m Winnipeg WKeal May close SS]/^ EDITION 20 PAGES. VOL. XXIV.—No. 42 LETHBRroGE, ALBERTA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30,1931 Recent Alherta Judicial Appointments C.N.R. Agrees FOR LONDON? Birth New Conservative Mr. Bennett Faction Seen As Result' Is Welcomed To Participate Baldwin-Churchill Split Disagreement on Indian Policy Basis of Trouble—Winston By Americans Farm Aid Plan Churchill Supported by Other Prominent British Tories in Dissenting from Baldwin's Views Dominion Premier Will In­ Sir Henry Thornton An­ on India—^Will Support Baldwin nounces Co-operation in Against Labor spect Canadian Legation Agricultural Credits LONDON, Jan. 30.—(A.P.)—Birth of Liberal Newa-Chronlcle said today, •• in Washington new faction within the ranks of the need not confine Itself to a policy of Corporation Conservative party wa-> seen in some treating India rough. What about free circles today as the probable dcnounc- trade? Mr. Churchill's real views oh mil BE GUEST ment of the disagreement on Indian this subject are well known and they LAUNCH WEST FARMERS policy between Rt. Hon. Stanley Bald­ nro certainly not those of Mr. Stanley OF HOOVER TONIGHT win, and the outspoken and dynamic Baldwin." INTO MIXED FARMING Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill. In writing to his leader, however, From correspondence between the Mr. Churchill made it clear that ho "WASHINGTON, D. C, .Tan. 30— OTTAWA, Jan. 30.—(Can. Press.)— TA.P.)—Ut. Hon. R. B. Benuott, prem­ two leaders Just published it appears would continue to support him in op­ The Canadian National Railways Is posing the "Socialist government." ier of Cunada, arrived in tlio capital MR.- JUSTICE W. L. WALSH that Mr. Churchill, while his "warm, A. P. EWING, K. C. prepared to participate in the estab­ personal friendship" for Mr. Baldwin Lead Empire Party at 12.55 p.m., today aboard a private Edmonton barrister who was ap­ Who has been elevated to the Ap­ lishment of the agricultural credits is undlinintshcd, thinks it best that he LONDON. Jan. 30.—(Canadian Pi'eSB car. HON. GEO. HOADLEY pointed to a judgeship in the trial pellate Division of the Albertai Su­ corporation which in being formed to should abstain from meetings of the Cable.)—Will the Rt. Hon. Winston He was met by the Britisli ambassa­ provide loans for tlie purchase of live­ Minister of Agriculture, who Is men­ division of the Alberta Supremo Court tioned as possible successor to Hon. party's business committee which is Churchill become parliamentary leader dor, high state department otticlals preme Court. stock and other necessities for mixed of the United Empire party? This recently. Herbert Greenfield as Alberta's Agent composed of the inner few and in­ and members of the staffs of the Brit­ farming. suggestion was discussed with some se­ General in London. cludes chiefly, former cabinet minis­ ish embassy and Canadian legation, Sir Henry Thornton, chairman and ters. riousness In London today, following Hume Wrong, Canadian charge president of the Canadian National, Mr. Churchill's political break with hla d'affaires Joined the premier at Baltl- Mr. Baldwin, while equally warm in ASKS EXTENSION OF DEBT made an announcement to that effect his personal remarks, accepts Mr. party leader, Rt. Hon. Stanley Bald: moro. Mr. Bennett, who was accom­ today. He is In the city for a confer­ win. At present the United Emphro panied from Ottawa by Hantord Mac- Churchill's view that h& should cease ence on immigration matters. Rumor Says Hoadley attending the cotmnlttee meetings. party, child of the two newspaper Nlder, United States minister to Can­ Will Participate barons—Rothermere and Beaverbrook ada, will confer with President Hoover ADJUSTMENT ACT, REPLY Not Alone Sir Henry stated: Mr. Churchill is not alone in dis­ (Continued on Page 'two.) and Secretary of State Stimaon during "The Canadian National system his brief visit, senting from the Baldwin Indian views. TO SPEECH FROM THRONE with its great mileage on the prairies, Succeeds Greenfield Lord Uoyd, former Egyptian high Extended Welcoms rli—1 T"^—¥T T^i • «« ^ naturally deeply and vitally inter- commissioner and always outspoken, WASHINGTON, Jan. 30.—(A.P.)— Official Circles Mum on Mat­ starts tonight in Manchester on a The welcome of the highest officials of A. G. Andrews, or Sedgewick, Urges This Move as Means advantagested in ean tyo movementhe agriculturat that lpromise s barnstorming tour of denunciation of the United States was extended today of Protecting Farmers—Demands for Relief from ^''-^"'atry. The" railwathye willagricultura, thereforel ,mdus par­- ter—Hoadley Believes He the Indian round-table conference and to Premier R. B. Bennett of Canada ticipate in the establisliment of the its works. 