MEET US AT HALL-E, StaLL NO: E4.6 SP’s AN SP GUIDE PUBLICATION A-BASED BUYER ONLY) BUYER A-BASED I 100.00 (IND ` aviationSHARP CONTENT FOR A SHARP AUDIENCE www.sps-aviation.com AERO INDIA EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW TO 2021 SP'S SPECIAL CHIEF OF THE AIR STAFF AIR CHIEF MARSHAL R.K.S BHADAURIA Page 10 PAST TO PRESENT: IAF'S C-17 GLOBEMASTER III HEAVY LIFT AIRCRAFT MAKING A STEEP CLIMB from LEH (ONE OF THE CRUCIAL coNflict ZONES) AIRPort IN LADAKH regioN. IL-76 TRANSPort aircraft OF IAF, IN THE bacKgroUND. Page 8 RNI NUMBER: DELENG/2008/24199 IAF’TRANSITIONs IAI’s Heron TP A Powerful Strategic Capability Our Experience. Your Winning Solution. The all-in-one platform backed by over 1,800,000 operational UAS flight hours, IAI’s Heron TP features: • Multi-mission, multi-payload capability including: EO/IR/LRF/LD, SAR, MPR, ELINT, COMINT and ESM • Automatic Taxi-Takeoff and Landing (ATOL) • Remote operation capabilities • Endurance > 30 hours • Maximal Takeoff Weight:5670 kg • Payload Weight: Up to 2700 kg • Mission Radius: BLOS > 1000 km www.iai.co.il • [email protected] PUBLISHER AND EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Jayant Baranwal SENIOR EDITOR Air Marshal B.K. Pandey (Retd) TABLE OF CONTENTS DEPUTY MANAGING EDITOR Neetu Dhulia SENIOR TECHNICAL GROUP EDITOR MEET US AT HAll-E, STAll no: E4.6 Lt General Naresh Chand (Retd) SP’s AN SP GUIDE PUBLICATION PRINCIpaL CORRESPONDENT A-BASED BUYER ONLY) BUYER A-BASED Ayushee Chaudhary I 100.00 (IND CONTRIBUTORS ` aviationSHARP CONTENT FOR A SHARP A UDIENC E India: Group Captain A.K. Sachdev (Retd), www.sps-aviation.com Group Captain Joseph Noronha (Retd) AERO INDIA 2021 SPECIAL Europe: Alan Peaford AEro indiA EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW TO 2021 SP'S USA & Canada: LeRoy Cook COVer IMAGE special CHIEF OF THE AIR STAFF AIR CHIEF MARSHAL CHAIRmaN & MANAGING DIRECTOR R.K.S BHADAURIA Jayant Baranwal IAF C-17 GLOBEMASTER III Heavy Lift PLANNING & BUSINESS DEVELOpmENT Aircraft making a steep climb from Leh Executive Vice President: Rohit Goel pAGE 10 Airport in Ladakh Region-IL-76 Transport PAST TO PRESENT: IAF's C-17 GLOBEMAsTER III HEAvy LIFT AIRCRAFT MAkInG A sTEEp CLIMB FROM LEH (OnE OF THE CRuCIAL COnFLICT zOnEs) AIRpORT In MANAger – HR & ADMIN LAdAkH REGIOn. IL-76 TRAnspORT AIRCRAFT OF IAF, In THE BACkGROund. aircraft in the background pAGE 8 Bharti Sharma ASSISTANT MANAger – HR & ADMIN (Cover Photo: Abhishek Singh / SP Guide Pubns) Pooja Tehlani DEPUTY MANAger – CirCULATION COVer DeSign bY: SP’s Team RNI NUMBER: DELENG/2008/24199 IAF’TRANSIT IONs Rimpy Nischal GROUP RESEARCH ASSOCIATE SP's Aviation Cover Aero India 2021 Special.indd 1 31/01/21 2:43 PM Survi Massey RESEARCH ASSISTANT SPACE 16 Fighters Sarthak Baranwal Urgency of 114 Multi-Role Fighter 3 Privatisation DESIGN Aircraft Holistic Directions: Jayant Baranwal Space’s Privatisation to Launch Designers: Vimlesh Kumar Yadav, Expansive Growth 18 NexGen Sonu S. Bisht 6th-Generation Fighters: GROUP DIRECTor – SaLES & MARKETING Closer Than You Think! Neetu Dhulia VIEWPOINT DEPUTY DIRECTor – SaLES 20 Unmanned Rajeev Chugh 6 Airbus C295 UAVs – A Potential Operational SP’S WEBSITES Replacement of Avro by C295 – Asset Sr Web Developer: Shailendra P. Ashish Programme Moving Ahead Web Developer: Ugrashen Vishwakarma 22 Bomber © SP Guide Publications, 2021 7 LCA Mk 1A Does India Need A Strategic Subscription/Circulation Procurement of 83 LCA Tejas Bomber? Annual Inland: `1,200 • Foreign: US$320 Mk 1A Cleared 24 Boeing E-mail: [email protected] Boosting the Indian Defence [email protected] Ecosystem LETTER TO EDITOR MILITARY [email protected]; [email protected] 8 Modernisation 26 Exercise For Advertising details, contact: The Indian Air Force in Transition Desert Knight 2021 Concluded [email protected] [email protected] 10 Chief of the Air Staff Interview SP GUIDE PUBLICATIONS PVT LTD A-133 Arjun Nagar, (Opposite Defence Colony) EXCLUSIVE TO SP’s REgular DepARTMENTS New Delhi 110003, India. “Our challenge is to increase the Tel: +91 (11) 24644693, 24644763, 24620130 2 A Word from Editor-in-Chief Fax: +91 (11) 24647093 synergy and cohesiveness to ensure joint operations in true E-mail: [email protected] 30 Hall of Fame sense. Air Power would play a very Representative Office Chuck Yeager (1923 - 2020) BENGALURU, INDIA significant and critical role.” 204, Jal Vayu Vihar, Kalyan Nagar, 31 NewsDigest Bengaluru 560043, India. 