Index to Volume Xlvi

Index to Volume Xlvi

INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI [New generic,specific and subspecificname are printed in heavy facetype.] ACCIPITERcooperi, 236, 510. Allen, Glover M., obituary of Wm. nisus nisus, 335. Lyman Underwood,284. striatus striatus, 361. Amadina, 483. velox, 510. Amandava amandava, 483. Achorn, John Warren, obituary of, Amazona ventralis, 366. 582. American Ornithologists' Union, Actitis hypoleucus,339. forth-sixth stated meeting of, 79- macularia, 219, 323, 364, 508. 91; forty-seventh stated meeting, Aechmophorusoccidentalis, 503. 290, 591; attendanceat meetings Aegialitis nivosa, 509. of, 152; Check-List, 289. Aegithalos caudatus aremoricus, Ammodramus savannarum intri- 420. catus, 375. Aeronautesmelanoleucus, 205. Ammospizacaudacuta nelsoni, 243, Aestrelata, 148. 548. Aethopyga nipalensisangkanensis, c. subvirgata,243. 416. Anachilus,265. Africa, birds of, 344-347, 474-484, ucayalae, 265. 520-522. Anas acura acura, 338. Agelaiusphoeniceus caurinus, 517. platyrhynchos platyrhynchos, p. floridanus, 451. 337, 505. p. phoeniceus,242, 451. penelope,338. p. richmondi, 76. Anatomy, 560. qiscueyensis,373 Anhingha, 75, 250. Aldemosyne,483. anhinga,250. Ailuroedus buccoidesmolestus, 261. Ani, 368, 388, 546. Aimophila ruficepseremoeca, 205. Anomalospizaimberbis, 263. Ajaia ajaja, 105, 361, 381. Anser albffrons, 226. Alaska, birds of, 224, 230, 550. brachyrynchus, 533. 'Alauda,' reviewed, 422, 574. Anseres,46. Alauda arvensis arvensis•332. Anthracothorax dominicus,369. Alberta, birds of, 262, 552. Antbus spinolettajaponicus, 267. Alca torda, 223, 247, 529. Antrostomuscarolineusis, 236, 398. Aldrich, John W., observationsof Aphanotriccus,413. the Horned Grebe in captivity, Aphelocomasieberi couchi, 205. 527. Aphriza virgata, 221. Alectorisrufa rufa, 341. Apusaffinis bannern•ni, 261. Alisterus, 563. apus apus, 335. Alle alle, 247, 531. melba axcheri, 261. Allen, Francis H., Forster's Tern in m. bakeri, 261. Massachusetts,100. Aquila chrysaetos,161-169. (593) 594 Auk Aramuspictus eleucus, 362. Australia, birds of, 135, 254, 294- Aratinga chloroptera chloroptera, 305, 408. 366, 'Avicultural Magazine, The,' re- holochlora brewsteri, 267. viewed, 272, 420, 573. Archibuteolagopus sancti-johannls, 'AviculturalMagazine,' The Amer- 123. ican, reviewed, 272. Archilochus colubris, 238. 'Aviculture,' reviewed, 573. 'Ardea,' reviewed, 276. Avocet, 339, 383. Ardea cinerea,563, 565. American, 198, 215. herodiasadoxa, 360. h. fannini, 507. BACHMAN,John, letters to Audubon, 177-185 ramgins,271. Baeolophusbicolor, 398. occidentalis,105. atricristatus atricristatus, 206. purpurea purpurea, 335. Baffin Island, birds of, 564. Arenaria interpres moranella,221, Bailey, Alfred M., the fall flight of 325, 364. Geese to Louisiana, 225; the Si- melanocephala,221. berian Bank Swallow and other Arizona, birds of, 399, 416. records from Point Barrow, Arquatella marArimacouesi, 216. Alaska, 550. marArima marArima, 319. Bailey, Florence Merriam, her Arrigoni Degli Oddi, his 'Ornitol- 'Birdsof New Mexico,'reviewed, ogia Iraliana' reviewed, 253. 125. Ashby, Edwin, notes on the nidifi- Bailey, Harry Balch, in memoriam, cation of the Australian Malice-- • 155-160. fowl (Leipoa ocellata)with data Baird Ornithological Club, seventh supplied by B. W. Leake, 294- annual meeting of, 289. 