© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES &&\1.'1 ~LlWtu:t ~ JfL~ 1'1,7 jg- ~. ( ~ t , /, I (' f?, . IA, '~7u A9~ I\..f .\ 'LC/tU)..W. S . ' . " IC(. NWt (k~7,s rkqtUsdUh; ao;, a~ ~ IU ~f\.C4-M..-O i...ft I ~ ta.JVl!(f1 d . ' " /0 . StGW ~ I ~ ~a.1J...cu.j / (p~1\ Ji6y,. ~, i~ ~ I f1w~1\ I a;;~Iv .. ~~ "1I\t$ Xo..-U M CN (1t~'" / {y[o1\M ek . .. J' JliJ.....tO\l:> j{~ / Jiw(AJ;,U / 1tMa..duJ"'I! ·· · /0 II. 1~ &;/oJiv" I JiJaJJ;;&/ /bMtJiw"''' .56: 3' J/hili0 sWJ.u.w I 1J0~ 9'(1 ··:35 Sfl. Jtdt~ ~ Jr~ . ' " ..... " #-.9' S1' (w\.w's GUl~S fJ~w.1fa.t.u CfJaurw'~ Ig. ICf y~, ~ ~~ ~c.k r£y 0JrtuW. , .. , /1 If[. ~ C/J'1 s . .. ' ' , , . " ' . , ' . .. !J!.- bO: ~'}J.a1 w...{' 1 Jr(sJ. ~~ULV. Il.'s OIWS .. , j'b, ~~ (p~ ~u J{uu ' . ' , , 19' J,Z, J~ u.Ww.~ rJ~()A~.J~ &u~ 1~u. :/5' ~, " I, I, ~AAl IJu& 45'. 2J~. " " " 171l$u.U 'I (gH~A:(~i-. ~ d, );4- iJJJ;0J).; 6B-W1w o<.t~ ON .. , . .. .. 9 /0. 1JJOJU ~ tbA{'w (lm--uws , . , , , , " /l Iii, Rr. ~r tJoJA 2ft; (J.uI.~ v- 'I (pa:t:dt) (Yrc(w, " If)O, {))cUu ~ dCw!1, ,JW~i1 knls~ J.C{. ~w ~ oj J:J.iU,;ek , ' , , , " , (jJ, -iVU (6YcI. ~/rl . , . .' ., .," //]', I~ .J/. J1.; ,.vMld..MiU jidb kJR.Y(~d...!:rf~ fflU.~d ~ 19 w\i.11.i.t? ¥ ~~ 15~ds" " , .38 © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL MONTHLY MEETING, 12th SEPTEMBER, 1938 ·M I N U· T E S County Hall, N. J. FRIZELLE, WEXFORD. Secretary County Council. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES The monthly meeting of Wexford County Council was held in County Council Chamber, County Hall, Wexford, on 12th September 1938. Present:- Mr. D. Allen, T.D., Chairman (presiding). Also Messrs. J. J. Bowe, Patrick Colfer, Richard Corish, Christopher Culleton, John Day, Raymond Doyle, W. P. Kee~~ John P. Kelly, James Lawler, Sean Murphy, Sean O'Byrne, Miss N. O'Ryan, Col. R. P. Wemyss Quin, Michael Redmond, Thomas Redmond, Patrick Ronan, and l~les Smyth. The Secretary, County Surveyor, County Solicitor, and the following Assistant Surveyors were in attendance:­ Messrs. Birthistle, Cullen, Ennis and O'Neill. Minutes of last meeting were confirmed. PAYMENTS Treasurer's Advice Notes for £1543. 12. 6d and for £31. 10. 0 (payment Enniscorthy Technical School) were examined and signed. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING 19th AUGUST 1938: Minutes of Finance Committee in respect of this meeting were submitted as follows:- © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES The fortnightly meeting of Fi nance Committee was hel d in County Counci l Chamber, County Hall, Wexford, on 19th August, 1938 . Present:- ~ . D. Allen (Chair man), presiding; al so, Messrs. P. Colfer, R. Corish (Vice- Chairman), W. P. Keegan, John P. Kelly, Thomas McCart~, Sean urphy, Sean O' Byrne and Miss 0' Ryan . The Secretary, Assistant Secretary, County Surveyor and Rates I~spector ere in attendance . The inutes of last meeting were confirmed. PAYMENTS Treasurer' s Advice Note for £7009 . O. 6d was examined and signed. RATE COLLECTION" STATE OF : The fol Io ring, sho ing the percentage of Rate col lec ted to date, 'fas submi tted:- 1 . S. Gannon 8 .0 2 . J . Deegan 6. 5 3. D. Kenny 6 · 5 4 · J . J . O' Reilly 6·3 5· p ; Doyle 5 . 8 6 . W. Cummins 5· 7 7. J . Quirke 5 . ~ 8. VI . Doyle 4. 9 . A. Dunne 4. 8 10 . J . Cwnm1ns 4. 2 11. P. Nolan 3. 9 12. J . J . Sinnott 3· 9 13· J . Flood 3. 6 14· E. J . urphy 3· 5 15. cCarthy 3· 4 16. J . Curtis 3. 1 17 . P. Carty 2· 3 18 . ,I . Kehoe ~ (ill) . Average 4. 8 . T e ecretary said that Rate Collectors had been directed by Rate I nspector to all new arrears lodged by 31st August 1938, and were being notified that as ell as collecting arrears they must lodge first mOiety of current Rate during the fir st mOiety period. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES ILLNESS OF RA E COLLECTOR : Under date 17th August 1938, Collector ~urice Kehoe (District No. 16) wrote that he would cease ork for a fortnight as he was obliged to undergo an operation for hernia. He had handed his books to Collector J . Curtis (District No . 