University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Center for Systematic Entomology, Gainesville, Insecta Mundi Florida March 1996 The Rondani Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) Raymond J. Gagne Systematic Entomology Laboratory, PSI Agricultural Research Service, USDA c/o National Museum of Natural History MRC-168 Washington, D. C. Mario Solinas Istituto di Entomologia Agraria, Universita degli Studi di Perugia, Borgo XX Giugno 06121 Perugia, Italy Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/insectamundi Part of the Entomology Commons Gagne, Raymond J. and Solinas, Mario, "The Rondani Cecidomyiidae (Diptera)" (1996). Insecta Mundi. 11. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/insectamundi/11 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Center for Systematic Entomology, Gainesville, Florida at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Insecta Mundi by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. INSECTA MUNDI. Vol. 10. Nos. 1-4. March - December. 1996 69 The Rondani Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) Raymond J. Gawk Systematic Entomology Laboratory, PSI Agricultural Research Service, USDA c/o National Museum of Natural History MRC-168 Washington, D. C. 20560. and Mario Solinas Istituto di Entomologia Agraria Universith degli Studi di Perugia Borgo XX Giugno 06121 Perugia, Italy Abstrad The Rondani collection of Cecidomyiidae in Florence, Italy, is cataloged to account for existing specimens of Rondanispecies. Areport ismade onthe status andidentity of eachofRondani's 16species of Cecidomyiidae. Types of 12 species arerepresentedby specimensingoodtopoorcondition;thoseoftheremainingfourspeciescannot be found. Alectotypeis designated for Brachineura fuscogrisea andillustrationsare given ofits male genitalia andpart of its antenna. Recommendationsare made for future fixation of lectotypes or neotypesof some of Rondani's species. Introduction of Diptera besides Cecidomyiidae. The few spec- imens of Cecidomyiidae there did not belong to Camillo Rondani (1808-1879) was an entomol- species described by Rondani and were not neces- ogist from Parma, Italy, who described species in sarily seen by him. According to the curator in many families of Diptera. Between 1840 and 1869, Bologna, many additions have been made to that he described 16 species of Cecidomyiidae, which collection over the years. The Museo Civico di are among the earliest gall midges described. Storia Naturale in Milan has no Rondani speci- Several of them are type species of various genera, mens of Cecidomyiidae. Any that might have been yet current concepts relating to their identity are there before World War I1 would have been de- not based on actual specimens. An example of this stroyed with the rest of the insect collection. The is Dasineura obscura Rondani, the type species of Museo di Storia Naturale, Parma, has no speci- Dasineura Rondani. Probably no one since Ron- mens collected by Rondani. Having eliminated dani has seen specimens ofD. obscura, known only these possibilities, we assume that no Rondani from a very sketchy description. Today Dasineura specimens of Cecidomyiidae exist outside Flo- is used as a catchall category and contains over 450 rence. described species, some of considerable economic This paper has two parts. The first is a importance. For these reasons we investigated description of the Rondani collection of cecidomyi- what we could find of Rondani's collection of Cec- ids, the second is a list of the species described by idomyiidae to determine the status and identity of Rondani with notes on their status and identity. his species. Most of Rondani's Diptera are in the Museo The Cecidomyiidae in the Rondani Zoologico de "La Specola," Florence, Italy. They Collection in Florence were acquired by that museum after Rondani's death (Pape 1988). Most but not all of Rondani's The Cecidomyiidae are in drawer 65 of the species of Cecidomyiidae were represented in that Rondani Collection in the Museo Zoologico de "La collection. In a search for the remaining types, we Specola" in Florence, Italy. The drawer is a wooden visited three other Italian museums, in Bologna, box, 26.5 cm wide, 35.5 cm long, and 6.7 cm high, Milan, and Parma, to learn whether any other with a fitted, removable top framing a glass cover. specimens existed in those collections. The Dipar- On the front of the drawer is a centrally placed, timento di Zoologia, Universith di Bologna, has a wooden framed, hand lettered label that reads large collection of Rondani specimens, many pre- "Cass. 65. Mimosciara Rnd.