ti J>- c . 6 7S. 7t HARVARD UNIVERSITY LIBRARY OF THE Museum of Comparative Zoology MBS. COW. Z30L Limy MHINtt UNIVERSITY HKTfflTZPi LiBnAi.il JUL 14 196 Journal UNIVERSITY OF THE Society for British Entomology World List abbreviation:^. Soc. Brit. Ent. VOL. 5 EDITED BY J. H. MURGATROYD, F.L.S., F.Z.S., F.R.E.S. E. J. POPHAM, D.Sc., Ph.D., A.R.C.S., F.R.E.S. WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF W. A. F. BALFOUR-BROWNE, M.A., F.R.S.E., F.L.S., F.Z.S., F.R.E.S., F.S.B.E. W. D. HINCKS, M.Sc.j F.R.E.S. B. M. HOBBY, M.A., D.Phil., F.R.E.S. G. J. KERRICH, M.A., F.L.S., F.R.E.S. O. W. RICHARDS, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.E.S., F.S.B.E. W. H. T. TAMS 1 955- 1 957 BOURNEMOUTH AND MANCHESTER DATES OF PUBLICATION Vol. 5 Part 1 (1-46). .14* July, 1954 Part 2 (47-90). .15th November, 1954 Part 3 (91-118). 1955 Part 4 (119-142). 1955 Part 5 (143-178). 1956 Part 6 (179-198). 1956 Part 7 (199-230). 1957 CONTENTS PAGE Andrewes, C. H.: Helocera delecta Mg. and other uncommon Diptera in the Isle of Wight. 164 Bailey, R.: Observations on the size of galls formed on couch grass by a Chalcidoid of the genus Harmolita. 199 Brown, William L., Jnr.: The identity of the British Strongylognathus (Hym. Formicidae). 113 Chambers, V. H.: Further Hymenoptera records from Bedfordshire.. 126 Collin, J. E.: Tipula seibkei (Zetterstedt) 1852, an addition to the British Tipulidae (Diptera). 72 - Notes on some rare British Scatopsidae (Diptera). 72 - Genera and species of Anthomyiidae allied to Chirosia (Diptera). 94 - Syndyas nigripes Zetterstedt. An Empid genus and species new to the British fauna. 132 - Some new British Borboridae (Diptera). 172 Collingwood, C. A.: Aberrations in British Ants of genus Formica.. 193 - The Species of Ants of the genus Lasius in Britain. 204 - and Satchell, J.E.: Ants of the South Lake District. 159 Colyer, C. N.: Swarming of Phoridae (Diptera). 22 - The identity of Megaselia (.Aphiochaeta) vestita (Wood, 1914) (Diptera, Phoridae). A description of the male and a redescription of the female. 91 - Phorid flies damaging cultivated mushrooms Megaselia plurispinosa (Lundbeck, 1920), Diptera Phoridae a synonym of Megaselia halterata (Wood, 1910). 166 PAGE Day, C. D. and Fonseca, E. C. M. d’A. : A Key to the family of the British species of Sarcophaga (Diptera Calliphoridae).... 119 Fonseca, E. C. M. d’A.: Translation of Ringdahl’s Muscid Tables, Additions and Corrections. 17 - Pseudophaonia steini Ringd. (Diptera Muscidae) in Suffolk.. 100 Hincks, W. D.: Rare Trypetids (Dipt.) at Millers Dale, Derbyshire.. 88 - Notes on the Species of Micro-Hymenoptera from Charter- house Pools. 150 - Notes on the Elateridae (Col.) of the British List. 197 - Notes on some species of Trichogrammatidae omitted from the “Check list of British insects”. 215 Jackson, Dorothy J.: Notes on Hymenopterous Parasitoids bred from the eggs of Dytiscidae in Fife. 144 Kevan, D. K. McE.: Further notes on the distribution of British Orthopteroids. 