SATURDAY, AUGUST S. 1142 PAGE SIX THE YPSILANTI DAILY PRESS. YPSILANTI, MICH.. FELIX THE CAT * '<£ Ann Arbor News cat N jMZFSIT At you ) F :‘v 'Jft T" . Q \\ \\ University Gets Coach ar Department ill Take From Hastings School Over UM Law (Quadrangle Ann Arbor. Mich., Aug. B—Coach L>le Bennett has accepted a posi- education staff Ann Arbor. Mich . Aug S—The In the Lawyers Club while classes tion on the physical of the University, as assistant take the in Hutchins Two War Department will over convene Hall. tialner. His latest po-itlon was as University of Michigan Law Quad hundred sixty students could be athletic director of Hastings High rangle early next month to house accommodated in the dormitory 9 School, and before that he was as- the Judge-Advocate General's Because of the large number of sistant coach at Alma and West- ¦c i oo n ern State Teachers' College in school, CROSSWORD according to announcement men lost to the armed forces, the He Is now working on a DAILY law school Kalamazoo from Washington. enrollment is low at master's degree in physical educa- ACROSS 6. Object 26. Highest shortage of living A quarters this time. Law school work is to tion at the University. 1. Coffeehouse 7. Melodies card foi students In Washington, where be continued with students being He was chosen to fill the place of 5. Stretch 8 Organs of 27. Marry Daily Market Report the school has been located. Is Bronson, Short housed In quarters Steve assistant trainer at across smell 30. given as reason for the trans new for who 9. haircuts the Special training the University 12 years, 9. Female Bulk fer of the school to Ann Arbor. in problems pe- the last Army given was inducted into Army horses 11. Depend 33. Part of a Army officials and the Board of culiar to the is law- 25c; broilers, heavy. 22c. yers in the office of the Judge-ad February. 10. Mistake upon fugue Regents negotiated on the trans- Coach Bennett is 39 years old. Weakens vocate general at the school. 12. Mountain 17. 37. Concerning YORK STOCKS LIVESTOCK fer which was made with the full and has two chll NEW Army ordnance students have and 1s married chain IS. Greek letter 38. Designating I | Vegetable! approcal of University officials. dren. He will work under Hay Rob- 20. the been quartered in the quadrangle 13. Clamor Loop with gulls Detroit. Mich.. Aug 8— Dean Blythe K stason of the Uni- erts. athletic and will help 39 Branches Watling, & Company) Detroit, , Aug. to during the past few months and trainer, 14. King of running of| (By Lerchen Mich B—Good BEETS—No. 1. da@soc doz. bebs. versity Law School, hichly pleased, with the physical conditioning pro- iilkslllSlils s graduated Israel knot learning 114.75 # 13.50; common bu. Hoc. stated that he felt it was fortu- will be before the new gram. Yeittrdsy’s A««ws» American Can 641* Lest steers. CABBAGE 40# 15. Os 21. Wander 40. Grieves over 1, 40c that the University might in department moves tn. Weight American T. & T 1163* 112 ft 13.30; fat beef rows. 19 00# CARROTS—No. 35# doz. nate Asia about idly 41. Moham- 44. Otherwise BEANS No. 1. such way aid the war effort by 111; good weighty sausage bulls, GREEN a 16 22. Ventilate medan god 48. Stitch Anaconda 25% bu. dealing congestion in Washington Broach Company Blamed Astringent and cutters, Red Cross Will Use fruits 25. Mercenaries 43. Leap over 49. Male adult Atchison 41% *11.5(10/1175. canners CUCUMBERS No 1. *3#3.50 ha. Officers at the school are to live Hold-Up Proceeds From Fats For Production 18. Untidy Atlantic Refining 16 $6.50# 9 25. PEAS—No 1, $2-30#3 bu 19. Planet 4 i Bendix 31 Calves —Good tv choice grades, POTATOES No 1. $1.25-0 1.40 bu. Ann Arbor. Mich., Aug. B—A re- 21. Fuel 21 and medium, GREEN ONIONS—No. 1. 40 # 50c Ann Arbor. Mich Aug. S—Food —h P | ~ I" I C. A 0 *l6® 16.50; common charging ii port. that the American 23. Italian river , doz. bchs. boxes for county disaster points, 'fit 12% Il2(ti 15.50. ROCK Os AGES Broach and Machine Cos., has cn 24. Melt Consolidated Edison RADISHES —No. 1, 45 # 63c do?, equipment for an experimental 1 Few dhoice gaged in unfair labor practices and Continental Can 24 « Sheep and lambs bchs. laboratory kitchen in Red Cross 28. Trouble * \ that production of vital war goods 29. Weep Detroit Edison 15% 314.50; medium, 112 50 @ 14.00; MW RE I ILK headquarters ill North Hall, and has as of been curtailed a result 31. Frozen 113% slaughter ewes, (3 u7; light culls. Fruit coffee and doughnuts distributed these practices was filed with the du Pont Detroit. Mich.. Aug 8- - tn Army inductees at the time of water General Electric 26% Ii 6- f AUILN MONUMENT National Labor Relations Board in 32. Prohibition- APPLES —Yellow transparent!. No. their departure for camp will be Washington, United Auto- Hogs 180-230 lbs. 314.90# 15 00; $1.50® 175 bu.; 1, by the ists General Food 31% i. Duchess, No. purchased with proceeds from the mobile Workers (CIO) After a 2,50-350 lbs, 1< 3.50450 sl.lo# 1.40. 