Justin Armitage remembered The Breeze page 9 James Madison University's Student Newspaper Vul. 8 i, /ss|/c I lllllSllllll, Actor, activist speaks on SGA strength of democracy funds Dreyfuss addresses scholarship luncheon, urges two bills youth to take interest in proper political principles Delta Chi and m TOM BEFIT ER at the tendency to remove these obligations from CONTRIBUTING WR/TIR the forum of the general populace, to reserve them Hillel receive for higher institutions of "niche-learning", and, on a JMU held its annual Endowed Scholarship lower level, to "fold civics lessons into high school capital to travel Luncheon yesterday, al the Festival Conference histon classes, where the) lade into mythology." and Student Center Ballnxim. More than once he reminded his audience: "Ci- vt MARV CZARTSY About 400 scholarship recipients, donors .ind vility is the oxygen required by democracy." CONTUBUTtSC IVRJTER parents attended the luncheon, at which Academy Dreyfuss addressed, as well, the current me- Award-winning actor and political activist Richard dia climate and its tendency to promote shouting Tuesday night, the SGA Dreyfuss delivered the keynote speech. matches as a means of interpreting politics. granted two organizations funds Dreyfuss. who is currently an Oxford University "We no longer address our issues without the to support leadership develop- student, appeared in such films as "Jaws," "Close melodrama of name-calling and finger-pointing — ment conferences. Encounters of the Third Kind." and The Goodbye if I advocate teaching civics, I must have a hidden The Delta Chi Fraternity was drl," for which he won the Oscar for Best Actor in agenda. ...We can become victims of the hypnosis granted $1,190 to cover regis- 1978. of political madness. |But| 1 am not a cynic, nor am trahon fees for a number of its "I've had three ambitions in my life," Dreyfuss I a conspiracy freak." He referenced James Madi- members to attend a national began. "One was to become an actor; one was to son's "Federalist 10" and reiterated the necessity of confimnce, become a senator for New York or California; and "the social contract to agree to disagree." Delta Chi President sopho- one was to become a history teacher" He clarified: DnyftlM concluded with an affirmation, st.tt- more Todd Moore presented "But I did not want to be an office-holder — I just ing it was not "the poetry of liberalism or conser- the bill and maintained giving wanted to be involved in politics " vatism" that he wished to promote, but an un- members of the fraternity this There is a product as popular as movies that deniable fact of importance and necessity: 'The opportunity would have a trick- our country sells: Democracy. Democracy is the teaching of civility." le-down effect for the university, Microsoft of our government's business — and we Joanne Carr, senior vice president of JMU's Di- as those who go on the trip will are its salesmen ... [But] unlike Jaguars, people do vision of University Advancement, gave an open- be able to give back to the JMU not always operate at peak efficiency; we must re- ing address and introduced the presenters and re- community. alize that democracy relies on the tnoughtfulness cipients of the afternoon's highlight awards. Debate sparked over of the people." During the luncheon, awards also were given whether or not all efforts Dreyfuss elaborated the importance of instilling, to students. had been exercised by the CASEY TEMPlirTON/wiiw phtiioxrap/itr within American youth fundamental democratic The Raymond C. Dingledine 5r. Endowment fraternity to fund raise. Senior pnnciples, which he defined as "tools of reason, logic, Richard Dreyfuss delivers the keynote speech at the Cory Winter opposed the bill civility, dissent and debate." Me expressed concern see DREYFUSS. page 5 Endowed Scholarship luncheon yesterday. and said. "This should only be used as a last resort, after all fundraising options are exhausted." The Jewish-student orga- Happy Birthday Mr. President EMU alumnus nization Hillel also received a $1,444 reimbursement for a con- ference that members attended discovered slain this year. Sophomore president Drew Haynes cited the wealth of programs the organization brings to JMU and argued that on Iraqi roadside the money was necessary "to work for the future to continue to bnng such amazing programs Fox kidnapped, held hostage and develop leadership skills among our members." since late November Senior senator Geary Cox led opposition to the bill and said ■v TOM BEPPLER on November 26,2005. while Hillel is not a front-end- CONTFIMtllXi'. WR/TfR He was kidnapped along budgeted organization, this is with three other members of not cause enough to support the The State Department Christian Peacemaker Teams: bill. "We can't give money to confirmed last Friday that the Canadians James Lonev, 41; the organization