STUDENTS, FACULTY MEET TONIGHT Formal Attire Debt Reduction To Mark Annual ASB Reception Campaign To Be Tonight at 8:00 p. m. the stu­ dents of Northwest Nazarene Col­ Launched Oct. 5 lege will be presented to the facul­ Oct. 5 is the date set for present­ ty in Morrison dining hall for the ing to Nampa churches the $50,000 annual Student-Faculty reception. debt reduction campaign approved Presiding as master of ceremon­ Vol. XII—No. 1 NORTHWEST NAZARENE COLLEGE, NAMPA, IDAHO Fri., Sept. 26, 1952 ies at this first formal social event recently by the Board of Regents. is ASB vice president, Jim Lais. At their semi-annual meeting held Miss Marian Washburn will re­ on the NNC campus, the groupRiley Assumes College Presidency As Corlettspond to the toast given to the fa­ voted to launch the drive here, and culty by the ASB president. Music­ extend it throughout the Educa­ al numbers will be provided by Heads Seminary; Stowe To Be College Pastormembers of the faculty and student tional Zone during the months of body. Men’s Club President George October and November. N. N. C. Begins Mowry and AWS President Loi§ L. Wesley Johnson, College bus­ 40th Year Under Herron will welcome members of iness manager, reports that Board their respective organizations. The members, without solicitation, spon­ New Leadership new college president, Dr. John E. taneously subscribed $4,000 to be­ As Northwest Nazarene College Riley, will give the main address. gin the drive. begins its 40th year. Dr. John E. Program arrangements were The plan is to raise sufficient made by Jim Lais, Dell Morgan, money to cut NNC’s mortgage debt Riley, pastor of College Church for Mgxine Homing, Sam Scammon, in half. The various churches will the past eight years, has assumed Roy Puckett and Harold Stickney. be visited principally by laymen in­ the responsibility of its leadership. Responsible for the decorations are terested in reducing the present Both Dr. and Mrs. Riley are grad­ Art Jacobs, Virginia Poplin, Pat mortgage. uates of Eastern Nazarene College. Downing, Art Sullivan and Joan “Since no salary Will be paid to Clocksene. They were active in church work those soliciting funds,” Mr. Johnson Checking coats will be Lois Tra­ pointed out, “every dollar received on the New England district, hav­ cy and Juanita Pate. Refreshments will go directly into the debt re­ ing held three pastorates and the have been planned by Mary Wing, duction fund.” leadership of a number of youth Geri Leih, Kathleen Liddell, Flora- groups there. Following this. Dr. dell McKay and Jessie Newman. Riley was pastor of the church in The cleanup crew consists of Mer- Men Take Lead In vyn Gale, Norman Stueckle, Dick 1952-53 Enrollment Toronto, Canada. Johnson and Harry Detwiler. Dr. Riley became the president of Dr. J. E. Riley Defying early nationwide predic­ Dr. L. T. Corlett tions of low freshman enrollments NNC after Dr. L. T. Corlett was Dr. Thelma Culver in 1952-53, final figures here reveal advanced to the presidency of theName Lois Herron Elected President an increase of 27 over last fall’sFour Teachers Add Nazarene Theological Seminary Presidentin of AWS Frosh total. M. A. Wilson, regis­To College Faculty Kansas City, Mo. He assumed hi^ Of National Society trar, reports 172 in the entering new duties Sept. 1. Lois Herron was elected presi­ New honors came to NNC during group, comprised of 79 men andNew teachers added to the facul­ Improvements Made dent of the Associated Women Stu­the summer months when the Phi 93 women. ty this year include Mr. Lansing Under Dr. Corlett’s decade of ad­dents this week. The vacancy wasDelta Lambda met for its quadren­ created by the resignation of Ear- Men take the lead in the count ofW. Bulgin, Mr. Tom Kelly, Missministration the college has added nial meeting in Kansas City. to the campus the R. T. Williamslene Tapley because of excessive sophomores, juniors and seniorsWanda Rhodes and Mr. Howard Dr. Thelma B. Culver, Dean of who claim, respectively: 47 men, 39 Library, Chapman Hall, frame activity points. the College, was elected national Zink. Elected chaplain for the organi­ women: 77 ipen, 29 women and 47 buildings housing College High, 37 president and Miss Ethel Allison mSi, 2l“%omW One special stu­- Mr. Bulgin, who will teach mu­apartment buildings and trailer zation was Velta Jones. A run-off,was chosen secretary - treasurer. dent and four taking the Bible Cer­sic theory and education courses,houses is in Vetville, Morrison Hallelection is scheduled for next weekDean C. H. Ripper of Bethany-Pen­ to elect a new secretary and assist­ tificate course raise the total, full­a graduate of linfield College andcoffee shop and a new heating plant iel College was elected national ant program chairman. Nominees time enrollment to 445. holds the degree of M. Mus. from vice president. Attending