Pop) v - HealthSurvey for England2004 (http://www.ic.nhs.uk/pubs,4 thsryeng2004upd/04TrendTabs.xls/file) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humanheight l/1/2008 Human height - Wikipedi4 the free encyclopedia Page7 of 17 x = Vall d'HebronHospital pediatric study about l8-year-old Spaniads, dated in 2004,and other values mentioned in thearticle below. y = (a studymade benveen the years 1980-2000) (h$p://u wwjacn.org/cg\lrcpintl23 / US l'! ma{toshow=&HITS=10&hits=1o&RESulTFoRMAT=&andorexacttitle=and&andorexacttitleabs=and&fulltext=Height- Related+Changes+in+Body+Mass+Index% 3A+A+Reappmisal+&andorexactfulltext=and&searchid=1&FIRSTINDEX=o&sortspec=relevance&resourcetype=HWCIT) z = 2003study (https://secure.gov.mvnso/statdoc/document_file.aspx?id=573).
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