lwister' Toll' Mownts owan '5 Serving The State University of I0W4 and tI.e Pe~ of lowtJ Cit., As Rubb'/e Is ,Probed t;stabhShed in 1868 - Five centE...:a~CO~p~y:... __-! .\:::le::m=oe;:.r.. o:::f ... A:! ssoc:!:!:~I::at!!l'::.:d.. Pr:....:..::e.::.....:-=-.:.:A~P~Lf!:::asea::::;::.....;W~Ir:.:.e::....:a:.::n:::.d .. P~hO=to~se::::l':..:v:..::lee~ ______...:t:.:ow:..:a..:C:.:.II:.::Y.:.. , ..::)a:.;',:,,' ,:;:SlI::t:,:u:,:rda=::y.:.. .:j.:.U::;DI':....=22.::..:I:.:~:.:7 ME FARGO, N.D. I.fl.-Searchers dug TH! MUNSON FAMILY: 6 CHILDREN DIE ~h the ruins of some 500 ~ed homes Friday night, fear. _ more names may be added to lie death list from the tornado tbidt smashed a vicious path ~gh a residential area, doing , estimated 15 million dollars u.s. Plans To Reduce Its iIJIl'ge late Thursday. \bus lar, 10 persons were known II have died in the giant tornado. !lltY included six of the seven dJa1dren in the Gerald Munson I fIilIily. About 100 pcrsons were liken to hospitals. About 50 were still hospilalized Friday night, some in critical con· Japan Cambat Forces ~. ·t· II h One woman, Crl Ica yurt, was - ..:...-----------.---- ilUnd in the wreckage Friday af· ,moon. Mayor H.rschel Lllhkowitz II· tlnNMd SOO houses wire destroy· M, .nd the R.d Croll said an­ Supreme dourt Decides To Stay in Session Ike-Kishi Talks • 750 I. 1,000 wire daml,". AbIut 2,000 perlOns wlrl made Stress Mutual _Ius. Will Adjourn After ..... th f d t t' d AP Wlr.photo • "II: swa 0 es ruc Ion covere THREE REMAIN In thl Munson fa."ily of nine after I tornado Hears Death Verdict III blocks of the city, North Da· Thursday night swept the rllidential area of Fargo, N.D. Mrs. Ger. ~a's largest with a population of lid MunlOll, suffering from shock, lightly hugs her only rem.lning Girard Case SeHled Trade Needs Q,m. Streets were littered 'with child, Leroy, 14, IS Munson puts a fltherly arm around tnt boy. Six WASHINGTON I.4".-The Supreme WASH! 'OTO, \II - A communi· ~ menls of the shattered homes, of the MunlOn', seven children were killed In their home, which was Court, scheduled to adjourn for qu from Pre dent EI nhow('r JProoted and broken trees, power blown aw.y during the twister. Mrs. Munson was working when the the summer next Monday, decided and Japan's Prime Ill'll t r Kl hi tDd telepnone poles and lines, and torn.do struck, .nd Munson was out of town. Friday to remain in extraordinary I!hes remaining from Cires which session unLiI it has sellled the in- Friday I'Ilcht r('ported an a re . roke out during the storm. Bull· ternational problem of GI William ment that "wUl substo ntially N'. ~rs were put to work plowing nado were listed liy Coroner D. cal as she identifird the bodies of S. Girard. du the num r of United St.tt '"'0 the rubble. H. Lawrence as: her children. h f force In Japan "Ithin t next .. It call1'd for four ours 0 argu. year." TIle tornado struck first at the Don Titgln, 26, tentatively Mrs. Munson was at work when ment Juty 8 on the question of IOrthWest corner of the city. It Identified by rel.tlves. she heard radio warnings of the whether Girard should be tried by A a tart r, It ~Id, thert' will be "4 prompt wilhdrawlll .11 ;irted the campus of North Da· Mr ••nd Mrs. TlMocIore Udahl, approaching storm. She called her a U.S. court.martial or a Japan se or United Sl t ground mb I )Dta Agricultural College, veered allout 50, ...nt.tively Identified home and Phillis anSlYered. judge for the fatal shooting of a (or . ·... ·ward ahd then moved east by close frlendl. "It' h'tt'h I" tl . I d .. "' S I I g. 1 glr screamc . Japanese woman last Jan. 30. An Info rmrd source SlIid Ihl' mss the residential area known All I or '·year·oId girl, be- The phone went dead. The decision to hear th e appeals wilhdrawal of f!'Ound roret' Will LI Golden Ridge. It crossed the lIaved to be a ~au9hter of the Munson /lidn't learn of the tra- in the Girard case was reached by II 'I ft,· HI'ver of the North and broke ' Uclahll. hi ' t· h . und r way next month. '" gedy until Friday morning wh n eig t of the n nc JU Ices Ilt t elr The Ulllted St ...s hll .......1. IPiIrl in the northeast part of Mrs. Titgen was found Friday he glanced at a newspaper in a regular Friday conferencc, an l'X- mately 70,'" trMp. 