TRI , , ft t Volume XLV HARTFORD, CONN., DECEMBER 17, 1947 Number 10 Trinity Support Asked for WSSF Boosters Club to Trinity Basketeers Overwhelm Sponsor Pre-Xmas To Help Needy Students Abroad Williams in Home Debut, 58-36 I Dance This Evening Kitchen Describes Large Crowd Expected I I Ron Watson High Scorer Conditions; Drive Debaters Defeat At Festivities; Pipes Stassen Interviewed As Ephmen Succumb I Begins in January Haverford in Octet to Entertain By "Tdpod" Reporter At State Armory Speaking in Wednesday's Chapel This evening at 8:30 an informal By Bill Wetter service, Mr. Wilmer J. Kitchen asked Opening Battle pre-Christmas dance will be held in At Yale Meeting 1 I Trinity's support in a drive to give Cook Lounge and Hamlin Dining Hall An estimated crowd of 1600 watched Taking the negative side of the On Monday afternoon, December 8, 400,000 students abroad direly needed to help get the vacation off to a flying Trinity bounce back from its defeat question "Should the United States food, clothes, shelter, and hospitaliza­ start. The dance will be sponsored by about one hundred collegiate and pro- by M.I.T. earlier in the week, to romp Adopt Universal Military Training?", tion. Mr. Kitchen, Executive Secre­ the increasingly active Boosters Club. fessional newspaper reporters gath­ over the Ephmen of Williams to the I the Trinity debating team of David tary of the Wedel Student Service Music will be by Ed Lally, his piano e1·ed at the "Yale Daily News" build­ tune of 58 to 36, at the State Armory Rivkin and Samuel Goldstein opened Fund, said that due to crop failures and his orchestra, and refreshments last Saturday night. In their first its season at Trinity Tuesday evening, ing in New Haven to interview a and the end of UNRRA, the food will be served. Mr. Lally's orchestra home game of the season, the Hill­ December 9, with a 2 to 1 victory prospective candidate for the Presi­ I situation was even more critical than is currently playing at a well-known toppers displayed great team work; over Haverford College. before and that this year's quota West Hartford night club. dency of the United States, Harold time after time, passing to a teammate would be raised to one million dollars. On Friday evening, December 12, The admission charge, one dollar E. Stassen. The one time Governor who was in a slightly better position the team represented by David Lam­ for each couple or stag, will be col­ I "The strategic nature of the emer­ of Minnesota paid homage to college to score. Captain Faber was the gency in universities abroad is ob­ bert and Fendell Winston encountered lected at the door. "A capacity crowd students by stating that he was very leader in setting up plays, but every stiffer opposition in its meeting with is expected," said Dance .Committee vious," Mr. Kitchen said. "The war­ glad to perceive the political activity man in the starting line-up set up at ravaged countries need trained, the St. Joseph College team of Pat­ Chairman Kenneth Higginbotham of least one basket for his side. among them. After this, Mr. Stas­ I educated leadership more than ever ricia Kelly and Shirley Selway. How­ Worcester,. Massachusetts. Decora­ Ron Watson, who was the individual before, and we in the United States ever, no points were at stake in this tions are in charge of Lewis Miller of sen added that he would not discuss high scorer for the evening with 14 need friends in these countries who debate, the subject of which was "Is Queens, New York. James Straley of Connecticut Republican politics. The points, put the Blue and Gold in front I are carrying on the same tradition, the Marshall Plan the best plan to Rockville Center, Long Island, is pro- inquisition got underway when a with a free throw in the opening assure world peace?" viding for refreshments. Admissions who have the same common heritage, reporter from the "Yale Daily News" minutes of the game. Trinity was as university students here. If the Trinity, defending the negative, set chairman is Seyward Epps of Somer- never headed. Watson, Pitkin, Mahon, ville, New Jersey, who will sell tickets asked Mr. Stassen his chance for the universities fail, if darkness settles forth as its principal argument the and Faber threw in two-pointers, and I over the world, we shall be alone. point that "Until barriers on trade at the door. David Gottesman of New nod from the G.O.P. Mr. Stassen Pitkin and Ponsalle were good from They must not fail!" and manufacturing are removed and York City is Entertainment Commit- said he "expected" to