to Shakespeare Punchard To Rockport Dec. Punchard will game in basket6 at 7:30, Decembi port comes here the Memorial gyt Rockport:s secoi to make this Xmas will play St. Jam Friday, Dec. 14. one long to be season's scores port won. 10 out remembered played, and Pun< out of 16. It m game would go though they hay RAYON CREPE ASCOT SCARF players from las in fine textured rayon crepe Last season's Punchard were: with a generous sprinkling of McCollum and W ier:uins that glow with glamour for their third and are ready t whenever they cotch a beam of ions season. ipht. Aqua, Brown and Black Coach Kennet that he had not 5.00 as yet, but has r junior varsity been practicing the positions th The visitors' 1 rymen (co-cap.) Valestraci, f; F c; John Huttun seph, g; J. Way Punchard's Fi (cap.), McColh cott, G. Noble, Moss, McVey at IMPORTED SWISS BLOUSE with Punchard EIS hand-fagotting in an unusually Feted at Ba beautiful openwork design at the Parents, fries neckline. Round neckline, short were present a sary banquet gi sleeves. White only, sizes 32 to 1945 Punchard 38 11.25 'ling in the ca High school. A 100% WOOL GIFT MITTENS served at 6:11 — every stitch handmade! James Hart, toe the first speak( _ Green, Yellow, Red, White and director of phyt Navy Blue with contrasting Andover publii spoke on the 1 colored stitching forming an cal education 'jttractive front design 4.50 pr. ONE OF OUR VERY LOVE- schools, Junic LIEST SWISS HANKIES schools, and tl will Mr. Eugene make a queenly Christmas coach at Pun( 35 years, was gift. Shamrock linen and he stated that cotton with a handsome one squad suf juries and sic petit- point embroidered succesful. MI edge. A hankie that looks superintenden his happiness ... and is ... luxurious 7.20 the school tt settee of more yea rs. He b: will get a b years, with tl the Junior an Mr. Owen coach at Pu fitness of th( DAINTY HALF APRONS, de- trained .this signed by "Textron." Flowered for the replE ating players designs, melt - in - your-mouth be two or th pastel colors, attractive stripes. first team. C was much p Wonderful gift for those and he bell with the id( "problem names" on your games. He Christmas list 3.25 Cavallaro a) standing ph awarded hi i)l a(i e. He i Fr e d ke . Fred 1V i; . ORDER BY MAIL OR PHONE tt:ea,:1,s app Kiniry's ant Ask for and he pre ANNE BETTY SUTTON Present fro' Personal Shopper andM H.D 1 :Ten] THE ANDC Punchard To Play coach of the Everett High school, Members of the football squad bola, Walter Demers, Hector Pato- whose team took the state title, were: Co-Captains Fred McCollum tullo, William Ware, George Jacob- Rockport Dec. 21 spoke on the character, fitness and and Philip Markey, Captain-elect Jo- son, Lyndon Gilman, George Hasel- teamwork of their team, which en- seph Watson, Robert Phinney, Punchard will play its opening tno, Carl Lindsay, Alex Stewart, game in basketball Friday evening abled them to have such an out- Charles Waterman, Norman Par- at 7:30, December 21, when Rock- standing record. sons, Ronald Demers, William West- Allen Petty, Leroy Wilson, Jack port comes here to play them in Two movies on professional foot- colt, Robert Moore, Anthony Caval- Arabian, Louis Marocco, Donald the Memorial gymnasium. It will be ball were shown in the auditorium Taro, James Gillen, Bruce Noble, Porter and Managers Luke Mills Rockport:s second game as they after the speeches. Glenn Noble, Fred Cole, Clifford Du- and Edward McVey. will play St. James of Haverhill on Friday, Dec. 14. In going over last season's scores we find that Rock- port won 10 out of the 18 games played, and Punchard won 5 games out of 16. It might look like the game would go to Rockport, al- though they have lost five of their players from last year's squad. Last season's high scorers for Punchard were: Captain Phinney, McCollum and Westcott, who are out for their third year in basketball, and are ready to make it a victor. ious season. Coach Kenneth McKiniry reports that he had not placed his players as yet, but has picked a varsity and junior varsity team. They have been practicing and trying out for the positions they can play best. The visitors' lineup: Robert Way- rymen (co-cap.), f; J. Reilley, f; Valestraci, f; Purady, c; Johnson, c; John Huttumen (co-cap.), g; Jo- seph, g; J. Wayrymen, g. Punchard's First Team: Phinney, leap.), McCollum, Demers, West- cott, O. Noble, B. Noble, Yancy, Moss, \TcVey and Parsons. USE with Punchard Eleven unusually Feted at