V. AGE FOBTY W ED N E SD AY, NO VEM B ER 12, IM O j ■/ iianfIjjBtw iEom ing i _____ ■> ^ i The Christian education com­ Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 0*Clocik ^ wm mittee of Fmanuel Lutheran The Maintain Laurel Chapter Church w ill meet tomorrow at Banfield'Hooper chorus of Sweet Adelines will 7:80 p.m. in the Board Room. WHAT A v e i^ Hail, Net Proas Raa ,, . ^ ■ / meet tommrow at 8 p.m. at the Two Salvaitlon Arm y officers The Prank J. Mansfield De­ Russian- - American Rational were united in marriage Satur­ Wonderful Bujr! OTOebor g, tachment, Marine Corps League, TTie Weather. Cent^, 211 Wethersfield Ave., day afternoon, Nov. 1, when Hartford. Women interested, in wil meet tohight at 8 at. the Becoming cloudy, co<d tonight Cpt. Nancy Jane Hooper o f New Pinehurst farm fresh Chicken and parts, rushed to us dally packed in ice .*•, i. with low in upper 80s to low singing four-part barbershop- Marine League Home, Parker York City, formerly of Man- Ml i^v't.inspected before they leave nearby Maine pacldnfir plants, are ttie buy 15,790 40s. Tomorrow cloudy, windy, style harmony may attend any St. ___ cheater, became the bride of of the week. For another meal, try a Bt^Iess S^ked ^rk ^utt (better cold with rain possibty starting rehearsal. For further informa­ „ , Lt. Geoffrey Philip Banfleld of known as a daisy ham). Tender Spareribs or a lean Beef Roast. NaRckaaror— 4 d t y o f FiOoge Charm as snow. High 40 to 46. tion, call Mrs. .Truman Cran­ The Manchester Little New York City at the Manches- League VOTa LXXX IX ^^NO . 38 I dall o f 88 White St. or Mrs. Da­ Ladies Auxiliary wiii 'ter Salvation Army Citadel. (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGE8~TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER IS, vid Ounas o f 114 Linwood Dr. have its second meeting tonight The bride is a daughteir of PINEHURST' LARGE 1969 at 8 at the West Side Rec. The Brig, and Mrs. Waiter Hooper PRICE TEN CBNTR Pull Gospel ChristW Fellow­ Auxiliary is open to aU LltUe of West Hartford. The bride­ ship, Interdenominational, will League mothers and member­ groom is a son o f Mr. and Mrs. CHICKEN hold a prayer service tomor­ ship cards will be available at Roy Banfield o f Sanford, row, at 7:80 p.m. at Orange this meeting. Michael Nlmirow- Maine. BREASTS We’re Lucky, HaU. skl, president of the Man- Brig. Hooper performed the Capital Set double^ng/^ereW U.. WU, Nixon Tells Us Airman James A. Clark, son Nelson, vice president, ,^11 i,am Smith of Port Chester, WA8HINCIT0N (AP) — of Mrs. Marie R. Clark of 30 answerv questions and explain Debate pRMems tndkv Hm Spacemen Watch Clock: N.Y., was pianist. A duet was Cooper St., recently completed *■ "ceded. sung by Capt. and Mrs. WU- natton today "we are, in­ Air Force basic training iat ”— liam Hood of Floral Park, 111., deed, a moat tottunato peo­ Lackland AFB, Tex., and has The deexxxis and the trustees brother-in-law and sister o f the For Protest ple,’’ Preoident Nixon aays been assigned for training in Second Oongregablonal Church bride. Palms and bouquets of in iMh. lota in Ida Tbsidagivlng Day the civil engineering mechani­ w ill both hold meetings (tomor­ gladioli and carnations were on prodamaHcn. cal field at SheppaM AFB, row at 7:80 p.m. the altar. , "G ivin g ftnuiks txxlay, wa Tex. The bride was given in mar­ in a two-day pending on traffic. The “March e:q>reas grataude tor past ___ ♦ Blastoff Back on Schedule Waddell School PTA will riage by her uncle, Harry Jen­ boinW and we also oozdl- • p Center Congregational Church hope wiu culminate in loot from dusk tonight to dawn deirtly faxje the chehenges have a bake sale tomorrow kins of Manchester. She wore PLUMP 3Vi LB. FRESH meetings tomorrow at 7:80 from 12:80 to 8 p.m. in the .the traditional wedding dress of straaS^ln^hr^ILS!!®!,^*”***' marchers oonfroWlng our own natton CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. p.m. Include the Board of in the hlsUny of the re- would not be oriebrittee, but and tbe world because we school auditorium, and there the Salvation Army, a navy —Apollo 12, man's socond Christian Bducatlon in Robbins blue serge uniform accented _ next-of-klii. i^pow we can rely on a will l?e a , children’s table ' Of ROASTING exploration of the moon, Room; the nominating oommlt- after-school snacks. Mrs. Ken­ with a white satin wedding White order ^ tranqulUlty Thns the scene would be set sirength greater ttnn our- tee in the church office; suid Bi­ neth BAarti and Mrs. Henry sash. She carried a white orchid “ ** mass march and selves. was back on schedule