C}{APTER 6 The Trash-'falking Candidate Who Wasn't Supposed to \ffin ( oilif,.*rnio P'tl'I Ofltirrs : L018 Daniel J.B. Mitchell Professor Emeritus, UCtA Andelrson School of Managernent and UCLA Luskin School of Public Affaifs The candidate was disliked by the leadership o1'his party when he entered the race. Over his; lifetime, he had held disparate and inconsistent views on issues of the day, so what he would do if he got into offir:e was unclear, Establishment figures and the major newspapers were appalled with the prospects that he miglrt win, but were convinced that he wouldn't once allthe facts about hirn were unmasked, As a pers;onality, the candidate was very self-confident and derided the oppositir:n. He made aggressive charges against his opponent during the campaign and even threatened lar,rtsuits against the oppositic,n, He apologized for nothing. A biography noted: "He goes stroight for o jugulor vein, He says outrogeous things about his opponents ond their ollies, generally depicting them as losers, radicals, bunglers, Uouble makers, or even outright clangers to the country,"l No, we are not referring to the 20L6 presidential election, nor to Donald Trlmp, Instead, thr: reference is to the year 1"961and to the Los Angeles City mayoral election of that year, The candidate was Sam Yorty, a registered Democrat at the time who frad nonetheless had supported Republican Richard Nixrln in the 1960 presidential election against Democrat John F. Kennedy, Kennerly, in Yorty's view "was just kincl of a pretty boy" whose wealthy father hacl bought him the nomination.2 In Yorty's view, supporting Nixon just proved he was an independent thin[<er who put little weight on party loyalty, Yorty won the 1961 Los Angeles mayoral election, unseating incumbent mayor Norris Poulson, It wasn't supposed to happen. Poulson had the support of the downtown LA establishment - and especially of the Los Angeles Times - which, at the time, tended to dominate municipal politics, But Yorty took advantage of the latest electronic medium of that era -television and free time on TV that he could obtain by being newsworthy and making charges, Poulson assumed traditional newspapers would carry the day for his re-election. And by constantly making sr:rious charges against Poulscln, Yorty forced his way into the news, even into the pages of the reluctant LATimes, He eouldn't be ignored. Of c:ourse, any comparisons can be pushed too far. Trump was an outsider in the sense that he was a businessman and realityTV figure who had never run for political office. In contrast, Yorty- althou6;h he was not in elected office at the time of the 196i1 mavoral race - had been a local politician for many years, He had served in the state assembly anc in Congress, And he had often run for office and failed' Indr:ed, the biography of Yorty from which the italicized quote above came is subtitled, "Politics of a Constant Candidate,"3 Yorty - in contrast to Donald Trump - was knowledgeable about the workings,cf government and was familiar with the local politicalfigures and institutions;of the day when he ran fc,r mavor in 1961,, In fact, there are two biographies of Yorty, One, to which.we referred above, is a more scholarly treatment co-written in 1973 by a UCLA profesrsor of political science, when Yorty was still in office (irr his third term as mayor).0lt's reasonable to asr;ume that part of the motivation behind the llook was that Yorty might achieve higher office, By that time, Yorty had unsuccessfu ly run for the U,li, Senate, the 'John C. Bollens and Grant B, Geyer, Yorty: Politics of o Constont Candidate (Palisades Publisherst 791t3lr, p.213' 'sarnuel Yorty, "Ask the Mayor Oral History Transcript," UCLA Oral History Progrant, 1987, p,100, Referencecl as "Yortv Oral History" in later footnotes, tBollens and Geyer. aJofrn C. Bollens was a long-time faculty member with expertise in local politics. The Bollens-Ries-Hoffenberg lecture series at UCLA continues to carry his name, lfllp"4ygW$-d1.gS-!-?"p-dg/-. 135 supposed to win' perhaps governorship, and even for president lf he had won in 196L when he wasn't he might do it again' 1966 by Ed Ainsworth, a reporterr for the los The other biography is something of a puff piece, written in assigned by the Timesin the 1-94{ls to be the Angeles Times,Ainsworth among other topics, had been a countywide air pollution control point man in the newspaper's successful campaign to establish tvrite an admirin5l biography of a man authority,s lt may seem strange that an LA Times reporter would L965 mayoralelection in which Yorty won a who his newspaper nad bitterly opposed in 1961, But bythe reporter secondterm,the Timeshadcomearoundandendorsedhim,soit'snotsurprisingthata-lintes would write a flattering biography at that