THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 2012 VOL. 90 | NO. 3 | $3.75 WIND PROJECTS EXPAND | P60 SERVING WESTERN CANADIAN FARM FAMILIES SINCE 1923 | WWW.PRODUCER.COM SPRAYING | CHEMICAL RESISTANCE DINNER IS NEARLY READY CWB | NEW PROGRAMS Resistant Wheat board ready to chart kochia new course discovered BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM Crop Production Week The Canadian Wheat Board will be | Scientists confirm a significant player in an open grain market, but farmers will have to wait glyphosate resistance a bit longer for specifics about its new contracts and programs, according BY DAN YATES & MICHAEL RAINE to a top CWB executive. SASKATOON NEWSROOM Gord Flaten, vice-president of mar- keting and sales, said the board has Hugh Beckie’s prediction has come been working hard behind the true: glyphosate resistance has con- scenes to ensure that competitive tinued to spread and the first resis- programs are in place before Aug. 1. tant weed on the Prairies is kochia. “We are ready,” Flaten said Jan. 13 Beckie, a scientist with Agriculture during a presentation at Crop Pro- Canada, has confirmed that kochia duction Week in Saskatoon. pulled from three chem-fallowed “We believe we will be a good mar- fields in southern Alberta that had keting option for farmers … and we received multiple applications of think we will be a significant player in glyphosate is resistant to the popular the western Canadian grain industry.” Group 9 herbicide. The board’s new programs are His message to producers: now that expected to include cash contracts, it’s here, it’s here to stay and it will harvest pools with flexible delivery spread. The tumbleweed moves dates and early payment options, quickly, producing more than 10,000 and futures contracts that allow pro- seeds and covering kilometres a day. ducers to choose between base deliv- Resistance evolves after the repeat- eryaccess=subscriber grades section=news,none,none and different delivery ed use of a single herbicide without windows. adequate culture weed manage- ment. The susceptible weeds are SEE CWB PROGRAMS, PAGE 3 » killed while resistant weeds are left behind to reproduce. Beckie said that based on previous studies, all kochia is already consid- ered resistant to Group 2 herbicides. “Field-to-field spread of glypho- u|xhHEEJBy00001pzYv+:. sate-resistant kochia is likely going to JANUARY 19, 2012 be rapid, and so don’t feel sorry for Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: those three farmers, because if Box 2500, Group 2-resistant kochia is any indi- Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2C4 cator, I think all of us will be dealing with glyphosate-resistant kochia within 20 years,” said Beckie, who made the announcement at last week’s Crop Production Week in Saskatoonaccess=subscriber section=news,none,none with colleague Bob Black- shaw. Luckily, walking under a grain auger isn’t included as a superstition as Murray Jorgensen prepares some cattle SEE GLYPHOSATE RESISTANCE, P. 2 » feed on Friday the 13th at his farm east of Bassano, Alta. | KEVIN LINK PHOTO CROP PRODUCTION WEEK COVERAGE APPEARS ON P. 4, 6-7, 26-29, 58, 62-63. ations Inc. Publisher, Larry Hertz ations Inc. Publisher, SHOW US YOUR TANDEM TRUCK. AND YOU CAN WIN ONE. HURRY! Contest closes January 31, 2012. Publications Mail Agreement No. 40069240; Registration No. 10676 No. 40069240; Registration Agreement Publications Mail No. which is ownedCommunic by GVIC Enter at www.winatandemtruck.ca TMTrademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC. TMThe Western Producer 11/12-17287-3 Producer Publications, by Western Producer is published in Saskatoon Western The 2 JANUARY 19, 2012 | WWW.PRODUCER.COM | THE WESTERN PRODUCER NEWS SPRAYING | FROM PAGE ONE INSIDE THIS WEEK REGULAR FEATURES Ag Stock Prices 70 Glyphosate resistance Classifieds 33 Events, Mailbox 23 Livestock Report 9 Market Charts 8 Opinion 10 The thing is they have to add Open Forum 12 something with glyphosate that On The Farm 77 will control the glyphosate- Weather 79 resistant populations. COLUMNS HUGH BECKIE Barry Wilson 10 AGRICULTURE CANADA Editorial Notebook 11 Hursh on Ag 11 Satellite images shown at the con- On the farm: Catering to loyal customers is key for two sisters The Bottom Line 71 ference indicate the fields are near the running a B.C. market garden. See page 77. | TAMARA LEIGH PHOTO Animal Health 69 Alberta communities of Warner and Cowboy Logic 68 Milk River, although it’s unknown whether the resistance was selected NEWS TEAM Living Tips 76 there or blew into the region. Health Clinic 77 Beckie was alerted to the case in » PULSE SHIFT: A major pulse » ECO-BUFFERS: Shelterbelts Speaking of Life 76 August, and when he saw the “linear player wants to turn the crop are becoming more compli- patterns” of kochia, he knew what he into food in Canada instead cated as producers plant CONTACTS 4 24 was looking at. of exporting raw product. multiple species. His team retrieved 15 plants from » GROWING DRUGS: Poppy » WHEAT BREEDING: Bayer Larry Hertz, Publisher each field — “that’s all the truck could production to produce pain- CropScience plans to build a Ph: 306-665-9625 hold” — and took them back to the lab. killers and sedatives is con- wheat breeding centre in the [email protected] The plants were grown out for seed and sidered for the Prairies. 