Supplement Containing Recent words and New Usages. pp. 1239-1262. Appendices. Abbreviations in common use in written and Page printed matter. 1. Prefixes. 11. Suffixes. 12- - British weights and measures. H. Tbe Metric System. 15. Proper forma of address fot persons of tank. 16. Student's guide to Translation. vocabulary. 19. EngHsb Pro'Verbs. 30. Words and phrases from Greek. Latin and modern European languages. I ..xuv ii Signs and symbols used in Science and Commerce- Astrological. 1 1 Commercial, Medical. 2 Mathematical. 3 Typographic. 4 Supplement Containing Recent Words and New Usages Aircrafc A fl. the science of air in motion. CifP.l~ qfij~~ I A. B. C. D. Powers - ~'·afi'-{:fi'-iT'.. Aeroplane base - it3f{"..arr~.:ar~ - o. 'IT3" ~- fl. America. Britain, China a place from which airships start for - .and 'Dutch .East Indies fighting aerial warfare and return afterwards. again~ Fascism. ~ if. ~ ~~- Cf{ ~ \ilU ~ ~t \ilUlraTlSfilfJf i{itit ~ if(6 ~ :qr{t \1 I AA ~ \;fJ~ t aUt at~ ~~ ~ atT~ ~ Acce!erometer-ai}1li3 ..ti't~-81\..~'-it~- Aetoroil-it~..arr-$'Iit~ - n. the wing If. an instrument fot measuring tho of an aeroplane. {<fit ~ <liT q'~ I acceleration of airships. ~ \il{RT Aerogr~~-at)~- fl. a message cfit ~ qrt~ <tiT ~ I Sent by wireless telegraphy. i{orr (fR" Acoustic tnines-ail~'-~~ - <fit ffRilCfJ lRJ ~ sa:rT ~ I II. pl. mines that explode under water Aer~motot - it~-art--.n'-c:T\. - If. a1l duo to the sound of a ship's engine engine of an aeroplane. 'f~ ~ when it comes neat it at a specified CfiT ~ I distance. ~ ~ ~ ~iT ~ ~ Aggression-3ft-il-~'-atT<t-IJ. the waging ~ {filr.{ if. ~ «fctft::;:rcr ~ q{ ~.. of \Vat on a country without cause. =<fit' q{ f~ 00 i ai~ Iffiqit tN1 if i3f<IiR'1f fcOOt ~;U ~ atT~ ; Aggres- ~ qi'=<fTtfi ~ I " &Or (-iRt--311\.) -no f<r.n CfiRUI ~ Ac:tjno-thetapy-aifti-Wi.'-aTt~..-aff-fil- amn~ <ti{ir~ t II. the treatment of disease by sun- Ail~~~I-it",T't-n. the steering part shine. aml1{ f;:rf~ I of an aeroplane. ifcfTt 'UUU<!il lfflfR 1 Adatnsjt~-tilF{'~ -", a kind Air atm- it~~~-II. airships form- of PQiSODOUS gas used in chemical ing part of an army. ~ <liT {<fif ~ warfare. (61;qf.i<fi ~ if ~'f{K ~ (~ ~r) I crnft ~ fo!q~ i1ij" 1 Air-base-it~~~ - fl. a place used Advance guard-all~'~-4'fT«-", the fot housing aitcrafta. fr'fTf ~1 it detachment of an army which goes • uait' <fiT WRr t forward rot getting informatioQ. Ait C';Qun(:iI-it~-<!iW<t-fu~-II. Bdtisb SN'f.T ~ <tiT "Ai +fliT ~ ~ <fiT ~- council of Ait Force. fsl~ 6'\CfiR It.iR ~ ~ f~ anit anit G!RIT ~ I <!iT ~ ~ftre" I Aerial torpedo- ~-~~~""l~tft-6t.. AitctaCt-it~-'Jfil~ - 'I. airships of tI. a powerful bomb discharged ftom different forms and sizes used for airctaft.{cnt GfUil~ ~<lil ~an ~~~I special purposes, {~ otmT; m Aerial warfate (-<fTX-i"iR) fl. ~~~ ~ ~ ~ t:-(,) \lre, ~ ~1 '«: Aerobatics - lt~ -m-ili~' ~ - fI, pl. ~ 'fl~ Amphibian - ( aft~-&at'-.: evolutions of aircraft. {C!