LEE COUNTY 136 S. Bronough Street 800 N. Magnolia Avenue, Suite 1100 1580 Waldo Palmer Lane, Suite 1 A message from Governor Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Orlando, Florida 32803 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Scott on the future of (407) 956-5600 (850) 921-1119 Florida’s Freight and Trade FREIGHT & LOGISTICS OVERVIEW FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FDOT CONTACTS Ananth Prasad, P.E. Richard Biter Secretary of Transportation Assistant Secretary for Intermodal Phone (850) 414-5205 Systems Development [email protected].fl .us Phone (850) 414-5235 [email protected].fl .us Juan Flores Bill Hattaway Administrator, Freight Logistics & District 1, Secretary Passenger Operations Phone (863) 519-2201 Phone (850) 414-5245 [email protected].fl .us [email protected].fl .us Federal Legislative Contacts State Legislative Contacts: United States Senate Florida Senate Bill Nelson District 23, Garrett Richter Phone (202) 224-5274 Phone (850) 487-5023 United States Senate Florida Senate Marco Rubio District 30, Lizbeth Benacquisto Phone (202) 224-3041 Phone (850) 487-5030 US House of Representatives Florida House of Representatives District 17, Thomas Rooney District 77, Dane Eagle Phone (202) 225-5792 Phone (850) 717-5077 US House of Representatives Florida House of Representatives District 19, Trey Radel District 78, Heather Dawes Phone (202) 225-2536 Fitzenhagen Phone (850) 717-5078 Florida House of Representatives District 79, Matt Caldwell Phone (850) 717-5079 FDOT MISSION: THE DEPARTMENT WILL PROVIDE A SAFE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM THAT ENSURES THE MOBILITY OF PEOPLE AND GOODS, ENHANCES ECONOMIC PROSPERITY AND PRESERVES THE QUALITY OF OUR ENVIRONMENT AND COMMUNITIES. In recognition of the signifi cant role that freight HB599 requires FDOT to lead the development of mobility plays as an economic driver for the state, a plan to “enhance the integration and connectivity an Offi ce of Freight, Logistics and Passenger of the transportation system across and between Operations has been created at FDOT. This offi ce transportation modes throughout the state.” For this has been tasked with meeting the requirements reason, Florida is already on schedule to meet MAP- of legislation in Florida House Bill 599, as well as 21 guidelines and has become a leader in freight Freight Mobility meeting national freight guidance offered in H.R. issues through its ongoing work in developing a and Trade Plan 4348, the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Freight Mobility and Trade Plan. For more information, Century Act (MAP-21). please see www.freightmovesfl orida.com. January 2013 Florida infrastructure TheThhe state highwayhighhway TruckTruck trtravelavel aaccountedccouo nted FloridaFlF oridi a hashas overover 22,700,700 Lee County moves 762 million systemsysteem seessees 19195,75555,755 forfor apapproximatelypprp oximi ately 1111%% of milesmiles of rrailail lines,lines, whichwhich tons of freight traffi c millionmim lll ioon annualana nual vehiclevehe icle vehiclevehih cle mimmilesleles trttraveledavele ed oonn movemove oovervev r 98 mmillionilliono FREIGHT & LOGISTICS OVERVIEW annually. milesmim llees off ttravel.raaveel.l thethe SISSISS in 2010.2010. tonsttonss ofof freightfreight anannually.nuuallyy. COUNTY SEAT LARGEST CITY AREA POPULATION POPULATION GROWTH RATE Fort Myers, FL Cape Coral, FL 1212 square miles 618,754 40.3% (2000-2010) Primary Economic Development Contact: http://www.fortmyersregionalpartnership.com FloridaFlororida hashah s 784784 aviationaviationn • Two of the most prolifi c innovators of American industry, Thomas Edison and Henry Ford, spent their winters in Fort facilities,facicilil tiese , 1121299 publicpublic Myers, and left behind the Edison and Ford Winter Estates. Florida’s Strategic Intermodal System (SIS) use,use,e andandd 1919 havehave • Both the Boston Red Sox and the Minnesota Twins call Lee County their Major League Baseball spring training home. • Strategic – Consists of statewide and regionally signifi cant facilities and services commercialcommmeercic ala service.serviicee. • There are over 50 miles of public accessible coastlines and beaches. • Intermodal – Contains all forms of transportation for moving both people and goods, including linkages for smooth and effi cient transfers between modes and major facilities Top 5 Growing Industries • System – Integrates individual facilities, services, forms of transportation (modes) and linkages into a single, integrated transportation network TheThe ststateate boboastsasts 2 INDUSTRY NET JOB CREATION The SIS was established to: spaceportsspacepporo tss aandndd 5 aactivective launchlaunch facilities.facili ities. 