... 1941 - ===:::r Ration CalenCla, PROCESSJlJD FOOD aUunpl II. Sand T expIre Sept. 10; J'UEL OIL coupons 0 expIre Sept. 30; TJJIJ:S Cooler riner mu.t be In.peeled by Sept. 30; Ml!!AT stlmps X. Y and Z and A. meat stlmpS In booK 3 expire '. OCt. 2; PIIOCEI!ISBP FOOPS IIImp. U. V Ind W ax­ TH.E ....DAILy IOWA.N IOWA-Cooier Iada,. lings p're Oct."; SUOII.lt .tamp I. .nd home cannln, .tlmps 16. II expire OCt. 31; FUEL OIL per. I coupono. .t3-....."plre Jan. 3. '.4. 10, w,a Cit y , 5 M 0 r n i n 9 New spa per • II~r ot FIVE CENTS TBE A8SOCIATED .&188 IOWA CITY. IOWA THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER IS, 1943 VOLUME XLIll NUMBER 296 Ilers ot 01 Pvt. If Mrs. Rapids. church at the Allies'. Beat. pH Vio'ent.Nazi Cou.nterattacks Near ·Salerno; Ie Rev. d from nd at­ Iowa. Reds Push 0'.1 to Dnieper; New Thrust in Balkans Predicted ale of I Cedar : of the Italy Becoming- BULLETINS British Ninth Army, Cblum_ JovielI • Columns Pound'Onwafd • • Americans, Brilish Again Forced 10 Yield . )avls is NEW YORK {AP}-Tbe UDi­ U. ted nations radio at Alders said Trained for 2 Years, from Nezhin 'Toward ··Kiev Major Jast nlI'bt tbat 8,000 Italian In­ nade of ,antrymen had been baUlu.. May Execute Thrust Small 'Portions of Slim, 21-Mile Bridgehead daugh_ Gennan occupation troops at f Mel­ ~ Russians Register Notable Vidory i'n Capture 'itus of Front Trento. strategic valley town Secrecy Maintained By NOLAND NORGAARD ( Of Ukrainian Town,' Killing 6,~, south of Brenner pass. "betlea­ z Rose, Concerning Move, ALLIED HEADQ ARTER IN NORTH AFFI A (AP)-. up port d by tJle tron t sir at· ~r. and Seizing Over 200 Villages LONDON •(AP)-The • • American ing the local barracks and In­ tacks ver launched in front of an allied anny and by n8\'a1 bomb rdment, American and Bri . 11 I, AUg. Fifth army, although still desper- I fIleting heavy casuaUles." Of Crack Tommie, troop beat off the most viol nt G rman counterattaeks yet mounted in Italy aft r again yielding Ither I\t LONDON, Thursday (AP)-Soviet flying columns pOllnded ately aM b 10 o.d i 1 y engaged, small bit of their 27-mile bridgehead in the w k-old, w battl of lerno. II park toward the vital Dnieper river from captured Nezhin, 73 miles emerged yesterday trom the crisLs LONDON, Thunday (AP)- LONDON (AP)-'l'he mystery On forced march from the south, G n. jr Bernard L. Montgom ry's Ei hth army dashed. 25 lISt of Kiev and from captured villages only 50 miles east of the of Salerno. miles up the Calabrian coast to eapture the lediterranean village of B lvedere, narrowing the gap Ie high Sullurban areas of London suf- of the whereabouts of the British river in the south, Moscow dispatches said today. Unfolding eve n t s made it fered tbelr heaviest air ra[d in Ninth IIrmy, coupled with the re­ between his forces and Ljeut. Gen. Mark W. lark's Firth Ilrmy to 67 mil and raising the pros­ Ie Unl­ strongly appear tha t the Italian en em. Killing more than 6,000 Germans and capturing more tban 200 months la,t nLIM whUe waves ported successes of Yugoslav pa­ p ct of early r lief by land 88 well a by 8. towns in the Ukrainian sweep, the Russians registered their most peninsula was developing into a The crucial battle of Salerno roared and flamed thronghout Tu day and To day night along tl com. major front in the fullest and most of alUed bombers streamed out h'iot forces apparently fighting Dotable victory yesterday at Nezhin, which they captured after fateful sense. over the coast toward the con­ along a prepared plan, hinted last the whole slender fr nt from the port of al rno around i cr . nt- lJap d oay t .A~ripoli, d f~om ,,"0 days o·f fi gh ti ng. No longer was the question tinent In the wake of powerful night that a strategic Balkan with both id throwing Ir h troop. and armor into action. I attacks on Paris and other sec­ !tended Reports to London said they were pursuing the cnemy beyond "where next for tbe allies?" being thrust was in the making. Offshore just w t of alerno, tllC alii occupi d apri, th little island to w.hich the Emp ror I before city, 8 vital strongpoint of German defenses before Kiev. so widely uttered. Now it had tions of France. The bombers Tiberius retired in 27 A. D . to biuld villas to tb Roman gods. lbe • A Cairo announcement that Maj. I. The Moscow communique, recorded by the Soviet monitor, sa~d come down to the hard, single over Loqdon bit a number of "Bitter fighting continues in the Fifth army ector," the allied communique said. "Det('rminod