~ \ilUiIij ~ art'!) ~~ (; (~) <U q'~ 'fl~ ; B~~ Acrobotnb - it~-arr-<rl'<t. - fl. a bomb plane (m'-~; (~) ~6 ~ fot dropping from aircraft. t<nt ~ 'fl~ Bombers (arT~..ord... ) ; (II) ~ u tt<!ii:t <tit ~ Y ill ipr u ~ it;ffit em ~ q~ .Aerodatt - it3i\'-at~-tt« - II. a shen Dive bombers {~'""f'lll:..ord_J : ('1) missile droPeed ftop! an airship. ~ it SFlf {«Tt ~ u ~it' <n~ : ~It ~ «1fl'liT san aw.r I FIghters (~; (,) ~ lit \:!'(f{ <!it Aetodtotne--~~)~ - It. a land- ~ ~ ctt ~( m I{( ~it' qr~ ing place fot IUrships. {CITt i!"{f:fil ii Flying Boat (~'~) ; (\I) W'f atRir <tit ~ ( :;fJW It;rr.:r ) t •q( ~ ~ {<n it ~ ~ i(l~ AerodJ'nam.i~-alt~I-aff-~- Land-plane (~'_~ ; (~) tfW\ if Hat ~ • Hot m J Measure ~ ~craft.oarder :r 240 " Altgat}i ~ ~1 ~ ~~ ~iT ~<fi~ ~ raid alarm (-811 - ~pf.) -no an alarm Mine sowers (~'~m i3lil,";) (~) to:<fi given to people at the time of air r.f~ Cf~ Monoplane (+rFi:I-Bl)~~~) ; raid. &:qT~ ~~ ~ ~+r<1 '1"K Cf!T~~ <fit (~o) a{~<fi '«: iin~ Multiplane (lf~i~fu ~(f ~ ~~ <fit ~T.f'1r; Air-raid ~~) ; (~~) ~~~ IK :Zd"{~ a~ cfT~Fl precautions (-f~-<fiT - ~(~) -no pl. ~<fit i3"~~ qr~ Seaplane (;:fr'-~~) ; ffCfr~ ~li~ f.r ft':fi1~d; Air ra.id shel­ ) (~:() lTq'Tit 91~<fi ~a:rt "f~Nf Torpedo ter (-~-?;\..... -no a place for the pw- carrier!> (G\~ -qI'-:g"t~ <h1-R: -3HfJ ; iJ:,n tection of citizens during 2.n air raid. (~~) OO"fTir<fi &:qr~ 'Jf&:8'f Troop ~Gf[t ~li~ ~ B+l<1" '11l1R:<fJ ~ f~ TrallsP,Orters (~;;., 'l.'-?J~~~I":;']l3J ~?.JT ~~l., I ~dltl I Albacore-;W~'-ql-<rJ~- n. an English Aircraft - cartier - ~~-sfi~{-<f.T\-f{­ i airship ,:~h~ colla,psilie wing~: ~B an:, - n. a large ship which carries. I 'lTlf tfiT ",><~.'l]" f[91it ~'ff f"1iJ<f> q$; about £lve dozen aeroplanes and 1tS I ~~ :;nd ~ I deck is wide enough for an aero­ I Alclad-31k;:' - q<ifi{- n. an aHur.lbiu1l1 plane to make a start and fly up alloy used in the COt::.struCCOl1 uf B:f~ I[mt 'Jf&:T~1 ef.T ~ ~~ "f[B"[ ~i[l1l' aeropLmes. ~",f~ "1~p:rl <til' Cl'1Tii it fiJ w{.t :;fY<:B" ~(1 '-it f.r t[GIT~ ~1l' '3"q~t'f ij Ol[i:r c.rr~ Q;'fj OJ;;'{n-IT.'1<1rl' <fIITcl ~ i3"f tf<fi9T ~ I firm (f l:Tfg I Air Defencc-tt'H~-re-o;f;~- n. protec­ Alexia-~rr~i:tTI3":-~ ";;;-12, loss or power tion against attacks of aeroplanes. to rea d.. ({l- '1 ffii~ cf.t 219~~T , iij':;;.fT'f I ~of1t f[~r f.r I Alieni5t-~I~f<?i-lj<J::-~t?;- n. OIle skilkd Air Force - ~::7,{'-w.rl3:.· - n. a nation's in the tre:1tment of mental diseases. strengr h in aircraft. N.BT ~T~ <fiT , +rf@;<fi 0<Tt <fiT f:crN.r'JCfi I f[9I~ ':Jfui I I Alpha-rays-0rr~1 ~r;!fr~f.-fl. pl. streamr. Air - inlake - ~31\'_~'l~2:~- n. an inlet of particles given off by radlum. for admitting air in a mine, @R if 'tf6"lf+l:. 'tim B f'l9iQ5~ ~1 Cli'TJ cr.r 'tim I OfP,i ~ a{HTll1Ff <fiT lfT~ r I Altimeter-3fT~-Q<I.'