for ble discussion in the Federation Wierzbickl are in charge of on a white wedding Bible given . rally—fldilch untU Wednesday “This year, let us eq>ecl- Friday’s launch today with Room. the sale. to her by the bridegroom. CHICKENS The s ta t^ g o a l o f the protest- had been thd moot jagged brnie ally seek to rekindle in our a transplanted fuel tank. Mrs. Capt. William Hood was con vergi^ « i die ci^xlta] of contenUen between protesters «^>eotlve beaits and minds Filling ths tank with liquid hy­ the matron of honor. She wore Buy Pepperidge Form StofSng toom the land. 1. to con- «md govonimeoL Ihe ef)lrlt of our first setUezs drogen ended the worry about a a Salvation Arm y uniform and Across the naUon, planes, who vaBued freedom above poeelble month-long launch post- majority of the Amer-\halns, and buses have long all else, and who found ponemeht that began Wednes­ carried a colonial bouquet of CHIC3EEN W IN G S ....... .................. I>. 39c red carnations. the war in chartered, autos pool^ much tor which to be (faank- day whsn ths original tank Bridesmaids were Capt. CHICKEN UVEBS ......... ........... Hi. 69c forNl|ls day in Washington. BsU- ■ful when matettol comforts leaked. 3 BIG DAYS were m eager." J. Laura Brady of Darby, Pa., VEAL SWEET BREADS .................. lb. fl.9 9 has said a matesxpf the number expected At noon, a ipaoe ogsnoy THURS., PRI., SAT., NOV. 13 -14 -15 Capt. Lynda Wilson of Pontiac, VEAL'^FXHt SCALLCH»INI on have nubtuated wUdly; although Abraham Un- spokeeman reported: "We have 111., and Capt. Blsle Carlson of "pokes- there's n o ^ ^ ot knowing tor oolh asked Americans on oompleted kiading hydrogen In Philadelphia, Pa. They also S?* foreign poUcy of "ure, dm common guess Oct. 8, 1808 to set apart and the tank and it is stabis.’’ were dressed in Salvatlail. FRESH United States wlU not he al- has been aOoioS). obaorve tbe last Thursday "We kMk real good now," said' Army uniforms and carried oo- parades. The federal go^temment, after of November os a day of Paul C. Donnelly, launeh opsm- lonlol boquetS'Of yellow shasta RHIGKEN LERS 10-H>. lots S7e - - ! ^ .*.*®^*’ "**°“ *® <Usplay of weeks o f negodadoiSIgranted a Tlranksglvlng, Nlxoti noted Uona managsr. pompons. »™ ty between protest plaimrs parade permit tor hlMMic Penn- adding: The launching to set tor 11:91 Miss Faith Hooper of West Smaller Qaanttttee .......... .... ^ the government, much of sylvanla Avenue—l^t not "This was the year of the a.m. EXT F H d i^ Hartford, sister of the bride; me te n ^ that had built up in around the White House-^ ' Battle of Gettysburg end CSuuiaa Oonrad Jr., Richard and Miss Annette Banfleld of l^*Parationfte die three days low a riseable percentage other major battles between F. Gordon Jr„ and Alan L. Boon Sanford,, sister o f the bride­ TENDER T H E LOWEST PBUIE IN A LONG TIM E ON ” seemed to marchers to use that symlxiiS Ameiileans on American —ths Navy commanders wiw groom, were Junior brides­ DUBUQUE BONELESS route Saiturday morning. soil,’ ’ Nixon said. are manning the flight—relaxed maids. 'They were dressed alike ____ Mssirr pho* CALVES UVER MRS. LT. GEOFFREY PHILIP BANFIELD ” “r . **’**• opUmlsm about The march wiu terminate at this morning by doing aerobM- in full - length gowns of navy SMOKED non^lenoe was being voiced on the vast, rolling grounds the loa In TIO Jet trainers at neaity blue velvet trimmed with white Lb * 1.09 M sides on the eve o f the pro- Washington Mozniment, in v i ^ Patrick Air Foros Boss. lace. They wore matching head- served, as his brother's best A reception for 278 was hei‘'- some S,000 rlohtroln^ of Nixon’s bedroom. The Thstr oondttton was good and pieces, and carried baskets fil­ man. Ushers were Capt. W il­ tn FellowiMp HaH of ttie Oiba PORK BUTTS • o w ^ wate deidoyed around grounds weie the site of Octo- Haynsworth so wars tonsaasis for Friday's led with red carnations and yel­ liam Hood, Capt. Frederick Gil­ Brisket Corned Beef j'^*hmgton, ready to mave to h*r’a moratorium rally, when launch wealhar. low shasta pompons. bert of Bridgeton, N. J., and del. For a wedding tWp to Nov', Boneleee Pork Booats (B etter known as Daisy Homs) Scotta and Prince Eklwar.: ITJS. Choice Lotnh Legs the Beat of government about 85,000 persons assembled, "W s’rs ready to go srhsn Ihay The flower girl was Suzanne Lt. Owen Emmons of Massena, Dubuque prepares a little better lean ShMdied Jusdoe Departmmt—and ami Tueadays pro-admlnlstra- Dehaie Starts a rs," said Bssn happUy bators Jenkins of South Windsor, N.
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