point' He did so partly by suppr:rting the yorty, as a mayor in his first term, haC made peace with the Times, l:he paper to dervelop the downtown efforts of Dorothy chandler - of the (lhandler family that owned - Yorty- if he ran against incumbent Music Center, And with the L966 guLrernatorial election looming, Unlike Donald Trurnpr, Yorty had Democrat pat Brown - might make good use of a flattering biography. Why not win them over if you could? no permanent grudge against the news media in the abstract' in 1961? What lesson:; might be drawn from So who was Sam yorty? How did he rvin the race for mayor this chapter' that long-ago contest? we'll address that issue at the end of What's Remembered of Sam YortY? Although tlrere is often Mayors of the city of Los Angeles are generally not well remembered. office, so far none hars succeeded becoming speculation that a sitting LA mayor vlill achieve some higher was, if anything, seen as a backwater by the a statewide or nationalfigure, Bacl< in 1g6L, Los Angeles notable mainlyfor Hollywood (much of elites of the country (and certainly of the Bay Area), LA was that were operating or being built - but not which is not within the City boundaries) and the freeways and new people were constantly arriving for high culture, Ordinaryfolk, howerver, were more impressed to the CitY, paperuntilthe Thecity,schief newspaper,the Los,AngelesTimes,wasnotviewedasamajornational business boosterisnr and fortlhe promotion late l_g60s, Instead, the rimes was seen as a vehicle for local but that was nol a plus for the City' As of Republican candidates, LA's smo5ldid get national attention - still emerging from being the rsouthern branch for educational institutions, UCLA was up and coming, but football, And Caltech, which was prominent of the University of California (Berkeley), USC was noted for in science and engineering, was not in LA, but in Pasadena' a in progress, lt had a population oli about 2'5 So viewed from the east, Los Angeles was at best work city' New York had 7'8 million; chicago million at the time of the 1961 election, the nation's third largest with the southern california region and the had 3,6 million. But Los Angeles war; rapidly growing along in the san Fernando Valley, a one-time rural state, And many of the new arrivals to the city were settling Despite the best efforts of the downtown area until afterworld war ll, and n,rt in the downtown area, system' elite, the city was decentralizing, aided by the developing freew'ay sEd I'os Angeles (Doubleday & co': 3'965); Daniel Ainswort h, Maverick Mayor: A Biog]rophy of som Yorty, Mayor of ,,Clearing in !947" in Daniel J,B, Mitchell, ed', Califctrnia Policy J,B. Mitchell, the Air: What the Times Called lor pp' 5-24' Options 2016 (U]LA Luskin School of Public Affairs, 20tG)' 136 wias defeated by city [oday, it is as the guy who has any name recognition ran a To the extentthatyortv ihe incumbent Yorty black mayor -ln L.973, after Bradley LA,s first ,na oniy Contest councilman Tom - Bradley'6 In fact' the 1973 racist campaign against nasty, and many would say - - particularly lost Yorty in 1969' which Bradley was a repeat of BraOtey u""" black radicals at a time Bradley- a former policeman -to campaigns essentially linked once elected as yorty in both city erectorate,T Bradrey, sti,' a fresh memorv of the the watts niot-ot 1g65 was rat Los when died in Lggg, The internationarterminar for four terms (zo years) and mayor, went on ro serve airport is named in his honor' Angeles in the LA BradIey, when he died, Iay in 1.998, has no such monument. in contraSt, wno aIso died yorty's mayoralty and Yorty a project constructed during for pubric viewing before buriar, don't convention center ui'ito" to the Los Angeles Zoo likely named after him's liimilarly' pushed by the rruor, but not above-mentioned LA course, the buildings of the of the yorty years. And, of r<now it was a creation MusicCenterarenamedafterfundraiserDorothlrChand|erandafterbigdonors' Was Sam YortY? So Who LincoIn, somewhere e|se, in his case, Samue|Wi|liam Yorty was from many Los AngeIes residents, poritics' yorty's father was an Like a source of popurist born in 1909, Nebraska was in 1896' Nebraska, where t.,. *r, the Democratic Party sirver movement captured Jennings Bryan whose free was Secretary admirer of wiriam 1g00, and''g0g' And he nominee for president: r"gg6, a three_time Democratic on that politics Bryan Was wirson, yorty decided early wirson, rnrpir.J rv Bryan and ot state under woodrow j be his goal in life as a career' would j : private-sector jobs' ultimately 1 WhatemergesfromYorty,sbiographica|portraitisanambitiousfe||owwhocouldeasilymakefrienclsto LA, he held various serf-confident, when t,,".r*.
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