$ $ s > s s $( . s • • • - GoD P AI the News of AI the Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse Pointe ews Complete News Coverage of ~ll the Pointes Home of the News GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER -i. 1976 30 Pages-Two Seetions-Section One Vandalism HEADLINES I Nutrition Plan 01 .... Cases Few WEEK On Horizon In Pointes A.. COIDpUeclb, the Gro.. e roJa&e New. Cooperation of Citizens, Pollee, School Person. In GP Woods nel. Plus Damp Wea. Thllnday •. October za THE SWEEPING INVES. ther, Play Big Roles .TIGATION of South Korean Service Would Provide Meals Free of Ch~uge to By the NEWS Staff political influence in Wash, jngton is focusing ,on the All Senior Citilens 60 and Over in Wayne The Halloween week. ,Possible involvement of 90 County; Grosse Pointe Woods Presby- end in the Pointes was members of Congress, senior terian Church to House Program relatively quiet on the government • 0 u r c e s said Wednesday. They uid lhe By RGier A. W.ha vandalism front, accord. f n qui r y could become a A Food and' Nutritional Program offered by ing to reports from the major expose of political cor- Wayne County for senior citizens 60 and over will five police departments . ruption. One senior lntelli. soon become a reality in The Woods thanks to the and the school system . gence officer said that in the efforts of the city, its Senior Citizens Commission, While a variety of inci. "long run" sucll an inql.!iry the Grosse Pointe Woods Presbyterian Church and dents were reported in could ext!!nd to other govern. 'men Is besides that of South officials of the out.county nutrition program. al~ communities. the vol. Korea, Plans for such a program, . ume, in comparison to ".h'.. lChid S un er th e ausp iF.ces .pemen-n• past years, was smaller • • • of the Wayne County Agency". I .. in number. Friday, Getober !I on Aging and Is open to all C. Besides steady pollce Pll- JOHN D. EHRLICHMAN, senlo~ In the county. bave lty FIle trois on both Friday, October once 9ne of Richard Nixon's been In the works since sum. 29, and DevU's Night, Satur. closest 'White House aides, mer I.. day, October 30, and groups voluntarily slipped into the B~fore such a program be- n]utJ,ctwn of volunteer par e n t sand Swift Trall Federal Prison eame a reaUty, a location to . • school per son n e 1 at the Camp fn Sa f for d, Ariz., house it was a necessity. This .-.-. schools, the rainy weather Thursday to begin serving his . big first, step was met when Seek to Enloin Munici. was cUed by many in limiting Watergate sentence. The 51- Ute -session, (I.e., nding pality from imple. the amount of destructive in. year-old Ehrlichman is the body), of the cl1ureh ap. t' - P bl' cldentl on the 30th. first of three men closest to proved the use of the buUdllli men I"g U Ie: THE SCHOOLS-Halloween ilii.'.. Nixon, and the highest rank- as the site for the luncheon Safety Plan vandalism to the area's 15 ~ ing member of the Nixon ad. program. Judy Maghak.lan of -_ public schools WIlS minimal ,:;; ministration, to be impris- Determined not to let her magnificent home for the benefit of the public. She directed that a -the churc.h staff is eoordinat. By Susan McDonald this year compared to the 'i oned: Still free on bond while be destroyed, as have the oth'er great residences $15 million endowment. fund be established for ing the 'Sf('vice, along with City fire(ighters took past, with one broken window , appealing their sentences are in The Pointe, Mrs. Edsel B. Ford stipulated in this purpose, under the direction of her four Caroline Lewis, director of their battle against con. at Poupard' and a spray. 1 Ehl'1ichman's co.deCendants the out-county nutrition pro- solidation of police and painted door al Kerby the , H. R. Haldeman and former her' will that she wished the mansion and 65 children. acres of land surrounding it, to be maintained gram. fi.d t. only reported Incidents of the Jl,tlorney General John N. Work Out DebUs re e par men t s to weekend. Mitchell. Ehrlichman was A specific starting dste hlllS Wayne County Circuit School officials credited sentenced to 2~-8 years for' N Off · .M F d D t H to be selected and both ladies Court this. week. filing t bel r new stop-vandalism con.piracy, obstruction of ew tCer rs. or ona es er llree Swine are scheduled to meet this for a temporary injunc. strategy, calI e d "Project justice and lying to • grand week to 'WOrk ollt further tion to .top lmplementa. PrIde," with putting a near jury. • • • details. In noting tbe church lion of the public safety halt to the malicious deslruc- Joins YSD Mansion to Public for Flu Shots wants to have the prolram plan . tlon which has cost tens of Sat ...... )'. OCttlber 3t 0 N' 1 -C'.h .t hI P on a six-month trial basis to heti&htel'll' attorne)'$ will thousands of dollars In past HIGH CASUALTIES WERE n. OV. arl a e DI-poseS Scheduled see how It works out for all •• It ~udp ~ H. JUIdlek yean. ". ~. ,. '1 ~';", rePmiecLFrld3Y, JnLebanon .... '::. concernl!