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August 12-25,1993 AUGUST```,'18 Volume 10, Issue 16 fierfuring russ GAy USA '95 Sweat SzIvage FORMER NISS GAY USA Tomnde Boss y?:;::t# ss GAy unscoHSIN us Dominir'- 5-., Get Readv Guvs . our intiamous uroEir:unlE}AR pAHTr rctums • Saturdziy; August 28l National Stonewall \. Meeting in Milwau Get Rcadv Girls . rmss 219 •..Pag Contest -is coming Tuesdz\y; OP Level AIDS September 2 1 I Summit in Madi8a 219 S. 2nd Street . Milwaukee, WI 271-5732 In Stop ` August 12-25, 1993 ` Pago 2 cover Story One, of our more frequent cover art Eiiri contn.butors, Sherry Szombathely, returns with this "Summer-time" pencil sketches. We 225 S. 2nd St. T Mitwaukee, WI 53204 ` Phone: (414)278-7840 T Fax: 278.5868 :a::]%dh(°::toau#T8E::'L%:#:bhuatifst::re¥ besl fime§ Io call is cening. JNILWAUKEE I NEED Aprmon vEkt lssN # 1045-2435 WedoTh°i:::::!inoas'::ef?ro°ud#oV,:#jn=:yd '913 YOU: VERY FLEXIBLE 25 yT cuITuue: 5'i 0, BRw AVLWAUKEE S- for our plea for more art. The art cabinet ##j¥:\i#,g¥: #m*o*#i:estgovy#:26 Publishem=ditor siDE: REsponsi.LE, e4755 isn't bare anymore, but it wouldn't hurt to Ron Geiman `r,# . AVIWAul(EE YOUTllFUL :E#Ei,#uiF#ed## Reporfer have a few more §ubmissions, especially Love DESIRED. Prof. AVLWAUKEE I WANT TO Jamakaya from new artists. fr#i#i::ir' N. AOuWAUKEE Colulmnists/Contributors fuw,Mnd3,56,rEprmunha, AAILWAUKEE I WANNA in end. phys. €ond., seeks ArmT rm vow: F#d### .`.I womb Sedous, §ineero Nmdelk: WILLlve ro REng#:8¥#J?£ Roin#B##ry#`:`E#_sezMaz##Ele`##cR##£Emtsap TRAVEL! 5'8, swimmer'S Tom Saksieder ##di# ffi#;wh[iEto NILW^UKEE TARE A Publisher's Aide de Camp fro, oNerfu & care he Joe Kcoh. \ gcos wh iti e489l ff:#gprparies,ale ionlosi+A vERs^T]LE Nat]omal Ad Represontatlves AAiLw^tixf I N^DE ro East Rivendell Marketing Note 22 " Ou feddich biw ±fiEH=Eigi :#ha##!L. "ALKEEne APPIEIol\l AREA ¢kE^T vest?:?A.:FFd8v8e5£sing Deadline for tl.e next issue ##:#ri6,;Lfro CATCH: 5'10, nice (213) 6506223 #!,#h5;#,:3ibe, / CALL. .3658 Cartoonl§ts _CEgY7eprimn:wAeudg.-,%$5gs#.188 47, 165L.S, 5'' Fffi5sELae= Tom RezzaT Robert Amold . Camper • ' `lJKfE ELECTRE Ph°togDTOTu#uszkiewiczTJamesTaylor #87to,rna `'ur+eyL.fro Col.SEtY^TIVE a Ad D®sign s~froLct Havlicek & Associates TO. GM 22, 5'6", Ll. Bm` i*ffbe#:ou¥]grH I .-.. ` ` ,.rs,anil Typesetting Index PARAusE YALLE i ln Step: Mary Maliborski ROOJ\A^IATE AID Now Atilveukco TOO eusy #>!#¥¥JTopn Distribution REi(seee£8#i#:#hair David Johnson.JRK Serviees MllwAUKff TOTAL News..... Jhilvluha A mM: 50 YR OLD, bum In Step Magazlne is published biweckly, every other Group Notes coNuunD KIND^ i#gYtog# hair/qu, 6', shoved, seeks Thursday ©n Step, 1993. All lights reserved. Publicat].on Letters lapp honro. e4743 Of the name or photograph Of any person, organization or r45¥racrionofentedtops. business in triis m8gaziner dces not reflect upon on®'s Health...... Cennl S€llooL Au: 37 sexual orientation whatsoever. AJl copy, text, display, Positively HIV & lochng for beher e4888 NILVALIKf E FukY photos and iuustrations in adverti8ements are published Memoriams S®`th Cennl Lore OF FORT YEAR Ou: with the understanding that the advertisers are fully ¥ca#Tife## JVALW^LIKEE Arts...