T Longs stocks a wide selection of island favorites here in the "Ninth Island", including Hawaiian sweet bread and poi - flown in fresh weekly! Hawaiian Sun drinks, (oral tuna, Cal rose Diamond Grice, Aloha Shoyu, rubba slippas and dozens of other Island goodies . all served by friendly kama'aina who moved to Las Vegas, too! Yom borne from Home! (orne see-our Hawaiian aisle in every store! - .Lf1ULl SERVICE PHARMAcD i OSMETIC OEPAR;:Nf p • Advanced Computer Technology • We feature a wiae array will alert the Pharmacist of any of name brand products. precautions or relevant warnings. • Our trained Beauty • Pharmacists are always available Consultants are for consultation. knowledgeable of the • Easy Prescription Transfer- products we sell. Simply call your Longs Pharmacist. • We accept over 500 Prescription • All cosmetic purchases Insurance Plans. are 100% Guaranteed! large selection of over the counter medications. Featuring 1 HOU? Photo Lab. • A large selection of cameras, fiI , b atteries, electronics and small appliances. • Our trained photo staff can answer all of your questions regarding the products we s.ell or the pictures you take. • Hallmark - greeting cards, (La b not available at Sun City) wrap, partyware, giftware and more ... HENDERSON SUMMERLIN for TItt 100o!ioII =' Nl1'II ' '1 1 ., N "1<'ph.1I111''''1 9 H1 5 W I tdlllingo f<o<lc1 1<.J 'iO Vi ll <lgc C','ntfJr Cir( Ie 94 Hl [")t,1 Web!> Bl vd . of the Hrcrllt Lql Orw;! 1100 <; R .Hllparl Bl vd . T§ YOII, Cti I·SOO-86HM7 Store 450-0406 Sture 944-Olum Store 363·4"59 Sto re 255-:1.234 IH(lIHo-t.OIIG~I . W ,',,""""1t Store 968-()200 .... _ T. 0...... ...,. FrIirJ, Ph' trmacy 4 'iU-1HUl Phnrmacy 944-01111 5 Pharmacy 363-529 2 P h arm.ley 968-0 2 0 5 Pharmacy 255-2554 a.., · s,..w ......... ,.... l~hu' (J 4 S f) -"' H7l ch._~ pholo 968-0 2 0 3 Photo 944-0nu3 photo 363-497" ..... C or'I TE N TS •••••••••••••••••••••••••• J ANUARY - t ANUA lI . F EBRUARY - P EPELUA LI FEATUI::;J ES THE ORIGINAL SHAI<A SIGN . .... 5 ISLAND HOPPING ... .........16 AI<EBONO RETI RES AS SUMO CLASSIFI ED GRAND CHAMPION ..............8 LAS VEGAS .. .. ..............24-25 A PLACE CALLED KAWAI HAE­ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA . .....26 EVERYONE'S RELATED. .10 KANAKA '0 'AMELI KA ....18-19 LANAIANS HOLD REUNION IN LV .. 17 LAS VEGAS ISLAND-STYLE PI DGIN-ENGLEESH . .. 27 . MAYOR SETS SIGHTS ON TOMMY I<ONO, ISLE SUPERMAN ... 31 DOWNTOWN .20 POTPOURRI . DEY EAT EVERYTING . 32 .20 . TA BLE GAME STRATEGIE S .. .23 LEITERS TO TH E EDITOR .12 DEPAR T rvl E N T S REel PES ..........30 CALENDAR .........12 COVER PHOTO OF SHAKA BY BRIAN JANIS, EDITOR'S NOTES ........... "., .. .4 PHOTOTECHNIK INTERNATIONAL Al oha Airlines® doily flig hts from Los Veg as to Oakland In ternational or Orange County - now just $77 rou ndtrip. All wi th a choice of United Mileage Plus® or AlohaPass® miles. An d a level of service that's second to none. To rese rve a seat at our special fare - or for more information on our fares to Hawai'i - call your travel agent or Aloha Airlines toll-free at 1- 877-TRY-ALOHA (1-877-879-2564). CI110Clise a Worry-Free Vacations PaclCage and Enjoy Or visit ou r websi te at For more than 31 years, Worry-Free Vacations has been helping www.alohaairlines.com. people enjoy affordable vacations to the most popular destinations. We combine the best airfare, a variety of accommodations, and much more into one convenient package. Our one-stop shopping for airfare, accommodations, car rental, transfers, and other vacation options makes planning your vacation as easy as one phone call or mouse click. We'll take care of the rest. Worry-Free Vocations Offers: • Pockoges to the mos t exciting vacotian destinations in th e Car ibbean (osto Rico E Mexico, and the U.S. ' , -:;;.!". An extensive selection of hotels, suites, and oll·indusive reso rts in 0 wide variety 1>>':' ~ of price ranges $99 fore volld /01 IIdel5 purchased between 1 / 1/02 d • (ompetitive prices and lhe best overoll vocolion values 1/1/02 and 3/31/02 IS mclusive of all toxes lee on /30/ 0 2 for trovel between J • Reliable air se rvice vio Champion Air, Northwest Airlines, and Omn! Air International ~ . ', completed by 3/31/02 $99 fore LS go~d t, on ~u J ch orges Tlo'lel must be o r one roundlrlp C h CI IIC kel orlgmatlng I rom los Vegas to Oo~lond Intclnerion I 0 00"- m~ limited ond moy not be o/oiloble on all flights and °r, dfonge CROu ntl Seol ~ 018 a oys e~ervO ll om (Jnd For reservations, contact your professional travel agent':isit us online lie ke I In9 mus I be camp Iet ed 01 Ih e some lime All rd",< a - . I d b '" ~ Ie non Ie Ull a Ie /\nl dol... at www.worryfreevacatlons.com. or call us at 1-~"l25-5658 . chonge~ \"111 I be 5U bleel 10 a 58!IICe charge 01 $2 5 Air, F'I' I Clo« I . .