2021 SEASON SCHEDULE 5/1 Dominion Raceway - Thornburg, VA 5/15 Midvale Speedway - Midvale, OH 66/5/5 SShenandoahhenandoah SpeedwaySpeedway - Shenandoah,Shenandoah, VAVA 66/18/18 UMIUMI MotorsportsMotorsports PParkark - ClearClearfi eeld,ld, PAPA 66/19/19 JennerstownJennerstown SSpeedwaypeedway - Jennerstown,Jennerstown, PAPA 7/10 Jennerstown Speedway - Jennerstown, PA 7/24 Salem Speedway - Salem, IN 8/6 Motor Mile Speedway - Radford, VA 8/21 Jennerstown Speedway - Jennerstown, PA 99/11/11 SSalemalem SpeedwaySpeedway - Salem,Salem, ININ 99/12/12 KKentuckyentucky MMotorotor SSpeedwaypeedway - Whitesville,Whitesville, KYKY 10/2 Dominion Raceway - Thornburg, VA (Schedule subject to change without notice.) TTouringouring seriesseries formedformed inin latelate 20072007 asas anan aff ordableordable aalternativelternative toto existingexisting full-bodiedfull-bodied stockstock carcar racingracing tours.tours. 33,300,300 lb.,lb., 660000 HP,HP, shortshort tracktrack “RRacin’acin’ thethe WayWay ItIt UUsedsed TToo Be!”Be!” FForor iinquiriesnquiries pleaseplease contact:contact: JJoeoe SchmalingSchmaling atat [email protected]@gmail.com supercupstockcarseries.com Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter: @SCSCSRacing Follow us on Instagram: scscs_racing HHISTORYISTORY OFOF THETHE SUPERSUPER CUPCUP STOCKSTOCK CARCAR SERIESSERIES Discussion about an aff ordable stock car touring alternative started during the 2007 racing season as a result of costs escalating out of control from major changes year aft er year. Th e time had come to get back to the basic idea of running the cars that teams already had. In the autumn of that year, two 50-lap exhibition trophy dashes were held in North Carolina with drivers coming from as far away as Pennsylvania, Iowa, Florida, Mississippi, and Indiana to participate with their steel-bodied stock cars. On November 11, 2007, the Super Cup Stock Car Series was offi cially formed by a fi ve member advisory board consisting of Owners, Drivers and Offi cials. Series operations are still guided using this method to this day. Th e core of the well-received series would be the 3,300-pound former Pro Cup stock cars that were otherwise obsolete. An inaugural schedule of 10 sanctioned races held in fi ve states at seven diff erent race tracks was set for 2008. Th e new series had four fi rst-time winners and two veterans winning races in its fi rst season. More than a decade has passed and the direction of the Super Cup Stock Car Series may have changed, but its goals have not. A simple idea continued that was started in the fi rst place: race the cars that teams already have and be inclusive, not exclusive, allowing similar-type cars to race with the fewest amount of changes necessary. When various stock car series evolved toward a diff erent direction in recent years, it freed up an abundance of cars available and provided an opportunity for additional competitors to join the SCSCS family. Th e allowance of former Pro Cup composite-bodied cars along with a mix of past NASCAR and ARCA cars as well as engine combinations have since been welcomed with some minor changes that