The Thresher An All-Siudeni Newspaper For 47 Years "Volume 51—Number 4 HOUSTON, TEXAS WEDNESDAY, OCT. 2, 1963 SCHOLARSHIP RETURNED Out Exceeds In: Charter Intervention University Budget Draws Alum Protest Fails To Balance The interveners in the Uni- learned of the efforts of Mr. The financial report of Rice versity's suit asking permission Coffee and Mr. Billups "to pre- University, released Monday to integrate and charge tuition vent integration at Rice." He and published as required by EIGHT STORIES TALL—Rising out of the trees at received a protest last summer in stated that "My feelings are that law, revealed a deficit of the north end of the campus, the eight-story tower which the form of a check and a letter you are wrong in this matter. $150,127 in the operations of will house the new Margarett Root Brown College will be from Mr. James L. Aronson, a Any man who can qualify on his the University during the year east of of Jones (foreground) and adjacent to Sunset 1959 gi*aduate of Rice. ability for entrance to Rice is a ending June 30, 1963. Boulevard (left) and Main Street. Addressing his protest to Mr. top quality man, regardless of his This was confirmed by L. John B. Coffee, one of the two race, and I would be happy to as- S. Shamblin, treasurer and men who filed a countersuit sociate with him. To deny that business manager, and Howard against the University, Aronson man an opportunity for a Rice A. Thompson, Director of De- New Women's College Will Tower objected to the obstruction of in- education is selfishly cruel; in velopment. The added expen- tegration at Rice, informing Mr. denying that opportunity it is diture was blamed by Thomp- Coffee that "legally you may be also an admission of one's own son on the rising costs of ed- right, but morally you are not." sense of possible inferiority. Eight Floors Above Main Street ucation. MR. ARONSON returned to "RICE IS a great university; Preliminary plans for the new mons, recreation room, and a EXPENSES FOR the year the University the sum of $100 it has no business belonging to Margaret Root Brown College Master's residence. amounted to $5,200,524, total which he had received as John this undignified policy. call for an eight-story high-rise TH K BROWN & ROOT archi - income to $4,913,029. The bulk B. Coffee Scholar in Geology in "I can even less afford $100.00 structure to be built between the tect displayed a whole sheaf of of the income was from in- 1958-59 with the request to Presi- today than I could in 1958," Aron- present Jones plant and the main special perspectives showing the vestments. Income in the form dent Pitzer that the award be son said. "As a peaceable protest University entrance. appearance of the eight-story of gifts and grants totaled stricken from his record. to your action I am returning Albert E. Sheppard, A.T.A., building from various vantage $431,904. (The Thresher learned of the this money to Rice, and asking chief architect for Brown & Root, points. Over half the expenses were protest when the editor and a that the John B. Coffee Scholar said the high-rise plan was adop- The top several stories will be listed as instructional, amount- staff member heard Rabbi Rob- in Geology award be removed ted "to conserve valuable ground visible from Main Street and ing to $2,604,050. ert I. Kahn of Temple Emmanuel from my record." area" in the .Tones corner of the most other campus points. It will THIS IS the first time in the say in his sermon at last Friday's ARONSON, A MEMBER of campus. not, however, approach the height history of the University that services that a countersuit biled Will Rice College and the Honor HE INDICATED that *plans of the old Campanile, by far the there has been a deficit. In by a businessman against a Uni- Council while at Rice, has been were considered which placed the ! tallest structure on campus. connection with the deficit, versity in this state, which has a graduate student at the Cali- new college west of Jones, but I HE SHE east >f J'ones also Thompson predicted "inten- filed suit for permission to inte- fornia Institute of Technology that this idea was rejected in I was )icked because it was land sification of attempts to get grate, had been dropped. The for the past four years, has re- view of expansion needs in the "which could not have been other- further financial support from Rabbi used no names. ceived a Masters degree, and is engineering neighborhood adja- wise used." Every attempt was alumni, corporations, and the made, the