1. Administrative, Support, Waste, and Remediation 3,956 • Effi ciently serve the mobility needs of Florida’s citizens, 2. Wholesale Trade 3,036 businesses and visitors 3. Professional, Scientifi c, and Technical Services 2,900 • Help Florida become a worldwide economic leader, enhance Strategic Intermodal System economic prosperity and competitiveness, enrich quality of life 4. Retail Trade 2,365 and refl ect responsible environmental stewardship 5. Real Estate, Rental, and Leasing 2,192 Florida’sFlorida’s 1155 ddeepwatereeepwwater seaportsseaporrts mmovedovede 1106.4006.4. Source: Florida Department of Economic Opportunity. Labor Market Statistics Center. LEHD State of Florida County Reports-Quarterly Workforce Indicators 2010-2011 millionmiilllioi n tonstonss ofof cargocargo anaandd handledhaandlel d 2.82.2 8 millionmim llllion TEU’sTEEUU’s (20(220 footfoott eequivalentquivvalene t containercontn aiinener unuunit)it) ini 22010.010.0 Largest Industry Sectors by Employment Seven off tthehe 1155 seseaportsapa orrtst INDUSTRY SECTORS % OF WORKFORCE inn FFloridaloriidaa ccarriedara rir edd 112.72.7 1. Trade, Transportation, and Utilities 21.9% millionmilll ion passengers,passssenngeg rss, 1212.1.1. 2. Leisure and Hospitality 15.0% millionmim lllioon of whichwhih ch sailedsaileed on 3. Education and Health Services 12.1% multi-daymumulti-i daay crcruisesuiiseses inn 22010.010100. DESIGNATED SIS FACILITIES Source: Enterprise Florida 100%100%% ooff SISSISS wawaterborneatet rbr orne Major Private Sector Employers freightfreiight inn FFloridalorir da iiss on a coastalccoaastal oror internationalinternan tit onaal EMPLOYER BUSINESS LINE NUMBER OF shippingshs ippip ngng route.rouute. EMPLOYEES 1. Publix Supermarkets Grocer, Retail 4,215 2. Wal-Mart Super Center General Merchandise, Retail 2,071 3. Chico’s FAS, Inc. Corporate Headquarters- 1,120 166 FortuneForo tunne 550000 Women’s Clothing companiescomppanies havehaave theirtheir 4. Bonita Bay Group Real Estate Development 700 headquartersheh adquq arters in FlFlorida.orida. 5. Goodwill Industries Non-Profi t, Retail 615 Source: Enterprise Florida Florida Key Transportation and Freight Facilities STRATEGIC INTERMODAL I-75, SR 80, SR 82 FREIGHT & LOGISTICS OVERVIEW SYSTEM (SIS) HIGHWAYS POPULATION U.S. POPULATION RANK AREA U.S. AREA RANK POPULATION GROWTH RATE SIS RAILROADS Seminole Gulf 18.8 million 4th 53,625 sq. mi. 22nd 17.6% (2000-2010) Chamber of Commerce website: http://www.fl chamber.org SIS AIRPORTS Southwest Florida International Airport DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL MODAL MIX SEAPORTS Manatee County Port Authority (millions of tons) NON SIS STATE HIGHWAYS US 41, SR 78, SR 31 GENERAL AVIATION Page Field Airport Top Employment Sectors AIRPORTS (Nonagricultural Business Groups by Industry) 1. Trade, Transportation, and Utilities 2. Education and Health Services 3. Government Services 4. Professional and Business Services Top Imports Top Exports 5. Healthcare and Social Assistance INBOUND FREIGHT TRUCK TONNAGE OUTBOUND FREIGHT TRUCK TONNAGE 6. Leisure and Hospitality 1. Bulk Movement in Boxcars 1,690,889 1. Nonmetallic Minerals 1,405,686 Source: Department of Economic Opportunity-Current Employment Statistics (2012) Source: Trade & Logistics Study, Florida Chamber 2009 2. Petroleum or Coal Products 1,348,770 2. Bulk Movement in Boxcars 916,654 3. Nonmetallic Minerals 1,043,203 3. Clay, Concrete, Glass or Stone 870,132 TOTAL FREIGHT FLOWS Top Business Sector Initiatives 4. Clay, Concrete, Glass or Stone 718,743 4. Farm Products 215,442 for Retention and Promotion 5. Food or Kindred Products 676,425 5. Food or Kindred Products 153,625 Source: IHS Global Inc.’s Transearch, 2011 Source: IHS Global Inc.’s Transearch, 2011 1. Clean Energy 2. Information Technology 3. Life Sciences Lee County 4. Aviation/ Aerospace 5. Homeland Security/ Defense 6. Financial/ Professional Services Source: Florida Chamber of Commerce Source: Trade & Logistics Study, Florida Chamber 2009 Top International Trade Partners FLORIDA TRADE ACTIVITY The state of EXPORTS IMPORTS Top Trading Partners Top Trading Partners Florida is a major 1. Switzerland 1. China IMPORTS TRUCKTRUCK TONNAGE EXPORTS TRUCK TONNAGE international hub 2. Brazil 2. Mexico Miami-Dade County, FL 1,169,725 Collier County, FL 1,282,815 accounting for ap- 3. Venezuela 3. Japan proximately $149 Broward County, FL 1,060,738 Miami-Dade County, FL 339,944 4. Canada 4. Canada billion in interna- Charlotte County, FL 784,654 Charlotte County, FL 337,031 5. Colombia 5. Colombia tional trade activity Hillsborough County, FL 377,661 Broward County, FL 158,249 Source: Trade & Logistics Study, Florida Chamber in 2011. 2009 Polk County, FL 321,342 Hillsborough County, FL 149,019 Source: IHS Global Inc.’s Transearch, 2011 Source: IHS Global Inc.’s Transearch, 2011 Seminole Gulf Coast Railway CHARLOTTE GLADES CharlotteCharlotte HarborHarbor 41 80 BonitaBoBonita BayBay GroupGroup Gulf of Mexico Chico’sChChicico’i s FASFAS HENDRY Page Field 75 Southwest Florida 82 PublixPublix WalmartWaW lmart International Airport LEGEND Strategic Intermodal System (SIS) Highways Rail Lines Other State Highways Chico’s Largest Employers by Number of Employees SIS Airports Freight Distribution Centers 41 Airports - General Aviation WCIWCI WCIWWCI Group GGrouup Lee County COLLIER FREIGHT INFRASTRUCTURE.
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