help maintain the identity of the series. Th e overall footprint of interested facilities and competitors has migrated in diff erent directions and has continued to expand. At the conclusion of 2019, 38 drivers residing in 12 diff erent states had made at least one appearance, 90 percent achieving at least one top 10 fi nish. Th ere were 15 unique lap leaders and eight of which were at the front of the fi eld, four for the fi rst time in their SCSCS career, when the checkered fl ag fl ew. All of these fi gures were new series records that were set. Over the years the series has hosted events at pavement short tracks in Indiana, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. Announced during 2019’s season-ending Trophy Presentation, Tawaan Baker and Bill Ashton will join series director Joe Schmaling as working partners. Both Pennsylvania residents held recent involvement from various perspectives within the series and will have a role as senior advisory board members as well. As a result of unexpected circumstances due to the unprecedented pandemic, the Super Cup Stock Car Series went through a year of inactivity competition-wise. Nevertheless, planning and preparation pressed on off the track for what is expected to be the biggest and best season yet in 2021. Nearly all facilities that were part of the 2019 schedule are on board with a few increasing their presence as well as a few new and returning venues adding to the versatility of the series. SCSCS competitors have been and will continue to be showcased in front of a national audience on MAVTV Motorsports Network, the MAVTV Select service on various free streaming networks, and on-demand on MAVTV Plus. Th e future remains bright for the competitors, supporters, and partners. SSERIESERIES PPARTNERS:ARTNERS: SSCSCSCSCS HISTORYHISTORY Season # Races Champion Rookie(s) of the Year Driver(s) with Most Wins Point Cushion 2019 19 Kevin Kromer Lauren Butler Kevin Kromer (7) +33 2018 12 Bob Schacht Marc Jones Bob Schacht (5) +176 2017 8 Jim Crabtree Jr. Jerod Brougher Brent Nelson (2) +98 2016 7 Harvey Harrison Trent Gossar Codie Rohrbaugh (2) +31 2015 6 Dan Bainey Dan Bainey Dan Bainey & +70 Codie Rohrbaugh (2) 2014 6 JJ Pack Bill Ashton JJ Pack (3) +150 Chris Wenzel 2013 7 Todd Peck Codie Rohrbaugh Jim Crabtree Jr. & +84 Jody Harrison (2) 2012 4 Jody Harrison J.P. Crabtree III Jody Harrison (2) +10 2011 6 Jody Harrison Rob Jones Jody Harrison (2) +89 Jason Roberts 2010 6 Jody Harrison Damian Jenks Jody Harrison (3) +112 2009 9 Tyler Nuckles Michael Mohelski Tyler Nuckles (6) +205 2008 10 Ryan Miller Jody Harrison Megan Reitenour (3) +7 Megan Reitenour SSCSCSCSCS All-TimeAll-Time WWinnersinners **DoesDoes notnot iincludenclude nnon-pointson-points rracesaces Driver Wins Starts % Last Win Date—Track Jody Harrison 10 42 23.8 8/10/13—Midvale Kevin Kromer 10 90 11.1 10/5/19—Dominion Ben Ebeling 9 20 45.0 8/24/19—Shenandoah Brent Nelson 8 70 11.4 9/15/18—Jennerstown Tyler Nuckles 6 9 66.7 8/29/09—Shenandoah Codie Rohrbaugh 6 17 35.3 8/26/17—Jennerstown Bob Schacht 6 22 27.3 10/5/19—Dominion JJ Pack 6 33 18.2 9/14/19—Jennerstown Todd Peck 5 27 18.5 