14 Combat Squadrons Tel: +91 (80) 23682204 Depleting Numbers — 32 Last Word MOSCOW, RUSSIA LAGUK Co., Ltd., (Yuri Laskin) Cause for Concern Build the Fleet to 42 Sqns Krasnokholmskaya, Nab. 11/15, app. 132, Moscow 115172, Russia. Tel: +7 (495) 911 2762 Fax: +7 (495) 912 1260 Awards 2017 MEMBER / PARTNER OF SPECIAL CONTRIBUTION TO BUSINESS AVIATION NEXT ISSUE: POST-COVID TRENDS www.sps-aviation.comWWW.SPGUIDEPUBLICATIONS.COM AERO INDIA 2021 SPECIAL 1 A WORD from editOR-in-CHIEF Our sincere gratitude to Air Chief Marshal R.K.S. Bhadauria for taking out the time to give some very enlightening and insightful answers, to our inquisitive questions on a diverse range of subjects. While the world is cancelling a host of leading shows, While the effort at achieving self reliance in the Indian aero- India has gone ahead with unmatched conviction and space industry is laudable, the current deficiency in the combat is organising Aero India 2021 with not even a fraction fleet of the IAF which, after the induction of the 36 Rafale jets of change or an effect out of COVID-19. that is underway, will reduce to eight squadrons or 144 aircraft. To cater for this deficiency, it is necessary to push for the project This decision of the government to go ahead and host the pres- to procure 114 multi role fighter aircraft (MRFA) initiated by the tigious biennial Aero India Air Show 2021 at Air Force Station IAF a few years ago. Yelahanka in Bengaluru, is indeed a morale booster particu- The situation in respect of the combat fleet of the IAF is only larly for the Indian aerospace industry which is on the cusp of going to get worse over the next decade as with the retirement transition as the government in power has launched a major from service of the ageing fleets of Jaguar and MiG-21 Bison drive to make the nation self reliant through a scheme labelled aircraft, a total of twelve squadrons or 216 aircraft, the IAF as “Atmanirbhar Bharat”. will be in serious difficulty. This calls for a major enhancement The Indian Air Force (IAF) shoulders a major responsibility to of the indigenous capability to produce modern fighter aircraft guarantee the security of the nation. This was been clearly empha- for the IAF. This is important as going by the experience in the sised by Air Chief Marshal R.K.S. Bhadauria, Chief of the Air Staff recent past, procurement of combat aircraft from abroad is not (CAS) in an exclusive interview to SP’s. This Aero India 2021 Spe- going to be easy. cial Issue of SP’s Aviation carries this interview with the CAS in All this and more in this Aero India 2021 Special Issue of which he describes in detail the challenges before the nation today SP’s Aviation. Welcome aboard and wish you happy landings! as well as in the future as also the responsibilities of the armed Do visit us at Hall E, Stall No E4.6 at the Aero India Air Show! forces and the contribution by the Indian aerospace industry to sustain and enhance the operational capability of the IAF. The government has recently given the go ahead to the Indian aerospace major Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) to produce 83 light combat aircraft Tejas Mk 1A to equip five combat squadrons in the IAF. Hopefully, the Indian aerospace industry will be able to deliver against this order in time for the IAF to place orders for additional combat platforms. As for the transport fleet, a project has been initiated for HAL to manufac- ture the Airbus C295 in large numbers. As the C295 will be pro- duced indigenously, it may be worth considering this platform as a replacement in due course, for the An-32 fleet currently service with the IAF. This will be a major boost for domestic JAYANT BARANWAL production of the C295. This issue of the magazine carries arti- cles examining these aspects in detail. PUBLISHER & EDITor-in-CHIEF Owned, published and printed by Jayant Baranwal, printed at Kala Jyothi Process Pvt Ltd and published at FOLLOW US ON A-133, Arjun Nagar (Opposite Defence Colony), New Delhi 110003, India. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, photocopying, recording, electronic, or otherwise without prior written permission of the Publishers. @SPsAviation SPPublications 2 AERO INDIA 2021 SPECIAL www.sps-aviation.com SPACE PRIVATISATION ISRO PSLV-C45 SUccEssFULLY LAUNCHES EMISAT AND 28 CUstomER SATELLITES SPACE’S PrivATIsaTION To LAUNCH EXpaNSIVE GrOWTH Opening up the space sector to private companies is likely to allow better availability of resources for ISRO to carry more ambitious space exploration missions By Ayushee ChAUDHARY The Space sector of India was opened up in June 2020 also shifted all operational assets of Indian Space Research by the Union Cabinet led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Organisation (ISRO) to New Space India Ltd (NSIL), a commer- H: ISRO P enabling the participation of Indian private sector in the entire cial entity, and formed the Indian National Space Promotion A R gamut of space activities, allowing private firms and startups to and Authorisation Centre (IN-SPACe) as a regulator to ensure a G build satellites and rockets, besides offering space services to level-playing field for the private sector.
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