Banquet gn at the Parents, friends and cheerleaders ne, short were present at the 31st anniver- sary banquet given in honor of the :es 32 to 1945 Punchard eleven Monday eve- 1 1 .25 ning in the cafeteria at Punchard High school. A delicious dinner was Today, served at 6:15, after which Mr. IT WILL COST MILLIONS TO BRING OUR ARMIES BACK WE OWE THEM A RETURN TRIP TICKET TO HEALTH. the rehabilitation and care of over 300,000 wounde,l James Hart, toastmaster, announced and it's just as expensive as it was taking them over. , the first speaker, Mr. Donald Dunn, Meanwhile, thousands of our men who stay behind in are among America's gravest peacetime problem occupied territory must receive their pay, be clothed, This obligation is one which every American can director of physical education in the share in—by investing in the Great Victory Loan. Andover public schools. Mr. Dunn housed and fed at Uncle Sam's expense. spoke on the importance of physi- America Must Take Care of Her Own cal education in the elementary schools, Junior and Senior High In the Great Victory Loan! schools, and throughout life. T'S too much to expect that the cost of ti Mr. Eugene Lovely, principal and coach at Punchard for more than I war which lasted many years can just 35 years, was the next speaker, and stop overnight. Although the fighting is over he stated that he had never seen the paying has to go on for some time to come. one squad suffer so much from in- TOGETHER in Amer- juries and sickness, and yet be so So once more it's ALL succesful. Mr. Kenneth Sherman, ica's Great Victory Loan. Start off your cm,. superintendent of schools, expressed peace and prosperity—and your country's his happiness at being back with right by investing in the biggest quota the school this term after an ab- sence of more than three and a half bonds you've ever bought. years. He believes that athletics will get a boost in the next two UNCLE SAM MUST STILL PAY FOR THESE. Although years, with the addition of track in America had already started to cut down on produc- the Junior and Senior High schools. tion of various kinds of war materials, the swift end- Mr. Owen Hinckley, assistant ing of the war left many planes, tanks, battleships, coach at Punchard, spoke on the guns, made at the last minute, still to be paid for. fitness of the third team which he trained this season, preparing them for the replacement of the gradu- ating players. He believes there will be two or three that will make the first team. Coach McKiniry said he was much pleased with the team, and he believed they had played with the idea to win in all their games. He commended Anthony Cavallaro as being the most out- standing player of the team, and There's No Better Christmas Present awarded him the Varsity Club plaque. He also commended co-cap- tains Fred McCollum and Phil Mar, key. Fred McCollum expressed the team's appreciation for Mr. Mc- Kiniry's and Mr. Hinckley's efforts, Frank E. Dunn, Chairman and he presented each of them a present from the team. Mr. Dennie Gildea and Mr. Rich- Victory Loan Committee ard Hickey, head and assistant At RI Recommends Public used, and the Irregularity in pick- time qnly one party bid, yet he was municipalities like Brookline, Con. ups of some collectors. subsequently found to be unable to ccrd, Lexington, and Newton they Garbage Collection The second method (contract) meet the requirements and with- believe that the Highway Depart- Church If garbage is to be collected in was the method apparently desired drew. This proved to the satisfac- ment is better set up to supply labor Andover the Board of Health feels by the proponents of Article 27, but tion of the Board of Health and the and care for equipment than is the Soi that it should be collected by the very little conducive study had been Selectmen the hopelessness of ex- average Health Department, and Sunday, 9:3( we agree. Residential collections the Junior CI Department of Public Works, and given the proposition. The first call ecuting the provisions of Article 27 10:45, Mornir that the net cost would be about for bids was made in April and this year. should be made once a week for the 10:45, Church $11,000 per year, according to a three men signified their desire to The third method (municipal) average family and twice a week in cationol Motic houses having three (3) or more Young People': statement issued this week by Drs.
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