commonwealth of Australia Gazette! Published by the Australian Government Publishing Service No. G 32 Canberra, Tuesday, 16 August 1977 GENERAL CONTENTS AVAILABILrrY. The Gazette may be obtained by mail from: Notice to private advertisers 2 Mail Ordei Sales, Australian Government Publishing Scrvice, Proclamations 2 P.O. 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Commonwealth Acts and Statutory Rules, Australian Commonwealth of Australia Gazette is published section- Capital Territory Ordinances and Regulations, and other ally in accordance with the arrangements set out below: Australian Government publications may also be pur- Public Service issues contain notices concerning admin- chased at these addresses. istrative matters, including examinations, vacancies, transfers and promotions within the Australian Public NOTICES FOR PUBLICATION and related corres- Service. These issues are published weekly at 10.30 a.m. pondence should be addressed to: on Thursday, and are sold at 95c each plus postage or Gazette Office, Australian Government Publishing on subscription of $58,00 (50 issues), $32.00 (25 issues), Service, P.O. Box 4007, Canberra A.C.T. 2600 or $16.00 (12 issues). 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Rates include ALL REMITTANCES should be made payable to surface postage in Australia and overseas. Other carriage Collector of Public Moneys, Australian Governnovernmenr t rates are available on application. Publishing Service'. 13370/77 Cat. No. 77 5235 2—Recommended retail price 65c (plus postage) Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Notice to private advertisers No. G32, 16 August 1977 (c) fix, as the position of the quarantine line for NOTICE TO PRIVATE the port at Exmouth in the Slate of Western Australia, an imaginary line being an arc, hav- ADVERTISERS ing a radius of 0.5 of an international nautical mile from the intersection of the parallel 21° 49' south latitude with the meridian 114" As from 1 September 1977, a new scale of charges is 11' 18" east longitude, seaward of the points to be introduced for advertisements. These will be at which it intersects the coastline of the State charged at the rate of 5c per word with a minimum of Western Australia at mean high-water. charge of SI for twenty words or less. All copy for advertisements must be accompanied by payment. Copy sent without payment will be returned unpublished. SCHEDULE Port at Port Walcott PROCLAMATIONS "Die area of waters bounded by— (a) an imaginary line being an arc, having a radius of 10 kilometres from the intersection of the QUARANTINE PROCLAMATION No. 122G parallel 20° 35' 40" south latitude with the Commonwealth By His Excellency the meridian 117° 11' east longitude, seaward of of Australia Governor-General of the points at which it intersects the coastline of JOHN R, KERR the Commonwealth of the State of Western Australia at mean high- Governor-General Australia water; and WHEREAS it is provided by sub-section 13(1) of (b) the coastline of the State of Western Australia the Quarantine Act 1908 that, amongst other things, at mean high-water between the points at whii h the Governor-Genera! may, by proclamation, declare it is intersected by the arc, any ports in Australia to be first ports of entry for including the waters, up to mean high-water, of all oversea vessels: inlets, estuaries, rivers, streams and creeks entering AND WHEREAS it is provided by sub-section the first-mentioned waters. 13 (lA) of that Act that the power to declare first ports of entry shall extend to authorize the declaration of a port to be a first port of entry for any class of Port at Exmouth oversea vessels: The area of waters bounded by an imaginary line commencing at the most northerly extremity of North AND WHEREAS it is provided by sub-section West Cape in the State of Western Australia; thence 26 (2) of that Act that the Governor-General may in a straight line to the intersection of the parallel by proclamation fix the position of the quarantine 21° 47' 12" south latitude with the meridian 114° 15' line for any port: east longitude; thence along that meridian to its inter- NOW THEREFORE I. Sir John Robert Kerr, the section with the parallel 22° 15' south latitude; thence Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, in a straight line to the intersection of the parallel acting with the advice of the Federal Executive 22° 18' 18" south latitude with the meridian 114° Council, hereby— 10' 40" east longitude; thence following the coastline (a) declare the ports at Port Walcott and Exmouth of the State of Western Australia at mean high-water in the State of Western Australia, being the to the point of commencement; including the waters, ports described in the Schedule, to be first up to mean high-water, of all inlets, estuaries, rivers, ports of entry for oversea vessels used in streams and creeks entering the first-mentioned waters.
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