--,.. authorized, h.ave secured the proper consent for the use Au CLAIRE LOVE "E POSITIVELY FIT & FUN of names, picfuros and testimonials of any persons, and OuTDcORS, OulET £tn#_##¥irsinng2ce ln Step Magazlno may lawfully publish and cause such §tai::in:ro.u.t. EVENInes. CWM 28, rEL¥be¥ij#g#, number. .4539 publication to be made, and sovo blameless ln Stop %i§*##f#feD"ts '783 Magazine from any and all liabilfty, lose and expense Of Juicy Bits . "iwAukl[ wuun any nature arising from such publication. Inside Out . NILWAUKEE ®AiIAes N.I. WtscoNSIN sO YR You HAPPY: 38 YR OID No Nunsense #go#!hE*b5¥9 KEPT TS W/ Lou Jock Shorts SHAPELY LEOS: Married, =is'7rfe|±of:L#?Of :±fu:n2,L#be#*i¥£:;olct AAILWAulttE IluRAY white bi-TS, call il intotod Life's a Drag ...... e4943 LET'S GET TOOETllEk: 27 #urferfe*5:pfas;from Astrology........ Llue OENEv^ FREE MILWAUK[[ O"T e3262 The Gay Side ..... #fe#:£'i:'|3roctub:'man Mil"ukee MASTERFIJL Camper........... under 30, 81331 :#,rneNIar#erycair##r Clas§ies.......... AAAlueN 35, Bureli: good hoking. .1515 Classics Order Form seeks.stmilorforgoodrimes, #r¥ffi:# i::F::::::ii::I::-'.=e: GAY AND LESBIAN Grafrlti........... PRESS ASSOCIATION The Guide IN STEP READERS, _ ADVERTISERS & FR`IENDS . LAKE GENEVA, IT'S NO WONDER VVHY I'M A HOMEBODYI CWM 30. a:in:co:jsp:i:!fuc#:i:aig |§#,:':¥:ii¥e=fo[v:e:;n:e LAWKISHAW A Wtlx thie#asi'L#*fr.:eT THANK £:iiinfr¥;rr#actl:n!'±T ®4713 AND MATCH? Cross- dresser would like to meet MILWAUK[E BIC, ` CkEEN BAY REALLY .#o#;e:£#n£";:: owner cross-dressers. Call me, eLONDE & BE^unFuu UKE BACK-RUBSI GM 2609 :Z;a:Swapgoodtimes. ::'erep;gfoc/iE;i;g:i,,!greopr MllwAUKEE, MIIWAUK[[ NEEDED: IrmurcTUAL SuCAR DADDY. CWM, ;'o*',*:pe PuRSUITS. GBM 28, 5'6" rv, 34, 6', 200#, 81/81, dev. You! lug;pci,i#Eai,rti::me APPLETON NEW TO "E ®2159 AREA. So I don`t know fro :i::-:=;i:=s;;:.':-::-:;;::;:.:;-;::::: KENOSIJ^ A PAL TO The support of our growing LesBiGay !o!:¥igiin;;;;i!c:.e u6HTEN MY DAYS! secure. I cim serious and for ¥c:h=BBu#|,,::n#Owfu8yir: CWM 29, 6'3",190#, 81/81, Community has enabled ln Step to grow rcal! eto98 you? lf interested,I-a Icoking for friends in c]rea to Ft#:p,%:;2#i3rest,ng, a[:ty::ey,±:uhn:nrghe and refine `itse-lf over the last r9 plus lyears. l'M A KICK BOXER. So ::#ge.I'llgetback. YOUNG AND RESTLESSI :%jT,ve6ory#toshapeym Mll.WAUKt[ tELI. M[ We are very proud and grateful to be able wi+AT youR ii`ITmESTs MILWAUKEE SIIARE #:djtL°:i:sg#b::rm*t SIMPLE PLEASURES. GM to announce this issue marks the first time ;#1':i!ps::8iji:o:X!i pick! Very discreel, like fo be 39, Br/Br, moust., 6' 1 ", coll, we can take a ride. we needed to have EL%ecs#*:.te#2u;:5r Giddy-up! ®2166 :-::-::.;:=:::::i-:i:i:::-i-=.