Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - City Directory Collection - 1935 268 ROCHESTER DIRECTORY BYERS BYRNES BUTTERFIELD sch r 1148 Eva M elk h 82 Shelter Ben C (Jeannette) (Byers Shoe Shop) 337 Joseph av Thos J tchr Edison Technical High Floyd H law elk 25 Exchange rm 401 r at Clark h do Hubbard weaver 65 Crouch h 44 Fairport son Bros (Geo and Alexis) locksmiths 75 South Byron Eciwd ay W h 196 Parsells av Frank bkpr 302 N Goodman h 842 Winona blvd Caroline W wid Olin D sec 45 State r 133 Gillette Ella M wid Chas Mrs r 76 Miller Irond Clarence W eng 100 Carlson rd h 2302 Culver rd Mary Garage (Clarence E Butterfield) garage rear 1805 Curtis E (Lydia C) h 110 Weldon F district mgr auto financing East av Eleanor M sten 31 Gibbs rm 500 r 196 McKinley C I T Corp Harrie Flynn East av rm 809 banking 89 Ida M wid r 38 Holcroft rd Florentine M tchr mus 415 Child r do and commerical Lyman rd rd E h 55 Parkview C W A 26 H 33, 335 Bidge Lyman H tchr (Cambridge Mass) r 38 Holcroft Fred C (Helen) slsmn 144 Main inc N Y '28 C & D Warei.ouse Corp 67 Warehouse asst of R r 866 Winona blvd ter Irond . Margt library U Arthur L Martin sec-treas Irond Geo 75 South av r 117 Frost Harry R Darling pres (Doris) (Byers Bros) inc N Y '33 Wil & M Co Inc 283 Oak Matthew 0 412 Genesee h do av C Forwarding (Tcreasa A) plmbr S Moon rd liam R Cooley pres George v-pres Roy L (Ethel P) prin Benjamin Franklin High sch Harry (Lillian) dry clnr h 152 Pinacle 171 C & S & Co (Edwin Crowley jr) h 38 Holcroft rd Henry (Annie S) carp h 397 Pullman av Plating Mfg Wm H (Eliz Ann) collr 136 StPaul h 273 Rose Jewel slswmn r 25 Alliance av E Caywood, Wm S Stewart) dale John R (Dorothy B) chemist h 115 Albemarle C & S Service (Howard sta 235 Winton rd N . Butters Archibald W (Ethel R) carp h 276 Roxborough John S h 107 Primrose gas , xr,, carp & Service Station Inc 315 Plymouth av N inc NY rd Lilly Mrs h 117 Frost av C W '31 Arnold L Copeland pres Frank A Witzel treas Buttino Julio (Mary) lab h 1125 Weld Robt L (Floy A) slsmn h 1190 Park av Robt S archt h 196 gas station Louis (Stella) optical wkr r 1121 Weld McKinley Robt slsmn r 104 Buttner Anna Mrs r 533 Winton rd S V (Helen B) r 196 McKinley Cabelka Robt tailor 328 Main E rm 327 Shoe C 337 av Button Anna May restr mgr 565 Blossom rd r 566 Shop (Ben Byers) Joseph South av Winton rd N Wm A (Jane A) r 25 Alliance av Cabic Arthur eng h 40 Bway Arthur M h 80 Alameda Wm H (Louise M) see Credit Rehabilitation Corp Bert (Minnie L) lab h 894 University av rm h 740 Sen Editha L r 97 Tremont for Western N Y 65 Broad W 315 Chas h 25 Dana eca Edwd N jr (Eliz B) chemical eng 48 Smith h 69 pkwy Charlotte A r 51 Jewel Wm J (Marion H) contr h 64 Brockton r 61 Dakota Devon rd bldg Clarence W bkpr _ . , Emma S h 413 Exchange Byford Jas W (Esther A) elk 343 State h 66 Nor Edwd F (Mary) ("National Fence Co) Glide and av h 61 Florence E r 80 Alameda mandy Fence sts Dakota , Ronald J 343 State r 66 av sts r 61 Dakota Frank E elec eng r 80 Alameda packer Normandy Edwd B bkpr Glide and Fence Sarah wid Jas r 66 Normandy av Ethel M r 51 Jewel -^lob (Hester) died Apr 11 1934 , I h Hillside av John E (Carrie) gate kpr Highland reservoir h 223 Byington Branson (Lea) slsmn 