Item No. 2 CITY OF WESTMINSTER PLANNING Date Classification APPLICATIONS SUB For General Release COMMITTEE 20 August 2019 Report of Ward(s) involved Director of Place Shaping and Town Planning Marylebone High Street Subject of Report Site 1: 50 Weymouth Street, London, W1G 6NT Site 2: Blocks A-C Ossington Buildings, London W1U 4BG Site 3: Osborne House, Moxon Street, London, W1U 4EZ Proposal Site 1: Erection of a mansard roof extension at rear second floor level on Beaumont Mews building to create a self-contained flat (Class C3). Site 2: Alterations to existing roof to create 2 x self-contained flats (Class C3) including new dormer windows and conservation rooflights. Site 3: Erection of rear single storey ground floor extension within rear lightwell of Moxon House and use of enlarged ground floor of both Osbourne House and Moxon House as four retail shop units (Class A1), installation of new shop fronts onto Moxon Street and Ossington Buildings and other minor external alterations. Agent Howard De Walden Estate Management Limited On behalf of Howard De Walden Estate Limited Registered Number Site 1:19/01218/FULL Date amended/ 9 April 2019 (1) Site 2: 19/01237/FULL completed Site 3: 19/01219/FULL 30 April 2019 (2) Date Application 18 February 2019 – all sites 18 February 2019 (3) Received Historic Building Grade Unlisted – all sites Conservation Area Harley Street – all sites 1. RECOMMENDATION Site 1: Grant conditional permission Site 2: Grant conditional permission Site 3: Grant conditional permission, subject to a Grampian condition to secure the replacement residential floorspace and units secured by Applications 1 and 2 prior to the commencement of development. 2. SUMMARY This report concerns proposals for three separate sites which form part of a land use package. It is proposed to convert three flats (1 x 2 and 2 x 1 bed) on the ground floors of Moxon and Osbourne Houses to provide four new retail shops (Site 3) and to replace the same number of flats, floorspace and residential mix in new roof extensions on neighbouring sites in Ossington Buildings and Weymouth Street (Sites 1 and 2). The key considerations are: Item No. 2 the acceptability of the proposals in land use terms the impact of the proposals upon the character and appearance of the Harley Street Conservation Area and the impact of the individual schemes upon the amenity of neighbouring residents. Subject to conditions, and an appropriate mechanism to secure the provision of the replacement residential accommodation, the proposals are considered acceptable in land use terms and in terms of their impact on the character and function of the area. It is also considered that there would be no material impact upon the amenity of neighbouring residential occupiers. The proposed works would also preserve the character and appearance of the Harley Street Conservation Area. The developments are considered to comply with relevant UDP and City Plan policies and are therefore recommended for approval. Item No. 2 3. LOCATION PLAN – SITE 1 .. This production includes mapping data licensed from Ordnance Survey with the permission if the controller of Her Majesty’s Stationary Office (C) Crown Copyright and /or database rights 2013. All rights reserved License Number LA 100019597 Item No. 2 4. PHOTOGRAPHS SITE 1 50 WEYMOUTH STREET Item No. 2 3. LOCATION PLAN – SITE 2 Item No. 2 PHOTOGRAPH – SITE 2 OSSINGTON BUILDINGS Item No. 2 LOCATION PLAN SITE 3 Item No. 2 PHOTOGRAPH – SITE 3 MOXON HOUSE AND OSBOURNE HOUSE Item No. 2 5 CONSULTATIONS SITE 1 (50 WEYMOUTH STREET) MARYLEBONE ASSOCIATION No objection to the principle for a roof extension for residential use; difficult to comment as poor-quality submission/documents missing. PROJECT OFFICER (WASTE) Details of refuse/recycling storage required. HIGHWAYS PLANNING Objection: impact on parking demand. Lifetime car club membership should be secured if scheme otherwise considered acceptable; details of cycle storage required. ADJOINING OWNERS/OCCUPIERS AND OTHER REPRESENTATIONS RECEIVED No. Consulted: 41 Total No. of replies: 2 No. of objections: 2 No. in support: 0 Amenity Loss of light to neighbouring flats Loss of privacy Design Extension out of keeping with area, existing buildings already quite tall PRESS ADVERTISEMENT / SITE NOTICE: Yes SITE 2 (OSSINGTON BUILDINGS) MARYLEBONE ASSOCIATION Any response to be reported verbally PROJECT OFFICER (WASTE) Details of refuse/recycling storage required HIGHWAYS No objection, details of cycle storage required ADJOINING OWNERS/OCCUPIERS AND OTHER REPRESENTATIONS RECEIVED No. Consulted: Total No. of replies:1 No. of objections: 1 No. in support: 0 Comments regarding the cumulative impact of various developments upon the character of the conservation area. PRESS ADVERTISEMENT / SITE NOTICE: Yes Item No. 2 SITE 3 (OSBOURNE HOUSE AND MOXON HOUSE) MARYLEBONE ASSOCIATION Objection: Adverse impact on residential amenity, particularly if the units are occupied as food retail units, as other food retail and restaurant uses in Moxon Street are the subject of longstanding enforcement investigations/neighbour complaints. Introduction of a retail use in historic residential buildings detrimental to the character of the conservation area; contrary to policies DES 1 and DES9. Pavement insufficiently wide to support retail activity. Loss of ground floor flat which are suitable for residents with more limited mobility No net gain in the number of dwellings in land use package. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH No objection subject to conditions PROJECT OFFICER (WASTE) Objection- details of refuse/recycling storage for shops required prior to commencement of development HIGHWAYS No objection subject to provision of cycle parking ADJOINING OWNERS/OCCUPIERS AND OTHER REPRESENTATIONS RECEIVED No. Consulted: Total No. of replies: 3 (2 letters from one objector) No. of objections: 3 No. in support: 0 Land use Query demand for additional shops in Moxon Street given the shops and restaurants in the approved car park redevelopment. Design Comment regarding the cumulative impact of various development upon the character of the conservation area. Amenity Potential noise disturbance to flat at rear of site, would exacerbate problems of noise and smell nuisance associated with existing retail uses which are subject of longstanding nuisance complaints Additional potential disturbance if units used as cafes/snack bars with noise from early/late night deliveries for food preparation; use should be controlled to prevent café-type uses New doorway on Ossington Building frontage would bring commercial activity/shop deliveries onto residential street and this door should be omitted. (The proposal has been revised to remove this fixed shop). Highways Pavement too narrow to accommodate retail use PRESS ADVERTISEMENT / SITE NOTICE: Yes Item No. 2 6. BACKGROUND INFORMATION 6.1 The Application Sites This report relates to separate applications for three sites within the Harley Street Conservation Area and the Marylebone and Fitzrovia area of the wider CAZ. Site 1:50 Weymouth Street This is a corner property located on the north side of Weymouth Street at its junction with Beaumont Mews. It is designated as an unlisted building of merit within the Harley Street Conservation Area Audit. The building is occupied as flats on the ground to fourth floors, with permission for a medical use at basement level. The neighbouring buildings at 7 Beaumont Mews and 42-46 Weymouth Street are in commercial use as offices and private medical facility respectively. To the west of the site is Agnes Keyser House (55-57 Beaumont Street) which is occupied as a hospital (Class C2) with basement training and conference rooms and a self-contained resident medical officer's flat with independent access; ground floor offices and a self-contained Matron's flat and nurses' accommodation on the first to fourth floors with shared bathroom, laundry and kitchen facilities. The closest residential properties are within the application building (12 flats), at 54 Weymouth Street, which has a return frontage on Beaumont Mews (8 flats), 23-24 Beaumont Mews (3 flats) and a new development of town houses at Nos. 22 A-E Beaumont Mews. Site 2: Blocks A-C Ossington Buildings Ossington Buildings (also the name of the street on which the blocks are located), comprises three residential blocks, located at the northern end of the street block bounded by Ossington Buildings North), Ossington Buildings (east), Ashland Place and Moxon Street. The existing accommodation rises to third floor level, with an attic above. Two further residential bocks (Ashland House and Howard House) are located immediately to south and west of the site. There are residential buildings immediately to the north and east in Ossington Buildings. Paddington Street Gardens South is located directly to the west of the site. Site 3: Moxon House and Osborne House These are two adjoining, unlisted buildings of townscape merit, on the north side of Moxon Street, close to Ossington Buildings (Site 2). There is a return frontage to Osborne House on Garbutt Place and a return frontage to Moxon House on Ossington Buildings. The sites are located within the Harley Street Conservation Area and opposite the Portman Estate Conservation Area. The buildings are occupied as flats. The ground floor of Moxon House currently provides 2 x 1 bed flats. There is no basement. The ground floor of Osborne House provides a 2-bed flat. There is also a 2-bed flat at lower ground floor level. The site is located directly opposite
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