65 - The known distribution of British Orthopteroids. Fourth Supplement. 187 Kidd, L. N.: Notes on some Derbyshire Craneflies. 86 -Scoliocentra villosa (Meigen) (Diptera Helomyzidae) and Trichocera maculipennis Meigen (Diptera Trichoceridae) taken in Derbyshire caves. 87 Leston, D.: The male genitalia of Schirus bicolor L. (Heteroptera Cynidae). 75 -The function of the conjunction in copulation of shield bug Piezodorus bituratus (Fabr.) Hem. Pentatomidae. 101 - The British species of Sigara (Sigara) Fabr. (Hemiptera Corixidae). 153 11 PAGE Lewis, T.: Two interesting British records of Thysanoptera. no Manning, F. J.: Note on Colletes halophila Verhoeff. 130 Massee, A. M.: Hemiptera heteroptera associated with fruits and hops 179 Owen, D. F.: The Swift Apus apus L. as a predator of Aphids. 82 - Coleoptera taken by Swifts (Apus apus L.). 105 Parmenter, L.: The Swift Apus apus as a predator of flies. 27 - Diptera and other insects visitors to flowers of Ranunculus Sardous Crantz. 131 Ringdahl, O.: A survey of the Swedish species of Phaonia R.D. (Diptera Muscidae). 1 Shaw, S.: On the occurrence of Hylecoetus dermestoides (L.) and Lymexylon navale L. (Col. Lymexylidae) in Lancashire and Cheshire. 172 -- Telonimus punctissimus (Ratzeburg) (Hym. Scelionidae) new to Britain. 165 Smith, K. G. W.: Thrip on the Stinkhorn Fungus. Phallus impudicus (Pers). 109 - A second British record of Myopa oculta Merz. (Dipt. Conopidae) with notes on related species in the genus... 124 Thornton, I. W. D. and Broadhead, E.: The British species of Elipsocus Hagen (Corrodentia Mesopsocidae). 47 iii PAGE Yarrow, I. H. H.: Some observations on the genus Bombus with special reference to Bombus callamanus Kirby (Hymenoptera Apidae). 34 - Colletes halophila Verhoeff (=C. succinta halophila Verhoeff) a bee hitherto unrecognised in Great Britain. 39 - Psenulus schencki Tournier, a Psenine Wasp new to the British List. 41 - The Irish form of Myrmosa atra Panz. Hym. Tiphiidae.... 43 - Ancistrocerus gazella (Panzer) =A. pictipes Thomson, an abundant but hitherto undetected Eumenine wasp in Britain. 78 - The British Strongylognathus (Hymenoptera Formicidae)... 114 Reviews.44, 115, 141, 158, 225 Congresses.90, 133, 220 Editorial.90, 143, 192, 219 Treasurer.45, 142 Obituary.230 IV SYDE I A M S . PRINTERS . BOURNEMOUTI b. Siiz, 7^ — LIBRARY i VOL. 5 Part 1 $LP 1 6 1954 mim 1 1 0N:V!RSITY J IOURNAL OF THE Society for British Entomology World List abbreviation: J. Soc. Brit. Ent. EDITED BY J. H. MURGATROYD, F.L.S., F.Z.S., F.R.E.S. WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF W. A. F. BALFOUR-BROWNE, M.A., F.R.S.E., F.L.S., F.Z.S., F.R.E.S., F.S.B.E. W. D. HINCKS, M.Sc., F.R.E.S. B. M. HOBBY, M.A., D.Phil., F.R.E.S. G. J. KERRICH, M.A., F.L.S., F.R.E.S. O. W. RICHARDS, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.E.S., F.S.B.E. W. H. T. TAMS Date of Publication: 14th July, 1954 Copies may be purchased from the Secretary at 454 Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, Hants Price 10s. od. post free SOCIETY FOR BRITISH ENTOMOLOGY List