tor a debt they body of former EMU student Harmeet Singh Sooden, 32; might incur next year as a result and peace aebvist Tom Fox and Briton Norman Kember. of this," Cox said. MTU discovered in Iraq on 74. The previously unknown In the end, both groups were Much 9 Swords of Righteousness granted their requests. Fox's body was found Brigade had claimed respon- SGA also is prepanng to kick wrapped in a blanket on a sibility for the kidnappings. off its new campaign to replace main road of the Daoudi neigh- The whereabouts of Fox's fel- the "All Together One" opera- borhood in western Baghdad; low hostages remain unknown. tion. Student Body President his hands they were last seen in a February Wesh Spencer spoke on the new and feet 28 video broadcast on the al- "Be the Change" program that were Jazeera television network, in is getting off the ground to pro- bound which Fox did not appear. mote campus unity. and he According to a March 12 Senior treasurer Cina had been Associated Press article. Fox's MMIIOM dlfCUMcd the upcom- shot in work in Iraq included escort- ing distribution of program the chest ing shipments of medicine to grants to clubs and orga- and head, clinics and hospitals, meet- nizations across campus. with ing with Iraqis prisoners, and Applications will be available addition- developing with locals plans on the SGA Web site, and all al signs to form an Islamic Peacemaker clubs and organizations are of torture Fox Team. He also is said to have encouraged to apply. evident protested Israel's construction The Senate is gearing up for on his body. of a separation barner in the the major elections to be held Fox, who had traveled to West Bank, where he sat in March 30 for Executive Council Iraq on behalf of the Chicago- front of bulldozers to block and Student Representative to based activist group Christian them and helped Palestinians the BOV Elections, and April 6 Peacemaker Teams, was abduct- for Class Council and Academic ed and taken hostage in Baghdad see FOX, page 5 College Senators Elections. Orange Band: anti-apathy Campaign starts with open-forums, celebrity visit iv BHK> MARIINE/ made available to everyone for I are about." CONTMBUTtHC WR1TZK the taking. Degner said this endeavor "|There is| a new under- caught the attention of actor The OrangeBand Initiative's standing of what an OrangeBand EUCMfd Dreyfuss. Dreyfuss is Anti-Apathy Campaign kicked chapter is; it's not full of people connected with the Anti-Apathy off this week with open-forum that want to talk respectfully co-sponsor International Beliefs KVIN DYSON'j. T phHofraphrr discussions, a presentation from about important issues," said and Values Instttute, managed President Madison looks on as students and faculty honor his legacy. Richard Dreyfuss and the intro- founder and faculty member Kai by psychology professor Craig duction of a new online com- Degner ('03). "It's full of people Sheely. Dreyfuss heard about munity, in order to inspire con- who want to create spaces for OrangeBand, and also came for James Madison turns 255, celebrates with cake versation about a wide range people to talk respectfully about JMU's "Be the Change" cam- of issues. important issues." paign, which began this week. ■Y DOMINIC DESMOND senior vice president of stu- Junior Melody Martin was lust back from a nation- The Anb-Apathy Campaign, Dreyfuss spoke yesterday CONTUBUmc WHTTTf dent affairs, said the ceremony arwarded the 2006 Donald al activism conference. organized primarily by mem- at TDU at 4 p.m. before the aimed to honor femes Madison Robertson Scholarship. The OrangeBand is spreading know- bers of the Honors Learning final round of the Madison Cup A handful of faculty and stu- and "the myriad ways he has scholarship derives its name how about their svstem for cre- Community, is the group's main debate in Wilson Hall. Rather dents braved the wind and low influenced us." from James Madison's first ating forums for discussion to effort this March. Degner said than having events. OrangeBand temperature yesterday together Student Body President teacher. communities across the country. it is simpler than OrangeBand's will open forums for discussion around the James Madison stat- Wesh Spencer said commemo- Sophomores Sarah Wagoner The JMU chapter ol broad purpose, focusing on the at TDU starting today, and will ue and say "Happy Birthday" rating Madison's birthday is and Katie Cnswell stuck out the OrangeBand is a non-partisan central theme of dialogue. run daily through tne end of to the 255-year namesake of celebrating scholarly pursuits. cold to meet President Madison gn>up dedicated to encouraging "Dialog is action," Degner March. Orange bands will be IMU, and to get a piece of birth- "He is the education president," and because they are "obsessed conversation about important said.
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