Ousified Adt. If you have anything to sell try a Claaalfled Ad. to the Free Frees. i r rt S’S 1^5 NANAIMO. VANCOUVER ISLAND. BRITISH COLUMBIA. FRIDAY. JUNE 24. 1921. NUMBER 59. giant BRITISH AIRSHIP SCOTS DEFEAT! JAMES BLAIN PASSED EXILES FROM took the air today CLOSING EXERQSES AWAY LAST EVENING B.C. STARS III laindon. June 2 TEACHERS LOSE PERU ITINI: tlsh built airship ........ The death occurreil last night i twiight by the United Stale e home of his daughter. Mrs. I.«ni ST. ANN’S CONFENT l.rfinltvllle. of James Blaln. a nath SAYS m\M BRILLIANT GAl of A:lyrshire. Scotland, aged 6g years OfiTtEFOREBOABI FESSELSEIZi I he deceased Isis i.urvlved by hishla'wife HELDFESTEiAY ro daughters. Mrs. Lang of LanU- lln. end Mrs. Whittaker, of Saakst- ISFERYGOOD OFARilTRATiON Objociecl to be Taken to Australia. ToUKh lUttle for HononrI!3l^^ Bwan. and four sons. James of i MrMenciny I>i.pUy« Wo,,d No Took t>ver Ship and landed six and a half honri l”l it. Anns Convtta In.HlIiutlon In _ t Presemt a Ti J City To Close for •10,000 Per 1 New York. June 24.-J. Fernando Sumiiior VacaUon. ^ojjurvlvedsurvived by a sister, Mre. T. Mo-| • Per Day b B«dag M the crew. Club, I. ProSsT The closing exercises Bid. residing in ICitenslon. » could cr;.'.«s;r.'Ks.^ . a member of The fmieral v 111 be held on San- Victoria. June 24—At the pre- Convent wer; held'^e.tmdly after­ have dealred a greater booai for the deputies of Peru, or- noon In the presence of a number of In the matter of the nrbltrnUon of . city today on the stea- game than that which It received at Slxai parents and friends of the pupils. r rs,v.T the dispute between the Nnnnimo Coil Jouea’ Park last evening, when CREffiS FORCED Board of School Trustees and the the louring Scottish eleven, returning rr Nanaimo Teachers' AssocUUon. th# from their trip on the Island, met and n"t"Jb« * ‘ Arbltrstlon Bosrd composed of defcaled by three goal sto nil a Ilrlt- frelghier Pahl by organlxInR irs. Oliver Eby, George B. Pear- Ish Columbia all-star aggregation, tiny atrol of TO SHORTEN Ally increase unUl MILITARY LORRY e touches the 126.-. Aid. J. McGnekle, B. 8. Martin Pi Tae cam.- was full of cla« and l-t It be huHl right here, the tourists were The awards and promotion list lai'&rr"" »s announced as follows: not responsible for It all. albeit they itowards certainly gave a wonderful exhibition lourney according to despatches nGHTINGLINE WAS AnACK® two weeks, last evening nanonaced First prize for Chrlstia Doc- any decided demand for Uqnor-^t iU flndings and reeommendatloaa espe.iaTly In the first half; for In the •*« ‘Wrehended nrob".;?'“‘‘ pere U only one dlsaentee from second period the pace began to tell that they were forming a •vnn.ni.., leynennen ms probable cMtomers have their inp- tm" against him. Constantinople. 24— The awarded to^ A^me K ^” its isle and, consequently, the game Greeks are shor 2nd pr IN DUBLIN Plles laid In—the demand in Van^ beiaiiie quiet, but certainly not unln- "Some of the tweniy-twc dry ant Uona follow: front, as the resulilt*---------’’f"th- . In Jail for long periods, and c Firstrst Prize lor ChriatUn Doctrine 1. That Uie mlalmnir ------- With the sun In their eyes the were arrested on May 11 of al of the eleventh Greek Dublin. June 24— A military The .Nationalists have captured Ada- •rade teachers be as I locals had an additional obstwle to year, the day.1 weg were shippedthlppeu FatherFatW “Heynan,t? awarded to Dorothy lorry was attacked this afternoon at baxar and Sabaja, respect! the Junction of North Frederick ana first half, an ob- way." as the two Peruvian suteamensutesi Stacie which they could w’ell have told the *story through intheast c Dorset streets, bombs being thrown Interpreter Music pupils who passed the ex- done without and yet the-way TEe^to^*^' the lorry, two of which landed in stuck up to their more experienced Casualties to the military are not r four yean * s;r'f.."'sr'a(‘rT5' reported but five civilians were In- opponents went to the hearu of all *helr offices and hurried to the shin av-idS' ' We were shipped away alm^y tc ---------- --------------------- “hlch fol- 8. That an addition of $180 par fected to meet the demand. i.iV*.^! “** ‘“.'^k-off It was evl- make It possible to Impose a dlcta- annum be paid after first ten years SCOTTISH INTERESTS of service with the Board. ~ !,UbS'u.rt!“ 4. That new appointments t was gratifying when It utmost disposition teaching staff shaU that their previous displays SS-SSS authorities In the end In the case of ys bad not come up to expectations. J. * T;"?