e chocola ak te m 1 e 0 0 w % r s e l h a t v e e annual FAIR Report 2014/2015 annual FAIR g f o r t e T e o n y ’ y s el fair Chocolon Hey! Psst! Would you like to hear something cool about the paper in this year’s Annual FAIR Report? na na na na na na The pages inside were once the green leaves and cobs .. it’s FAIR-man! of plants like corn and sugarcane. After the harvest, look at the leftover plant parts along with a big pile of other ’m shine leaves and stems were turned into fine paper, to finally become this Annual FAIR Report. An amazing metamorphosis, all thanks to Paperwise. Oh, and the Just like with our chocolate, environmental impact is 47% lower than FSC wood even the printing is top fiber paper and 29% lower than recycled paper. notch. Sustainable printer Graphius prints with alcohol-free and vegetable- based inks, and operates in a climate neutral and The cover is made of uncoated, FSC recycled paper. environmentally friendly It is not coated with porcelain or lime and is made way. It’s good to be green! of 100% of recycled materials. It could be that in a previous life this cover was a good book. Or a bad book. Or a pizza box! Does the paper look familiar? It should, because the wrappers of our bars take a leaf out of the same book. 2010 2010 2012 2012 TenTen years years of makingof making 2015 2015 2o052o05 2o062o06 2013 2013 chocolate chocolate 100% 100% slave slave free free The firstThe firstTony’s Tony’s Chocolonely Chocolonely bar bar Tony’sTony’s goes officialgoes official 2012 2012 comescomes on the on market, the market, after afterepisodes episodes and registersand registers with with we’rewe’re now nowten years ten years on the on way the toway to of theof Inspection the Inspection of Value of Value about about the Chamberthe Chamber of of 2006 2006 2011 2011 100%100% slave slave free freechocolate. chocolate. We’ve We’ve been been child childslavery slavery on cocoa on cocoa plantations plantations Commerce.Commerce. 2005 2005 2014 2014 supported,supported, encouraged, encouraged, challenged challenged and and in Westin WestAfrica. Africa. Milk Milkchocolate chocolate in in eaten.eaten. We now We nowknow know how howdifficult difficult it is it is an alarmingan alarming red wrapper. red wrapper. Fairtrade Fairtrade 2015 2015 to changeto change an industry. an industry. We have We have grown grown and ‘100%and ‘100% slave slavefree.’ free.’ enormouslyenormously and achievedand achieved results. results. 2012 2012 2014 2014 Here’sHere’s our timeline:our timeline: 2o082o08 2o072o07 2006 2006 The ChocolonelyThe Chocolonely foundation foundation is set is set We learnWe learn a hard a hardlesson: lesson: fairtrade fairtrade isn’t isn’t up. Nowadaysup. Nowadays 1% of 1%net of turnover net turnover the samethe sameas slave as slavefree. Ourfree. founding Our founding 2011 2011 from fromTony’s Tony’s Chocolonely Chocolonely is going is going to tofather, father, Teun Teunvan de van Keuken, de Keuken, sees insees in projectsprojects that supportthat support a slave a slavefree free GhanaGhana that thethat impact the impact of Fairtrade of Fairtrade 2013 2013 2015 2015 2o102o10 2o092o09 chocolatechocolate industry. industry. certificationcertification is limited. is limited. We change We change Our barsOur arebars available are available in more in moreand andWe startedWe started the ‘Tony’s the ‘Tony’s in in ‘100%‘100% slave slavefree’ tofree’ ‘on to the ‘on way the to way to 2007 2007 more morestores, stores, including including supermarkets. supermarkets. Africa’ Africa’ project: project: a study a study of of 100% 100%slave slavefree chocolate’. free chocolate’. Another Another 2012 2012 2014 2014 Our revenueOur revenue grows grows considerably considerably from fromthe cocoathe cocoa supply supply chain chain and and setback:setback: Teun Teunis morally is morally correct correct in in this pointthis point onward, onward, which which also also ways waysto improve to improve Fairtrade Fairtrade his lawsuithis lawsuit against against himself himself as a as a sharplysharply increases increases the amount the amount of of certification.certification. chocolatechocolate criminal criminal but the but court the court cocoacocoa beans beans we need. we need. won’twon’t prosecute prosecute him becausehim because they’d they’d 2011 2011 2015 2015 have haveto prosecute to prosecute everyone everyone who who 2007 2007 eats chocolate.eats chocolate. 