NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2017 Karachi Vol 1, Issue 4 SMIU CHRONICLE A Print Media Lab Publication Department of Media & Communication Studies SMI University pays tribute to alumnus Muhammad Ibrahim Joyo By Abdul Bari to pass exams only, but he wanted that he had rusticated some students dreams of their poor parents will be November 9, 2017. to groom the personalities of from the university but Joyo sahib shattered. They also highlighted his services KARACHI: Sindh Madressatul students as the individual who have became disturbed on the situation Prof. Saleem Memon, Dr. rendered for Sindh’s education, litera- Islam University organized literary social and national consciousness, over such an act and was of the view Fahmida Hussain, Dr. Ayub Shaikh, ture, language and culture. SMIU also reference in the honor of its alumnus love and respect for people and that students should be given another Mr. Anees Memon and Mohsin Joyo screened a documentary about life and former teacher late Mohammad who can play their role for the punishment, but they should not be also paid tribute to late Mohammad and services of Mohammad Ibrahim Ibrahim Joyo on November 19 in betterment of nation and society. expelled from the university because Ibrahim Joyo, who passed away on Joyo. the inner courtyard of the university. Dr. Mohammad Ali Shaikh, Vice The literary reference wasChancellor of SMIU in his welcome attended by eminent scholars, address said that hon. Mohammad intellectuals and writers including Ibrahim Joyo had a deep association Noorul Huda Shah, family of Rasool with his Alma-Mater Sindh Bux Palijo, deans, chairpersons, Madressatul Islam, which was spread faculty, staff members and students over fifteen years as Mr. Joyo enrolled of SMIU, in a large number. at SMI in 1930, when another While addressing the gathering, great scholar and former student Pakistan's senior politician, of SMI, Dr. Umer Bin Mohammad intellectual, writer and former Daudpoto was its Principal. student of SMI, Mr. Rasool Bux Palijo He passed his matriculation in said, “Mohammad Ibrahim Joyo 1934 and joined SMI as a teacher in was a great theorist of Pakistan and 1938 remained associated till 1947. Dr. an extraordinary person, who had Shaikh further said, “Joyo sahib was a never compromised on his principles, committed and dedicated educationist struggled for fundamental rights of and intellectual of the country.” common man and worked for Sindhi Prominent columnist and writer literature and language till his death.” Ms. Zahida Hina said that Mohammad Mr. Rasool Bux Palijo, 87, had Ibrahim Joyo had remained as a remained student of Mr. Mohammad shelter for us for almost one century. Ibrahim Joyo at Sindh Madressatul He was against extremism of all Islam in 1940s. He was of the kinds and exploitation of people. opinion that Mohammad Ibrahim "Another Mohammad Ibrahim Joyo INNER COURTYARD, SMIU: Vice Chancellor of Sindh Madressatul Islam University Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali Shaikh speaking on Joyo didn't commit a single mistake will not born again." she added. the occasion. — Muhammad Nasir Rafi /SMIU in his entire life of 102 years and Mr. Mazhar Jameel, a biographer proved to be an exemplary man. of Mohammad Ibrahim Joyo said that He further said that, "Joyo every aspect of his life needs to be Sahab gave the society ideals and followed as he worked for neglected values of simplicity, selflessness, people of society. "After creation of humbleness, love for human Pakistan, he had a great opportunity being and consciousness for basic to participate in politics because at rights of common folk." Another that time Sindh was being changed, stalwart of Sindhi literature and but he preferred to work intellectually progressive thinker of the country. and make people awake through Mr. Palijo shared that no one his work" Mr. Mazhar Jameel said. can even imagine the level of Mr. Mazharul Haq Siddiqui, For- knowledge of Mohammad Ibrahim mer VC, University of Sindh in his Joyo regarding the world history. speech said that Mohammad Ibra- Recalling his school days at Sindh him Joyo always thought about bet- Madressatul Islam University, terment and bright future of youth. Mr. Palijo said that Mohammad While recalling an incident of Uni- INNER COURTYARD, SMIU: Mr. Rasool Bux Palijo sharing INNER COURTYARD, SMIU: VC of SMIU with the family of late Ibrahim Joyo didn’t teach students versity of Sindh, Mr. Siddiqui said his views. — Muhammad Nasir Rafi /SMIU M. Ibrahim Joyo and friends. — Muhammad Nasir Rafi /SMIU 02 SMIU CHRONICLE | NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2017 UNIVERSITY NEWS SBI Chairperson Naheed Memon Dr. Munir Moosa attendes VAS program at UC Berkeley deliveres lecture at SMIU By Staff Reporter low at the University of California, which will be published in 2018. He By Sagar Sammy KARACHI: Dr.Munir Moosa, As- also delivered lectures, which were sistant Professor, Department of Ed- valued by scholars. Dr. Munir also got KARACHI: Ms. Naheed Memon, ucation at Sindh Madressatul Islam opportunity to attend various social Chairperson Sindh Board of In- University was invited by Centre for and cultural gatherings, organized by vestment visited SMIU on October Studies in Higher Education, Univer- the university during the program. 