dtstrlcts and caused casualties, Gen. Lewis H. Brereton, who has the capture of Nezhin deprived the Germans of the last main reality of Italy at this present untt>rattacks baY been ar- I hour. It was apparent that we and been commander ot all U. S. forces * * * * * * \.: railway line on the left flank of the Dnieper .and Premier Jo eph FOR ried out by both id('S. In some Id with the Germans were committed ALLIES BAmE NAZIS NAPLES Sialin, who announced the capture in an order or the day, called in the middle east, had been (llac our troops hay n \nnabel there to a battle that might be as shifted to an important new as­ it "the most important center , . I - Cor('('d to yi ld ~roulld, but n w : of the meaningful as was that of the Dute Tries ) Ik City, Marne in the last war. signment suggested he millht now GElUlANY positions arc bcill" consolidated I Satre, ~th~G:I::~~' defense on the Alli.ed Forces Break , It was sobel'ly estimated in Lon­ be wltb the Ninth army. - ~ and reintorcemenli continue to Olfl'clals Unaware r Satre ~hree thou. /lnd Germans f ell don that what the allies are doing llrrive rapidly .... in Italy and what they planned to Oflicial quarters here expressed in the I'n the fierc~. fighting tller'e a~d To Dethrone ignorance of the movements ot "Troop with their supplies and in Polk large quantities of war material Defenses West of Lae do could well have the etfect of equipment continue to be dlsem­ taking the weight of 25 NaZi di­ the Ninth army, whose size and double Ind prisoners Were captured, the equipment have been kept a mili­ barked on the be chea and the : lather. visions oU the Russians. rommunlque sajd. It marked an Other Arm of Pincers i tary secret. Ankara and Stockholm Salerno area by the royal and U, d from GeneraJ Eisenbower's ~omll1unj­ lIaly's King advance of 200 miles in 40 days. que tellil'!g .of. continuous arrivals reports had the army sailing from S. navies workin, under Vice d John With,in T~o .Mil~s J Syrian bases atter'two years train- iverslty of very heavy allied reiJ;lforce­ There were at least three other LONDON (AP)-Itllly's ousted Ing. The Germans repeatedly have Admiral Henry K. Hewm. USN. hing in Of Town'~ "Cen,ter ments in Italy was in such terms The bombardment of enemy po t­ major Soviet drives fanning into as to suggest he was only begin­ and invisible premier, Benito suggested the Ninth was being lions by strong forces 01 cruisers Ie high Jthe beart of the Ukraine but to ALLIED HEADQUAR'!ERS IN ning an immense marshaling of Mussolini, apparently at tempted to saved tor a Balkan invasion. If Iowa, the north still another Soviet of­ THE SOUTHWEST ' PAC I f I C, men. This had its counterpart in dethrone. King Vittorio Emanuele The route from the middle east and destroyers continues . .. accl,lmulating reports of a great yesterday in a proclamation read to the Balkans wollid traverse the - r at the /tD5iye drew tighter around Bry- Thursday, (AP)-Allied forces "During the night of Sept. 13-14 flow of N~zi reinforcements soutb­ in his name by a radio announ~er, German-occupied ' is 1 and s 0 f ,Minn., Insk, which the Germans had an­ have crashed through .the main recasting defunct fascism in Italy Rhodes. and. Crete and these is­ and throughout Tu day. the ng. Bounced they evacuated. Making ward into the peninsula. heavy, medium and light bombers, core of resistance west of'the Jap­ A Nazi command willing to as the "Republican Fascist PClrty." land&, lD allied hands, would pro­ 110 claims to its capture-hinting, fighter-bomb rs and fighters of anese ail' base at Lae, N~w Guinea, spend what it already has spent with MussoIini as its supreme 'vide needed an~ valuable bases f~r arkable perhaps, that the German an­ leader. bombers an~ fighters in any air the northwest Aldean air {orces and' the other arm' at a' steadily at Salerno, it was reasoned here, in their most intensive and concen­ 1e color BOUncement was a trap--the Rus­ must' be prepared for prodigious The manifesto. read over a Ger- umbrelIs, Vital to a landing in sians reported only the capture advanci.ng pin~E:rs has moved from trated operations to date attacked it un­ defensive efforts farther to the man-controlled "F'ascist go\!,ern- Greece. roads and railroads, enemy posi­ of Dyatkovo, 20 miles to the the east to within' two miles of the north in Italy, whl)re the real ment radIO," failed to mentioJ;l the Yugoslav Reports ~t large IOrth.
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