-Lasioptera Mgn.," sumably types, but these belong to other families and to the left of that labelis glued a smaller, typed, 70 Vol. 10, Nos. 1-4, March-December, 1996, INSECTA MUNDI paper label reading "Collezione Rondani." The *"Silualis Rnd" One spn glued to a card specimens and labels are arranged in seven col- speared by pin with oval label 3318. umns running the long dimension of the box. The labels read consecutively beginning with the first Second Row: row at the left rear and proceeding towards the "Cecidomynae" front of the box, continuing again with the second "Cecidomyna Rndn." row at the rear, etc. On almost all of the pins is an "Dasineura Mihi" oval label with a number unique to each species or "Rufiuentris Mihi" Two spns speared by sepa- series, in order from 3313 to 3372. Name labels in rate pins with ovallabel 3319. This is a manuscript the collection follow the specimens they describe. name. To avoid confusion in our tabulation, we describe "Porricondyla Mihi" the specimens on the same lines as their pertinent "14-15 articoli 6 9 ?" species labels. Label data is in quotation marks, "Albitarsis d Mg Art. 14-15 One spn speared with explanatory notes in brackets. An asterisk by pin with oval label 3320 and one pin with label before a name indicates a Rondani species, which "preparato" and arrow pointing toward front of is treated separately in the second part of this box. paper. Several manuscript names appear in the Blank label. Six spns on separate pins: three collection. They are identified as such and not speared by pins; three glued to cards speared by marked with an asterisk. Labels for genera and pins; each pin with oval label 3321. higher taxa are in boldface. For brevity in this part "Cecidomya ? Meig." we abbreviate the word specimen to spn. "Zurig" "Phytophaga Mihi" [Zurigo] means Zurich, and specimens so labeled "antenne d 24-25 [illegible, poss. "articoli"] cf are evidently originally from Bremi. Their pins and 12 14 9" microvials are similar to those used for specimens Blank label. One spn glued to card speared by in the Bremi collection in Zurich. The collection pin with oval label 3322. may include other specimens that Rondani may Blank label. Fourteen spns on separate pins, have received from other collectors. 13 speared by pins, one glued to card speared by pin; each pin with oval label 3323. First Row: Blank label. Five spns speared by separate "Micromyna Rndn." pins with oval label 3324. "Mimosciara Rnd." Blank label. Four spns speared by separate Blank label. Two spns, each speared by a pin: pins with oval label 3325. one pin with a square label showing sketch of a "Palustris? Mg 26- 12 Lestremiu wing and with the name "Mimosciara [illegible]"; the other pin with a smaller square Third Row: label with a sketch of a Catocha wing; each pin with "Plumicornis Mihi" This is a manuscript name. oval label 3313. "Tessarata Mihi" This is a manuscript name. *"Molobrina Mihi" Two spns, each on a sepa- "Fuscicollis Mg" One spn speared by pin with rate pin, one speared by pin, one glued to a card oval label 3326. speared by pin; each pin with oval label 33 14. "Salicina Pavia Germanica art 20 d 9 " Three "Catocha latipes Hal." One spn glued to a card pinned spns, two speared by same pin, each pin speared by pin with oval label 33 15. with oval label 3327. "Anarete candidata Hal." One spn glued to a *"Cecidomyia frumentaria Rnd" Six spns, card speared by pin with oval label 3316. each speared by pin, two pins bearing also a *"Lestremina Rnd" Two pins, one with remains puparium, all with oval label 3328. of a thorax, one without spn, each bearing rough "'Cecidomyia frumentaria Rndn" Thirteen sketch of a wing on rectangular piece of paper but spns each speared by pin with oval label 3328. no oval label with number. "Cecidomya tritici Zurig" One corked mi- "Campylomixa [illegible letter] Mg" crovial containing three loose spns of Micromyini, "Neuroliga Rndn" speared through cork by pin with oval label 3329. *"Fenestralis 6" Four spns on separate pins, "CecidomyaAgaricolaBremiZurig"Onecorked three speared by pins, one glued to card speared microvial containing three loose spns of Winnert- by pin; each with oval label 3317. INSECTA MUNDI, Vol. 10, Nos. 1-4, March - December, 1996 7 1 zia sp., speared through cork by pin with oval label "Cecidomya Papaveris Pavia" Three pins each 3330. with oval label 3339, two pins each spearing a piece "Cecidomya [illegible, rosa or rosia, but not of celluloid, one with a spn glued to it, the other agreeing with any available Bremi name] Bremi without a spn, and one pin spearing two spns. Zurig" One corked microvial containing five loose "Cec. rosariae Lw." One pin spearing card with spns of Asynapta sp., speared through cork by pin one glued spn and with oval label 3340. with oval label 3331. Blank label. Two pins each spearing card with "Cec. saliciperda Duf." One rectangular piece one glued spn and with oval label 3341. of pith speared by a pin with oval label 3332; 10 Blank label. One pin spearing card with one minuten nadeln are inserted in pith, three each glued spn and with oval label 3342. spearing a spn, some of the others showing signs of "Gen.
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