- 55 - CHARGED CURRENT WEAK INTERACTION OF POLARIZED MOONS G. Smadja and G. Vesztergambi*) DPhPE, CEN-Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France (Paper was presented by G. Vesztergombi) ABSTRACT The polarization of the muon beam can be used to test the presence of right-handed couplings in charged current interaction of muons in process /*.+Jf-*v+ X. The experimental feasibility and the limits which can be obtained on the mass of right-handed inter• mediate boson are discussed. 1. INTRODUCTION At first glance it seems to be hopeless to detect charged current weak interaction of muons, because the typical electromagnetic cross-sections are about a million times larger even at an incoming muon energy of several hundred GeV. One should not forget, however, some remarkable merits of the muon beam. a) Energy Due to the kinematic properties of pion decay the average energy of muons is 3 times higher than the one of neutrinos. This may turn out to be rather important. On one hand, the weak cross-sections are linearly proportional to the beam energy and on the other hand the energy can be critical in presence of thresholds. In addition, the incoming muon energy can be preselected which provides more flexibility in the study of threshold phenomena. b) Helicity Due to their extremely small (if any) mass the helicity of neutrinos is uniquely pre• determined. In case of muons one can select helicity at will. This provides an unique possibility to look for such type of weak interactions which are impossible in case of neutrinos as it was noticed by K. Winter^. Namely, if the pion momentum is denoted by pv then the decay muon with momentum pFORW ^ (forward decay in tr-system) will have "unnatural" helicity (i.e. opposite to the helicity of the neutrino with the same lepton number). One can get "natural" helicity selecting muon momenta BACK 2 2 p^ » (m^/m^-p^ (backward decay in ir-system). Thus if one is interested in normal left-handed interactions then the muon beam energy should be lowered relative to the parent pion energy. Even in this case it remains about a factor two higher than the average neutrino energy from the same pion decay. c) Beam handling Beam phase space can be measured easily. The well collimated muon beam spot can reduce by order(s) of magnitude the required lateral size of the target and the interaction vertex is well identified. Severe difficulties compensate the flexibility of muon beam. x) On leave from the Central Research Institute for Physics, Budapest, Hungary. - 56 - i) One needs ah extremely good (~10"<') hardware rejection against events which have a muon in the final state in order to catch weak fishes from the QED ocean. ii) The final state is rather complicated. In absence of neutrino detection the relevant kinematic information should be extracted from the analysis of hadronic shower. With modern experimental techniques these problems can be overcome in most of the kinematical range, thus at least in some areas muon experiments can challenge and/or complement neutrino experiments. 2. RIGHT-HANDED CURRENTS The theoretical interest for weak effects with "unnatural" right-handed polarization can be summarized in the following way: a) The dominantly V-A structure of weak interactions is well established at present ener• gies but the search for deviations should still proceed. b) The standard SU^(2) x U(1) model is highly asymmetric and unaesthetic. c) Right-handed neutrinos and intermediate bosons seem to be one of the simplest candidates 21 which can "bloom" in the desert between 100 GeV and the grand unification mass 1. In the following we discuss the experimental possibilities to search for right-handed neutrinos by muon beam in the framework of SUL(2) x SUR(2) x U(1) model. We start with a "manifestly right-left symmetric" Lagrangian where WL and WR are coupled to V-A and V+A currents, respectively: L W= CV+A)-WR + H.C.] where e. g. CV + Al^v^^ijf,)^ or (V + A)^ ü^ft+^d. The combinations fV + hA)lep and (V + hA)^^ represent leptonic and hadronic currents having non-vanishing. matrix ele• ments between only définit helicity states. For simplicity, here and in the next we neglect masses and Cabbibo or KM angles ( h = +_ 1 ). That is in a given vertex the transition is prohibited, for example between )UR(h =+1) and VL(h =-1). The left-right symmetry of however is broken by an asymmetric vacuum. The Higgs potencial and the vacuum expectation values of the Higgs-fields are arranged to yield to mass eigenstates which are linear combinations of unmixed chiral eigenstates, W.. = W.