305 Balanosphyra formicivora formi- Asio domingensis,268. civora, 205. fiammeus,511. Baldpate, 379, 535. otus, 261. Ball, William Howard, notes from wilsonJanus,123. Washington, D. C., 121, 555; Astley, Arthur, his 'From a Bird field marks of the Black Vulture Lover'sDiary,' reviewed,255. (Coragyps urubu), 234. Astragalinustritis salicamans,518. Bangs,Outram, notice of his 'Chi- t. tristis, 123. nese Forms of Seicercus of the Asyndesmuslewisi, 113, 513. Burkii Form-Circle,' 411; his 'A 'Audubon Bird Cards' noticed, 405. New Vanga from SouthernMad- Auk, Razor-billed, 223, 247, 529. agascar,'noticed, 264. 'Auk, The,' reviewof the 'Ten Year Bangs, O. and Peters, J. L., their Index' 1911 to 1920, 561; the 'Birds Collected by Dr. Joseph seriesof, 584; full setsof, 584. F. Rock in Western Kansu and Austin, Oliver L., Jr., Labrador Eastern Thibet,' reviewed, 136; recordsof Europeanbirds, 207- their 'A Collection of Birds from 210; Wi]son's Plover on Cape Oaxaca,' noticed, 264. Cod, Mass., 538. Bannerman, David, notice of his 'Vol.1929 XLVI I1 Index. 595 'A FurtherNot_e on the Genus•BIackbird,Red-winged, 242, 451, Lampribis,'412. •,•:• 472. Barbadoes,birds of, 261. •:J..• Yellow-headed,119,390, 472. Barrus, Clara, her 'The Heart of Blackcap, 40. Burrough's.•Journal,' reviewed, Bluebird, 74, 490, 557. 137. Chestnut-backed,399. Bartramia longicauda,198, 219, 323, Bluethroat, 334. 398. Bobolink, 54, 391. Basileuterus, 408, 576. Bob-white, 362. auricapillus olivaceus, 408. Texas, 73, 509. castaneicepschapmani, 408. Bombycillajaponica, 263. coronatushofius, 408. Bonasa umbellus sabinei, 510. c. elatus, 408. Bond, James,his 'The Distribution c. regulus,408. and Habits of the Birds of the fulvicauda, 408. Republic of Haiti' and 'On the nigrocristatus,408. Birds of Dominica, St. Lucia, St. rufifrons, 408. Vincent and Barbadoes,' re- signatusfiavovirens,q viewed, 261; rediscoveryof the vermivorus, 408. St. Lucia Black Finch, 523-526. Bateleur, The,' reviewed, 272, 574. Booby, 360. Bede,P., his 'Notes on Tunis birds,' Red-footed, 360. noticed, 264. Botaurus lentiginosus,507. 'Beitr•tgezur Fortpfianzungsbiologie Brachygalbagoeringi, 240. der VSgel,' reviewed, 275, 423. Brachyramphusmarmoratus, 504. Belgium,birds of, 136. Brachyspiza,548. Bent, Arthur C., review of his, capensisroraimae, 412. 'Life Histories of North American Branta canadensis,226. Shore Birds (Part 2),' 405; a Brazil, birds of, 406. flight of Ross' Gulls, 224. Bready, Marcia B., review of her Bergtold, W. H., Harris' Sparrow 'Westward the Starling,' 562. in Denver, 119; another Cardinal Breckenridge,W. J., the booming in Colorado, 550; egg weights of the Prairie Chicken, 540; see, from egg measurements,466-473. also, Kilgore, William. 'Bird Lore,' reviewed, 145, 268, 417, Breckenridge, W. J. and Kilgore, 570. William, Nelson's Sparrow nest- 'Bird Notes and News,' noticed, 421 •: ingin Minnesota,548. Bishop, Louis B., in memoriam, Brewster Medal Committee, 584. Leverett Mills Loomis, 1-13. 'British Birds,' reviewed, 147, 272, Bittern, 44, 507. 420, 572, 573. Least, 361, 409. British Columbia, birds of, 122, 224, BIacicus hispaniolensis,370. 