28 Killed In —first Canadian premier to visit Wash­ Creditors Being Received from North and agricultural credits corporation which Could Serve Alberta Paul Sprlngman, the Beaverbrook ington In nearly four years. Central Alberta-^Sees No Cure in is being formed to provide loans for candidate in East Islington, la making Highly informed in character, his the purchase of the livestock and other in Loncjon Mr. Baldwin's alleged surrender to the brief visit was regarded by United Mixed Farming necessities for mixed farming. That Socialists" on India a prominent States ofBolala as an opportunity for and villages who are suffering from diversified fanning should bo gradu- (By Staff CorrMpondent.) plank in his platform. Mr. Churchill Mine Blast suffering from diversified fanning should bo gradu- a full and frank discussion of Cana­ (By Staff Correspondent.) the strain of heavy outstanding ac- a^'y extended over the prahrles with EDMONTON. Jan. 30.—Who will will make a speech for a Conservative" dian-United States problems. EDMONTON, Jan. 30.—Keynotlng counts. * decidenvi-a-nrinAd advantag r\\Tt%^e t o +halAl concernervrnirlpji d witaph- succeed Hon .Herbert Greenfield as candidate In East Toxteth who is not the farmer attitude in the present de­ Neither President Hoover nor Secre- Mlxed Farming no Cure P^^''^ conceded by those best Alberta's agent general in London? particularly attached to the official at­ Explosion Rocks English Mine tavy of State SUmson, however, had pression which holds agriculture in its Mr. Greenfield has resigned. His titude of his party toward India. prepared any preliminary data for grip, A. G. Andrews, government, Thirty cent wheat, ten cent oats, , - - five cent cattle, and butter and eggs 1« Bla^ to do Its share In en- term ends In March. The question of New Faction? —Many in Serious ithelr talks with Mr. Bennett since Sedgewick, In moWng the address In a successor is now being canvassed, but •A new faction, if It is bom," the reply to the speech from the throne at fifteen or twenty cents was the coura«lng this movement on the lines there were no previous Indications as official circles here are mum on the Condition to what the premier would discuss, at the Friday afternoon session of the cause of the debacle in agriculture, and suggested by the prime minister In his Legislature, declared for an extension Mr. Andrews warned that the talk of recent address- at Reglna." question. However, there is a, lot of AU formality was omitted In the gossip about It and what sounds like WHITEHAVEN, Cumberland, Eitr-. preparations for the reception of the of the Debt Adjustment Act as a means wholesale mixed farming would pro- • VJ- ail n„o..fru^ir i^nrirof.! Up Thc aimouncemcnt of the formation the best bet so far is that Hon. George Jan. 30.—(A.P.)—Twenty-eight coal premier at Union station. The Cana­ of protecting the farmer against too 1/ ovl ^i/ipf Ant^ lu^t' a! of an agricultural credits corporation Hoadley, veteran minister of agrlcul French Ministry miners are known to have been killed dian legation informed the state de­ severe pressure from his creditors. In »n explosion which burled them in partment several days ago that Mr. It sounded like old times to hear ^^Pwhekt market is todav ^'^ ^^^^ ^^""^^^ ^- ture, a native of Cumberland, old time Alberta rancher and with 24 sessions the deep Halg pit here yesterday. Th« Bennett would prefer not to have any such demands from the Farmer \^ntumm"K l^'°aews called ^^i^prtoaS S?orthf prTpS^ total was computed by mine officials military display or the 19-gun salute benches, sounded, in fact, like the first ir consideration on the part of mort- 30- J^'^P/.'^wn, A iLlst f^rs in the house, will be offered the post. Fully Confident The Herald asked him on Friday who Issued a casualty list at that hour. to which he Is entitled. two sessions of the Parmer legislature gage companies, for revaluation of f,^'=S„e^°"Jy or Sely r^^he All the others had been loollted and nearly ten years ago when from every morning if he would accept if It were Will Inspect Legation were being brought out as quickly as The list of those designated to wel­ hand demands for relief from the pres­ offered. Mr.- Hoadley was Inclined to Laval Government Nears Bap­ possible. " •. come the Canadian chief of state in­ sure of creditors was heard, especially arrears of taxes spread over a number "'ixed fanning, "hedge." He believed that he could of years without Interest or penalties . Bennett's Plan give good service In that position- be Twenty-lhre miners were brought (jut. cluded Caiiadlaji legation and high from the southern part of the prov Mr. Ben- tism of Fire—Formulate was also asked. Reduction in costs of A- private organization, cause of his knowledge of conditions aillve, and 12 of: them aire in aerlqus state department officers. One of the Ince. But strange as it may seem, the 'havlng as purposes of hla visit waa to inspect south Is making few of these demands: legal proceedings, extension of the "ett on that occasion said, in both the Old:Country, and Alberta Program.
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