= A swEmEART FOR MILWAUKtE NO BARS, he, 'cause I am loo! o2036 NO GAMES, JUST UFELONO ADVENTIJRE. ##:!,i;;jjd:i;#nA ROAunE. cM 36, moments! -4799 5' 10", 1 50#, Bin/Bin, 10'000 Copies AAilwaukee A C14Al`lcE gik:,io::It#j!::!:llTke iunLWAUKEE ARE you ivLEmN¢ `^/in+ you. "E OuTDOORSY TYPE? i:gt:gfreffiq£*Smcone Madonna, Erasure, classic CWM 3[ , Br/BI,165#, iu§t ciffectl.ondte and romantie. movies, art & conversation. I'm bowl whose cind more! L=kincgag:nTig-g#:45 :2£%gsorone.njghers. [¥m!:¥fr:s6frio¥sdnoeS° printed Talk fo you scm. -2262 le. I'm 26, 5'9", well-, q4339 ELsee,r::,so6ioitime EYES FOR A MATURE S[[xlNosoNur -- to meet demands: CENIMAN. CWM 21, ROMANCE. Cher Rock V^lLEY SEEKINO ApprmoN To KNow BI/Gin, 5'11 '',155#, seeks OLDER AND VV[SER. AAE IS TO LOvt ME. A 10,000 Print Run is i:Fd##:tokseseather CWM 21, 5' I 1 ", 155#, CWM 24, 5'11 ", 81/81, a Goal we've always #s#,yg#ieea22o#,a" had in mind. Again, - ##,;y;!i;d;ae#h;:, Kimberty AIATURE fox #!::#!n VALLEY AIN. GM 5'9", I WORK By Nicurs, thanks for helping us ^PPuTol\l AV OPERA YOU Dol`lT llAVE TO E'T}..R:#i=n':#'d& FAN WAITING IN THE BE ADONisi GM lcohing L£;si#n;n#:,;b:uTgs, reach it! In Step ` August 12-25, 1993 ` _Page 4 News Momentum Sur After Stonewall. DIE.I+ARD C a W [AN. LAlu enEVA, TiRED CWM 36, 5'8., 1 35#, OF GRO`Anhic ^ioi`iE. #kea#£'£?lebe i##¥invlth gL+#u##.,# 1894 #fi#i#E:: "W^ukll, |tk- #i#tgtogiv#io rmLw^uKEE, ACT row For ALL You ourrs c4'44, EL¥h#apfa you FEEL, rm you[ Ow THERL For ho & NLNaeg9#V;S:ffigdeeg#eadtboer:attjEOFnfacntsfor cREENw, rm RE.#i2horty& -Y,qu-.OwM25, rox"1V-, ##,###i¥ 5'10', 165#, ftyho. You I-l'PmuA PEEL OwM 24, 5' 1 1 `, By Jamakaya :¥.:4#5givnyhm AVLWAUKEE, C~ #£F#Tg,.i!9g Milvraukee - Organizing efforts for KEYNOTES SET THE TONE cENmAL"scoNsiN. -sly sEEKne Com hlEEDEbe one unw^ukl[, unT.s Stonewall 25, the "Global Celebration of Ow l8+in OLD, I'm soriou§twfun-hingcaring #gHffHlk lN S'O|| " ,I+I OIEt, confeTgn°ce8#§:nfui[!:;Ssetaa#on:nfo,#: ^unNIun ChJTD~? GBM 23, ::ingeg:ulegd#eT:#a:ymo.?TE:fry:!!,J;i:gt.e:S!; tor:L¥.Pori#*# ::eaeni#3ir§e:e#Figg¥uwmhaoyisaaL£`'t3ai:aogf 8:I:%?toe:he:dtanti#t:nseu#vrd::!jst?te%yf F¥i#ngk¥ii4;:& Ftr#L¥##i=, Wisconsin-Mitwaukee July 31 and August 1. #ife#ne¥e:#4ly I+[LP CuEN UI HY unwun[, Now io open until Filled. e4957 A pemanent Executive Boa.rd was rmwAUKEE, own, unt.a ON voui LOVE uFtl CWM 33, 6', "lwAukll, I " ,a JNIND® rm cia i c~ tek:ct£€r:Rd::ia!}:fly?[awnhsj:her§t:::#:,ff2°; a*FonTGjsovesonenerEi. co-chair Pat Norman described as "the #fz:'gngffro, e4990 greatest event in the history of our 4971 movement and the greatest human rights ff=::¥i8#no NILw^uKEE, I rovE ®5178 i" couur, FOR march the world has ever seen." "1 S[llous ^1 l]lAIL More than a million people ale VVISCOuN i:i:-i::;:;:::=-:- expected to attend Stonewall 25, an soiunne IN i#'M#;|6#'5?ff in rex vAur, pL^t :=ngff##, coAneN.

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