PROCEEDIN GS OF THE DISTRICT PROGRAME MANAGER NHM ER NAKULAM Present: Dr. Mathews Numpeli Sub: Covid 19 -Appointn.Ieiri ot. S{.-fff Nurse on claily wages~ CFLTC ~ iirders issued Read: Order No. NHM/443/CON (ADMIN)/`2020/SPMSu, Dated,19/05/2020 ORDER NO: Vide reference read above sanction was act-orded by the State Mission Director, National Health Mission for appointing staff on ten,porary basis as per the proposal submitted. As per read above the State Mission Director, Nat!clnal Health Mission has gi\'en permission for appointing additional Human Resource under the circumstances of Global scenario of COVID-19 pandemic. Hence the following jncumbents whose details are noted below are appointed as Staff Nurse on daily wages and posted under District Health & family Welfare Society, National Health Mission Ernakulam with effect froni the date of jr`i,ling lj.1TH further orders. The Staff Nurses are duty posted to Covid-19 First level Treatrr}eltt Centre They are eligible for daily wage`c @ Rs.17000/. per month /.par d.`v amfvint=17000/30). I he'y. `~iil [e I..r±=.` i'--I .i:-:---:::-`!r.€i.3t;.`o=-:ontrol of the Distr:Ll ; r=gr=r:`.,T,€ P;1anase.r N.itional Health M;s5iclii, Emakiliam,They are directed to report before superintenderit /n`ied,t,iti I;fficer in charge of conl=eriied a,Tea of CFLTC with Immediate effect. Their tJuty timing wHl he as Eel the- !3€ed. They wil! ai.ier`cj duty as per the instructions from the Charge mitd;Gel Officer of cor}cLirr`edc,=LTC. _ __ ._ -____ -. I.I_-rr ..,.-----.-.--. 1 Si. Flo. ; ftlame & Adcires5 Date Of girth ^`NIThAJC'SE,KofJR+`!Lu.:+(;; I,??i.,'^L_-i,,'l`=j`{_i.`: 1 ) FAILARIMANGALAn,1`'Pi))..),|`„zi.r\'~`Ljg L``. _ ._. .LID_:iaLpe|galtim L`Ji5,^`fuiARTir`j, ` .`. ` riiANNiKODLI(r!}` M|LD.PATHAL10f`.1 :POL`^,, '`/'£GHAJERiL` 3.,I;2,- ; 9:-'" lyl!`.`3AVAMKUtJtuf1.i..:i. \,'`AfiASSERY,KC-TIJ±`F';'`{'-`;3^?:r`i,}ik..';1-[i+`ftJ}1r`'`=.iLAj\,,I =____-_-_--_ ---------------,----. _-__-_-- _ AMALu JOSE 2 i ,.I i. `? ,' 1 :,'9J.: `±tELi,ARAMKALAY!L(lil ____`..`.T`ir`.`DiYAMPACIU(rc';'`y'HJ*./\T[I\?`)t:,)i,|~ii(.K|,_. ; ArjsEEf`lrA\ i`viEi:RAN\ 01/06,,`3?3:?1 `5 I ALKKARAKUN:``lEL:'`+i;, •---. :_ fr`AL|ARiMArJGAIAi\`t; -----,---------------.---,---- PCI. I.'C:/``.'C`'~lp _-_I-_I. { rf S APARNA i5/'03,'-13:,,,',i 6 L:i.JR\`AMANGj=L+```f`:I;'i t\,r,.E`= I,;`\,'!LA jijr\j[.Tic:,hj i K¢`r;,iKODu(J3o)..KCLL, •.SO- D;stri`~t['rc,a,'ciriime{`,.`!anager To NatlcIlla! [1ea!th ,r.