Date: 10/04/2011 2011 Valid List by Design, Adjustments Page 1 of 34 This Valid List is to be used to verify an individual boat's handicap, and valid date, and should not be used to establish handicaps for any other boats not listed. Please review the appilication form, handicap adjustments, boat variants and modified boat list reports to understand the many factors including the fleet handicapper observations that are considered by the handicap committee in establishing a boat's handicap. Design Last Name Yacht Name Record Date Base LP Adj Spin Rig Prop Rec Misc Race Cruise Pomfret Anne R033111 99 +9 108 108 Schoeder Dakota R041211 144 +6 U150 U159 1 D35 Schimenti Zefiro Toma N072611 36 -9 -3 24 42 12 Metre Gregory Valiant R062411 3 3 9 12 Metre Marshall American Eagle N061711 24 24 36 12 Metre Mc Millen 111 Onawa R012811 33 -6 27 33 30 Sq Metre Kilvert Cythera R040111 138 U138 U147 Advance 33 Delaney Ardent N071811 150 150 159 Aerodyne 38 D' Alessandro Alexis R041011 39 39 48 Akilaria Class 40 Davis Amhas R061511 -9 -9 -3 Akilaria Class 40 Dreese Toothface R040511 -9 -9 0 Alberg 35 Krakoff Caper N081511 201 +3 +6 210 225 Alberg 35 Prefontaine Helios R041211 201 -3 198 210 Alberg 37 Case Thisbe N052211 162 +3 165 177 Alberg 37 Kuhl Kemo Sabe R051011 162 +3 165 177 Albin Cumulus Droste Cumulus 3 R030411 189 189 204 Albin Nimbus 42 Nelson Slora Bjomen C091211 99 +9 +6 114 120 Alden 40 Burt, Jr. Gitana R041311 171 171 177 Alden 42 S D S M Vieira Cadence R042011 120 +6 +6 132 144 Alden 44 Flores Checkmate N062811 111 111 123 Alden 45 Davin Querence N071911 87 +9 +6 102 108 Alerion 26 Lurie Mischief N062311 225 U225 U231 Alerion 38-11 Stafford Alerion 38 R031011 111 111 120 Alerion 38-2 Primont Fancy Boy N071811 111 111 120 Alerion Express 28 Brown Lumen Solare R032311 177 177 186 Alerion Express 28 Mac Kenzie Genevieve R041511 177 177 186 Alerion Express 28 Royale Gambit R041511 180 180 U192 Alerion Express 28 White Mearner R061711 174 174 186 Alerion Express 28 White Meander N061311 174 174 186 Alerion Express 28-2 Aspinall Turra Mia R061411 165 165 171 Alerion Express 28-2 Flam Penelope C061611 174 174 186 Alerion Express 28-2 Schaefer Puck R043011 174 174 186 Alerion Express 28-2 Spiecker Airtha R021611 165 165 171 Date: 10/04/2011 2011 Valid List by Design, Adjustments Page 2 of 34 This Valid List is to be used to verify an individual boat's handicap, and valid date, and should not be used to establish handicaps for any other boats not listed. Please review the appilication form, handicap adjustments, boat variants and modified boat list reports to understand the many factors including the fleet handicapper observations that are considered by the handicap committee in establishing a boat's handicap. Design Last Name Yacht Name Record Date Base LP Adj Spin Rig Prop Rec Misc Race Cruise Alerion Express 38 Bell Maia N031711 129 129 138 Alerion Express 38 Lengel Top Cat N061311 129 129 141 Alerion Express 38-2 Giordano Big Bird R041111 111 111 120 Alerion Express 38-2 Merrill Zealot C051411 111 -3 -6 102 114 Alerion Express 38-2 Speck Vigor R030411 111 -3 -3 105 120 Alerion Express 38-2 Stauffer Amazing Grace C051411 111 -9 -3 99 120 Alerion Express 38-2 SSwent D Osprey N012611 117 117 126 