Designerdrugs, *",,ird., "". nnf\ drl(Jt\).i.\ {rn! druA\rllrnrdr I drr eite.c ft .l.$i. m,..rir\, dm Lt.rr- ., lriLnriffgfr. Ll\ nightLr .,lrd,ng lhr .h.nj.rr {n,.rr( of .\ + n! !rrr!!, b,r.l mrrllr ".lr!nlnG' rrdrc n.r' d.risnf/' dI g\ m ,,i ,nllnfr rr ,r\! (1 prosr(rtnin nn il{,tiL.l,rF i,ir rlii! rhrInrlrr.r f.trjLi.r \\nilr.ri.rrlLr$ ,hl.1,,t)f..it rd rnd JsrLbur.dts.nmrrlir r !\. Trr lrm',n$itn.r J,!f :r i.,r n\r$tr.,l {rl[t.rrr .Rl li.r!h r,Li.rt.lr 5kl. rir.d- r\r l|tf rijrl,f lnJLr-rhrn.i| .,irf..r Ii r,. r nfr.Jrlrb.Drliir & r(\tr!fi ..1. i lr,r!\ \ \,! Li(rr! !!,t!l ,r: rrun .i rLlr rinf\ i f fi.\rf !Lrhri Lr n'rrfrr!l liLrrl nr.n!.r oLh.r rij r!\ n!,! ti,\.t fr rrf l.rnr fr nrrf. rr r. \'if .,N- blrnrD J rD+nin. frLr{al\rrir l rhi.h .i!\!i lin,, rr .,nrllir n,rrrrr sr np rinl Ll. l.r [ir].x! Lr!,x. orr, f:fti !rr r! . r \ rnhfr )r lli!\: 'fr !, fi!r.t ni \ I tr r,rtu{ rnfrn ir ..rL- n{ rf r\ rr. !l.fd.LfiJi\\fi!ri\\ r,,.i"rr.i{ lr.ltnr.,rlr.fnr \tlr\l\\1D\r\ WhotAre The Side Effecrs Of ueSrgner I r\t f\ (, thf .\P.!lLr{ rrnb.r .j nfr 'r$i!n., d,!:r' l.l i!.,f.i.f r i. (.ft o I 5r[.r.]n!r\ ,\.r \r! r)fii.,r I rli llr \lr.\ \i!- !N !iruq\.al,l!hi\ ,rl!1,.t\r Srn ( nn 1,l.\1 srLj{.Nrr \n,,fsLf lni.n.n.rr .inn\.\f. .nL.n : L \inirr fr rrrr tntrn.f ,\n.r rrsi r i - \l tr,,rlr l ilte!.n [)n].rn'.rf rr L]l..ritirri lirnrLf n.nrrn,.' r.rln tr' .. iL ., tn.-r\. rlr.irr.,l, ,\l,r!h ,,tu .uL. !i,r,g.x u!rd ni n..rtr. rll. J.- fnr.l]L i q.hdL n.nnrrlLl {n l.r trr rf r . ffuiritiir ,n, r : r\ t\qL. lf,frir!l n&!h r \trtrr] . \, (.rr, \.rriltrg, JiitrLrl . rr rrlL[ ini] r. N\Jrr l(f,i('\ ![ftu$.f n+P,r,. rnd r. u, \ lnr !l rt l.rnd Lln.n r .n . Contrri.ni Lninr . r.l:t+tri r, f.rrn.r WhotAre TheHozords Of . \0fnr ,,ilfi,i tjrl,rrr Designer ' l\.{f.f n,u!-r,rmJrrnL,., L'\ uifrl Seizures,Coma.lnd Death! l]nr itr ".i.ifn. rirr lillr.f rr ltl i iL\ ' llr!tr.\ 1r,,r-\ llr \,. \[{rr]tr nl Well-known DesignerDrugs Early n.r.oti. analogs(rentanyl and mep€ndine-based): . AMF,or 'ChinaWhit. .n rhe Tryptamine-bas.d(h.ltu.iq4r no- Daryrrcus subtalle knawn colledively.s'tlub .lrWJ Fler ro a wide vaneryof Phen€thylamin.-basedGtimu, dtrgs .onmoly Nd by individuais in : paily,likr atuosphcr. lanr, hallDcinogenicprcperti€s) oub druas d be iound,r nisii club, baD cone6 and nv6 d rane evenb. Rive and bare €venb aF all n*ht dan@sheld in s€at plae, suchas waEh@$ .2C T 7 ("7thrleavft") 6. Many prrty-aeB do nor u* dtu3s,bur $k wlrc do nay be aua&d io d'e low ct, inroxi.atina pR . DOB hichs, and suppos€din@as in shnin. ud oI felinS rhai . VBDB A@rditi ta NIDA, CHB,Rahtttol, K*rn"n , E*trsy, HetuntE6tns? . MDE o M4tempkbnlin nnd LsD a4 n tdtS thzdmss rfd blt k nry6 Md rdrft. uln m .lvIDEA . IVIDNIA . MMDA nT] WhqlAre lhe uqnger5t PcP-based(haUu.inogenic Although !se6 frav lhink of .lub .lrugs as harml.