'n J""n, Moorhead, Minn. l1£ternoon in the wreckage of he.r hotel lobby at Bismarck, 200 miles ecuti ve session. Including cemiNt, ...... y eltd The Munson children killed in home. She was take~. lo a llOSPI- west. A truck driver, Munson had ln announcing its action, the serYlce ,.~I . I.. conWat I~ twister we:e Darwin , 12; Brad· tal,. where h~~ condlhon was de· driven to Bismarck Thursday eve- high court specified the four hours fore.. Ire limited to the under. ~, 10; Phylhs, 16; Jeannette, 5; scnbed as critical. T~o . daughters ning and went to bed at the hotel of argument be divid!d equally IIn"9th , .. Clvatry Dlvl.ien an4 ).cuis, 2, and Mary, 1. Another of the couple escaped IDJury. Iwithout having heard o[ the tor- Iletween the Justice Departml'nl's 0IIt ,...lmem If the U.s. W Ma­ child, Leroy. 14, escaped injury. The tornado tore a 7-month-old nado. attorneys and the lawyers for the rine Dlv's'",. The 'llthers killed by the tor. baby from its mother's arms. Mr. Munson was r turned to Fargo 21 -year-old soldier. "Tbe United SllItes plan till· and Mrs. Jerry Davenport were by airplane U.S. Dist. Judge Joseph C. Me· furth r r ducUo u th Japan outside with their two children' Garraghy ruled la t Tuesday that 6-11 P.M. d r nle fore llrow," the com· 'People's Daily' when the funnel cloud moved into S thc government could not turn munique aaid. their neighborhood. Davenport Armaments ection Girard over to Japan se authori· How v r, the joint tat ment grabbed their young daughter, his ties for trial. He held that Girard, sold EI nhower told Kishi thnt wife carried the baby and they Of Korean Arml·stl·ce an Army specialist third class, $0 Ion I as conditions of "thre t ~rints Attacks rushed to a nearby home. was on duty at the tlme o[ the and t n ion" omlcl th ar E t, The wind whipped the baby from ' shooting and thal surrendering him IL wlll be neel' ory to malnt.ln Mrs. Davenport's arms . While be· to the Japanese would violate his AP Wln'pholo the pr nl tatu of Ih Ryukyu jng treated at one hospital, the Repud·lated by U.S. constitutional rights. ROBERT T. DAVIS, 21, Pittsburgh (standing right), hurs the lury foremen rud • verdict of guilty to and Bonin island . On Mao Reign Davenports learned their baby had WASHINGTON 111'1 _ The United The government appealed from fi rsl degree murder .nd a recommend.llon of delth, al the end of his ,ri.1 Friday. D.vll WII tried ft': Tb probl m of U.S. ..! p nco­ been found by resl:ue wo~kers and States, deep in disarmament ne. this decision Thursday. In a declo the II.ying of Mr•. emily S. Foster during an .ttempt,d robbery. Th ll il the flflt time In the hlllDry of nomic relatlon W8 emph izfil In Armstrong County th. t pictures were permitted In th e courtroom. HONG KONG tA'I - Red China, taken to anothe.r hospital. The Ig otiations with Russia, is demon· sion approved by Pre ident Ei en· the joint totem nt. KI hi and the lIJ1Ilending with a tide of criticism baby was not sefl~usly hurt. strating in Korea a belief that Lhe hower, the government had de- ..__________ ~ Pr id nt Arr d lhal lllt'y both Jgainst the regime , has published Gev. John DIVII flew here af. Communists are not to be trusted_ cided previously to allow the I I de ired a h1Ch level of trad al w 11. "c10 r laUon ." I university lecturer's statement ttr t.l ..rlphi~g President Ei. From Korea, the United States Japanese to try the soldier. ngt W h- II C -II On the qu~ tion of tr de with senhower, .. that Fargo be is flashing a go.slow warninfl on Girard's attornpys liIed a "cros H B &at in the past eight years the kl~g a S Ion nyo n I e s a Communi t China. th communi· tQmm\llll~ '~rty he, been "per· decl~~d • dlillter area. On ItseJr and other nations' Whlctt are appeal" Frid', PPQtIjn lilious" and that Communists "no DIVIS orden, 200 Netionel Ik' . h I R ' . L McGarraghy's d cision but con· I 0 t I- q .aid tJ Pr Idem "while Gu.rdsmen were here to ta 109 wi! tIC us lans In on· tcnding II did not go far enough. qer serve the people." ~ushed a e I ne recolnlzinr th"t Japan must trade eid In rescUi and cleanup work. don . Thcy said they believed a writ of to live, str d t conUnuinr Mllcation of the statements nred for control on exports of tro· rame after Mao urged open crlti· AmOllg those hospitalized was With a timing which intrigued habeas corpus shou ld have been P d B S t Mrs.
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