\\. (J1tboqh.QO~, to ODjolJ\ 'l'hI"C1ty trOm 1m- Ul'I4el' \he first ,-pb..ae ~ ,,~ ., bloody fjghl1n~ threate,Qed John Albrecht .. Looks Strong Belief in Preserntion o.f History R.... lJl demolish the lateet Al'ab. '. ; ~ • '. ., ,...... Main'. S ...... aI,Public May Ob- ~:ha~~n ~~~tedliua Mr. plem~UaI I pu~ie .afety ~ll~t::ci.~~~~t~e:W:~I~7. pe~ plaJl, Leftist Moslem: "F.orwardto"f\ifeW!«s'" , ...JonJ~rpeclllon, $I~ ~''''O" Ma,"!e?an,.Fund 'tam lrtocul.tiotll'on No. th.fJrIt proPlm of JUCb • ;IlIA.a-.~. ~ovem" a. vuian, <¥ SD),detect1v'l an~ rightist Christian private . signment in North PrOVided for BUilding But Deflnlt. Plans dimension which the county W.~."' O~JlI the fIIaa kept a special watch on the vember , 2 .t North, bas offered to the Pointe.. .chool bulldin,. aU weekend arlllies hammered each other ~.Igh.Schoo'I . Regarding Utilization Not Expected arJ:'~,~ ~ with rockets, mortars and f T v South High Schoofs Mealt are p'rovided (flv. OIl.. """allle .. loa,. dl" • week) I tbrou,b Fed, eo~Ututu. cbaq. The bol.tered &urvelllance anti-a I r c r aft guns from District or WO° I ea,. I ill wort- . Free swine iJu shots eral funds under nUe VII of ~t CODdiThtiOftl~ot tilletion~~ •• rved al a real deterrent to Thursday night until night. -By Tom Greenwood the Older American. Aet, ... e .110«:lr a ,. the vandals, accord In, to faU Friday. More than 75 BRA W h . • . for the general public If.. said Mrs. Lewla. In notlnt currently III arbitnUoa with Auistlnt to the Superintend. person. were reported killed y oger • a a A personal commItment tQ the preservabon of will be offered at the the Igency on qin, is cur- The ctty. eAt, Dr. Oeoll" Eddiniton . • nel 110 wounded in and . ~he Youth Service Di- history led Mrs. Edsel B. Ford to donate her 60. North High ~chool gym.- around Beirut before efforts VISIon, (YSD~, welcomed room Gaukler Pointe home, along with a mO. rentlyaerving 31 .Ites in the ...... New Law He offered I sincere thanks $15 nasium and South High's by Pre.ldent Elias Sarkis a new detechve on Mon. lion maintenance fund, to the public for charitable county, she said .11 mealt, City Kanac.. Thomas to the parents who joined in, Cleminson Hall on Fri. which are free of challe are Kresabaeh .aid be it conii. and municipalities t hat brought a auU in the fighting, day. November I, when purposes, according to her will. day. November 12, from nutritionally b.laneed' and deDt the city wW prevAi in boo.led ihelr patrols for the • • • .woods Public Safety Of. The Detroit Institute of --------- 3.8 p.m. are catered. drcwt court. but would not weekend. He added the kids SlIIday. October 31 ficer John Albr~cht was Arts. Mrs. Ford'lS ~andchi1- "Where once there we're Adults, between the ages of While such meala are an commeat.further on the law deserve some credit too for THIRTEEN PATIENTS AT named by PublIc Safety dren and great grandchildil'en many extraordinary I'esi: 18-80.yean, who are not Important part ef the 'pro- ouJ~ It I. b ed puttinl a halt to the' destrllc- Nor t h viII e State Hospital Director Hen r y Mar- and her employes were the dences. mine is the lut to chronleaUy ill with diabetes, gram, )frl. Lewis pointed Ule ISU .. II on a new tlon. have developed infectious chand to fill a vacancy major beneficiaries of bett remain, for the changes IJ1 .. sthJJ1a or heart trouble, will out there'. also an emphasil city ordinance that went Into THE WOODS - Public hepatitiS and sbme 100 others in the bureau. estimated $85-$90 million our inanner of living, and in es- be immunized at that time. upon socialization with sen. effed tb1a week. The new law Safety Sit. James Davidson have beeu Isolated in their A six-year veteran of tbe tate. our taxes. and in our atU. lors having the opportunity outlawl the separ.te pollce nid, "We had a real good Persons allergic to ege will wards Cor fear-they may con- department Det Albr'eehit At lea5thaIt of the multi.
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