THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1901. 65 o — — " • •———-— - •• • - ' ' — ———" .;;,::.," — — — ._ : : \ . ;,;,.. ; ; y , , ; : -^o . t juHUUME vVij «• *-• union rouble ||_ ~" ~ ~ imlV/li UttO ~~'~ —--*\u25a0 - - -^ Cylinder Gasoline 244 FIRST STREET Engine AucKland Harbor Board's Laui)cf)"KuaKa." Leogtl). 75 feet; bean),!4 feet;" draught, 6 feet. Fitted v with ao 85 B. H- P. "U0ioo Oil Engine." a 4^ P. "Union Hoisting Engins and a Z% \\. P. stationary engine for H- SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA electric lighting. Speed. \Q% Knots. V = — — — < — \u25a0 \u25a0 '\u25a0 , ; ; t : i : : ; "o Telephone ARGONAUTIC FLEETS PLOW ABOUT BLEAK CAPE HORN, W. W. De Leno. F. M. De Uaa* Main 5718 BRINGING MULTITUDES SEEKING FOR GOLDEN FLEECE Telephone Front 64. freight California, ditious, coming on for an vessels that brought in immigrants from was then landed. The one time the clipper ship was make a trip from New York to San Fran- the stevedores un- black with wondering passengers, came De tho East were "old.tubs" that were Lano cisco in less than three months. They inducement from the owners to "make the symbol of touch -with the surely upon. almost all around Clarks Point, arid two American beat the older ships fully one-third in speed," which they did. safe to sail Somehow lying outer world. The .clippers were months in 1849 there of them arrived safely in port. when men-of-war that were at anchor time. With a good breeze they would In a period of nine greeted her with cannon, the playing of flyers truly. Time was precious leave ocean steamers behind. were 549 vessels to pass in through the there was such' pressure to reach San manning of yards, while AT charges clipper "Sailors," says Hittel, to the bay of San Francisco. Francisco everything went. a band and the and the of the "saw them at Golden Gate loudly. cheering amazement, in from Atlantic coast The first steamer to enter the Golden the crews cheered The owners were based upon the necessities first with and have not yet Of these 223 came liner, was repeated on the shore and answered Bros. lost their admiration for the clippers." ports of the United States and 31G were Gate was the Pacific Mail the Cali- rigging of of the people who had to use their other ports. There were two ar- fornia, with two sister ships was from the deck and the vessels For several years Often a California clipper earned nearly from which to steamer. perforce. enough en its first voyage 'to pay for its rivals per day on the average. built for the California trade, run be- on sorts of freight from fleet of vessels tween the isthmus of Panama and Ore- That night the people celebrated the ar- the rate certain cost. On several occasions the owners This considerable rival steamer in the charac- New York to San Francisco by clipper found that the freights from cargoes brought to San Francisco 35,000 persons gon, stopping at San Francisco, by the of the first Brass, Copper FERRY FEW and Sheet CAFE SAN FRANCISCO HARBOR INTHE YEAR1857, WHEN WHARVES WERE Louis A. Arzner, Prop. Metal Workers Engine-room Telegraphs, Bells and Speaking Tubes A Specialty Made of Every De- scription of Marine Work. Jobbing Promptly Attended To. 16 Market Street San Francisco, Cal. No, 21Spear St., San Francisco W.R. GRACE &CO, INCORPORATED. E. F. Taylor F. L. Pritchard Shipping and Telephone Drumm 35. Commission Merchants And Importers of Portland Cement, Taylor &Pritchard PATENT COKE, Agents for COAL, NITRATE OF SODA,ETC. Regular line of Sailing Vessels. Antwerp to San Francisco; also Sailing Vessels from Antwerp to Port Los Angeles and Ranges Portland, Or. Steel AGENTS FOR THE BANK OF TARAPACA AND ARGENTINA, LTD. Branch bouses in New York, London, STEAMSHIP Lima, Valparaiso, Callao. Santiago and Concepcion. PLUMBING §234 CALIFORNIA STREET- T SAJf FRAKCISCO. AND PIPE FITTING TYPICAL SCENE AT fl PERIOD WHEN THE TIDES EBBED AND FLOWED DAILY OVER WHflT IS NOW THE WHOLE- A SPECIALTY J. R. SAVORY SALE SECTION EAST OF MONTGOMERY STREET. SHIPPING ton, shipped indicated, 23,000 Steamship Company. teristlc manner of the time. ship was $50 per which was about amounted to twice the cost of In the time of whom were Pacific Mail illuminated; The build- MASTER four times the ruling rate prior to the building the ship. Americans. Three thousand sailors de- The corporation named came into ex- ings were fireworks were dis- clipper advent. In return the clippers The names of the early clippers were serted their ships in a short time and in istence in the beginning of the gold ex- charged; pistols were fired; champagne clapped on all the sail they could carry suggestive of the romance of the sea, the beginning of August, 1849, there citement. The entrance of the Califor- was drunk in "volleys," the jovial Cali- 12-14 Market St. and went along with "a white bone in among them being the White Squall, were 200 square-rigged vessels lying in nia to the bay is well described by Hit- fornians "firing and falling back" in 11 Steuart Street their teeth" as fast as the blasts of old Flying Cloud. Trade Wind and Sovereign the bay without crews and unable to get tell. squads. ocean would carry them. of the Seas. The expenses of lying at a away. That same year 42,000 immigrants She arrived on the forenoon of Febru- The first steamboat to run regularly be- San Francisco* CaL SAN FRANCISCO San Francisco wharf was then about came into the State overland, and the ary 28, 1849. The people went to the top tween San Francisco and Sacramento was Very Fast Sailing. $100 per day, which made discharging ex- end of the year gavq California a right of Telegraph Hill and to Clarks Point, the ocean steamer McKlm, which arrived It was not uncommon for a clipper to pensive. It was, correspondingly expo- to claim 100,000 population. Many of the the latter being the place where all at San Francisco October 3,1849. H. W. GOODALI/. President. HiLRRT J. HART. Sec'y & Gen'I Mang'r. J. H. BENNETT. Vice-President. FIRST NATIONALBANK. Treasurer. Western Commercial Co. INCORPORATED Pope & Talbot CAUFOBNIA- STREET 204 \u25a0 \u25a0 - .. \u25a0 \u25a0 — .... Lumber SfflPPING AND COMMISSION-- AGENTS DETCOIT SHIP CEMENTS * Manufacturers and Exporters Telephone Cable Address ... MMAIN 5809 "MINOR" Llebers & Watkins Code •»CALIFOfiNIA«- .314 California St, San Francisco, Cal. Stevedore and Ballast Co. Port Gamble, Port Ludlow and Utsalady, Puget INCORPORATED Sound, Washington, U.S- A. OFFICE— 204 CALIFORNIA STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CAL ' ROCOCO BAR, 2 MARKET STREET, CORE OF SACRAMENTO:.
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