34. General Motors t 37% 114.65# 95; bu.. sale of used fats which are being hearing by R Ringer, Therefore CHERRIES—No. 1. sweet. [email protected]<) William Color Illinois 6% lbs 314.05# 14.35; bulk sows, sl3# collected by Ann Arbor meat mer- NLRB trial examiner. Mr. Ringer 35. Central 16-qt. crate, sour, No. 1, $3.00# chants for the Red Cross. * recommended that the company 36. High- lnt. Harvester 47 13.50. 11.30 24-qt- crate. The fats, which will he sold American pitched qt. at cease recognizing the International Tele. A Tele, .. 2% HUCKLEBERRIES—No. 1, 24 pound 39. Conscious the rate of five cents a for Broach Employes' Protective Asso- Montgomery Ward 29% Detroit Cash Grain crate, $7#7.50. munition manufacture, are being ciation bargaining agent for the 42. Ointment as 21 Detroit, Mich.. Aug S collected as part of a drive to ob- workers. 45. A chest National Distillers tain enough glycerine for war sound Pennsylvania 21 WHEAT —No. 2. 31.25. munition production. It is esti- 46. Persian coin Radio Corporation 3% BA RLE) Mailing lange, SO "i Ssc; Car Handle Catches 47. Slopes • Rock of 4ges monuments are on mated that four pounds of fat per Seats Roebuck . 531s feeding, 7le. display in our showrooms in vari- year from each American family 49. Less Dress, Woman Injured 40 41 42 33 44 Standard Oil of Cal 21% Butter ana Eggs (•INSURANCE^ ous forms and sizes. Won't sou will be enough supply munition 50. Kind of rock 39 to Standard Oil of N. j 7 Detroit, Mich., Aug S—- visit us and let us assist you in factories with all the glycerine 51. To fish a family pro- Ann Arbor. Mich . Aug B—Mrs Socony Vacuum 81. In tubs, planning memorial for production. 52. To BUTTER—Best creamery gram? needed war Howard Gill of 110 Alton Ave . E exhibit Standard Brands 3% The boxes which be 53. 39V @41%c. food will Lansing, was injured Friday after- Bird's abode United Aircraft 26 a 471111111111148 vfr 49 EGGS Current receipts, 37c- among county distributed disaster noon when the door handle of an DOWN Union Carbide 67'. centers cost SIOO apiece. Improvement automobile, Herman 1. Waterway United Gas .... 3% driven by Poultrv Kalmbach. 514 2. Laboriously United States Steel 46% of Liberty St. Aug. B—Poultry: 3. Tentacle F W. Woolworth 27% Detroit. Mich.. Lloyd A. Brown to be caught her dress and hurled her market steady. Hens, average run to the pavement. 4. Large worm 77?5~ W/ \ \ \ 22c; leghorns, 18c; rock springer.--. Librarian in Maryland Mrs. Gills front teeth were 5. Japanese m m Ml M Spook Show Planned knocked loose, her left shoulder coin Ann Arbor. Mich . Aug. B—Anoth- and right knee were injured, and at Wuerth Theater YPSILANTI MARKETS A. Burrell er University facul'y member is her collar bone was broken She J. leaving accept another positlOD. was taken to If (Buying Prices) to St. Joseph's Mercy you ate a aissy you better not He is Lloyd Arnold Brown, cura- Hospital. come— tor of maps of the William L. That's given Pick of the AirToday the admonishment (Ypsilanti Farm Bureau) Clements Library of American His- all faint-hearted who plan to attend and Sons tory of the University the mi .night ghost show scheduled GRAIN Brown, wife anu MARRIAGE LICENSES Wheat (bu.) Mr with his —Red network. WLW 700. WWJ 7:oo—The Remarkable Miss Tut- for the Wuerth Theater Wednesday $1.15 young son. will go to Baltimore to night. Bailey (cwt.) 1.25 950, 1100, WMAQ 670, Blue tle: Pearson Street live month, where WHAM filled Rye (bu.) 66 ASK some time this So with eeriness will this US librar- Ann Arbor. Mich. Aug. B—MarriageB—Mar- network, 1270, WLW 700, Spangled Vaudeville; Oats, old 47 Back of Cleary College ’ne will take up his duties as WXYZ 8:00 —Star special show be that it is even pre- (bu.) there. riage license applications: .. Phone 636 ian of the Peabody Institute WGN 720. 10:00—Hour of Charm. dicted that those who attend alone Oats, new (hit.) ...
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