TUBULAR concrete grain elevator built in Minneapolis, 1899 EXPERIMENT in CONCRETE A Pioneer Venture in GRAIN STORAGE RUTH J. HEFFELFINGER UPON LEAVING Minneapohs via Lake though it now seems to have no purpose Street and proceeding along Highway No. other than to advertise the lumber sold near 7 in the direction of Excelsior, one passes a by. Certainly no one would associate it with large white structure on the left just west of the pretentious structure across the bridge, the bridge that spans the Belt Line. It is yet if it had not been for that single tube composed of a triple row of monoliths as of concrete, terminal grain elevators might classically symmetrical in outline as the col­ be built in a different, and perhaps less eflB­ umns of a Greek temple, although not as cient, way today. For apparently this was decorative. The Minneapolis structure is a the first tubular grain elevator of sohd con­ terminal elevator designed for the storage crete in the world. Although it was never of grain, and, like most modern terminal ele­ put to use, it was built as an experiment to vators, it is built of concrete. On the east side find out if it was practical to store grain in a of the bridge stands a single monolith with concrete bin of this shape. the words "Lumber Stores" running the Early in 1899, Frank H. Peavey and length of the tube. It looks as though it might Charles F. Haglin talked over the possibility once have been the chimney of a factory, of storing grain in bins constructed of mate­ rial other than wood. Both men were early MRS. HEFFELFINGER is thc WifC of GcOrgC W. P. residents of Minneapohs; both were out­ Heffelfinger and a daughter-in-law of the late standing in the fields of activity they pur­ Frank T. Heffelfinger, who died in July, 1959. sued. Peavey had built up a grain company His recollections of the trip made in 1900 and that contributed to the prosperity of Minne­ diary kept while abroad have provided much of apohs, Haglin had erected pubhc buildings the material for this article. that were the e'vidence of that prosperity. 14 MINNESOTA History Peavey was born in Eastport, Maine, in built, and concrete poured into them. As the 1850. He boarded a Chicago-bound train the concrete dried, the forms were pulled up, very day the Civil War ended, having sold braced, and another layer poured; it was like papers for two years to earn his fare. In 1866 building a giant layer cake. The result was he went on to Sioux City, Iowa, arriving a hollow monolith of concrete sixty-eight with a dollar in his pocket. After selling farm feet high, with an inside diameter of twen­ implements for a time, he organized a grain ty feet. The walls were twelve inches thick company, and 'within ten years moved his at the base, tapering to eight at the top.^ By business to Minneapolis, Haglin, who was of fall the structure was ready. Grain trans­ German and Huguenot descent, was born ported in railroad cars was shoveled into in 1849. Although his parents had settled in a bucket elevator, carried to the top of the Upstate New York, when Charlie reached concrete tube, and dumped in. There it the age of twenty, he set out for Minnesota. would remain through the winter, and in He was trained as an architect, but soon spring the condition of the grain would be became more interested in construction and tested. the contracting business. It is not known whether one of these men WHETHER or not this was a practical de­ was the first to conceive the idea of using sign was still in doubt, and since it was concrete in a hollow monolithic mass for the rumored that concrete elevators were used storage of grain, or if the idea came from an­ in Europe, Peavey gave his son-in-law, Frank other source. It was, however, the desire of T. Heffelfinger, the assignment of traveling Frank Peavey to build such a structure, and overseas with Haglin to find out about them the conviction of Charlie Haglin that such a at firsthand. Actually the trip had still an­ thing was possible. Up to this time even other purpose: Peavey wanted to ascertain terminal elevators in the United States were if it would be possible to build and operate squarish wooden structures similar to the a line of elevators in Russia. Accordingly, country elevators so famihar today through­ accompanied by Haghn and the contractor's out the Middle West. The two men were young son, Eddie, and armed with letters to faced with considerable opposition. Who grain merchants, millers, bankers, and diplo­ ever heard of such a thing! Contractors and mats, Heffelfinger sailed for Europe in Janu­ engineers throughout America argued force­ ary, 1900, on the "New York," a steamship fully that a tank of solid concrete would lack of five thousand tons. Upon arriving in Lon­ "give" and would therefore explode or, at don on February 1, he wrote in his diary: "I best, crack wide open when grain was dravra was much pleased and found it somewhat off. different than I had pictured."