have about 155 the foul line to run the score up He said that many students and the countries of Europe readjust their tee chairman, and Do~al~ ~hippy of Idelegat es lined up in time for the to 13-4. economic systems, the Marshall Plan Palmerton, Pennsylvama, IS m charge t' t' · J • 8 H Trin remained about ten points professors were returning from con­ of publicity. , na wna1 conven 10n m une, 4 . e I will not work." ahead of the visitors until a few min­ centration camps and the underground An added feature will be the ap- 1 thought that h.ad as a chance The St. Joseph girls, on the other h~ ~ood utes before the end of the half, when to bombed out, gutted buildings, peaunce of the Pipes, renowned as anyone. Th1s tmm~dtately brought ruined dormitories, and empty li­ hand, eloquently contended that the second team entered. Williams campus octet. forth a flurry of questwns on General made six straight points to cut the I braries, to begin anew. He showed "While the war cost us 300 billions, Eisenhower's prospects in the Repub­ I lead to 29-23 at half time. how the fund has helped iu the past the Marshall Plan is based on onl 22 lican race. The reply was that "any Following the intermission, Watson to finance sanatoriums for tuberculars, billion dollars and that the United Dean's Office man qualified is fit to run." Mr. made a foul and Mahon and Ponsalle food canteens to provide a minimum States, in an effort to establish world Registration for the Trinity Term Stassen add d that he would not play I hooped baskets to offset baskets by of 1500 calories per day, and mimeo- peace, must both adopt and foster the will be held soon after the end of second fiddle on the national ticket. Williams. Then Trin began to pull graph machines to supplement prac­ Marshall Plan." the Christmas Vacation. It is, for him, all or nothing at all. away. With Mahon shooting sets, tically non-existent text books. -------------------------------- In the subject of foreign policy, 1 and Pitkin, Faber and Watson con­ 1 Mr. Stassen expressed the hope that As part of the college's campaign, necting with one handers near the Professor Harrington of Biology "foreign policy will play a small part which will begin after Christmas basket, Trinity built up a 52-33 ad­ in the 1948 campaign." He believed vacation and will be run by the Trin­ vantag . Joe Ponsalle, who was bril­ Department Interviewed by "Tripod" that this country's foreign policy will I ity Commission of the N.S.A., a Signal I liant on defense all night, stole the be one endorsed by both parties. He Corps film depicting conditions in By Hank Perez ball away from the Ephmen several Europe, which won last year's Acad- , Following t':"o years of overse~s favored heavy aid to European ·oun­ duty, Dr. ~arrmgton .retumed to thts tries, but with certain restrictions times in this burst to set up scoring emy Award for documentation, will The life of Dr. Harrington, now an plays for the Hilltoppers. Coach I be shown in the Chemistry Audito- associate professor of Biology at the country :Ia the Med~terranean route attached to materials sent to lands and admrtted the bnght spot of the Costing sent the reserves in again, rium on Wednesday January 14. college, has undoubtedly been a full "experimenting with Socialism." He period to have been "when we sailed and this time they match d the Wil­ ' one. Born in New Hampshire, Dr. did not want strategic materials or into New York's harbor just before liamstown boys point for· point the Harrington attended Bowdoin College manufactured goods shipped to the I Christmas, 1945, even though we all re t of the game. where he received his B.S., the Uni- Soviet Union. He also discussed Mr. had sun-tans on and almost froze to Trinity was successful on 16 out I versity of New Hampshire, wh ere he Vishinsky's remarks about the U.S. AI h 0 1 d death.'' of 26 free throws and 21 out of 68 p a e ts an received an M.S., and Cornell Univer- He agreed with the White House in 1 Upon his return to this country, shots from the floor. On the other 1 Sorority Present sity, where he was given his P h.D. the partition of Palestine. He added to I he went back to Cornell where after hand, Williams was not as accurate in this latter statement (when queried) Minstrelsy Tonight After his graduation from Bow- its shooting. They caged only 14 out doin, Dr. Hanington spent two years satisf~ing the remaining requirements by saying that he did "not believe" of 73 shots and 8 fouls out of 18 tries.
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