also from Students taking a limited number are Virginia Walton and Floradellthe campus were Miss Marian Indiana University with a major in McKay for secretary and for as­ of hours, together with junior high Washburn and Miss Helen Wilson. and high school students, push musicthe education and a minor in sistant program chairman Carole- Phi Delta Lambda is the nation­ may Rapp and Mona Gowan. The enrollment grand total to 603 regis­voice. He has completed his resi­ al honor society of the colleges of trants. College High School showsdence and graduate work on his results of this week’s ballotingthe Church of the Nazarene. showed a tie in these two offices. a total enrollment of '82, along withdoctor’s degree in music education 49 reported in the junior high school Other officers include Mary Matt­ and expects to complete his doctoral son, vice president; program chair­Northwest District division. dissertation this year. man, Bonnie Painter and treasurer, Motorcade Slated In addition, Mr. Bulgin has Elna Punk. Ardis Manley is the new publicity director. For October 2 - 3 Dormitories Filled taught at George Fox College and 'Third annual motorcade of the has had 11 years experience in cho­ According to the new president, With 300 Students the first social function of the yearNorthwest District, led by Dr. E. Information released from the of­ral directing in churches and will be the traditional Big-Little E. Zachary, will arrive on the cam­ fice of the Dean of Students revealsschools. The NNC male chorus will Sister Tea which is scheduled forpus of Northwest Nazarene College 300 dormitory residents this year.be imder his direction. early October. Thursday, October 2 and will re­ Chapman Hall heads the list with Mr. Tom Kelly, a 1951 NNC grad­ main vmtil Saturday. 135 men. Mr. Torvil Nilsen, new uate, is returning to teach in the Food donations will be brought Head Resident, comes from 'Vancou­religious education department. Mr. Classes Organize, by the caravan of high school stu­ ver, Wash., and is a graduate ofKelly has been completing work on Elect New Officers dents and district leaders. Cascade College. Assistants named his master’s degree in education Rooms for the guests will be as­ for Chapman are Norman Stueckleat the University of Wyoming. He College classes met last week forsigned by the Associated Women and Ray Tate. According to Mr.will also afct as Director of Christ­ Rev. E. Stowe organization and elected officersStudents and the Men’s club. The Nilsen the project for the year ianis Education for College Church. for the year. Circle K club will have charge of to improve the kitchen facilities Miss Rhodes will replace Mrs. designed to meet campus expan­ Chosen as president of the seniorcampus tours and the Student Coun­ and the recreation room. Edith Anderson in the home econ­sion. class was Lauren Sanders of Oma­cil is responsible for the Friday Mrs. Earle Mack is beginning her omics department. She was gradu­ Improvements were made on Em­ha, Neb. and Melvin Laws as stu­night entertainment. second year as head resident ofated from Bethany-Peniel Collegeerson Administration Building, thedent council representative. Named Last year’s donation of three Morrison Hall, which houses this105 spring and did graduate work campus was completely landscaped,president of the junior class wastruckloads of food was valued at women students. The project forthis summer at the Eastern Uni­a site adjacent to the campus wasNorman Stueckle, Colfax, Wash.,$1,900. Over 40 cars were used in the year, in cooperation with versitythe of New Mexico. Misspurchased for the president’s homewith Carlton Bryson as vice pres­the caravan and consisted of 200 Circle K Club, is the building of Rhodesa will teach in the clothingand the circle drive was constructed.ident. Floradell McKay will act as members of the Northwest District. prayer chapel on the third fioor.and food division of the department.The old grammar school buildingsecretary and Roger Weber as Lois Tracy and Juanita Pate have Business administration courseshas been remodeled and will housetreasurer. Kampus Kalendar the home economics department been employed as student assist­are being taught by Mr. Howard Norman Crofford was elected to Sept. 26—Student-Faculty Re­ ants. Zink of Nampa. Mr. Zink is a grad­ when completed. lead the sophomore class and comesception. Hadley Hall houses 26 girls thisuate of NNC and is replacing Prof. Stowe To Succeed Riley from Cut Bank, Mont. His assistant Sept. 26 — Council vs. CHS year and they have selected as theirHayes Johnson who is on a leaveRev. of Eugene Stowe of Salem, Ore.will be Bob Willard as vice presi­ (here) 3:00 p. m. project the purchase of kitchen fa­absence. has been elected to succeed Dr.dent and Mary Wing as represen­ Sept.
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