#tss;o!i, Erriaxi|am The coricemed '' C.Opt, tc 3. In€ Distr!ct Medftai QfT-icer (,Health)a CE-0 r\`Hivl, Errt.3kulam 2 The District Accounts officer,/ SH\cco!JHtant NHMI Emakui8rr. 3. The surjerintetident,THQH ,`othamangalam •f.. The File/SF =EELEEi=E -i-;:-;.;jtrL-ti=€ Foi-`th'arCieii /' By 0 lMG-20210210-WA0009.jpg January 03, 202® ioLicNf NO itv€e ms. Punny® S Murall Muiall Sedsorm (11) Palhanamthitta, Kerala, Deaf' Punnrp, "Weleonrie to the Apollo Famur i" our Journey towards touchJng a t!mie}n lrve5, we are e*reiTiely gled tQ invite you to be part of our "Apollo i amly.. to tEnaii{r `J , tt, uil`i)i.I ,|u.. biiv¥ces t!5 'Ifu.-se Associate"oi. !ne following t€rr=.5,` 1 Ptecemen`; You will be placed at Aputfo Hospit8ts Eriteipri5e limited, your work location at Ape{Io Flospltals uriit5 will be atlocated on your date o{ ioit`in8 ZL kemgneration: f ou will be pa)d a rgmuneration Of Rs.1,soies8/. |Rupees One ljBth fry Thousand Equ Huwhed nd Sirty Elghl chty| per annLm, On the complct.cL/t Of xpur reB!5tratton wTtri the Tom)) Nedu Nursing C#uritil & by preduc{ng the L-opy of the Same to tlre Hurr`an He5ciurce C`eparlm¢nl, you will be rerdesi.8flated as "ReBj-stered Nur3@u and your remunQration w{ll be fevised to fls`e,70.OcO/-(Ji8pee§ Tro L®khs Sermty Thoied Chly) p¢7 annum^ These char,ges will be effective from the ltd Of thg sutrseq uimt month post t tte sobmisslc}n a( your R€SistraL!or) ctm]'flcate copy. 3, Your a.]t? of iD;ftii`.F, Sr)al! te ;t`fofrned pest cor`ipje[ton of your Nurstn8 Coutse. a On sth-^i,'p&}.ful 1.}T.¢lei~),L` (if I)tit. `,j€ar \rour €i}r?}pert+atk}n rr:visk}h wil} be based ari Ar,r>,{jitl R'''vi€w ¢; your pch-ormBnee. Ktridly ackrt3rty{Bdse {lii` lJ:lle/ at a tok€~ .:1 arf``-t=rptaJice of .his offer and conTimi you9 i:.ii¥ lil >t, iti('s within seven d3ti,, YcttLi +Jft` r\`:iuested to 4ijttr.iii `t:a ir.t!:i]wlr.g cgr..t:ca!es |Oris(no/ cs p,-`gt'i . 5 ,."'!`.ifaiif c;i ,.,. i ¢r) accept8fvae ot the 3!tri (3:`!gir+ils givi`l be ^rei,I,lied sftt;r ueii`.ia{!or`. • Cer{ificatcs of fduc.£iion;,.I ili{ali+icat*),~, /Ljl>.''!s i:/g/tt`5C.r}egf`.€ oJ`gunlificarien} • Service certificat€` aj pJt»'{+'!ils a Cur)itnt fmi)(i2yr\iem • PAN card &Aadri*rjr carLi {Da3>hcu!c! b`: itt Di},JMM,m| format • 2 Reference lettpfs • 8 Pa5sDor{ Size pt`€tI`igraph'*Wj't# stJn.(.{p bac*groiifld) • On completion f}i the prp `-emD!t#!r/.±rii, medieal ecaminatiofl, if `rou fail {oreport to duty ori *te Date of Jomin& ,'!aav€ i)`e orgiinii?iii)n wiThi-a 3 nroftths from the Date of JQinif`g, voti art: required to rofunci tile diiuai cost 1`! the Pro fu itniploy5yient medical examinatier, I take tlib opportumty te ¢x{ertd t¢ you a t`ari2i '4Je!£ofue and !onk foruerd to a long, hapov ,ind {rurtful associatlori with the Apoi.I,j r}ofpit6ii5. For Apello I+ospitab Erlterpris€ I,m'rted, `£±-. Salhat sea Sf. Manager -Talent Acquisi tion / Apollo Hospifal€. 