*'. purpose war to rid the STIRRED OFER LOSS what they teacher the probati( All three ft* ’™.”!.,* 1 j?®“ capable of leading Ina Hansen. MaiV Bu' QUEfiEC TILLAGE buslnburiLe.E.“'% t\.* ”2 echool yeii-' Md*^ of the Board In opening n store In ‘““!“fen'Srar;Vo‘ru‘S r were being' pUeed on I be one ii play, fired the ball Into the net from i»p. however, revolvers OFCONTRAa Forti trement below’tha a few yards outside the penalty , DESTROFEDIN • proved B of the p irtlealar grade to In their hands, they I convenience The second one was scored t '1 teach* brainy play . -ah" means. They were reduced hardly at sea wh^p the 22 decided d-tYa^thra not to go to AustralU. Oen. O. R. Miss Margsret Mitchell who FOREST FIRE for IndUn RaUways. Into the cort Barrarldes. former president of Peru, the corner of the ne“ .uo rent to the capuin and U1 Grade, Royal Academy of third andnd last goal was not obtained no 24- Musl< nnlil thm atlon belore him. Quebec. JuneJ. ____ iree minutes from the end and capUin 1 ___ . really stirred by the • — u.uuuiar oi MUl path of a forest fire which b ored by Andy Wilson All Prenchman.'- t Uiat for the first time in the hU- d to Jessie Grant. r'ar.vi-’ffr.sL.'ist — oftlcera w yesterday, the village of ->ns have written a letter to the Training Taacher. High School 1 the piece Wll«,ntried all the y a United States concern has se­ il for Class Excellence, awai inty, waa raxed t Mritisn!lsh and the crew were Pentyian.Pentyl itantf. be na offered by the Trns- pe capuin made the objection that ed valuable contract for a supply Margaret Martlndale. E the p< ’ to“h”aV°1iJer‘‘dl Worrall. and of steel axles to the state railways of trance Clais.Class. !* of the his success. If I -he could not land u. at PnnU Are- Prize purposes foJ’thTben^ If rather late in Ue day. nas. ^canae his dearanee papera India. Glasgow firms tendered their .-Tr'-thi r-afTY^/i.rmrTh': lowest possible price after allowUg There v erlous casualtlee. eral occasions, and hS”’not**°JJsI- were for AustralU and because w. for cbei^r coal and pig <ron. but SL,i- differentia) between grade tu«h^ issporu. but the property loss which includes Md princlpaU la ourSlsVSXS^ they were thirty per cent over f Prize for Clsig Excellence, awsrd- omplete destruction of all ted bU attentionatt to the Ite much leas than In most schools to that United States quotation for the « •d to Annie Korsak, sixth Grade. homes In the village as well as the Province, this Board recommeniU -wnlle would s that we value of the contract Is Promotion In “Theory of Music— I have bad Peru for AustralU. either." Canadian National Railway station, lime. As it was. on four occaslomi a said to run RITb Margaret McIntyre. Violet Hemer, and serious damage to several miles "Under the InUrnatlonal Uw, we Margaret Fries, Harold Gard, Ethel uXe th'aYiSiei: he bad all he could manage to ttars at roadbed will be heavy. ™'^‘»‘on at the Fall of the dlffereotUU. •''““O" off disaster. Dicklnmm could not land anywhere," they con. 'lary Bllll. Helen Smith, Frank Bitting of the legislature, there Is no tinned. "Speaking from the atiud- 6. That the schedule we have sug­ sible for three of them froi^ree ttom. Walter McKenile. dls^sltloD on the part of the Board gested where they differ from to. kicks outside the pqpalty potnt of Jurisprudence, we were con­ demned to spend the reel of our Uvea salarlee offerid'b.,1 by the Trustee Board the shots -ehe sent la safelysarali had '**■ that they on lha ocaan. Prize tor Assiduity, awarded to PLACED UHDERBAN Huaban^Fourth Grade. and agreed to Und na at PnnU Are- WALL Sn^ET JOURNAL The B. C. forwards were at a dla- There we claimed the privilege fifiniECfflr RY DfSDRANCE of asyluir were allowed to land NOT WORRIED OVER advantage. for Pilling at centre was May 26. much too small to cause any se ous disappearance of SHIPS trouble to Craig Brown, and as a u Many of them wer men of weettb. Id were able to Xh BYLANDMNE COMPANIES sequence the play of the wings * rough friends snd-------------------- - st;«r/“J- fered. The halfbacks were hardly effective as they might have been i-8ecr»tary Oaiisnl and Deputy June J4— A troop train Jim Wll«m hi particular seemed to Prado both had reUllves and friends have an aptitude to wander, and . In this country, so they decided u ed to Doris Walmsley, Grade ber o^^SS5r.?lp^JLd“”the' WORASTART! conUnue their odyssey to New “ "nhe't^ Prize for Class Excellence .award­ Mver^al occasions he fell back behind eeveral Wash- the backs when r ___Idalh by the explosion ed to Tesale Mason.
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