.·' II New state day care/2a II Howells wrestle, teach/7a BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIH131 NEWARK. DE 11711 0 79th year No. ]3 E.\f'J~BR . August 24, 1989 Newark, Del. Delaware kicks off Hentennial Team ranked fifth in AP poll, loses Levelis~ Chastain by David Woolman Of the Post staff The University of Delaware football team began its centen­ nial season of football Sunday under less than celebratory cir­ cumstances, yet with all the bridled optimism and tough talk Delaware the pre-season usually brings. The Yankee Conference Champions face more than the pressure of defending their title, Education or the exposure that comes from being a centennial team. The • happenings of the the past week SU11111llt have the Hens scrambling, if on­ ly slightly, to restore some sense Governor Castle has called for a state education summit in of order. preparation for a national sum­ Two first string players, mit next month in Virginia. defensive end John Levelis and The Delaware summit is tak­ center Curt Chastain, left the ing the form of a series of team last week, as d.id offensive meetings during these last two end coach Eric Hammack. The weeks of August. attention of head coach Tubby "I am asking Delawareans Raymond has been usurped by who have a special interest in the illness of his wife, Sue, as our education system, from well. educators to students, from Levelis, an AP honorable business leaders to parents and community leaders, to help me mention All-American last year, prepare for the national sum­ transfered to C. W. Post after mit," said Castle. becoming academically ineligi­ President Bush announced the ble at Delaware. Chastain national meeting during the Na­ withdrew due to serious illness tional Governors' Association in his family. meeting in Chicago last month, Hammack, a varsity letter-· inviting the nation's governors winner at Delaware from 1983 to to join him for two days of 1985, is undergoing tests for a discussion on education issues. kidney infection this week. 1.\lrs. "Half a decade has passed · Raymond underwent surgery since we assessed our education for a brain tumor Monday. system in Delaware and created a blueprint for reform," said Sunday's reaction to all of this Castle. " Much has changed was sympathetic concern for all since 1983. involved and an impatience to "For instance, we are far get to the always difficult task at more conscious of the relation­ hand of preparation for the ship between education and our season, centennial and all. economy." Castle said Delaware now has "Three months ago I didn't the opportunity to contribute to Photo/ Robert ~raig think there would be much the national debate about the Delaware head football coach Tubby Raymond made a brief appearance at the first day of practice future of education and, at the for the media before returning to Christiana Hospital. Surgery to remove a brain tumor from his wife See HENTENNIAL/8a same time, identify how local Sue was successful. schools can improve in the next few years. A summary report on the Delaware summit will be sub­ • mitted to President Bush and Drug symposium scheduled m Newark(/ . other governors in early September. Paul H. Fine, president of the by Cathy Thomas . tend the meeting. his plan. We think we have a Substance Abue Committee, Force. State Board of Education, will Bennett, former U . S . recognized the need for the sym­ Of the Post staff pretty good shot at it." The Council is an organization join Castle in chairing the Secretary of Education, was ap­ Amick said experts in the posium after more than 50 drug of lawmakers, sharing informa­ education meetings. Helen K. A legislative symposium on pointed by President Bush to fields of drug prevention, treat­ bills were presented in this tion about legislative issues. Foss, the governor's education the state's drug problem is com­ lead the national fight against ment and education have been year's legislative session. Amick is pleased with the advisor, and Will B. Keene, state ing to fruition at the urging of a drug abuse. invited to the symposium. He is The amount of legislation, he response from state officials to superintendent of schools, will local lawmaker. Bennett is scheduled to still awaiting firm com­ said , is evidence that the symposium, who have sup­ also participate. State Rep. Steven H. Amick, release his strategy for dealing mitments. lawmakers are struggling to ported his call for the gathering. Castle and Fine met today R-Newark, has announced that with the drug problem early in The symposium, he said, will deal with the drug problem. Legislation stemming from • (Thursday) with members of the symposium will be held