September 6, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H7241 provide the best kind of tax relief to all b 1900 sought a seat on the Washington Coun- Americans, not just the wealthiest few, GENERAL LEAVE ty Commission. She recognized the im- by reducing interest rates on home portance of health care in rural com- mortgages, student loans, and other es- Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- munities, and she developed the first sential investments. mous consent that all Members may rural health initiative project in Kan- This surplus comes from the hard have 5 legislative days within which to sas. work and ingenuity of the American revise and extend their remarks on the She chaired Ronald Reagan's cam- people. We owe it to themÐand to their subject of the special order today of paign for President in our State and childrenÐto make the best use of it. the gentleman from North Carolina served the Reagan administration in This bill, in combination with the tax (Mr. COBLE). the Department of Health and Human bills already passed and planned for The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Services regional office in Kansas City. next year, would squander the sur- TANCREDO). Is there objection to the re- She worked hard every time to see that plusÐwithout providing the immediate quest of the gentleman from Texas? her fellow Kansan, Bob Dole, would be estate tax relief that family farms, There was no objection. elected President. small businesses, and other estates f In 1992, she decided she could even do more for others and was elected to could receive under the fiscally respon- SPECIAL ORDERS sible alternatives rejected by the Con- State senator for the 21st district. She gress. For that reason, I must veto this The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under was reelected in 1996 and was cam- bill. the Speaker's announced policy of Jan- paigning for reelection at the time of Since the adjournment of the Con- uary 6, 1999, and under a previous order her death. During her time in the Kan- gress has prevented my return of H.R. of the House, the following Members sas senate, she worked hard on health 8 within the meaning of Article I, sec- will be recognized for 5 minutes each. care issues and fought for local control. tion 7, clause 2 of the Constitution, my f She believed that government should withholding of approval from the bill be local and limited. She chaired the IN MEMORY OF KANSAS SENATOR elections on local government com- precludes its becoming law. The Pock- JANICE HARDENBURGER et Veto Case, 279 U.S. 655 (1929). In ad- mittee. Janice was ill during the last session dition to withholding my signature and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a of the legislature. She could not eat, thereby invoking my constitutional previous order of the House, the gen- and she had pain. But despite huge im- power to ``pocket veto'' bills during an tleman from Kansas (Mr. MORAN) is pediments, she worked all session long adjournment of the Congress, to avoid recognized for 5 minutes. to fashion an ethics law worthy of pas- litigation, I am also sending H.R. 8 to Mr. MORAN of Kansas. Mr. Speaker, sage. As State Senator Dave Kerr indi- the House of Representatives with my something sad happened back home in cated at her memorial service, that objections, to leave no possible doubt Kansas last week. Cancer took the life of one more of our State's citizens. Our legislation now stands as a lasting trib- that I have vetoed the measure. ute to one highly ethical lady who gave I continue to welcome the oppor- State has many treasures: beautiful sunsets, rolling prairie hills, city fac- her waning strength to bring higher tunity to work with the Congress on a standards of ethics in all elective poli- bipartisan basis on tax legislation that tories, waves of wheat, meadowlarks, cottonwood trees, and grazing cattle. tics in Kansas. Senator Hardenburger is targeted, fiscally responsible, and never became silent about things that geared towards continuing the eco- But what matters to us Kansans most, what makes our place the State we mattered. nomic strength we all have worked so For those of us who are privileged to hard to achieve. choose to call home is our people, Kan- sans. work in public service, where the toll WILLIAM J. CLINTON. The death of one Kansan takes some- for entry can be excruciatingly high THE WHITE HOUSE, August 31, 2000. and the price of staying even higher, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Con- thing away from every Kansan. With the death of Janice Hardenburger, the we do not always expect to find true sistent with the action of Speaker friendship, true loyalty, and a true de- Foley on January 23, 1990, when in re- loss is evident. Janice is the epitome of who we are and what we would like to votion for making things better. We sponse to a parliamentary inquiry the had that in State Senator Janice House treated the President's return of be, one who knew reality of how things are, yet one who could envision how Hardenburger. an enrolled bill with a purported pock- Our State and its people are better things ought to be. et veto of H.R. 2712 of the 101st Con- off because of one life, a life that will A fighter for her beliefs, strong gress as a ``return veto'' within the be greatly missed. I offer my condo- willed and plain spoken, devoted to her meaning of Article 1, Section 7, clause lences to Janice's family, but we also family as a wife and mother and grand- 2 of the Constitution, the Chair, with- praise God for a life well lived and the mother, she was generous with her out objection, orders the objections of legacy she leaves behind. time, a farmer, a rancher, a listener the President to be spread at large f upon the Journal and orders the mes- and a doer, a supporter of others and, sage to be printed as a House docu- for the last 8 years, a State senator, a LORI BERENSON TO GET NEW ment. public servant. CIVILIAN TRIAL IN PERU Mr. ARCHER. Mr. Speaker, I ask For more than 25 years, Janice has The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a unanimous consent that further con- been my friend. For 4 years she was my previous order of the House, the gentle- sideration of the veto message on the colleague in the State senate. Born in woman from New York (Mrs. MALONEY) bill, H.R. 8, be postponed until Sep- the small north central Kansas town of is recognized for 5 minutes. tember 7. Haddam, Janice had a lifelong love for Mrs. MALONEY of New York. Mr. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there education and politics. She graduated Speaker, after nearly 5 years in Peru- objection to the request of the gen- valedictorian from Haddam Rural High vian prisons, my constituent, Lori tleman from Texas? School before attending Kansas State Berenson, could finally be coming There was no objection. University and graduating with a de- home. f gree in home economics and education. Last week, the military tribunal that She married her husband in 1952, and gave Lori a life sentence announced REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER due to his career in the Air Force, she that her conviction is being overturned AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 3703 and her family moved often. During and her case is being transferred to a Mr. METCALF. Mr. Speaker, I ask these years, she kept busy as a volun- civilian court. unanimous consent to remove my teer and raising two sons, Joseph and Lori was convicted by a hooded mili- name as cosponsor of H.R. 3703. Thomas. tary tribunal in a trial that lacked any The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there With Bill's retirement from the mili- semblance of due process. She never objection to the request of the gen- tary in 1971, the Hardenburgers moved had a chance to present her side, to tleman from Washington? back home to Kansas. Janice got in- call witnesses and present evidence in There was no objection. volved in her community, and she her defense. VerDate 11-MAY-2000 03:42 Sep 07, 2000 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06SE7.059 pfrm02 PsN: H06PT1 H7242 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE September 6, 2000 For nearly 5 years, I have been ask- overturned, but they worry that polit- of compassion and for her health, I hope Lori ing my colleagues to join me in pro- ical pressures will ensure that she will will soon be allowed to come home. testing her conviction. I have cir- receive a long sentence in a civilian Sincerely, culated three letters to the President trial. CAROLYN B. MALONEY, Member of Congress. over the years, and each letter has In Peru, it is a crime to express sym- f been signed by more and more Mem- pathy for the MRTA, the crime is apo- bers of Congress in support of Lori. In logia. In the United States, it would be MINDING OUR OWN BUSINESS RE- August, 221 Members of Congress, in a protected as free speech. There it can GARDING COLOMBIA IS IN THE bipartisan way, signed a letter calling carry a long prison sentence. BEST INTEREST OF AMERICA for Lori's release. I hope that Peru can be persuaded to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a I will be circulating a new letter ask- act with mercy.
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