197 Floyd E fence bldr Glide and Fence sts r 61 Da r Crossfield Reservoir av Lucy chairmn 60 S Fitzhugh rm 9 468 kota dr h 40 Fredk W sta 36 Bway do John M hlpr r 44 Farragut (Marietta) parking Bylk Michl pntr r 93 Joiner r dr Lucius L elk 89 East av h Clover Hills Br Julia H Mrs 77 Boycroft Byrd Arthur G (Mary R) porter h 108 Cypress dr r r Nelson P armature winder 77 Boycroft M Dean mach 1237 Main E rear 62 Barnum av Leonard E atndt Roch State Hosp h 740 South Olive E r 894 av Marion E shoe wkr r 223 Beservoir av elk University Byrne Agnes B cashr 250 Main E r 731 Monroe av Wm Leo plater Bausch r 894 University Mary E shoe wkr 250 N Goodman h 358 University av Cable Chas L (Bertha M) eng 65 Broad W rm 505 h av Albert M av h 116 (Alma I) stmftr 666 University 419 Magnolia Midland av Nelson L (Maude A) adv h 97 Tremont Ernest H (Gladys F) pntr h 497 Grand av Walter C aeroplane mech r 223 Reservoir av Anna C r 178 Magee av Geo h 71 S Fitzhugh Cecelia r 21 Electric av Walter G (Alice A) asst treas Bourjois Inc 33 Cap Margt J tel r 1210 Clinton av S opr Cecelia A teller 89 East av r 105 ron h 63 Genesee Park blvd Edinburgh Mildred M elk 259 Main E r 71 Keeler Chas V elk r 178 av Wm B M slsmn 334 Main E r 67 Chestnut Magee Wm J (Mildred M) credit mgr Meyer-Smith Co Inc Danl slsmn h 42 av Buttrey Edith M elk h 10 Wilmer (Katherine) Rogers 205 Central av h 71 Keeler Donald A asst treas 267 State h 441 Harriett elk r 10 Wilmer (Eliz M) Caccamise Anthony (Frances) h 220 Pennsylvania av Harriett maid 11 Prince Magee av Donald J coml trav r 441 av Butts Alice R Mrs atndt Rochester State Hosp r do Magee h do Anthony (Lena) shtmtlwkr 7 Wangman Edna box mkr 5 Benson r 596 av S An Almeda M dental hygienist 800 Main E h 18 Plymouth r av Antoinette H studt 220 Pennsylvania Edwd F wood fnshr h 596 av son pl (Anna M) Plymouth Chas medical examiner 70 S W (Margt C) Exchange Altha C wid Franklin T h 59 Avondale pk rm 408 and phys 141 Portland av h 22 Highland Carl M (Alice R) pntr Rochester State Hosp r do Edwd J prof StBernard's Seminary h 2260 Lake av pkwy Chas H died Sept 6 1934 Frank r 31 Frost av Crusa shoe wkr r 25 Draper Edgar (Sarah K) meter tester 89 East av b 106 Frank T (Mary E) coml supt 183 Main E rm 1123 Dominick (Mary) chauf 53 Front h 225 Oneida Cragg rd Gr h 312 Roslyn Frank J (Cosimano) h 722 Jay Edwd F camera insp r 63 Grafton Fred W (Adele H) plmbr h 44 Savannah Frank J (Mamie) packer h 247 Orchard Edwin R chauf r 1930 East av Fredk A playground dir r 44 Savannah Horace (Louisa) lab h 25 Draper Fannie M wid Lambert r 41 Arnett blvd Harrietta L elk 285 Main E r 178 Magee av John (Francesca) gro 187 Portland av h 7 Wang Franklin T (Altha) died June 19 1934 Helen mach opr 1099 Jay h 385 Titus av man Franklin T auto mech r 59 Avondale pk Helen E sec 5 StPaul rm 228 r 178 Magee av John J (Teresa F) barber h 773 N Goodman Geo A (Susie B) slsmn h 39 Finch Helen L r 25 Costar Jos (Rose) barber 641 Thurston rd h at Cld Wtr John M 242 Andrews h 235 Culver Irond Jos lab r 25 Geo A (Helen M) sec and treas Lake View Printing supt pkwy Draper Co Inc 70 North h 63 Grafton Jos F jan 163 State h 161 do Jos S studt r 220 Pennsylvania av Jos H h 575 Lake av F r 220 av Geo J prsmn 