Allmand 31 Duffy Three Sheets R061711 189 +9 +6 204 219 Amel Super Maramu 2 Venegas Ipanema C071811 90 + +6 96 108 Andercraft 36 Dunfey Phoenix R072111 87 +1 88 94 Andrews 68 Burke Shindig R071611 -75 -75 -66 Aphrodite 101 Lamb Averisera R030411 135 135 144 Aphroditei 101 Binch Killua R022211 135 -3 132 144 Avance 245 Meincke Kestrel R061711 201 -3 198 204 Avance 36 Schmid Whistler R021611 126 126 132 B 25 ODR Bradley Frolic R060511 138 -1 137 146 B P 24 Foukal Mischief R032811 243 243 252 Baltic 35 Fitzgerald Tonga R030411 117 +6 123 129 Baltic 37 Rosenberg Ultra Violet R042811 114 114 126 Baltic 42 D P Barbera Sea Paws R071811 69 -3 66 78 Baltic 47 Feldman Yara R051611 12 +6 18 33 Baltic 48 D P Johns Margalo R042611 48 48 60 Baltic 52 Selldorff Kinship R022811 27 27 39 Baltick 55 W K Laus First Light N042011 33 -6 -3 24 42 Baltisa 26 Farland Rica Tiff N081011 225 +6 231 243 Bavaria 38 Cruiser S Evans Sea Smoke R062911 120 -6 +3 117 132 Bavaria 41 Cruiser S DPalmer Evening Star N042711 177 +6 183 195 Bavaria 960 Lawrenson Footloose N072011 165 +6 171 177 Beneteau 235 Devine Rascal R042611 195 -3 192 201 Beneteau 235 Mc Coole Mad Max R060611 195 -3 192 204 Beneteau 310 Taylor Exocet R042811 132 132 138 Beneteau 311 Soule Saylavee R061711 177 +6 183 192 Beneteau 35 S 5 Hnat Iemanja R043011 132 +9 +6 147 144 Date: 10/04/2011 2011 Valid List by Design, Adjustments Page 3 of 34 This Valid List is to be used to verify an individual boat's handicap, and valid date, and should not be used to establish handicaps for any other boats not listed. Please review the appilication form, handicap adjustments, boat variants and modified boat list reports to understand the many factors including the fleet handicapper observations that are considered by the handicap committee in establishing a boat's handicap. Design Last Name Yacht Name Record Date Base LP Adj Spin Rig Prop Rec Misc Race Cruise Beneteau 36.7 Fallon Sojourn R042811 78 -6 72 87 Beneteau 36.7 Peelen Quokka R042611 78 78 90 Beneteau 36.7 Vita Bella Vita R081911 78 78 87 Beneteau 36.7 Zimmermann Dei Gratia C031211 78 +6 +6 90 93 Beneteau 361 Brown Jem-N-Us R041611 144 144 156 Beneteau 361 Burkin Second Wind R080911 144 +9 +6 159 174 Beneteau 361 Demerest Meledy R041611 144 +6 150 162 Beneteau 361 Scaramuzzo Made It So R061711 144 +6 150 162 Beneteau 38 T M Meserve High Tension R041611 102 +6 108 120 Beneteau 393 Kelley Mairead R080711 120 +9 +6 135 138 Beneteau 40.7 Johnston San-Culottes R062711 54 -3 51 66 Beneteau 40.7 Roshak Reconciled R042111 54 +6 60 72 Beneteau 42 First Forbes Haraka R012511 75 75 87 Beneteau 423 Blank Summer Magic 3 R061711 102 +6 +9 +6 123 135 Beneteau 423 Blank Endless Summer R061711 102 +6 +9 +6 123 135 Beneteau 423 Blank Summer Dreams R061711 102 +6 +9 +6 123 135 Beneteau 423 Blank Summer Breeze 5 R061711 102 +6 +9 +6 123 135 Beneteau 423 T M Dahlen Atttitude R052211 93 +9 +6 108 111 Beneteau 43 Greven Reflections R062711 87 +9 +6 102 111 Beneteau 44.7 Linkas Indra R061011 33 -3 30 39 Beneteau 44.7 S D Bearse Slide Rule R061711 39 +6 45 54 Beneteau 44cc W K Dragat Vado Pazzo R042811 126 +6 +9 +6 147 162 Beneteau 456 Parent Beausoleil R041311 75 75 87 Beneteau 46 Abbott Encore R061711 78 +9 +6 93 96 Beneteau 473 Mc Craken