> ...... upgro( e::. nle nor opp Irco bl e 0 I I'er restric tions mo, apply 2 IANUALI I PEPELUALI 2002 3 A Note from the Editor MEL O Z EK I. PH .D. "Hamana DA" ~ ~ ~The Original Shaka Sign • Even thoug h thi s Holiday by V;mce Pukuniahi Cannon Season I S the wo r s t in VO LUME 6 ISSUE 3 Jan/Feb 02 America's and thi s famil y's Depending on your age you may have a Publi sher I Editor Mel Ozeki, Ph .D. expertence. too. it's also a differem idea of where the shaka sign came from. If you grew up in Ihe 1970s, [email protected] time to rejoice becau se we li ve. America is o n a path of you might have thought it was invented Managing Editor Emily Ozeki by Mayor Frank Fasi who used it economic hea ling : E mil y I S cmily @ohanamagazine.com extensively in hi s political campaigns. hea ling after major kidney b y passes. I call both Even before that, Lippy Espinda used it Art Director I Design Cindy Temple situations, " I s t and I I" - first m o nth, I I more [email protected] in hi s advertising. And if you were a months for n o rmal cy and recovery. surfer during those mid 1900 years, you Marketing. NV Christine Biaggi • In thi s vein , but w ithout reser vations, I sadly mi ght have tho ug ht the thumb and little Island [email protected] announce that we are inte ntionally s kipping finger sign to have come from a surfer. In Marketing. NV Vance Cannon publi s hing the Marc h /A pril issu e because of fact, California surfers swear that they [email protected] nearly s ix weeks h ospitali z ati o n in Los Angeles in invented it. Accountant Linda Temple Oct. and N ov. A II s u bsc ri pt i on s are automatically The truth is that Ihe shaka sig n originated long before on the north shore Subscription Donna Cannon extended one more issue and will b e noted in the mailing s ubscription labe l late r. Suffice that this of Oahu in Ihe little town of Laic. The Proof Reader Dave Rice is a timeout for m e di ca l recovery, regrouping. folks there called it "Haman a DA", after Account Executive Sann Wright After a 3S-day horri fic. e m o tionally-draining Hamana Kalili , who had lost his middle three fingers on his ri ght hand in an HalliWill Kalili (eel/leI: IWI/ds clasped) with Laic Mom /() Il Temple Presidelll Castle Mll rphy Photography experience, I wonder in print. "How many others Brian Janis/PhOlotcchnik industrial accident at th e old Kahuku (l lId f riel/ds ill La ie. phototcchnik.com have experienced simi lar traumatic ordeals?" I'm Sugar Mill. The DA came as an Fi lm Output I Printer Nevada Color Litho, writing a piece c iting positive and negative effects abbreviation for " Di strict Attorney", as "Hamana DA" . Hamana didn' t speak played other teams from around the Las Vegas, NV from going to s peciali s ts out-of-town, etc., and the 280 lb., full-blooded Hawaiian was very good Eng li sh but Oll e of his ravorite islands. It stood as a sign of approval or would appreciate you te lling me how others might the peacemaker of the town. phrases was " ri g ht o n" . In close in its earl y definition. "right on the kini Contributing Writers Al oha Joe ®, Vance Cannon. better pre pare themse lves for an eventuality as we company "right o n" became a familiar po po:' Kim berl y Fu. Pal Morita. After losing hi s fin gers in the sugar mill, get older, accidents. illnesses. term that would usuall y go along with Lcilchu a Yuen. he became a guard o n the sugar train that Where this happy hand sign got the name went bet ween Laie and the Kahuku Hamana's enthusiasti c jesture made with "shaka" or "'hang loose" is open for Web site: ohanamagazine.com • On the lighte r s ide . a s pecial Mahalo to the Sugar Mill. From Ih e train or from hi s hi s two fin gered hand.
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