*, indi!idual Fac ti.ns trre unFrdictablc. Research 'TCP showsIhat cllb dtugs..n prcdu.ea ' PCE rLidc ranSe of unwintrd rffe.r!, in.n'ding hallucifalions, p.ranoia, elen fital r.r.rions lhe lirst rimc cLub dn'g\ iro use,l l,arlygoers iho usc dub druBsma! erperimdnt Nith . variciy of dru8s at one tine, ch'b drug u*r! $ rhe la.t that lh. CBL boih r pPcuFor or .onbinc a dru8 uilh al.ohol. toxicitt and sidc effedr are unpre Combinnrgdn'gs and ik.holinten diciable dle to unc.nituirs rbour sifipsad\€6e elfc.t! rnd cr.trtesan Lhcsourcer chemjcah,.nrtconrimi- . l,r Butanediolanother CHB clen noE dang.ou\ and nnPre narcs u\cd in nanulachfing th. di.tible Esull. A.oth.r dangor for luPPlenenis tor bodybu,ldinS, Ial GHB loss,rcrc$al of bnldncs\,dcprcslion and many other conditions CHB Commonly Eletred to as "date analogs3redisirlbuted as.lear.o1or rapedrugr" CHB, Ketamineand lc\s liquids rnd aPconsunEd ora l Rohypnol ar .€nhal nenous sye CIIB analogsacaddi.tile and .ausc lem dePr€ssmts.In liquid fod, synPlons similarto lhat ofGllB rhey are olten odorless,colorle$, lasleless,and can be added into an Ketomine unsuspectingperson's drink Tle dng incapa.itatesrho vi.iim rnd plevenls them fom resisting monlr lsed nr dtugjacjlilatedFxual assault The Yi.tim can suffer Jssauks.CHB (gamnrahydroxtbu "amnesi4'and may not rnen- t_rhtd)is rbusedror its euphoricand ber events expeiien.€d whil€ Pow.rtul scdative effecis. sheer mder the eilects ol the dtug. If nnnos in.ludc "liquid e.\tisl,, ' "easl, you attendparlies. nightchbs, oi lay,' vita-C,' and "Ceo.gii h.mr hequdt placeswiih largecowds, bo)r"CHB is usuallvtaken orallv in be awarethat sone dihinal! u* huid forn, arthouShcrPsure and drugs to incapacitateboth nen labletfom is rvailablc.A poudcrcd and womennot onlt for the pu. lolm ol cHB c.n be snorled.Lnluid K" or "ritamnrK a.d is sonetimcs pop df s€xualassauli, bui also for CHB is saltytasling and is lypicalli sold u.der the name eslist.' ohertriminal actssu.h asmbbery Found in eirher Po{der or tiqlid rom, it canbc snortcdor injcct.d. Co'nmon loR dose eilectsinclude DRUGNNDUCEDRAPE frlrxationsimrltrr to alcoholNorica Ketaminecreaies efae.is sinrilar ro PREVENTIONAND tion, euPhoia,rcdu.cd inhibitiont lho\sof PCPoroiher hallucinoge.s. PUNIsHMENI A(T OF I996 and in.re.sed scnsorystimulation. Users may experien.. drrad-likt Higherdoses lead to sludedsp&ch, stalesandh.lhcinations Low doss This federalstahte provideslor inlomn'a,sNealing, a8ilation,.on ol Kerani'reprcdu.e . rel.xedfeel p€nalhes up to Menty yea6 in b.tivcncss,.onfusion, toss .f c@rdr irg a Plerlani \{eiahrlesmessr,r prison for the intent t. rcnnii a nation, seizurdt rusPn.tor! dcprcr high doses,K.iaminc cin causcl crimeof violenc (includjnB*rual sion,uri'raN and fecalincontinen.e, reelifgof separationlron lhe bod\t assault)aSainsr an individualby Y.mirin8,.onra afd dealrr mpaircd motor dishibutionof a Nntolled sub function, high blood pressure, ps stde to that individualwithoui CI{B is pruduccdillogJlly though dcprussion,and potcnhillybtal one pres(iption lorm of cHB, pnitort problrms. Likc