70 North r 63 Grafton (Martha) carp Josephine Pennsylvania Hazel maid 1023 Harvard Josephine cateress r 59 Harper Laurence cook r 220 Pennsylvania av Katherine C wid J DeWitt h 12 Portsmouth ter Katherine Mrs sewer 571 Lyell av r 42 Rogers av Louis gardnr r 220 Pennsylvania av Lawrence A formn foot h 231 Park Nathel cook r 220 av L Carolyn tchr School 6 r 59 Avondale pk Hastings Driving Pennsylvania Marie H sten 70 North h 63 Grafton av Pearl button wkr r 7 Wangman Leo h 76 James Rose r Olin C buyer 1237 Main E r 59 Avondale pk tailoress 7 Wangman M studt r 44 Savannah Saml A r Thelma F Mrs bkpr 80 Main E r 502 Plymouth av Evelyn (Marlon A) dentist 2 King 197 Wilder 8 Margt r 1971 Lake av Caccamo Frank (Mary) gro h 30 Short C wid Patk F h 178 av r Walter (Thelma F) electn h 502 Plymouth av S Margt Magee Frank studt 29 Maryland E 231 Park av Wm E (Rhoda C) chauf h 1930 East av Margt housekpr Driving Mary Mrs gro 290 Pennsylvania av h 25 6th I M sten r 178 av E r Wm J (Emily) printer Times sq h 94 Barton Margt (Syracuse) Magee Mary 30 Short Margt R sec 119 Main E rm 1217 r 39 Boardman Sebastian r 30 Short Butwid Anthony jr, hlpr r 601 Wilkins Marion L assembler r 178 Magee av Sebastian (Elsie) barber r 4871 Central pk Helen wid button hole mkr b 601 Wilkins Anthony Mary maid 5 East blvd Vincenza wid Gaspare h 57 Niagara Walter lab r 601 Wilkins Mary C bkpr 497 State r 231 Driving Park av Caccavaio Gaetano (Josephine) baker rear 57 Waverly Butz formn 303 State h 108 Irond Roy Vayo Matilda S wid Anthony h 86 Lenox pl h 230 Troup Butzer h 112 av Ephraim (Flora M) Rugby Patk J (Marie T) formn h 293 Barton Cacchletta Antonio r 17 8th John hlpr RG&E Co r 81 Sheraton dr Gr Ealph H tuner h 25 Howell Caechione Michl 1800 StPaul h 301 piano (Theresa) uphol Marjorie G asst 47 Main W h 834 bkpr Bennington Robt M district mgr 90 Avenue E h 322 Lake av Campbell dr Gr Theresa C h 731 Monroe av Verna M asst bkpr 47 Main W r 834 Bennington Thos formn h 383 Champlain Cacciaglia Diodato P (Lavinia) elk 250 Main E h 69 dr Gr Thos J h 25 Costar Villa lab h Buxton Lola L wid Fredk G h 1203 Genesee Thos S studt r 599 Cedarwood ter Luigi (Eugenia) 20 Costar lna D Mrs 121 N h 1845 Titus Cacciato Connie E studt r 274 First Buyck bkpr Fitzhugh Vera M sten Aqueduct bldg r 575 Lake av av Irond lab h 274 1st Walter B mgr 256 Franklin r 441 av Diego (Rose) Magee Frank lab h Buyer Irving tax examiner 55 Broad W h 81 S Fitz Byrnes Ambrose W (Charlotte E) laddermn Truck 9, (Jennie) 185 Hebard Peter J lah r 212 Webster av h 690 Grand av 274 1st hugh Seraflna wid Domenico r 64 2d Buys Lillian M wid Wm H r 47 Holmdel pl Andrew V (Louise) cement fnshr h 12 River Cacciola Carmelo Buyse Adrian fellow U of R School of Medicine and Anestassia Mrs elk 300 State h 76 Manhattan (Jane) concrete wkr h 96 Scrantom Caceci Dominick J r r Todd Union tchr r 1108 Lake av 57 Niagara Dentistry River Campus Angela John B r 57 Buzawa Michl (Catherine) tailor h 199 Furlong Bernard J (Ethel M) mach h 406 Driving Park av Niagara Jos R h 64 Buzzell Percy A (Eloise) drftsmn 95 Ames h 718 Clinton E (Harriet) mach r 60 Holcomb (Josephine F) chauf Miller Vincenza wid h 57

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