^ One busy In spite of such misgivings, during the day was spent in London calling on grain importers, getting available information summer of 1899, constmction was started. about Russian grain markets, and securing Round forms braced with steel hoops were passports to Russia. Then the travelers went 'These measurements were supphed by Mr. on to Hamburg, Germany. George FuUerton, who now owns the structure. "First impressions of Hamburg, good," The height was soon increased to 125 feet. Measure­ ments given in the press vary greatly. See, for Heffelfinger reports. And again, "This after­ example, E. S. Rolhns, "Modern Elevator Construc­ noon I went with Haglin to see the harbour. tion," in the Northwestern Miller (Minneapohs), It is a wonderful place and I was much 50:637 (October 3, 1900); and the Minneapolis Journal, October 3, 1901, impressed with the enormous amount of ^HeflEelfinger Diary, February 1, 2, 1900. The shipping." In Hamburg the travelers learned original journal, kept from February 1 to April 3, that Russian methods of handhng grain were 1900, while Heffelfinger was abroad, is owned by "crude." They were disappointed to find the Minnesota Historical Society. It has furnished much of the material for this sketch. that "there was no such thing as a concrete March 1960 15 elevator in or near Hamburg," though they located on the Danube. Grain was trans­ "Had a wire from Antwerp . that ele­ ported down the river to the Black Sea, vators there are of brick and stand the then via the Bosporus to the Mediterranean, climate all OK." and on to European markets. After leaving On February 5 the Americans moved on Braila, Heffelfinger recalled that "The PR's to Brunswick to meet a man named G. Lu­ of Romania and Bulgaria all lead to the ther, designer of an elevator constructed of Danube and the grain from both countries Hennebique concrete and steel. This had comes down the river. Most large farmers square bins with walls about eighteen inches ship it to Braila them-selfs. Braila is the thick, supported by horizontal and vertical principal market of the country. The farmers rods. Elevators of this type, holding fifty all live in bands as it were and go out daily thousand tons of grain each, had been built to there farms." He beheved that everyone in at Braila and Galatz in Romania, and had Braila, which had a population of eighty been in use five or six years. Reportedly they thousand, was directly dependent on grain had not cracked, and the grain had kept for a hvehhood.^ better than when stored in wood. While in Braila the Americans examined Before visiting these cities, Heffelfinger the local Hennebique elevator. The bins and Haghn decided to travel to Copenhagen were hexagonal with rounded corners, to see "bins of Monier" concrete with inside and were fitted together hke the cells of a divisions of wood. According to the diary honeycomb. This was "a finer looking build­ for February 9, they found "a warehouse ing than I expected to see and better con­ of brick five or six floors and at first we structed and arranged than any we have seen thought we had been fooled once more, but heretofore," writes Heffelfinger in his entry after some investigation discovered in center for February 19. He found "no cracks -visi­ of building the grain silos. Haghn is ble" and was "advised by men that grain down there this morning to take some meas­ keeps all OK. Claim it would keep for a yr if urements and of course will have an accurate put in in good condition," The diarist, how­ sketch. The wall[s] seemed all OK but were ever, was "fully con-vinced that our construc­ cracked shghtly, but H. says it is largely on tion is all right and even better than this." account of the thinness and the improper The 'vdsitors also "saw them loading a boat quantities of cement." with corn. Mostof the gr[ain] is loaded From Denmark the Americans went to and unloaded by hand. Where taken to or Budapest, arriving on February 16. There, from the sheds, it is done by quaint little four indeed, they were in the "bread basket" of wheeled pony carts with one pony owned Europe. A letter of introduction put them in by the man who drives." touch with a local banker who owned "most On February 20, the travelers left Braila of the elevator prop[erty] of Budapesth." for Galatz aboard a "steamer which runs on Heffelfinger records that "he was a charming the Danube between the two places." The man and had visited Mpls and dined 'with elevator in the latter city and conditions in Pillsbury." The diarist also describes the general were much like those at Braila, The magnificent quays running the length of the foreman of the Galatz plant reported that city along both banks of the Danube River, "they have had corn in the elevator, without where lighters were unloading grain.
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