-cosi* - W„-sin$ \ ' L K . > for definiteness M„ > M„ = w sin "2' "T W + 2 L' í WR-cosl} The modified Lagrangian reads = A cos h ^$z{ [N- í t -CV+A)siniî] W1 + [CV-A)sin4 +(V+A)cos^ ] W2 + H.C. | . In case of left-handed v£ neutrinos (and also ju^) the (V+A) leptonic current does not give any contribution, in contrast with the hadronic current because (u, d) quarks are occuring always in left-right symmetric combinations inside the nucléons. Thus one gets the "left-handed" effective four-fermion Lagrangian in the form: J 2 LLEFT= g f{V-A)i«.-cosé [(V-AX.rfCos^- (V+AWsing ]+ CV-A)tep-sintj [CV-A)<..^in4+(V+A)n.)|Coslt11 8 I M^ i x) At present energies Q dependence is negligible. - 57 - After some rearrangements one obtaines .LEFT jcosj^sin |CV-A)¡ CV-A^CV+A^staiMsC lep^had 2 8 M: M: M " ^| "1 "'2 Í This interaction can be studied by standard neutrino scattering because by default left- handed neutrino (and right-handed antineutrino) beams are available. Assuming however the existence of right-handed neutrinos the situation will be re• versed and one should retain only (V+A)^ leptonic currents which provide the effective four-fermion Lagrangian for right-handed neutrino (orp."^) scattering: sinlj ,cos é 1 1 CV+A) CV ^CV ^siitfcos* had +A -A M: M: M2""M¡. 2 J The cross-section calculations are reduced to the evaluation of matrix elements which has the general form: A h C V + )+ C V + h A C lePf "had ) =< I T" W had A > In this notation the differential cross-section can be written as v 22 2 2 = |A (-1;-1) |?cJL + |A C-1,+D| -C = O" c LR LL °LEFT a(+1 +1) C a 2 I ' I'RR + I (+I'-I)|2-CRL RIGHT where the meaning of cr„ is self-explanatory and 2 2 • 2x 2, cos ¿ sin ^ sxn cos c = *» + Ç . _c sin£ cosÇ "LL "RL * M: RR »»2 »»2 ' IJR M: M1 M2 1 Some representative diagrams corresponding to different terms are shown in Figure 1. After trace calculations one can get <r^. In general case they consist of two parts which are i *•* j symmetric in helicities: a 2 h h + 1+h 2 °ij • I cvVl • i j W f ?)ci+h ) K2(Pk) where and K2 represent définit kinematic functions of particle momenta. Due to the fact that in our calculations the masses are neglected and K2 are depending only on the CM- energy and CM-scattering angle which is equivalent io the scaling variable y. Thus there remain only two possibilities i) h.h. =+1 yields da / dy »«• 1 1 J 2 ii) hjh. =-1 yields d» / dy oí (1-y) . Of course, one has x s 1 for "elastic scattering" on quarks. From these the usual proce• dure gives for charged current scattering on isoscalar nuclei Cx.y) q to + (1-y)2 q (x) (x,y) = <T+_ (x,y) oc q (x) + (1-y) q (x) where q (x) and q (x) represent the quark and anti-quark distribution inside target nuclei. In the general case the muon beam consists of yu£ and yU^ components. Thus the charged - 58 - current cross-section for negative muon beam with polarization ¿ can be written as a sum = ~2~ LEFT + 2 RIGHT = ~~a-CLL + -J"0^ -CRL ' It is worth to remark that the left-right mixing term is independent of muon polarization, in accordance with the fact, that it is parity conserving. Of course, this left-right sym- metry can be broken by mass terms and for too heavy the ^pjgjp part would be zero due to energy conservation. For completeness, we write down the differential cross-sections in a more explicit way: 2 + ~7 ff + a 2 + 2 CRL oxdy - — «L " R RL°° 2 q+O-y) ^ + ^ [q+ 0 -yâj) 4 ^+Ci-y3 q} 2 d *** 1 + * _+ A 1 x _+ _ 1+J. axd7= —°L+—RL — where the transition ju." *—» )X is formally achieved by substituting — à and ' q(x) <-* q(x). One gets the corresponding neutrino cros-sections simply by setting X = + 1: 2 + AW= *l + 0 + «Sl ~ H^Kl M-^Kl 2 = + 0 + 2 AW < °k ~ [^N-y) q]ÍL * [q+N-y) q]4 - In summary, the muon cross-sections consist generally of 3 parts: the parity violating piece includes pure left- and right-handed contributions, the parity conserving part contains their mixing which is within our approximation independent of A. In the case of neutrino scattering the pure right-handed term is lost. The remaining terms contain li^ in sinC/J)^ and sin2(L5R/M2 combinations. Thus it is practically impossible to deduce any limit on the right-handed intermediate boson mass, M~ from neutrino scattering. 3. PRESENT LIMITS ON RIGHT-HANDED PHENOMENA. 3-71 A number of partial reviews have been published on this topic .
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