16 to deliver a lecture to students, sity of California as Visiting Academ- He represented Sindh Madressat- faculty and staff members on In- ic Scholar ‘VAS’ in September 2017. ul Islam University and received rec- vestment opportunities in Sindh. UC Berkeley is a globally recog- ognition in the form of certificates, In her speech, she said that due nized institution which has pro- shield and letters of recognition. to the development of technolo- duced high luminaries. It is glob- Vice Chancellor SMIU, Dr. gy in the country; the industries ally ranked as one of the top ten Muhammad Ali Shaikh also appreci- have been redesigned. There are so universities in the world. It was ated his efforts and achievements. many opportunities that are wait- the very first time that a Professor ing for the students not only at na- from the Pakistani University was tional but also at international level. SIR SHAHNAWAZ BHUTTO AUDITIORIUM, SMIU: Ms. Naheed Memon delivers selected by CSHE, UC Berkeley. In order to highlight the importance lecture at SMIU. — Muhammad Nasir Rafi /SMIU Dr. Munir successfully complet- of China Pakistan Economic Corri- ed a small scale research study titled dor (CPEC), she said that CPEC is a derabad, Larkana and Sukkur. Also, tion of SMI; the plot was serving as “Exploring elements of human rights mega project. we require amusement parks, she an- Qafila Saraye where caravans of trad- in education policies at the higher It will link with many countries nounced that now resorts will be set ers from NWFP (today Khyber Pakh- education level, and Identifying the to Pakistan. Due to this project, the up at Keenjhar and Haleji Lakes soon. tunkhwa), Punjab, Baluchistan and challenges faced by higher education major problems of the country like Vice Chancellor of Sindh Madres- Iran used to come but after the advent to promote human rights values: A load shedding, transportation, roads satul Islam University, Dr. Muham- of railway line in Karachi, the impor- case of Pakistan and USA” with Dr. CALIFORNIA, USA: Dr. Munir Moosa and highways will also be resolved. mad Ali Shaikh while addressing tance of Qafila Saraye came to an end John Douglass, Senior Research Fel- with a group of scholars at UC Berkeley. She further said that OBOR ‘One Belt the students said that there are many and then Khan Bahadur Hassan Ali One Road’ will be the revival of silk opportunities available in business Effendi purchased the plot to estab- route that will connect Pakistan and and trade of the country. The youth lish an educational institute which is China to the world market. should not only be dependent on jobs SMIU today. While highlighting the problems but they should avail those opportu- Ms. Memon also visited the his- of Sindh, Ms. Memon shared that nities. toric Jinnah Museum and appreciated there is a need of five or even four-star While talking about the history of the historical belongings placed in the hotel in other cities of Sindh like Hy- SMIU, he said that before the founda- museum. Khan Bahadur Hassan Ali Effendi Library conducts Digital Resources training By Staff Reporter al subscription fee for all resources courses available for students: including IEEE and due to HEC’s •System Fundamentals for Cyber Se- KARACHI: Khan Bahadur Hassan efforts the same resources, Paki- curity Ali Effendi Library in collabora- stani Universities are accessing in •Fundamentals on Patent Protection tion with A&jdeftek, HEC Consul- $43,995 while other Universities •Cloud Computing I: An Introduc- tant conducted a day long hands on in the world are paying $168,995. tion ProQuest learning Resources and He also shared a Quiz Chal- •An introduction to Leadership: A IEEEXplore digital resources on lenge which has maximum partic- primer for the practitioners December 6 for its faculty and stu- ipation’s points and game prizes. •4G Broadband LTE dents in the library’s DRC lab.Ses- He also un-folded the news of on- sion was conducted by Mr. Rashid, line courses, which are paid courses Ms. Mahjabeen Ali, Additional General Manager A&J. He shared but they made it possible to get it free Librarian, gave vote of thanks and the efforts done by HEC to promote for SMI University. After completing appreciated the efforts done by HEC digital resources in Universities the course, an IEEE Certificate will which included 4-month trial to oF Pakistan. be issued for those who pass the test. Sindh Madressatul Islam University He said that the IEEEXplore has The benefit is two-fold, one is in- of accessing the IEEEXplore from De- published the World’s one third re- ternational certification and the cember 1, 2017 to March 31st, 2018.
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