of Publications for Sale (all prices are post free) All dated 1951 or earlier (Journals excepted) are subject to a surcharge of 50% JOURNAL HEMIPTERA-HOMOPTERA Vol. 2. Part 3, 1941, 35 pp., 3 figs., Revision of the British Species 3s. od. Part 4, 1943, 40 pp., 1 fig., of Cixius Latr., including the 2 pis., 3s. od. Part 5, 1944, 31 pp., Description of a New Species from 2 figs., 35. od. Part 6, 1944, 35 pp., Scotland. By W. E. China, 1942. - 35. od. Part 7, 1945, 53 pp., 4 figs., 32 pp., 12 figs., 25. 9d. \ 1 pi., 45. od. New and little-known Species of Vol. 3. Part i, 1946,42 pp., 1 fig., 1 pi., British Typhlocybidae with Keys 3s. 6d. Part 2, 1949, 78 pp., 7 figs., to the Genera Typhlocyba, Erythro- 125. 6d. Part 3, 1950, 68 pp., 9 figs., neura, Dikraneura, Notus} Empoasca 105. Part 4, 1950, 36 pp., 1 fig., od. and Alebra. By W. E. China, 1943. 3 pis., 55. od. Part 5, 1951, 28 pp., 43 pp., 14 figs., 45. od. 35. 6d. Part 6, 1951, 36 pp., 45. 6d. Vol. 4. Part i, 1951, 26 pp., 45. od. HEMIPTERA-HETEROPTERA Part 2, 1951, 20 pp., 55. od. Part 3, 1952, 28 pp., 1 fig., 65. od. Part 4, The Natural Classification of 1952, 20 pp., 1 fig., 55. od. Part 5, British Corixidae. By G. A. Walton, 1952, 24 pp., 2 figs., 65. od. Part 6, 1943. 14 pp., 15. 9d. i953> 10 pp., 1 pi., 35. od. Part 7, Contributions towards an I953> 32 pp., 1 pi., 11 figs., 75. 6d. Ecological Survey of the Aquatic Part 8, 1953, 32 pp., 4 figs., 75. 6d. and Semi-Aquatic Hemiptera- 1 Part 9, 1954, 36 pp., 2 pis., 5 figs., heteroptera of the British Isles. 75. 6d. Anglesey, Caernarvon and Merioneth. By E. S. Brown, 1943. b GENERAL 62 pp., 35. od. A New Chapter in Zoological Nom¬ North Somerset. By G. A. Walton, enclature: The Reforms instituted 1943. 60 pp., 26 figs., 45. od. by the Thirteenth International Scottish Highlands and East u Congress of Zoology, Paris, July, and South England. By E. S. Brown, * 1948. By F. Hemming, 1950. 8 pp., 1948. 45 pp., is. 6d. c 15. 6d. The Ribble Valley (Lancashire The Problem of stability in Specific South and Mid). By E. J. Popham, n Nomenclature, with special 1949. 44 pp., 1 map, 85. od. 0: REFERENCE TO CASES WHERE TYPE North-East Wales (Denbighshire MATERIAL IS NO LONGER IN EXISTENCE. and Merionethshire). By E. J. f, By F. Hemming, 1951. 16 pp., 25. od. Popham, 1951. 12 pp., 25. 6d. A Preliminary Enquiry into the 2] Influence of Solar Radiation on DIPTERA Insect Environment, with Special Preliminary List of the Hosts of a Reference to the Relation between some British Tachinidae. By H. cl Pest Epidemics and Fluctuation in Audcent, 1942. 42 pp., 25. 9d. Solar Radiation. By W. B. R. Laidlaw, 1951. 64 pp., 6 figs., 75. 6d. An Outline of a Revised Classifica- q TION OF THE SYRPHIDAE (DlPTERA) ON Some adaptations of insects to en¬ j Phylogenetic Lines. By E. R. vironments THAT ARE ALTERNATELY Goffe, 1952. 28 pp., 3 figs., 65. od. n DRY AND FLOODED, WITH SOME NOTES A Revision of the British (and notes j. ON THE HABITS OF THE STRATIOMYIDAE. By H.
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