Sept. September. serve as a " learning session" The symposium will also pro­ the symposium may be con­ the Business Roundtable and 29-30 in Clayton Hall on the "He has indicated it's a for lawmakers where they will vide Amick with information sidered by General Assembly in with the State Board of Educa­ University of Delaware campus possibility," said Amick of Ben­ be able to ask questions of the that will aid him in his new ap­ a special session this fall. Amick tion, the Department of Public in Newark. nett's invitation to visit Newark. experts. pointment as a member of the said lawmakers will have the op­ See SUMMIT / lOa William Bennett, the nation's "His intention is to travel Amick, who serves as the American Legislative Exchange portunity to make use of what is drug czar, has been invited to at- around the country and deliver c hairman of the House Council's Substance Abuse Task gained during the symposium. S&L bailout City nioves closer to establish addressed a curbside recycling prograni bailout." by Cathy Thomas ting up a recycling program is good, Fridl said it may still be by Cathy Thomas Carper said the $50 billion pro­ the fact that surrounding states cheaper to recycle than to dump Of the Post staff Of the Post staff gram was the biggest piece of already have mandatory recycl­ in the landfill. legislation he's worked on in his A curbside recycling program ing. Those mandatory programs "Right now, it costs us about The cost of the federal savmgs seven years in Congress. He said in Newark is a step closer. have caused the bottom to fall $42 a ton to dump trash at and loan bailout will not be the S&L decline was due to Newark City Council has out of the demand for recyclable Pigeon Point landfill," he said. shouldered by taxpayers alone, several fa ctors including given the Conservation Advisory materials. Fridl said it may be several U.S . Rep. Thomas R. Carper economic factors and deregula­ Commission permission to begin Recycling has become in­ months before the commission said Tuesday night in Newark. tion in the early '80s. investigating the cost of a pilot creasingly popular as com­ can report to city council on the The S&L crisis was among " It was an era of deregula­ program to recycle the city's munities run out of space for possible costs of a pilot recycl­ other federal issues - drugs, tion," said Carper. " What we trash. new landfills. ing program. The commission housing, pollution, abortion, had at tfie same time was de­ Arthur W. Fridl, city public The city had a recycling pro­ would like put the program in economics and foreign aid - supervision. President Reagan works director, said a deter­ gram in the 1970s, collecting place for one year to test curb­ discussed at a town meeting in thought deregulation also meant U.S. Rep. Thomas R. Carper mination must be made as to cans and glass. However, the side recycling. the city municipal building. de-supervision." knew Congress was going to whether the program is feasible. program ended about five years Recycled materials have not l:arper told those in atten­ The FSLIC, which insures have to do more to restore "The biggest problem with ago. been in great demand because of dance at the meeting that the depositors funds, began to run FSLIC funds. The recent bailout recycling is you've got to have "By 1984 , we were no longer in higher costs. Fridl said for S&L's will have to contribute to out of money in 1986, Carper bill includes increased supervi­ someone out there to buy the the (recycling) business," said recycling efforts to work, the bailout by increased in­ said. sion of the S&L 's. product you're trying to recy­ Fridl. "There was no longer a government agencies should be surance costs. " In 1987, the FSLIC was "We're going to have strong cle," said Fridl. " If you don 't, market for it. required to use recycled pro­ "They are going to pay higher literally broke," he said. "We and adequate supervision at the you're just separating and col­ " It wasn't worth our while to ducts. insurance premiums," said ended up putting a little band­ federa l level," said Carper. lecting trash. " try to collect the stuff," he said. " People have to realize it cost Carper. "They don't like it. aid on the problem.'' See BAILOUT / 10a One of the biggest stumbling Although the current market a little more to get into recyci- That's part of the cost of the Carper said at that time he blocks the city may face in set- for recyclable materials is not See RECYCLE/lOa 2a NEWS State opens on-site day. care the Department of Aging, con­ taining state employees and Hameli and state represen­ by Suzanne Sczubelek tatives Katharine M.
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