2013 2013 2009 2009 2o112o11 2012 2012 None Noneof the of objectives the objectives of the of the Harkin-EngelHarkin-Engel Protocol Protocol (2001) (2001) 20132013 2011 2011 are fullyare fullyachieved. achieved. In the In the 2014 2014 We startWe starta long-term a long-term partnership partnership with twowith partner two partner 2015 2015 protocolprotocol big chocolate big chocolate cooperativescooperatives in Ghana in Ghana and Côte and d’IvoireCôte d’Ivoire from from manufacturersmanufacturers promised promised to to whomwhom we buy we for buy our for first our firsttraceable traceable Bean toBean Bar to Bar 2008 2008 eliminateeliminate the “worst the “worst forms forms of of cocoacocoa beans. beans. We also We initiate also initiate our first our firstimpact impact child childlabor” labor” in the in cocoa the cocoa sector. sector. study.study. And weAnd organize we organize the first the firstTony’s Tony’s Fair whereFair where we presentwe present our first our firstAnnual Annual Fair Report.Fair Report. 2010 2010 2013 2013 2o122o12 Tony’sTony’s twister twister Our barOur becomes bar becomes 2o142o14 You won’tYou won’t believe believe what what 2012 2012 unequallyunequally divided, divided, In additionIn addition to the to Fairtrade the Fairtrade premium premium 20152015 1 red 1milk red milkchocolate chocolate bar bar 2011 2011 2011 2011 becausebecause it’s strange it’s strange we nowwe also now pay also an pay additional an additional Tony’s Tony’s We celebrateWe celebrate our tenth our tenth birthday birthday started.started. It’s now It’s pleasantly now pleasantly 2013 2013 for a forchocolate a chocolate bar to bar to premiumpremium to cocoa to cocoa farmers. farmers. We pay We 25% pay 25%and becauseand because of our of enormous our enormous crowdedcrowded in the in choco the choco family. family. 2014 2014 2015 2015 have haveequal equal pieces pieces while while more morethan thanthe farmer the farmer usually usually gets. gets. growthgrowth over theover last the 10 last years 10 years we we ThereThere are Tony’s are Tony’s of all ofshapes all shapes 2012 2012 the industrythe industry is still is sostill so This isThis the is result the result of a study of a study by True by True start starta partnership a partnership with awith third a third and sizes,and sizes, something something for for 2014 2014 2015 2015 unfairlyunfairly divided. divided. We We Price Priceresearching researching the price the priceof cocoa of cocoa cooperativecooperative in Ghana, in Ghana, increasing increasing everyone.everyone. We’ll We’llkeep keepsurprising surprising developdevelop our Roadmap our Roadmap that willthat pull will farmerspull farmers out of out poverty. of poverty. our impactour impact to 1,200 to 1,200 farmers. farmers. We We you withyou thewith craziest the craziest flavors flavors and and on theon way the to way 100% to 100% And Tony’sAnd Tony’s bars crossbars crossthe border the border into into need toneed grow to moregrow moreto make to make a bigger a bigger cheerfulcheerful wrappers. wrappers. Because Because we’ve we’ve slave slavefree chocolate. free chocolate. BelgiumBelgium and Finland. and Finland. impact,impact, so Tony’s so Tony’s goes togoes the to USA! the USA! only justonly begun! just begun! e chocola ak te m 1 e 0 hello. 0 w % r s e l h a 4 t v e e annual FAIR Report 2014/2015 annual FAIR g chapter one: chapter two: f o r t Hey, you! Not everybody e And you, and you, is happy T e o and you, and you …the problem n 8 12 y ’ y s C el hocolon chapter three: Column fair We are Tony’s Teun van and this is what de Keuken 26we stand for 36 What’s up chapter four: with the Our roadmap chocolate? to 100% slave 38 42 free chocolate chapter five: chapter six: Tony’s creates Tony’s leads Hey! Psst! Would you like to hear something cool awareness by example about the paper in this year’s Annual FAIR Report? na na na na na na The pages inside were once the green leaves and cobs .. it’s FAIR-man! do you know why … that’s what we do it? we do of plants like corn and sugarcane. After the harvest, look at 46 56 the leftover plant parts along with a big pile of other ’m shine leaves and stems were turned into fine paper, to finally become this Annual FAIR Report. An amazing chapter seven: chapter eight: metamorphosis, all thanks to Paperwise. Oh, and the Just like with our chocolate, Inspiring others 2014 and ’15 environmental impact is 47% lower than FSC wood even the printing is top to act the numbers fiber paper and 29% lower than recycled paper. notch. Sustainable printer crossing the border Graphius prints with 74 84 alcohol-free and vegetable- based inks, and operates in a climate neutral and chapter nine: Also worth The cover is made of uncoated, FSC recycled paper. environmentally friendly Let’s raise mentioning It is not coated with porcelain or lime and is made way. It’s good to be green! of 100% of recycled materials.
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