Grand Cru R042111 72 +6 +9 +6 93 105 Beneteau 473 Wright Sensation R040111 72 +9 +6 87 90 Beneteau 473 S D Lynn Restless N040311 72 +9 +6 87 90 Beneteau F-235 W K Laband Our Fiend N071911 201 +6 207 219 Beneteau First 36.7 Hewitt Panacea N061511 78 -9 69 87 Beneteau First 36.7 Powers Agora R040511 78 -6 72 87 Beneteau First 36.7 Ruff Go Dog Go R050911 78 78 87 Beneteau First 36.7' Newberry County Girl R060211 78 78 87 Beneteau First 38 Lucas Slick R042711 108 +9 +6 123 126 Date: 10/04/2011 2011 Valid List by Design, Adjustments Page 4 of 34 This Valid List is to be used to verify an individual boat's handicap, and valid date, and should not be used to establish handicaps for any other boats not listed. Please review the appilication form, handicap adjustments, boat variants and modified boat list reports to understand the many factors including the fleet handicapper observations that are considered by the handicap committee in establishing a boat's handicap. Design Last Name Yacht Name Record Date Base LP Adj Spin Rig Prop Rec Misc Race Cruise Beneteau First 40 S D Brassard Zoe C050411 45 -6 39 57 Beneteau First 40.7 Clark Lapin N050611 54 -3 51 63 Beneteau First 40.7 Mc Kenna Synergy C042211 54 -3 51 63 Beneteau First 405 S DUrann Callisto R051611 102 +6 108 120 Beneteau First 42 Denney Legacy I I R032911 78 +9 +6 93 99 Beneteau First 42 Sd Chuang Twist R042211 87 +9 +6 102 108 Beneteau First 42s7 S IonescuM W K Migration R031911 78 +3 81 87 Beneteau First 44.7 S DRafuse Illicit R063011 39 -3 36 48 Beneteau First 47.7 T MSears D K Garbo R052211 12 +9 +6 27 30 Beneteau O C 430 W KBates Aliez R041611 102 +9 111 117 Beneteau Oceanis 350 HandelW K Chouette R061711 162 +9 +6 177 192 Beneteau Oceanis 351Evans August Moon R022811 150 +6 +9 +6 17 183 Beneteau Oceanis 351Green Jeroboam R072811 150 +9 +6 177 174 Beneteau Oceanis 40 Byers Irrational Too C042611 105 +9 +6 +3 123 138 Beneteau Oceanis 400Murphy Ballybunion R022811 111 +6 117 129 Beneteau Oceanis 423Wasileski Volaeris N071811 102 +9 +6 117 123 Bennett Bros Yachts Academy Red Sky R022511 42 +9 51 54 Berurda 40-3 Cone Actaea N052711 147 -6 +6 147 159 Blackwatch 37 Calianos Spray R041811 183 +9 +6 198 201 Blackwatch 37 Dyer Rabbit R040511 183 +3 186 195 Bravaria 39 Parker Gilgamesh R042811 105 +9 +3 117 117 Bravura 29 Sportster Kwapis Tsunami R042511 72 +6 78 90 Brionrieff 42 Cst Schoettle Intuition R041411 81 -3 78 87 Bristol 29.9 Coyle Take Five N080911 183 +6 +6 195 207 Bristol 31.1 Soper Amalie R051611 174 +9 +3 +6 192 198 Bristol 32 Singerland Paragon N042711 228 -6 +3 +6 231 246 Bristol 35.5 Blair Blue Phantom C050511 150 +9 +6 165 171 Bristol 35.5 Gardner Solstice R040111 150 +6 156 168 Bristol 35.5 Gray Clarion R032911 156 156 168 Bristol 35.5 Tetrault Facet R041311 156 +3 159 171 Bristol 38.8 Myers Band Wagon R020611 126 +6 +6 138 150 Bristol 38.8 Wilkins Barking Dog R061711 126 +6 132 144 Bristol 40 C B Powderly Irish Mist R041811 168 +3 +6 177 192 Date: 10/04/2011 2011 Valid List by Design, Adjustments Page 5 of 34 This Valid List is to be used to verify an individual boat's handicap, and valid date, and should not be used to establish handicaps for any other boats not listed.
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