architect said, to "pre- The suit had been dropped, said working on a doctorate. His pres- cent to Jones. like." serve the park-like area around Rabbi Kahn, because of a protest ent inclination is to go into re- The college, financed by the When asked if the Univer- the college. Very few trees will by a, recipient of a scholarship search and teaching, but he says Brown Foundation, is scheduled sity had. any sort of "backup be displaced." §4ven by the businessman. All but that his plans are not definite. to open in the fall of 1965.'Shep- fund" to cover the deficit, the crucial point of the story, Aronson was notified of the pard said that the new college The tentative plans reveal that Thompson said, "This has not the dismissaj of the suit, proved countersuit against the Univer- would include the usual complex the tower will be arranged in an been answered as yet." upon investigation by the Thresh- sity by a clipping sent him from i of facilities including a corn- "H" pattern, giving the illusion er to be true, and to concern Rice. his father in Dallas. When inter- of twin towers on the side eleva- The Rabbi told the Thresher viewed via telephone by the tion. This configuration was se- that he had heard the story as a Thresher, he stated that he felt lected both for architectural ef- rumor and had purposely avoid- that he had found this summer Senate Withdraws Concert Support, fect and the utilitarian aspect of ed the use of any names.) a "rare opportunity" to ifiform I placing a I! the service facilities IX HIS LETTER of July 12 to the interviewers that there is a Votes Money For Janus Publication j on top of each other al a cent rui I local ion. Mr. Coffee, Mr. Aronson thanked proportion of the alumni, pos- By G RETCH EN VIC office supply give-away busi- Mr. Coffee for the award, saying sibly large, that favors integra- It was decided to give $125.00 ness. | The exact local ion ol the ' "'in- that the award "certainly helped tion. He stated that he had re- unqualified assistance to Janus BECAUSE OF unrest among j mons and Master's House for i new college has not yet been me financially to complete my ceived a "gentlemanly reaction this year to indicate the Senate's the alumni, the New Song (to the | determined. undergraduate education at Rice." from Mr. Coffee." support of this magazine. tune of Finlandia) will be called He then stated that he had just (Continued on Page G) Support of the Josh White con- "The School Song" until further cert for November 24 has been notice, and "Rice's Honor" will withdrawn by the Student Sen- still be called the Alma Mater. Last Dates Close ate last night because of the "The School Song" will be play- Colleges Set Budgets proximity of a Peter, Paul, and ed at all Alma Mater-like occa- For Fellowships, "Let's loosen up and get THE SOCIAL BUDGET for Mary concert to be held in Hous- sions, and the Alma Mater will something done," reads a mar- Jones, Wiess, Baker and Hans- ton on the twenty-second. A be a part of the band's collection Graduate Awards ginal note on a copy of one of zen have been around $1,100- later date is being sought by the of school songs. A variety of graduate scholar- last year's college budgets. $1,200 during the last tw-o Student Center Board. It will be played at least once every game, even if as a fight ships for study in both the sci- "We are only limited by funds years. This heading is gen- S. A. President Mike Jaffe song. ences and the humanities in the and imagination." erally assumed to cover all ac- pointed out that the Unutt'rsity tivities of a "party" nature. U.S. and abroad are available for Working on this premise, the of Houston has promised to sup- the informed and qualified stu- five college cabinets have re- The one prominent exception port the Josh White concert with Beer Flow Slows in this list is Will Rice. In dent cently completed work on their us by advertising it through their Rice is one of the 20 U. S. aca- budget^, for the coming year. '61-'62, the allocation was $900," radio and television stations and in '62-'63 only $800 and in As Parties Quiet demic institutions chosen * to Most are hopeful at best that newspaper, and by selling tickets award Churchill Scholarships the end of the year will find '63-'64, a healthy $1,250. on their campus. UNDER THE heading De- given by Churchill College of actual expenditures coming In what was a nearly-record After LCB Raid velopment and Permanent Im- Cambridge University.
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