17) ho was satisfied to take charge of the collection. The follo~ng resolution as adopted on the motion of Mr . o ' Byrne, seconded by Mr . Kelly:- "That the necessary leave of absence (Owing to illness) be granted Rate Collector ·aurice Kehoe and that, subject to the consent of the inister for Local Government and Public Health and of the Sureties of Messrs. Kehoe and Curtis, the latter be appOinted substitute for Mr . Kehoe during his absence from duty." RATES PAI D TO AUCTIONEE Letters under date 26th July, 27th July and 8th August, 1938, from Me s srs. I. J . O· Connor & Co . , Solicitors, iexford, as to payment of Rates by ichael Culleton, Ballybogsan, Castlebridge, and Agnes urphy, Galbally, Crossabeg, were submitted. It appeared that the ratepayers in question employed Mr . Michael Kehoe, Auctioneer, 1exford, to set the grass of their holdings, and rent and rates were to be paid out of the first moiety of the letting money . The persons who bad taken the lettings ere afraid that as llr. Kehoe had become bankrupt and had not accounted for the money he received for Rent and Bates, their stock might be seized. The following is an extract from letter of Messrs. O' Connor & Co . , under date 8th August 1938:- II e are trying to come to some arrangement whereby the second mOiety of the letting money would be paid pro rata to the County Council and the Land Commission . If e can come to terms then there ~ill be no trouble in colle~n& © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES the second mOiety from the persons who have taken the grass. If they cannot have the use of the lands it will be very difficult to come to an arrangement about the second moiet y and then you will get nothing. II The following resolution was adopted, on the motion of ir. Keegan, seoonded by Mr. Corish:- IIThat t e matter of payment of Rates on the holdings of ichael Cu+leton, Ballyboggan, Castlebridge, and Agnes Murphy, Galbally, Crossabeg, be left in the hands of the Rate Collector concer ned to act as instructed by Mr . gee, County Solicitor. II gOREY TOVm co The fo110 ing, under date 4th August 1938, as read from Town Clerk, Gorey :- itA demand for Rates in respeot of the year 1938/39 on my Commissioners' new houses was before their meeting held on the 2nd instant, and I am directed to inform your Council of their deoision that no Rates be paid on these houses pending the decision of the Commissioner of Valuation on the appeal ich has been made against these valuations. II The Secretary stated that he wrote the followi ng letter to the Town Clerk, Gorey, under date 11th August, 1938 :- "Please refer me to the Statutory Authority under which your Commi ssioners claim to act in pefusing to pay poor rates as assessed for 1938/39 until appeal against the Valuations has been decided. I Under date 13th August 1938, the County SoliCitor, whose advice in the matter was sought, ~ote that the County CounCil had no power to allow the Gorey Town CommiSSioners to withhold the payment of Poor Rates pending the deCision of the Commissioner of Valuation on the values which have been placed on the houses i n question. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES The following resolution \7nS adopted, on the motion of the Che.irman, seconded by r . Keegan:- II lat te Collector Dunne be directed to furnish list of Gorey Town Commissioners' ne houses lhich have been completed and tp~t said list be compared ith relevant Valuations. T t the County Secretary, after interview wit Coun.ty Solicitor, report to Finance Committee the exact posi tion as to payment of Rates on these houses.n SCHOLARSHI P SCHEMES SECONDA Y & VOCATIONAL SCH Under date 12th August, 1938, the Department of Education forwarded (Trg. 2/48583) statement showing results of recent examination for Scholarships and which set out in order of merit on the basis of Sections 8 and 9 of approved Scheme (1) e candidates who had passed the examinatio . (2) Those ho failed, and (3) T ose ho ere absent. Under date 18th August 1938 (Oil. 2/48582) the Depart- ment of Education ote that as re rds Clause I, paragraph 2 of the 1938 Scheme, w ich reserved a sc olarship~r Boys and a Scholarship for Girls attending Schools at ich the average attenfuu.ce for t e year previous to exam ation less t n 80, or 1n 'ic. t e staff normally engaged durin the year comprises not more than t 0 teachers, a greater average attendance than 79 notwithstanding, Kieran C. 0 ' 1-1.egan of Duncannon N. S. , average attendance 54 and mie Ke~~edy of Chapel Convent J . S. {Ki1more), average attendanoe 57 . 6, ere eligible for Scholarships on verification fact t t their place of residence is two miles from approved Secondary School. The Secretary stated that K. 0' egan was 12 miles a Secondary School and Annie ' Kennedy, about the same distance. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES The following resolution was adopted on the motion of .
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