387. h. tacitus, 268. British Guiana, birds of, 412. Black, R. Clifford, early date for British Ornithologists'Club, 'Bul- Solitary Sandpiper,382. letin,' reviewed, 147, 271,419, 572. Blackbird, 38, 333. Brodkorb, Pierce, Xanthocephalus Brewer's, 517. xanthocephalusin southern Mex- 596 xex. ico, 390; notes from Berrien Buzzard, 43. County, Michigan, 397; summer notes from southern Illinois 398. C.•crosrIz.• giffordi, 259. Brooks, Allan, on Dendragapusob- Calcariuslapponicus alascensis, 548. scurusobscurus, 111. Calidris leucophaea,508. Brooks,W. S., his 'Record of a Lap- canutus, 319. wing from Aroostook Co., Me.,' c. rufus, 216, 249. noticed, 265. California, 145, 161, 260. Bryant, William L., Lewis' Wood- California, Lower, birds of, 131. pecker in Rhode Island, 113. Calyptophilus frugivorus abbotti, Bryens, OscarMcKinley, the Amer- 374. ican Three-toed Woodpecker in Camarhynchus aureus, 260. Luce Co., Michigan, 239. cunjunctus,259. Bubalornis, 482. Camp, Robert Desban, obituary Bubo lettii, 420. of, 581. virginianus pallescens,78. Campephilusprincipalis, 376. saturatus, 512. Canada, birds of, 119, 416. Buffiehead, 227, 379, 507, 535. Canal Zone,birds of, 128,257, 431• Bullfinch, Cassin's,564. 446. Bunting, Corn, 331. Canvas-back, 51, 506. Indigo, 393. Capella gallinagodelicata, 215. Lazuli, 472. g. gallinago,209, 340. Snow, 122, 242, 555. Capito auratus, 265. WesternLarge-billed Reed, 332. Caracara, Audubon's, 75. Burhinus oedicnemus oedicnemus, 'Cardinal,The,' reviewed,269, 572. 338. Cardinal, 18, 550. Burleigh, Thomas D., notes on the Gray-tailed, 73. birds of northwestern Washing- Cardinalis cardinalis canicauda, 73. ton, 502-519. Carduelis carduelis carduelis, 331. Burroughs,John, 137. linaria, 416. Burr, William Henry, reviewof his 1. fuscescens,416. 'Pterylography of Certain North 1. holboelli, 416. American Woodpeckers,'568. Carey, /-Ienry R., Egret at Pocono Bush-tit, Lloyd's, 206. Lake, Pa., 536. Buteo albonotatus albonotatus, 544. Carpodacus mexicanus frontalis, borealis borealis, 488. 167. b. calurus, 511. purpureuscalifornicus, 517. b. jamaicensis,362. Cartwright, B. W., Barn Owl (Tyto lineatus lineatus, 486. alba pratincola)in Manitoba, 236. swainsoni,511. Casmerodiusalba egretta, 104, 360. vulgaris, 261. egretta, 52, 105, 230, 231, 536, Butler, AmosW., Chuck-will-widow 537. in Indiana, 236; rare birds in Cassidix,258. Cincinnati collections, 196-199. oryzivora, 401. Butorides striatus patens, 412. Casuarius bicarunc•atus inter- virescens maculatus, 360. medius, 147. Vol. XLVI! 597 Catbird, 122, 472. Charadrius dominicus,53. Catesby, Mark, 447-454. d. dominicus,122. Catharistaurubu urubu, 398. melodus,249, 325. Cathartesaura, 386. mongollusmongollus, 267. a. septentrionalis,234, 250, 385, nivosusnivosus, 221. 398, 488, 510. n. tenuirostris, 231, 363. Catoptrophorussemipalmatus inor- semipalmatus,221, 246, 324, natus, 218. 363. s. semipalmatus,53, 323, 364, Charitonettaalbeola, 379, 507. 397, 556. Chat, Palm, 372. Cepphuscolumba, 504. Long-tailed, 122, 472. grylle arcfica,270. Yellow-breasted,394. Cereococcyx montanus patulus, Chaulelasmusstreperus, 51, 248, 265. 505. Certhia familiaris ripponi, 572. Chen

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