--- ---- ----- --------- - ~-~------~------------------------------------, THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's OLUME 39: ISSUE 24 FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER24. 2004 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Accident prompts Discourse misses Ramadan's presence • ing concern that - without engage the opinions and ideas of lateral discussion he would foster By BETH ERICKSON unconventional voices like in11uential Muslim intellectuals, would contribute to the rev1evv News Writer Ramadan's­ including, controversial ones like University's mi<>sion. the discussion Ramadan," director of the Kroc "I read his latest book, and par­ Athletic dept. looks Editor's Note: This is the third of Middle Institute Scott Appleby said. "We ticularly concentrated on the con­ in a three-part series exploring Eastern con­ have invited him to join our com­ clusions that he reached and cer­ at student drivers the controversies and implica­ flict will munity of debate and intellectual tain things he was writing about," tions surrounding the visa revo­ remain uni­ discourse as a participant in a University President Father By CLAIRE HEININGER cation of Tariq Ramadan, a pro­ lateral on conversation that is wide-ranging, Edward Malloy said in an inter­ News Editor fessor who was scheduled begin campus and complex and absolutely critical to view earlier this month. "On he teaching at Notre Dame this fall. at other aca­ peace and justice issues in our basis of all of that, it seemed to be Last week's auto accident demic institu- time." that the reason for hiring him - involving a University-issued van As controversy regarding the tions. Ramadan The administration has main­ which was to promote a conver­ driven by a member of the Notre State Department's revocation of "In addition tained that it exercised caution in sation within the Peace Institute, Dame men's golf team has led Professor Tariq Ramadan's visa to relying on the sound and often appointing Ramadan, and despite with Islam and with a particular the athletic d~epartment to re­ continues, students and profes­ brilliant scholarship of dozens of the controversial nature of his examine its policies regarding sors at Notre Dame are express- non-Muslims, it is necessary to ideals, has insisted that the multi- see RAMADAN/page 9 student drivers. "It's another reason to take a look at what we're doing and make sure we're doing it correct­ ly," Associate Athletic Director John Heisler said. "We're just Budget cuts restrict band travel trying to get our arms around it and undf~rstand the whole thing. !Our evaluation! could be ongo­ ing - it's not something you Band of the Fighting Irish to attend only one away game determine in just a week." The accident occurred Sept. 16, when a semitrailer hit and By TERESA FRALISH totalnd the van on Interstate 80 Associate News Editor as the six golfers inside traveled to a practice session at Lost Breaking with years of Dunes Golf Club in Bridgman, tradition, the Band of the Mich. Indiana State Police ticket­ Fighting Irish will be travel­ ed freshman golfer Gregory ing to just one away football Hodgers at the scene for attempt­ game this fall - solely as a ing an illegal U-turn. result of budget cuts. Heisll~r said the athletic "This year is a big let­ department prefers scenarios down," said Lauren Fowler, when coaches drive, but less band vice president. than ideal circumstances often In the past, the full band, arise. about 380 people, has "In a perfect world you don't always traveled to at least have students drive, but that two away games, and par­ may not always be possible," he ticularly to games within said, pointing out that the use of close distance. The band student drivers is not unique to traveled to two games last Observer File Photo Members of the Irish Guard lead the Band of the Fighting Irish onto the field during the home game see DRIVERS/page 9 see BAND/page 11 against Michigan. Budget cuts have restricted the Band's travel to only the away game at Tennessee. Richards advocates health care Notre Dame Smokers Former Texas governor fuel football tradition speaks at Saint Mary's Moose Krause started organization By MEGAN O'NEIL News Writer smoke cigars and play cards By SARAH BARRETT during meetings. One becomes Speaking with the same wit News Writer a Smoker, and thus a member and energy that characterized of its father organization the her political career, former The Notre Dame Smokers Knights of Columbus, by being Texas governor Ann Hichards Committee is an organization a man who practices called for major expansionary surrounded by the haze of leg­ Catholicism on a regular basis changes in the national .health end and fervor - and just a and works his way up