14 Saskatoon area. 26 Joanne Paulson, Editor the offspring were grown and sprayed “The thing is they have to add YOUNG FARMERS: Alberta is LENTIL PRICE: Red lentil Ph: 306-665-3537 at an eight centimetre height. something with glyphosate that will » » placing a new emphasis on prices need to rise to avoid [email protected] The tests proved positive for control the glyphosate-resistant attracting young farmers to a significant reduction in glyphosate resistance. populations,” said Beckie. agriculture. 18 seeded acreage. 27 Terry Fries, News Editor “Even at the highest rate we had He said Group 4 or 6 herbicides, Ph: 306-665-3538 about 50 percent survival,” said previously identified for Group » CROP CENTRE: Fundraising » WIND POWER: Wind electri- [email protected] Beckie, which he called a moderate 2-resistant kochia, remain an option has started to build a crop cal generation is increasing, level of resistance. for wheat producers. production interpretive and with it comes a need for Newsroom inquiries: 306-665-3544 “In practical reality, a farmer cannot “But clearly we need more research centre in Saskatchewan. 22 skilled workers. 60 Newsroom fax: 306-934-2401 control these populations within a this coming year on fine tuning or reasonable rate of glyphosate,” he said. developing more recommendations MARKETS 6 Paul Yanko, Website Monsanto, which makes glypho- for growers in various cropping situ- Ph: 306-665-3591 sate-based Roundup and Roundup ations.” » FALLING CANOLA: Canola growers are told [email protected] Ready crops, said the weeds devel- Agriculture Canada has started a to expect canola prices to start falling. 6 Barbara Duckworth, Calgary oped from a crop rotation that didn’t preliminary survey of 50 samples » PEA STOCKS: Dwindling stocks should Ph: 403-291-2990 include regular use of Roundup collected within a 20 km radius of the encourage farmers to start planting peas. 7 Ready crops, which Beckie con- original three fields. Beckie is expect- [email protected] firmed aren’t likely to be widely ing further cases from the area. Mary MacArthur, Camrose grown in the area. While this is the first case of Ph: 780-672-8589 Monsanto argues that resistance glyphosate tolerance in Western PRODUCTION 28 [email protected] can be managed with proper agro- Canada, there are 21 confirmed cas- » FLOOD CONTROL: Water-filled tubes are a nomic practices, tank mixes and es worldwide dating back to the mid- good alternative to sand bags and dikes. 30 Barb Glen, Lethbridge cultural weed control methods. 1990s. This is the third case of Ph: 403-942-2214 “The effective use of Roundup agri- glyphosate tolerance in Canada, » PICKING ROCKS: This rock picker allows [email protected] culture herbicides and Roundup joining giant ragweed and Canada producers to keep their topsoil. 31 Ready crops has continued in areas fleabane discovered in southwestern Karen Briere, Regina where glyphosate resistance has Ontario. LIVESTOCK 65 Ph: 306-359-0841 occurred in the past and we have Glyphosate-tolerant kochia has [email protected] some very knowledgeable people already been found in Kansas, looking into this issue. I am confident Nebraska and Colorado, with sus- » STOCK SHOW: Canadian Red Angus Ed White, Winnipeg breeders had a good week in Denver. 65 in our ability to present good options pected instances in Montana and Ph: 204-943-6294 to the growers in the region,” Sean North and South Dakota. » IN THE YARDS: Cattle producers wheel and [email protected] Dilk, technology development man- “It’s very difficult in any weed spe- deal “in the yards” at the Denver show. 66 ager with Monsanto, said in a news cies to drive the seed bank to extinc- Ron Lyseng, Winnipeg release. tion,” Beckie said. “This is nature Ph: 204-654-1889 Beckie said a Group 4 herbicide such we’re dealing with, so it’s a bit of a AGFINANCE 70 [email protected] as dicamba is an option for producers. life sentence.” » BRASSICA CARINATA: A new oilseed is Robert Arnason, Brandon being tested for use as jet biofuel. 70 Ph: 204-726-9463 » POST CWB: Viterra expects earnings to rise [email protected] after the CWB monopoly disappears. 71 Barry Wilson, Ottawa Corrections Ph: 613-232-1447 On page 48 of the SaskSeed Guide, delivered in the Jan. 12 Western Producer, FARM LIVING 74 [email protected] Canterra should have been listed among the seed companies that submitted Canada Post Agreement Number varieties for new canola performance trials.
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