-it?;-a:r;;- n. a baro­ Air - log - Q;~ - <?i;rr.. - n. aa instru­ meter used to indicate the height of ment for recording the linear move­ an aircraft. !l:qT~ ~"[r~ it1 '3"q:l"f <fiT ment of an airship. &:9Tt ~ffi <fit i3i':on~ 'IT'1~ <fiT '-':<fi ;:p.f I cnq~ <:fiT lp.:T I rrfu I Ambulance-3ft+r.I-Q'l-<tf.:~-n. a moving Airmanship-~-l:fTc:r-f~q:- fl. the art hospital following an armv. <:r-.:'i1 ~ of handling an airship, 1P-fTt ;;n[R EfT<.T<?i "f~qrff[<Tt <fit ~ "1T~ ~T -;r'ff ; ::qli'ii~. +r\~ ~~fu: <fi\~ <fiT <~ I Ambulance corp" ( -q;'i\r~)-n. FfT<:f<.'l" Air~Marshal-~3R':'-+TR-m~- n. a Royal f~fu-4t <fiT qf\~r <fi<::~ CfR'l <fiT 13Ef; '" ..... Air Force officer of the highest rank. Ambulance ship (-~Iq)-n, l:lT"fB" ftF·iT­ ~ i.=Irrr <fiT ~ om 0lNc!iR't1 ~iit <fiT ~~ iffi'5T "f[1~; Ambulance Air-mechanic-\ta:I\:,~JafT'l-~ - n. a I train (~2:~ ) -no ~ HrnW.n <fit 6 mechanic of the Royal Air Force .! ~~ cm?51 ~'?11 ~ ~ <fiT f;r~11 I Amis5!ble-afl-fmr.'-ftr-s:.iR- adj. liable Ajr-officer~-~ - &~~ n. an I to l e lost. @t;:rr~ GjtR[ I officer of the general rank of the I Ampoule~~'-q,~-!l. a amaH phial. R. A. F. ~ii£T~ ~ <fir ~ ~ j i ~9T t<:3 ~ <flT ~t B"T ~rot I Air Power-~ -1iji3"-aT\.. -no same as Andion-3fT'lq~-a{l'l- n. an instrument Air Fo:ece. for amplifying sound. ~ ~rn <f>\~ A ;t-:eaid-~ -r~-n. an attack by hombs <fiT ~Cfi ~ I thrown trom airships. ~ ~ Cfl<!.lfFfl . Angari a.-3:il~.. T3R':' -~-an- n. the des- ilU f<llffT ~ 'R ~ ~; Air- fn:·:tion or seizure"' by a belligerent Age tt~; Edge ~ j PEln q'or ; Pr.in {f<J.: XZ4X Au~a state of the propc:ty belonging- to a '5IiiRf; Armoured-ttain (~iU -II. ~ neutral state. ~f.l'M 00 ~ U~lf I >i<fiT<:: 5 t!~~Cf ~ifll <fit ~ fuq'f '>IFI1 <:ff .,p; <fit ~T I , Artillery-train-Bn\"fc:~' - ~-R-t"'l:- n. \nnexation-afr~11:"~'-~l"'l:- n. act of I heavy "capons of war mounted on taking possession of a territory. i carriages furnished and ready for fcg:ft ~r{I ~ +Tf/T <fiT 81M<fiK ij ~ I I action. ~"<1 iii Z3m ff t'5lit it! AA 1 Anschluss- afFU. - ~- n. same as lJl~~ q{ i?)~ S~ +TIt1 m(t 6l&r ~ ! Annexation. Atlantic Charter-afT~' ~~-~<{i-~~­ Anti-airclaft Barrage- i3-tTol.' - f2:-Q;a:r~­ n. a charter formulated to clear up the 'filiR"-ifi\:,{~- n. obstruction to pro­ war aims of the allies. It was agreed tect the,attack of aircrafts. ~iifT~ &Jl~ upon between Churchill, the Prime B 'f:q~ <fiT dlOf{f<1 ; Anti-aircraft gun Minister of England and Roosevelt -no ifq~ ~it <fiT lJlm +rK Cfi<:: or.fi:r Ii\" the President of America in 1941 f;r{T~ ~r ffiq ; Anti-aircraft ship that there should be freedom for <fif ~qr ~IJ 1:[\" ~q{~ !1<fiK CfiT illti every nation, equal opportunities for <i'ilJT irn'r { I trade, unrestricted sea-routes and Antifact-3f'FJ:.'-fi-';fiT<R;- n.
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