through care system Thursday night in whiff of cigar smoke. the different degrees of being a the keynote address of the Founded in Knight. "Justice for All Ages" confer­ 1943, the SeeA/so The Smokers are heavily Notre Dame involved in service, and today ence. "Knights serve "I think we have to begin to Smokers tra­ the organization acts as a non­ work for universal coverage dition started the community" profit aimed at raising funds with the late, and working to better the South from the youngest among us to page6 the oldest," Richards said. great, Edward Bend community. According to Richards, 45 "Moose" Charitable funds are earned million Americans currently Krause to help promote Notre through various fundraisers live with no health care, and Dame football through the and combined with money that the issue ranks in importance hardships of the war, Smokers the members have accrued and behind only terrorism and the chairman Steve Filbert said. invested. economy on political agendas JUSTIN RICE/The Observer The Smokers came by their The Smokers frequently Former Texas governor Ann Richards delivers the keynote name because of the tendencies see RICHARDS/page 10 address to the "Justice for All Ages" conference Thursday. of the founding fathers to see SMOKERS/page 8 .--------------------------- -- page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Friday, September 24, 2004 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT'S YOUR PREDICTION FOR THE FOOTBALL GAME THIS WEEKEND? Standing tall Being tall is more than just having a few more inches in height than the aver­ age person - it is a way of lile. Since I Marcia Erp am six-feet tall I am all too familiar with Ashley Cunningham John Welsh Cecelia Hilliard Jenny Mayer Peter Hadley Hilda Boney the struggle of finding long jeans or a Freshman Senior Junior Junior Freshman date to a dance who is about my height. Kelly Meehan McGlinn Keough McGlinn LaMans SDH workers Carroll I have been News Wire above-average Editor "Oh yeah, we'll "ND 24-UW 14." "!think we're 'WD 38-UW 1o, "Notre Dame "/ do care. I do height for my entire win! By three gonna do well. " because that's will win ... by want to go. ND life. I remember picture day back in elementary school touchdowns. " what my hot what margin, 21-UW 1J." when we were instructed to line up teacher said. " we don't know. " shortest to tallest. I would have a sinking feeling in my stomach, for I would so badly want to stand with my other girl friends in the front of the line. This would work for about one minute, until my teacher would promptly escort me to the back of the line to stand with all the awk­ wardly tall boys. Things really got out of control when I grew six inches during seventh grade, which is quite an amazing feat. It was at this point when I realized I would forever 'IN BRIEF be the tall girl. I was questioned several times a day if I played basketball. No, I do not. When The Student Union Board that was not a satisfactory response I will offer screenings of was asked if I played volleyball. No, I am "Eternal Sunshine of the not athletic. It was usually about this Spotless Mind" starring Jim point in the conversation when the per­ Carrey and Kate Winslet son questioning me on the usc of my tonight at 8 and 10:30 p.m. height would get a disgusted look on his The cost is $3, and the movie or her face to suggest I was potentially a will be shown in 101 waste of athletic potential- which, by DeBartolo llall. the way, I am not. for I am extremely uncoordinated. The well-known irnprov Of course there was always the point in group Comedy Sportz is corn­ my life where random men supposedly ing to Washington llall from a "modeling agency" would tonight at 10 p.m. approach me at the mall or in public ven­ ues to tell me and my parents that I Saturday is the final day to would make a "great model" because of register for the Oct. 29-31 my height. It was somewhat flattering, NDE retreat. Sign-ups are all but being invited to model by a random day in 114 Coleman-Morse man in a small town in Ohio is not exact­ Center. ly the best way to break into the world of modeling. The Creative Writing Shopping for stylish pants with a long Program joins the St. Joseph Literacy Council in its annual inseam is a never-ending endeavor. I get HILLARY THORNTONfThe Observer very upset when I sec short girL<; snatch­ The Notre Dame Women's Running Club jogs past Badin Hall Thursday. The team, book fair all day Saturday at ing up the long inseam jeans at Gap just which focuses on combining competition with a friendly team-like atmosphere, the South Bend Barnes and so they could cut the bottoms otr to participates In numerous on- and off-campus road races each year.
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