MDMA, xyrem h avallablefor thetreatment Ketamineis commonlymixcd uith 'HE HILI.ORYJ. FARIASAND of nrr.ol.pri. parienGrvho erFeri oitrerdrug\ snch6 ePbedrine,.ai SAMANTHAREID DATE-iAPE enc ePisod.sof .ninplc\1,r nr€di.al PROHIBITIONA(I OF T999 .onditionin Nhicha pc6onsnddcn- ly teels $eak and collapsesat Rohypnol TheHillory J. Farias dd sanrntha nome.is of srbnSemolion. Reid Oate RapePohibition A.t of 1999 was signed into law on Bec.useof touAher.riminalpenalhes F.bruary 13, 20m to nrodify ihe and lai enfor..ncnt cffo.ts thc schedule of the Conbolled aGilabilily of GHB his decreiserl. SubstancesAd (csA) to .rininrl- Abuser hareiunred to GHBanalogs as sub*irutes ize the manliactrre, distributidn, frvo CHB analogs, a,epines !tic[ are depressanh. or possessionof CHB, a desiSner CBL ind BD, aredruSs dral possess wh€n mixedrarh alcohol,Ro\ypnol drug asrc.iaied with date rape chcni.trl in'cturc! closelyEsen .an incipa.itaicvi.tims and ppvent and othei foms of sexualassault bling thnrolcllB GHB anitogs.ft lhenr lrom reshlingassiult. lt .in ayrilable leBallt as industrialsol- produce"amnesia," hhich neins vcnrs.They are aho sold'llegally as individuals mav noi remember Chb dtugs d odo.l6s and @lortess and nay be easily slipFd in[o a drint at a bd or a ?a1ty.Wh€n addedto a dnnk w hout a pe6on's knowledge, th€ drinl may not tasteor l@! ditrerently. Be smdtl PmM yourself by folowing th€se ) Attend partieswith elentsexperienced while underlhe Ictisv hasbecome a populardrug effe.tsofdPdrug. Rohtpnol maybe becauseof th. pcr.cned posihle lethal when mikd * it! al.ohol and effecrsihal a uer e\perienceswitlin an hour of inSesbonAfler lakinS EGt.s\ranindnidurl mavhave feel Rohrpnoli! not approvedfor usenr ingsof nentil stimulatio4en.tidn- the UnitedStatdr .nd its importa- al n armth, enpathl' toward othes, a tion is banned. Illicit lse of acnerrl senseof rvell bein8, and RohypnolbeSan in ihe Llnfiedstates decreasedanxici! Becauseot ihe in theeirh 1990t whcren becane dlugt stimulantproperties, Lhen knoNn as "rophies," loofiet" nscd in dan.eseitings, Ecstasy .an enabldus.B to dancefor exte.ded periods.Howerc! somenFrsepod Abus. of tuo othcr similar dru8s und€sjrableefiects imncdirte\', aPPeasto haveiePla..d Rohy?nol including an\iety, agitation, and abusei. someEgions ofihe counky Thdsear. .lonazcp.m,narkeGd nr theUniled States as Kl.nopin and in Ec{asthasgained. decepriverepu- Mexicoas Rivotril,and alprazolam, tanonasa tate" drug amonguF6. A..ording to the 200.1National Surve! on Drug Use and Health, nore than 10 hillidn peoplehaYe jll5 MDMA kied MDMA at leastonc. lEcsTASYlYet,studies sho{ a druEihat is far Know your limiis! Ove! m frcm harmless lor example,E.stJsy indulging in alohol cn nate can causea dtuSerousindease in the amph€ianinefanily and has bodt tempeEtuie,heait rate and bloodppssure thai lead both stinulant and hallucinogenic can io heart failuie.
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