21. Greams Ler@. Or GreamB Road, Chennal -600 coo. Indra T : 2829 3333, 2829 0200, Emergeney|tl : 28294343 F : +8144 28ae 4429 E : engutryapoto§plta{s.Corn neb6Tta : wow.apothospi{ais.com https:,'/mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?pli=1#inbox/QgrcJHsbkfBkzMJMTCMsrkLtkFNMkntDhFq?projector=1&messagepartld=0.1 mi 1 0/02/202 1 lMG-20210210-WA0010.|pg a-HI Grant P`\<'1ecj!c,al Fell;rdatiori ryHRuby Hall a/inic RIIcffER/APPT/02/2020 Da te: 06/{12fl020 To` Ms. Vin¢c!ha C R C})anvL}pura} idalh". -. hal in"mthodu``l lti`LLLlhiiJLi P a Piithfnam{hitla. Ki.ri!# S{!bitii`l: Ai]ri{Iinlmi`i)I r}etlr Ms. Vin€LIlhii {- R. With ri`reriinci+ Iu .\!iiir .{")lii{iHo!` Jtiii".i Ui 0= ,`Zt!:ti 'H!d (hc. "l.`{it!ul.HI o"I.n i.`u }'o`! lit!tl \\`ill! us. \\L` dr€. pltiul`L`d to drittti{gl ,i ttii +ih "`l;iff `iii``..` „ t;railt` 81 of I.I.`'#l -V in it\ir tirgani/t`lio)I t`.L.J` i)7`'. F¢bnliir` 3l}!il on riio,i``"I+ I.i iri:; i"ttl ittfidili&iii`: a Plagt.(,I I,u.tling : Ittili`` llJdll {llnii.. wiimi`t!@ri.., l'u«i. • I)epttrmL,"I : \ u r`i,'`* *l.r` il.i,` • I);lfL.|,rJ`,i"11,* ni! iH. h..rt.I.t L ritlii` a ll?[h l``i.!irtiur+ !(_120. Pr(,hilti(,'l:Ill r\.ri(lII i i; \.i,"Flit -,,,, i,jl |,t!L€|,I ll,i,in tt,l, ..1`,1`, `,t`il,i,,i"a. ++`ii'"L1`ii`lL. =i{ !l\it;D `{!Ii. Ji`crL-tiim I-il-ilil. md!i;iLit;ttit'iw • cTLmrirmatiim : ( Jri `ij` ``.t,I,?u; L<ioLij`lL.IHi}l itl lil i}}?iiliilli I.ii.I;I: I,i"al rH:ii i`i i{It:'`i`lL+rL.¢l l\Or .';tlir}rJit;iu(j!L •:. ('om €nfalion & Bi.nt*ni -It` 5r$85 -(kupl.i.. I itil. I hou*md I i`,`. [',`i,,I ,,,, `j ail,I i. Bi,Sic si,l`*r}' I ^t ii:l}t`' }``j\ i. ( j;1 1} I per lttr?ft!h, :. Dourmi`s eAII®``ancL` : R>.::3(.3`i -pi-I munthc { i).4 `!s Ewj` c'rnL.cl il` pl'r {hi. prcfy`ai! if`g {ulL-9 i`}! ( ;i}` |'mmL.n` ui \.tahurtribhlruv! 5. Filed AllLiu.ani`LL : R`., I 5lttJi+ prtr mi)r}{l! {Rupi.€i {JriL. I liijtl`dnJ I j`¢ ljundred{yjni¥,7 i Oth.r All{}»nnct. : R`, H!tit! I I l{L,rL.i.i {)tic. 11i{`yu`tjt!L! rjtt!!,`i +5. Facilifies : {t``:i(I(I ~ ikupr'i'` r\``j I ht)uS`arid T`c^jiir (ltrriilri.IJ Orilyj 6L Mon[bly EI Gratis : Its,3 i ?tt+- (v RupL`i.a r \` u Till !usand One i luei`drcd and ffi lieq of Anim&l Ei Gr&tia S€\tt}ril.` {}nl.\ i p, in. uill.` in !i¥It ol.i3n#ual' F,1-{'irijli3 7. Pro`'ifept pond : ,As pt:I tine pro`'ision cif £Pf` At;I i 952. 8. Grattltry : A§ peLr iba pro\ i§ione o!`(3raiuit} Act [972. 9. „Medical Elen€fi( : i\S Per the rules and ri.gt!ia{ion to!TR.HcC4` 10. ha,.® : ^*s per rules or R,H.1'. I I . Rdirep€Bt Age : 58 Y€ars` EFEE= 'Z&: coasrscoefiRaa& rgiv ill ff i+_tiiRA` Tt\ JJL.¥ ed€ {RI-ffl h tnglsesa9 .
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