6/22/13—CNB Harvey Harrison 5 61 7.5 9/15/18—Jennerstown SSCSCSCSCS AALL-TIMELL-TIME SSCSCSCSCS AALL-TIMELL-TIME PPOLEOLE AAWARDSWARDS RRACEACE LLEDED Driver Poles Driver Races Led Jody Harrison 18 Harvey Harrison 23 Jim Crabtree Jr. 7 Kevin Kromer 20 Bob Schacht 6 Brent Nelson 20 Ben Ebeling 5 Jody Harrison 16 Codie Rohrbaugh 5 Jim Crabtree Jr. 15 JJ Pack 15 SSCSCSCSCS AALL-TIMELL-TIME HHARDARD SSCSCSCSCS AALL-TIMELL-TIME CCHARGERHARGER AAWARDSWARDS LLAPSAPS LLEDED Driver Hard Chargers Driver Laps Led Brian Harrison 6 Jody Harrison 753 Kevin Kromer 6 Jim Crabtree Jr. 589 Mike Potter 6 Kevin Kromer 528 Bill Ashton 5 Todd Peck 520 Harvey Harrison 5 Brent Nelson 433 Brent Nelson 5 SSCSCSCSCS AALL-TIMELL-TIME SSCSCSCSCS AALL-TIMELL-TIME TTOPOP FFIVESIVES TTOPOP TTENSENS Driver Top 5s Starts % Driver Top 10s Starts % Kevin Kromer 48 90 53.3 Kevin Kromer 68 90 75.6 Harvey Harrison 41 67 61.2 Harvey Harrison 56 67 83.6 Brent Nelson 39 70 55.7 Brent Nelson 50 70 71.4 Jim Crabtree Jr. 23 30 76.7 Bill Ashton 41 57 71.9 Ron Langdon 21 34 61.8 Brian Harrison 38 61 62.3 SSCSCSCSCS CCONSECUTIVEONSECUTIVE SSCSCSCSCS CCONSECUTIVEONSECUTIVE RRACESACES LLEDED RRACESACES SSTARTEDTARTED Driver Races Led First Race – Last Race Driver Races Started First Date – Last Date Tyler Nuckles 7 5/16/2009 – 8/8/2009 Brent Nelson 57 5/14/2011 – 4/27/2019 Dan Bainey 6 5/16/2015 – 8/22/2015 Kevin Kromer 49 10/25/2008 – 7/9/2016 Jody Harrison 4 6/19/2010 – 10/2/2010 Bill Ashton 49 8/8/2015 – Present JJ Pack 4 8/9/2014 – 5/16/2015 Jody Harrison 42 3/8/2008 – 8/30/2013 Brent Nelson 4 8/11/2018 – 9/15/2018 Kevin Kromer 41 8/27/2016 – Present Kevin Kromer 4 5/18/2019 – 6/1/2019 SSCSCSCSCS CCONSECUTIVEONSECUTIVE SSCSCSCSCS CCONSECUTIVEONSECUTIVE YYEARSEARS RRACESACES WWONON WWITHITH AATT LLEASTEAST OONENE SSTARTTART Driver Races Won First Race – Last Race Driver Years Racing First Date – Last Date Bob Schacht 3 4/28/2018 – 6/2/2018 Harvey Harrison 12 2008 – Present Brent Nelson 3 8/25/2018 – 9/15/2018 Kevin Kromer 12 2008 – Present 12 Drivers 2 19 Occasions Brian Harrison 10 2008 – 2017 Brent Nelson 10 2010 – Present Brandon Harrison 8 2010 – 2017 SSCSCSCSCS CCONSECUTIVEONSECUTIVE SSCSCSCSCS CCONSECUTIVEONSECUTIVE TTOPOP 55SS TTOPOP 110S0S Driver Top 5s First Race – Last Race Driver Top 10s First Race – Last Race Kevin Kromer 10 6/15/2012 – 8/30/2013 Ron Langdon 21 9/15/2018 – Present Ryan Miller 10 3/8/2008 – 10/25/2008 Kevin Kromer 19 8/13/2011 – 9/13/2014 JJ Pack 9 8/10/2013 – 5/16/2015 Brent Nelson 12 8/9/2014 – 7/9/2016 Ron Langdon 9 9/15/2018 – 7/13/2019 Kevin Kromer 12 8/8/2009 – 6/24/2011 3 Drivers 8 Bill Ashton 11 6/1/2019 – 9/14/2019 Lauren Butler 11 7/13/2019 – 10/5/2019 **ALLALL SSTATSTATS EEXCLUDEXCLUDE NNON-POINTS/EXHIBITIONON-POINTS/EXHIBITION RRACESACES TTOPOP 1100 PPOINTSOINTS SSTANDINGSTANDINGS OOVERVER TTHEHE YYEARSEARS 22008008 22009009 22010010 22011011 Driver Points Driver Points Driver Points Driver Points Ryan Miller 1430 Tyler Nuckles 1443 Jody Harrison 951 Jody Harrison 864 Megan Reitenour 1427 Harvey Harrison 1238 Todd Peck 839 Kevin Kromer 775 Jim Crabtree Jr.
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